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Listen & Learn

for Advanced Learners
© DIM Nauka i Multimedia 2019

Course writer: Dorota Guzik, Dominika Tkaczyk

Voices: Lara Kalenik, Barbara Kubica-Daniel, Tadeusz Z. Wolański, Maybe Theatre Company
Recorded & mastered: Mariusz Zaczkowski MTS Studio

ISBN 978-83-8006-267-2

© Reading Booklet DIM Nauka i Multimedia 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocoping, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without the
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Page Track


1. Education 3 1-11
2. Earning Money 13 12-22
3. Modern Lifestyles 23 23-33


4. Geography 32 34-44
5. Buildings 43 45-55
6. Objects 53 56-66


7. Politics and the Economy 64 67-77

8. The Law 74 78-88
9. Culture 83 89-99


10. The World in Danger 94 100-110

11. Crossing Barriers 103 111-121
12. Modern Media 112 122-132
1. Education
1. Stages in education. Part 1 1

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a kindergarten /
preschool education for children between the ages of about 2 and 5
a nursery school
a school which provides education free of charge for pupils between
a state school the ages of 5 and 18; in Scotland, Australia, and the US called a public
in England, an expensive type of private school which is paid for by
a public school
parents and not by the government
a school which teaches technical skills required to perform a particular
a vocational school
and specific job

a boarding school a school which provides education for pupils who live on its premises

a curriculum a programme of study

a detailed schedule of all the subjects, classes and/or lectures and when
a timetable
they take place
the school / academic
the part of the year during which courses take place

a college an undergraduate university

a teacher training
a college where teachers are trained

a medical academy a place where doctors are trained

a military academy a place where soldiers are trained

a seminary a college where priests and ministers are trained

a conservatory a school where music is taught

a technical university a college where people study for degrees in technical subjects

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners I. Modern Living. Education

a university a provider of undergraduate or postgraduate education

a campus the buildings and surroundings of a university

a dormitory (US) / a
a place at a college or university where students live
hall of residence (UK)
a place where students can get cheap accommodation while they are
a student hostel

2. Stages in education. Part 2 2

Listen and repeat the expressions.

admissions the people admitted into a college or university

an entrance exam an exam people take to get admitted into college or university

a part of a university, college, etc. which deals with a particular area of

a department

a faculty departments which specialize in particular subjects

a lecture a talk on a specialized subject, given to students

a class at a university or college for a teacher and a small group of

a seminar
students to study and discuss a particular topic

tutorials a period of study involving one student or a small group of students

a lecturer a person who teaches at a college or university

obligatory subjects subjects on a particular course which must be taken

optional subjects additional subjects that a student can choose to study

activities that fall outside of the curriculum, such as theatre or sports

a chancellor a person in the university’s highest ranks

a high rank college or university official who is in charge of a faculty,

a dean
which may include several departments

a vice-dean a dean’s deputy

a person who works for the student’s improvement in different areas,

a private tutor
providing individual classes or consultations

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners I. Modern Living. Education

a coach a person who teaches people how to improve at sports

a bachelor’s degree a first degree at a college or university

a master’s degree an advanced degree at a college or university

a thesis a long piece of writing done to receive a college or university degree

a long piece of writing done to receive an advanced college or

a master’s thesis
university degree
a long piece of writing done to receive the highest ranking degree
a doctoral thesis
given by a university

a PhD the highest ranking degree given by a university or a person who has it

a PhD student a person studying to receive a PhD

3. Stages in education – Test yourself 3

Finish the sentences.

1. Anna wants to become a beekeeper, so she chose to go to a… (vocational school).

2. Jim wanted to live outside his small town so he decided to study at a… (boarding school).
3. Since her childhood, Karen dreamed of becoming a teacher, so she chose to enrol at a…
(teacher training college).
4. He has always been very religious so he went to a… (seminary).
5. To get his master’s degree, Ben had to write his… (master’s thesis).
6. Ever since her parents bought her a piano, she wanted to study music at a… (conservatory).
7. He wasn’t aware that his university offered one-on-one meetings with a tutor called…
8. Bianca couldn't skip the lecture as applied linguistics was an… (obligatory subject).
9. Alex has always had a passion for drama, so he chose theatre classes as one of his…
(extracurricular activities).
10. Mrs. Beacon was appointed a position of the highest rank at her university and she became…
(a chancellor).

