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Schizoid personality disorder linked to unbearable and

inescapable loneliness

Article  in  European Journal of Psychiatry · March 2010

DOI: 10.4321/S0213-61632010000100005


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1 author:

Willem H J Martens
W. Kahn Institute of Theoretical Psychiatry and Neuroscience


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Eur. J. Psychiat. Vol. 24, N.° 1, (38-45)

Keywords: Schizoid personality disorder; Loneli-

ness; Biopsychosocial; Cultural.

Schizoid personality disorder linked

to unbearable and inescapable loneliness
Willem H.J. Martens MD, PhD
W. Kahn of Theoretical Psychiatry
and Neuroscience

ABSTRACT – Background and Objectives: More insight is needed into the link between
loneliness and schizoid personality disorder in order to construct more adequate diagnos-
tic tools and therapeutic programs.
Methods: A computer-based search of literature (Medline and PsycInfo) between 1970
and 2009.
Results: A combination of intrapsychic, psychosocial, cultural, ethnic, religious, and/or
neurobiological factors determine loneliness and associated schizoid etiology. Further-
more, a complex interaction between these influences is prevalent in schizoid etiology.
Conclusion: Loneliness appears to be a crucial factor in the etiology of schizoid per-
sonality disorder.

Received: 29 May 2009

Revised: 19 September 2009
Accepted: 29 September 2009

Introduction of empathy with narcissistic (NPD) and an-

tisocial personality disorder (ASPD), with-
draw (self-sufficiently in the case of NPD)
According to the DSM-IV-TR1 “The essen-
from others, and failure to form human and
tial feature of schizoid personality disorder
social relationships with NPD and avoidant
(SPD) is a pervasive pattern of detachment
personality disorder.
from social relationships and a restricted
range of expression of emotions in interper- Persons with SPD are driven into hiding
sonal settings” (p. 694). SPD overlaps with by fear, then experiences a deep, seques-
the negative symptoms of schizophrenia: tered loneliness that provides the drive to
flat affect, lack of motivation, and social come out of hiding and to go back into the
withdrawal. SPD have also traits in common adaptive interface with the world2. They
with other personality disorder such as lack tend toward great passivity and look only to

themselves as sources of validation and en- or bad (frustrating). The child then proceeds
hancement. However, their lack of positive to introject (internalize and assimilate) the
affiliation and affective indifference often good object while keeping out (defending
put them in a position to be easily taken ad- against) the bad objects. The infant projects
vantage of by others, and at times they may parts of himself (his organs, his behaviours,
struggle with personal feelings of social iso- his traits) unto the bad object. Splitting al-
lation and alienation. At a stylistic level, lows good to stay separate from bad6.
these persons may seek out and enjoy social
Klein6 saw the depressive position as an
and intimate affiliation, but typically not
important developmental milestone that con-
with a great deal of concern3.
tinues to mature throughout the life span. In
Millon & Davis4 speculated that the sig- the depressive position, the infant is able to
nificant deficit in the schizoid disorders is experience others as whole, which radically
the person’s intrinsic incapacities to experi- alters object relationships from the earlier
ence the joyful and pleasurable aspects of phase. Klein argued that people who never
life. It does represent a fundamental inca- succeed in working through the depressive
pacities to sense the moods and needs that position in their childhood will, as a result,
are experienced by others. Klein5 suggested continue to struggle with this problem in
that there are at least two quite separate cat- adult life. For example: the cause that a per-
egories of patients with schizoid personality son may maintain suffering from intense
disorder: shy, socially backward, inept, obe- guilt feelings over the death of a loved one,
dient persons who are fearful and therefore may be found in the unworked- through de-
isolated but appreciates sociability and pressive position. The guilt is there because
would like to be part of the crowd: and there of a lack of separation between inside and
are the asocial, eccentric, (imperceptive and outside and also as a defense mechanism to
undiplomatic) persons who seek to be alone defend the self against unbearable feelings
and have difficulty in relationships with the of intense sadness and sorrow and subse-
peers, frequently resulting in social ostrac- quently the internal object against the un-
tion and scapegoating. bearable rage of the self, which can destroy
the (internal) forever. However, Fairnbairn7
In this article the link between SPD and
argued that early patterns of object relation-
loneliness is examined, which is relevant to
ships can be altered with experience, but
the construction of adequate assessment, di-
often continue to exert a strong influence
agnostic and therapeutic programs.
throughout life7.
Kernberg8 suggested also that splitting is
the major defensive mechanism utilized by
Distinctive Determinants the schizoid. Individuals with SPD have dif-
of Schizoid Loneliness ficulties in understanding themselves owing
to the conflicting elements of the inner per-
Intrapsychic Mechanisms sonality. Seen as one variant of the border-
line personality organization, their internal
In the first few months of life, anxiety is worlds, in Kernberg’s proposal, are populat-
experienced as fear of persecution, and the ed by contradictory self-images, one set
infant views the world as either “good” (sat- composed of idealized or frightening as-
isfying, complying, responding, gratifying) pects of internalized others and another split

