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(Joseph R. Carreon)

The innovative and state-of-the-art technology enhance learning environment is a growing

importance that creates an opportunity to upgrade pedagogical approaches and considered as
the future of education (APEC, 2015 and UNESCO, 2011). The rapid change and indispensable
convergence of technology yield another challenge to education. In the Philippine setting, the
majority of the schools in the country manifested the lack of infrastructure, poor connectivity,
and other barriers include the lack of relevant content in a language understood by the user and
limited access to online educational platforms, still considered as a challenge at present
education system (EFA, 2015 and UNESCO, 2011). The enrich curriculum is one of the
important features of a curriculum that encompasses the use of technology-mediated
instruction. However, the present scenario of Philippine education, especially the public
institutions is more likely deficient on the availability of the educational technology tools and
facilities necessary for a technology-based learning environment. According to SAMEO
INNOTECH (2016), one aspect of modernizing the national basic education system is
establishing and strengthening the capabilities of our schools in Information Communication
Technology (ICT) that offers the means to enhance learning and teaching approaches in a
global perspective.

This challenge open an opportunity for the Department of Education (DepEd) to establish the
national continuity plan of action towards digital rise transformation. The DepEd envisioned to
deliver flexible teaching-learning modalities as a “New Normal” that is accessible to all through
the use of DepEd Commons Online Educational Resources (OER). The study shows that
students who engaged in technology-mediated instructions produce positive learning outcomes
in international and local schools. Relative to the “New Normal”, DepEd and its constituents
believed that this is highly dependent on a curriculum support system to adopt such change
which plays a vital role as a springboard towards achieving quality education and breaking down
barriers to deliver teaching-learning in the midst of crisis and calamities. This effort of
transforming education is driven to roles, responsibility, and determination in pursuit of
achieving the goals of the department of education. The “New Normal” approach is somehow
related to the different models of blended or hybrid learning that are embedded in the curriculum
in different countries that creates a meaningful impact on the education sector, responding to
the needs of diverse learners ensuring that learning will not be further disruptive and ensures
learning of students will continue.

The radical technology enhances learning environment management geared with technological
proficiency anchored in the 21st-century skills and global competence. ICT is regarded as a
critical tool for preparing and educating students in the 21st century with the required skills for
the global arena and lifelong learning (Ibe-Bassey, 2011). Student as the core of the educative
process, perhaps, one that benefits most should be the utmost priority of educational
management protocols such as investing enough technology tools and equipment and internet
connectivity making education accessible to all. Engaging teachers and students with
sustainable use of ICT tools and equipment is an opportunity to have greater personalized
teaching-learning productivity. Indeed, school administrators play an integral part in integrating
technology-mediated instructions on the teaching-learning process, and with much support of
the parents is highly pronounce to make learning more prolific to attain peak performance.

Online Educational Platforms as integrated across the curriculum aims to develop lifelong
learners focusing on the needs of every diverse millennial learner. In fact, numerous out-of-
school-youth and learners-at-risk throughout the country have reached with the use of various
technologies. Not just through traditional alternative delivery mode, but more essentially through
the use of combined ICT and online learning. This technology-mediated platform promotes
learning according to individual pace, time, place, and differences. Such provisions and
concepts of the blended classroom and functional ICT learning resource clinic or technology-
based learning hub in the community must establish and offer extended support for teaching-
learning experiences. This initiative has been started and aims to address the deteriorating
quality of education is through the utilization of various ICT as a tool for learning and teaching
(Benitez, 2013). Rollout seminar and training for teachers and parents regarding the use of new
modern technology used in teaching and learning processes had been implemented nationwide
to acquire such competencies believing that this mechanism will boost motivation and
engagement towards students’ success.

Inclusive flexible learning management initiatives in redesigning and redefining school and
classroom environments will not be possible if school administrators and stakeholders will not
be supportive of the program and resist to adopt change. The convergence of educational
modernization and related ICT projects of school leaders aimed at achieving quality and
relevant teaching-learning mechanisms link to the utilization of technology enhance learning
environment to optimize educational perspective associated to the “New Normal”. It is
imperative that functional initiatives among school administrators and partners must work in
unity to address the challenge of education in terms of effective management of online
educational resources and systems. The effort of transforming education has strong drives for
roles and responsibility, and determination in pursuit of achieving the educational endearing
goals of the department of education. Nevertheless, the main challenge, including for the most
advanced education systems, lies in school personnel and stakeholders to capacitate to
effectively deliver the technology-based learning modality anywhere and everywhere.

Since “New Normal” is considered as the future of our education, the education sector must
invest in the necessities of today’s generations. Department of Education allocates adequate
budget and appropriation of funds to maximize the provision of ICT tools and equipment basic
education curriculum. However, the query remains on how the education sector develops 21st-
century skills and competency despite the fact that the Philippine government does not provide
sufficient necessary instructional technology tools and equipment in every classroom as a
fundamental element towards effective teaching-learning mechanisms in this digital age.
Moreover, challenges still exist on how we could cope with the evolution of technology in
response to the advent of the modern educational landscape. Therefore, we should equip our
schools with technology tools and equipment, internet access and connectivity, intensify
administrative capabilities, competencies in ICT and online learning management, fortified with
21st-century skills. Provisions of funding for sustainable development of technology enhanced
learning environment that will prepare our learners to be globally competitive and adequately
equipped with the necessary skills and competencies required for work and lifelong learning.

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