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2. c
1. Which of the following is not an example of a computer as weapon cyber-crime? 3. c
4. b
a) Credit card fraudulent 5. c
6. c
b) Spying someone using keylogger

c) IPR Violation

d) Pornography

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Answer: b

Explanation: DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), IPR violation, pornography are mass attacks done
using a computer. Spying someone using keylogger is an example of peer-to-peer attack.

2. What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?

a) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000

b) India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000

c) India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000

d) The Technology Act, 2008

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Answer: c

Explanation: The Indian legislature thought of adding a chapter that is dedicated to cyber law. This
finally brought India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 which deals with the different cyber-crimes
and their associated laws.

3. __________ is the specific search engine for exploits where anyone can find all the exploits
associated to vulnerability.

a) Google

b) Bing

c) Exploit-db

d) Exploit-engine

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Answer: c

Explanation: Since based on vulnerabilities, we can find exploits, Exploit-db is the specific search engine
for exploits where anyone can find all the exploits associated with vulnerability. You can find this from

4. Which of the following is not an appropriate way to compromise web servers?

a) Misconfiguration in OS

b) Using network vulnerabilities

c) Misconfiguration in networks

d) Bugs in OS which allow commands to run on web servers

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Answer: b

Explanation: Websites get hosted on web servers. Web servers are actually computers running that
makes us available & accessible files (web pages) through the internet. Various ways that can help
compromise a web server are a misconfiguration of network or OS, bugs in web server’s OS etc.

5. Activate _____________ when you’re required it to use, otherwise turn it off for security

a) Flash Light

b) App updates

c) Bluetooth

d) Rotation

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Answer: c

Explanation: Activate Bluetooth when you’re required it to use, otherwise turn it off for security
purpose. This is because; there are various tools and vulnerabilities that may gain access to your smart-
phone using Bluetooth.
6. DDoS in mobile systems wait for the owner of the _____________ to trigger the attack.

a) worms

b) virus

c) botnets

d) programs

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Answer: c

Explanation: Botnets on compromised mobile devices wait for instructions from their owner. After
getting the owner’s instruction it launches DDoS flood attack. This result in a failure in connecting calls
or transmitting data.

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