into both shameful and exalted self-images. Laing13 suggests that a schizoid individual
As a result, there is a persistant state of sub- in one sense is trying to be omnipotent by
jective unreality and identity diffusion, enclosing within his own being, without re-
which leads to chronic feelings of empti- course to a creative relationship with other,
ness. I suggest that the frightening aspects modes of relationship that require the effec-
of internal others will be projected to the ex- tive presence to him of other people and of
ternal world and might result in a fearful, the outer world. The imagined advantages
paranoid attitude and associated social with- are safety for the true self, isolation and
drawal and loneliness. hence freedom from others, self-sufficiency,
and control (p. 75). As a result, the schizoid
However, other theories suggest that the becomes fearful of crowds, as they force
experience of loss9,10 and/or inability to upon her the recognition that others exist. A
cope with a rejecting mother11 might be the way to escape it might be by becoming an
core of schizoid development. This loss aggressor. The author suggests that aggres-
happens at the time the mother is the in- sion in persons with SPD might contribute to
fant’s sole environment and world, so that it a new construction of self (more visible as a
has no alternative defense. The mother is the result of enhanced assertive, extrovert, direct
primary source of security, and the provider and confronting attitude) in an unconscious
of the first relationship, which can counter- attempt to become more interesting and
act the separation-trauma of birth. The dis- colourful for other people. Aggression can
order represents a failure to resolve interac- be considered in this way as an effort to
tion, intimacy and attachment conflicts overcoming dullness and loneliness. An ex-
pression of aggressive resistance could be
further along in the developmental process,
interpreted as assertive behaviour, refusal to
specifically, during separation/individuation
remain an outcast (that is normally absent in
subphase9. The author suggests that a last-
schizoid persons) and opportunity to rigor-
ing incapacity to cope with such interaction
ous transformation, and it might be an im-
and attachment conflicts will lead to social
portant step of “being in the world” and be-
isolation and loneliness, which, in turn, will
coming released from loneliness.
make the existing social-emotional increas-
ingly worse and complicated. Withdrawal serves to protect the schizoid
individual in the face of psychological col-
Several psychoanalytic theorists have lapse. Caught between external and internal
suggested that emotional deprivation plays a conflicts, the person may withdraw in to
critical role in the development of schizoid primitive protective method of autistic en-
personality disorder, which is characterized capsulation, and life is endured in a state of
by an inability to form emotional attach- isolation, ambivalence, and confusion14.
ments7,11,12. As a consequence of emotional Nevertheless, the schizoid persons feels an
deprivation and an inability to gain security, intense need of intimacy, but the intrapsy-
a lack of satisfaction in interpersonal rela- chic conflicts that inhibit the development
tionships, and maladaptive schema’s and as- of intimacy, are a fear of fusion, a fear of
sociated cognitive behavior can be observed object loss, paranoid-schizoid anxieties, and
as components in attachment distortion and sexual anxieties15. Guntrip11 suggests that
painful loneliness that are crucial in schi- the early childhood experiences of schizoids
zoid development7,11,12. often are marked by alternating experiences

