D. A Systematic Process of Gathering, Analyzing and Interpreting Data

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Research is

a. The information in order to perform job

b. The problem solving ability
c. Personal Experiences and intelligent guess
d. A systematic process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting data

2. Data is classified as except

a. qualitative and quantitative

b. numerical and non-numerical
c. continuous and discrete
d. statistics and biostatistics

3. The following are qualitative variables except:

a. sex
b. marital status
c. blood pressure
d. ethnicity

4. following are the examples of continuous data

a. height and weight

b. temperature,
c. blood pressure
d. all of the above

5. Categorical data include all except

a. marital status
b. blood type
c. gender
d. heart rate

6. Variable is defined as

a. an analytical tool
b. any characteristics which is measurable and subject to change
c. a type of epidemiological study
d. a form of questionnaire

7. A variable, on whom the effect Is being observed

a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Confounding variable

d. Qualitative variable

8. Population is a aggregate of different

a. things
b. cases
c. people
d. all of the above

9. Sample is a

a. true representative and subset of population

b. major set of population
c. small portion of population
d. minor part of population

10. Total number of cases at a given point of time in a given population is

a. incidence
b. prevalence
c. attack rate
d. epidemiology

11. Interventional studies are

a. cohort studies.
b. Cross sectional study
c. Experimental studies
d. Correlation study

12. Which of the following method uses individuals as a unit of study?

a. cross-sectional study
b. case-control study
c. randomized trial
d. all of the above

13. The following study gives incidence rate of the disease

a. cohort study
b. case control study
c. experimental study
d. clinical trials

14. Prevalence of a disease is estimated from

a. cohort study
b. cross-sectional study
c. experimental study
d. randomized control trials

15. Which of the following is not true about cohort study?

a. prospective study
b. type of analytical study
c. proceeds from cause to effect
d. study is of short duration and cheap

16. Randomized control trial is a type f

a. descriptive study
b. case-control study
c. experimental study
d. cohort study.

17. Randomization is

a. mixing control with cases

b. mixing different types of controls
c. statistical procedure of allocating participants into study and control
d. selecting characteristics of case groups

18. Most commonly occurring value in a series is termed as

a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. average

19. If the data is arrange in descending order the middle value is

a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. geometric mean

20. types of errors occur in hypothesis testing are

a. type I and type II error

b. type II and type III errors
c. type III and type IV errors

d. type II and type IV errors

21. Type I error is called

a. alpha error
b. beta error
c. delta error
d. sigma error

22. Type II error is called

a. alpha error
b. beta error
c. delta error
d. sigma error

23. Following a large group of cigarette smokers for a period of 10 years to determine
the occurrence of COPD and coronary heart disease would be and example of

b. Cross-sectional stydy
c. Cohort stydy
d. Case control

24. The various types of probability sampling are except

a. simple random sampling

b. systematic random sampling
c. stratified sampling
d. convenience sampling

25. The various types of non-probability sampling are except

a. purposive sampling
b. quota sampling
c. convenience sampling
d. cluster sampling

26. Following are the principles of research ethics

a. integrity and respect

b. justice and informed consent
c. privacy and confidentiality
d. all of the above

27. Beneficence means

a. minimizing benefits
b. maximizing harms
c. avoiding well-being
d. none of the above

28. A literature review is not

a. overview of existing knowledge

b. a bibliography
c. organized according to research question
d. carefully structured

29. Literature review is important because it

a. prevents duplication of work;

b. identifies gaps in the literature
c. refines problem statement in research
d. All of the above

30. In focus group discussion recommended group size is

a. 8-10
b. 6-12
c. 4-8
d. 7-14

31. Pilot study means

a. Pre-testing
b. Post-testing
c. Summative test
d. Formative test

32. Why are you not satisfied with the services offered at physiotherapy clinic? It is a

a. probing question
b. open-ended question
c. provoking question
d. close-ended question

33. Which of the following is problematic ranking in questionnaire?

a. 18-21
b. 21-30
c. 30-39

d. All of the above

34. Following are the data collection technique

a. using available information

b. observation/interviews
c. surveys
d. all of the above

35. Cross-sectional surveys are

a. interventional studies
b. non-interventional studies
c. all of the above
d. none of the above

36. When sampling units do not have an equal chance of being included in the sample is
known as

a. biased sampling
b. probability sampling
c. sampling error
d. non probability

37. Sampling Frame is

a. The listing of all the units that form the study population
b. Defined geographical area
c. Boundaries of the population
d. All of the above

38. Relationship of one part of the population to the total population is

a. Percentage
b. Proportion
c. Percentile
d. None of the above

39. Measures of Central Tendency are

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. All of the above

40. Sum of all values (E) divided by number of observations is called

a. Average
b. mean
c. median
d. mode

41. Randomized controlled trial is a type of :

a. Descriptive study
b. Case control study
c. Experimental study
d. Cohort study

42. Measures of dispersion are

a. SD
b. Range
c. Variance
d. All of above

43. P-value at 0.05 means

a. 1 in 10
b. 1 in 20
c. 1 in 50
d. 1 in 5

44. The value of 95 % confidence interval is

a. 1.86
b. 1.96
c. 1.98
d. 1.88

45. Survey is a type of

a. applied research
b. basic research
c. qualitative research
d. quantitative research

46. Focus group is a type of

a. applied research
b. action research
c. Qualitative
d. Quantitative research

47. In focus group we need

a. moderator
b. group of people
c. relaxing environment
d. all of the above

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