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Set a weekly spending limit.

Determine the amount of money you

have in your household budget to spend on food. Create a budget
and examine your total income and your total expenses. Figure on
spending approximately 10 percent of your disposable income on
food purchases, so factor that expense into your budget. According
to recent data presented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 10
percent represents the typical amount consumers budget for food.
Adjust the amount as necessary to stay within your budget.
Create a menu by planning meals in advance. Plan at a minimum for
one week; plan an entire month if you can. Use a calendar and plan
out breakfast, lunch and dinner. Get creative and designate specific
days for leftovers. Calculate the cost of each meal by using previous
sales receipts and sales advertisements for guidance on pricing for
each item. Place the average cost for each meal on the calendar.
Tally the estimated meal costs and see how close you are to your
designated food budget. Adjust if necessary and keep track of any
meal cost changes.
Calculate the cost of take out food and special meals, such as date
night dinners. Determine the amount you spend on a weekly basis
by examining your current spending habits. Include this in your food
budget and set the necessary amount to the side before heading to
the grocery store. You may find that your budget doesn't allow for
your ordinary expenditures in this category. Make cuts where
necessary to stay on track financially.
Aim to spend less than the budgeted amount each week. Switch out
menu ideas for cheaper options when necessary or to capitalize on a
sale. Compare costs between name brands and store brands and
consider opting for the most economical option. Pay attention to
sale advertisements. Identify those products that you use on a
regular basis, such as health and beauty products, and try to
purchase them when on they go on sale. Take advantage of
coupons. Use coupons for items you would normally purchase.
Check to see if your local grocery store offers double coupons or
even triple coupons and enjoy the extra savings.
Put any savings you earn through cost-cutting measures to the side.
Use the savings on a special event or extravagant meal as a reward
for your dedication to sticking to your food budget.

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