of intrusion and abandonment. The legacy elevated risk for offspring PD at mean ages
for the child is that his life force threatens of 22 and 33 years. Low parental affection
mother, which is equivalent to the child ex- or nurturing was associated with elevated
periencing that his life threatens his life. risk for offspring schizoid19. In a sample
The child copes with this situation by split- (793 mother and offspring from New York
ting the self; the person is left with a deep follow-up 18 years from age 5-22) of youths
and painful intimacy-hunger, dread, and iso- who experienced childhood verbal abuse
lation16. Furthermore, schizoid people be- had elevated SPD symptom levels during
lieve that their feelings of love destroy the adolescence and early adulthood after the
other and/or lead to their own destruc- covariates were accounted for20. The author
tion7,17,18. The author suggests that as a con- suggests that physical, social and verbal
sequence this ambiguity the person could abuse may provoke in the already vulnera-
conclude that the less painful solution is ble and shy child strong feelings of being
being alone in order to avoid painful social unlovable, inferiority, shame (and linked
interactional ambivalence. self-hate) and frustration. This might bring
about attachment and associated social in-
The author believes that schizoid condi- teractional problems which, in turn, could
tion can be considered as an intrapsychic contribute to loneliness and SPD etiology.
constellation of oversensitivity, paralysis
and paradoxical conflicts (for example fear Childhood sexual abuse in male (n = 200)21
of as well as hunger for affection and intima- female (n = 88)22 and various mixed popula-
cy) as a result of social/emotional rejection; tions23,24 correlates with higher scores on
neglect; bad influences; traumatic experi- the schizoid personality disorder scales of
ence; conflicts; envy; shame; self-hate; low the DSM-III-R25 and DSM-IV Personality
self-esteem (because of their failure to suc- Disorder Questionnaire1. Bernstein et al.26
cessful development, interactions, socializa- revealed in his empirical study that emo-
tion and loneliness) rather than indifference tional abuse and emotional neglect in sub-
to social interactions. An endurable combi- stance-abusing patients (n = 193; age 18-60)
nation of deep suffering and social isolation was related to the traits of DSM-III-R SPD25,
makes the schizoid development more and which formed its own subcluster.
more persistent and deep-anchored.
Sexual and emotional abuse/neglect might
cause deep feelings of inner emptiness and a
blurred and/or confused identity that can be
Psychosocial Determinants-Poor observed in many patients with SPD18. Ma-
Parenting, Neglect, Rejection rtens27 revealed that sexual abuse and emo-
and Abuse of Children tional abuse/neglect is related to trauma,
low self-esteem, self-hate, social withdraw-
Poor parenting might have a strong, last- al and maladjustment, social-emotional in-
ing, negative impact on the social-emotion- capacities, avoidance coping, and neurobio-
al, cognitive and moral development of the logical dysfunctions which might be all
child. Johnson et al.19 revealed in their sam- determinants of SPD28.
ple of 593 families that problematic parental
behavior (harsh punishing, poor parental su- Sexual, physical and emotional abuse and
pervision, verbal abuse) in the home during associated severe trauma will likely result in
the child-rearing years was associated with loneliness, because the emotional suffering

causes a gap between victim and other per- salus & Kelly34 found that Korean students
sons (which brings about loneliness). This scored significant higher on the schizoid
might have various reasons such as a) other personality scales35 compared with Ameri-
people’s lack of understanding of the pain can students, and Iwamasa et al.36 revealed
and maladjusted behavior of the person who that criteria for DSM-III-R schizoid PD25
suffers; b) fear of confrontation with such was assigned to Asian Americans. The au-
pain; c) inadequate responses (too emotion- thor suggests that the increased risk for
al or too rational); d) providing of pushing Asian Americans could be the result of be-
advices in order to stimulate the patient to longing tot a collectivistic culture, while liv-
become normal. ing in an individualistic society. The author
speculates that social expectations in per-
sons with individualistic attitude (when a
Cultural, Ethnic collective attitude is required) might lead to
and Religious Correlates social exclusion, loneliness and associated
SPD. The higher SPD scores of Korean stu-
The cultural values, cultural institutions dents could be explained by cultural deter-
and culture itself are interwoven with our mined personality traits such as introver-
life and correlates with well-being and men- sion, modesty, and social withdrawal.
tal health. Cultural context plays an impor-
Viewed through the lens of a cross-level
tant role in the development of individual
biocultural co-constructive framework, hu-
social and behavioral characteristics and
man development is co-constructed by bio-
peer relationships29. The author follows
logy and culture through a series of recipro-
Schwartz & Pantin30 and Bonovitz31 who
cal interactions between developmental
point out that intrapsychic processes are
processes and plasticity at different levels37.
embedded in and interact with relational,
In their review Peterson & Reiss38 analyzed
social and cultural (and religious) contexts/
recent cognitive, neuroanatomic, and func-
dimensions, which are connected with indi-
tional neuroimaging results and concluded
vidual intrapsychic processes through dia-
that formal education (and upbringing) in-
logue32, non-verbal, symbolic and uncon-
fluences important aspects of the human
scious influences30,31.
brain. This provides strong support for the
Because humans need both autonomy and idea that the brain is modulated by literacy
interdependence, persons with either an ex- and formal education, which in turn change
treme collectivist orientation (allocentrics) or the brain’s capacity to interact with its envi-
extreme individualist values (idiocentrics) ronment, including the individual’s contem-
may be at risk for possession of some fea- porary culture38. Abnormalities in this com-
tures of psychopathology. Caldwell-Harris plicates neuro-psycho-cultural developmental
& Aycicegi33 revealed that for students re- process could contribute in the etiology of
siding in a highly individualistic society SPD, social exclusion and loneliness.
(Boston), collectivism and individualism
were not related to DSM-IV SPD1. A differ-
ent pattern was obtained for students resid- Neurobiologic Dimension
ing in a collectivist culture, Istanbul. Here
individualism was positively correlated with Prenatal caloric malnutrition, low birth
scales of schizoid personality disorder. Gun- weight, and prematurity increase (and asso-

ciated neurodevelopmental aversity) the risk Conclusions

for schizoid personality disorder39. Reduced
serotonergic (5-HT) function and elevated
testosterone have been reported in aggres- A combination of and interplay between
sive populations40. Dolan et al.40 revealed in intrapsychic, psychosocial, cultural and neu-
persons with DSM-III-R SPD24 enhanced 5- robiological aversive factors might interfere
HT function (prolactin response to d-fenflu- with healthy social-emotional (interactional
ramine) and low testosterone concentrations and attachment abilities) and character de-
compared with the individuals with psy- velopment. Underdevelopment might bring
chopathy. Martens41 revealed that aggressive about social isolation and accustomization
attitude in persons with severe personality to loneliness and lack of social-emotional
disorders was linked to reduced capacities to interactions and training of crucial social
solve problems in a social acceptable way, kills. This, in return, could result in incapac-
social exclusion/ rejection and associated ity to recognize and send subtle social-emo-
loneliness. tional signs (verbal and non-verbal) which
are very important for precise anticipation
Stronger schizoid personality traits in bor- and understanding during social interactions
derline patients (n = 30) were significantly re- (“read between the lines” and comprehend
lated (SCID-II) to reduced leftward parietal the unspoken message) and to avoid miscom-
cortex asymmetry (using structural magnetic munication and associated problems. As a
resonance imaging; 3D-MRI)42. It is unclear consequence persons with SPD will feel re-
how this abnormality (is linked to visual con- dundant and try to hide themselves. Persons
trol of action and representation of spatial in- with SPD are convinced (because they were
formation) interferes seriously with normal often neglected, rejected and cast-out by
social-emotional development/awareness and other people) that their life is safer and even
adjustment and how it will contribute to so- more comfortable without intensive commu-
cial withdrawal and isolation. The author nication and bonds with others. They have
speculates that a lack of visual control of ac- experienced that their attempts to social in-
tion might lead to insecurity, low self-esteem teractions always lead to troubles, frustra-
and social withdrawal/isolation. tions, and shame. Therefore they try to avoid
complicated social-emotional interactions
Koponen et al.43 evaluated over a period of
and further negative experiences and corre-
30 years the occurrence of psychiatric disor-
lated further decrease of their self-esteem.
ders in patients (n = 60) who had experienced
Despite of their learned social indifference
a traumatic brain injury and found that 6,7%
they will gradually feel shame and frustration
(n = 4) developed a schizoid personality dis-
about their lack of social contacts and social-
order. It was not discussed by Koponen et
emotional inabilities/underdevelopment.
al.43 which lesions were related to schizoid
development. But, it is most likely that le- Because schizoid personality disorder is
sions in the frontal lobe area (adequate social characterized by multidimensional influ-
functioning)44, the limbic system (is involved ences a multicomponential approach it
in processing and perception of emotions)44 should also find concrete shape in current
and parietal lobes are involved in lasting so- diagnostic models and treatment approach-
cial-emotional incapacities, social interac- es. Furthermore, psychiatric, psychothera-
tional and attachment problems, loneliness peutic, cultural, ethnic, genetic and neuro-
and subsequent schizoid development. logic professionals should cooperate with

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Address for correspondence:
33. Gunsalus AJC, Kelly KR. Korean cultural influ- Willem H.J. Martens MD, PhD
ences on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III. J Chair of W. Kahn of Theoretical Psychiatry and
Ment Health Couns 2001; 23(2): 151-161. Neuroscience, and advisor Psychiatry of the European
Commission (Leonardo da Vinci)
35. Millon T, Millon C, Davis R, Grossman S. Millon
Address: Het Nateland 1
Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III. San Antonio: Pearson
3911XZ Rhenen
education; 2009.
The Netherlands
36. Iwamasa GY, Larrabee AL, Merritt RD. Are personal- Phone: 31 (0)317 618708
ity disorder criteria ethnically biased? A card-sort analysis. E-mail:
Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol 2000; 6(3): 284-297.

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