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners I. Modern Living. Education

4. At school 4

Answer the questions about you. In each example, you’ll hear another possible answer.

1. Did you stay at home before going to primary school?

Before I went to primary school at the age of 5, I spent three years in the kindergarten.

2. Did you receive a certificate after finishing primary school?

When I finished primary school, I received a school-leaving certificate.

3. Did you take any tests at the end of secondary school?

At the end of secondary school, I took final examinations.

4. What happened after you finished secondary school?

I got into university and studied for five years.

5. What did you major in?

I graduated in French and got a master’s degree.

6. Did you continue your education after your graduation?

Then I finished post-graduate studies and I got a teaching diploma.

5. The process of learning 5

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

to attend courses /
I’ve attended several courses related to marketing at my university.
to attend lessons

to be absent from… Kate has been absent from school for quite a while now.

to enrol on… / to enrol As I’ve always dreamed of being an actress, I’ve enrolled for a theatre
for… class.
After five years at university, I’ve graduated from the Faculty of
to graduate from…
Medical Academy was not for me so I’ve decided to drop out without
to drop out of…
completing the year.
Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been
to play truant
playing truant from school.

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners I. Modern Living. Education

I’ve crossed the line and the dean decided that I should be expelled
to be expelled from…
from the university.
Robert’s behaviour during class was unacceptable so he was put in
to be put in detention
Martha took a gap year from her studies and travelled to Australia to
to take a gap year
to take an interest After the first year, Amy took a particular interest in the American
in… Literature Faculty.

to be bored with… I was so bored with the lecture that I left in the middle of it.

If you get caught cheating, you will be disqualified from the exam
to copy / to cheat
She didn’t start studying soon enough so now she needs to cram before
to cram
the maths exam.
Carl was not sure when his exam would take place, so he went to his
to enquire about…
lecturer to enquire about the time.

to be capable of… If you study hard, you will be capable of passing the exam.

to take no interest Even though Laura went to a teachers’ training college, she took no
in… interest in becoming a teacher.
She pays careful attention to pronunciation while learning new
to pay attention to…
Tom finally succeeded in getting into university and promised to study
to succeed in…
hard to get a degree.

to fail to… Adam failed to pass his final exams, so now he has to repeat the year.

to catch up with… Unless Mary catches up with the rest of the class, she will fail the year.

to fall behind Carmen was ill for eight weeks and fell behind with her schoolwork.

to put up a hand She put her hand up to ask her teacher a question.

I couldn’t concentrate on the exam tasks as it was very noisy outside

to concentrate on…
the classroom.
I have a very important exam next week so I’m totally occupied with
to be occupied with…

to cope with… The teacher tried to cope with the student’s rudeness.

to be acquainted All students should be acquainted with the curriculum and the
with… timetable.
to set something for
Mr. Andrews set the most difficult exercises for homework!
to be given a I’ve successfully finished my marketing course and was given a
certificate certificate.

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Abigail picks up languages so quickly that she managed to learn three

to pick up languages
in less than three years!
I didn’t know what it meant so I needed to look the word up in a
to look up

6. The process of learning – Test yourself 6

Paraphrase the sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. Kim hasn’t been present at school since last Thursday.

Kim has been absent from school since last Thursday.

2. My major proved too difficult for me so I decided to quit uni.

My major proved too difficult for me so I decided to drop out of uni.

3. You’ll fail all your exams if you keep being absent from classes!

You’ll fail all your exams if you keep playing truant!

4. Her teacher decided to punish her so she had to stay after class.

Her teacher decided to punish her so she was put in detention.

5. She started studying at the last minute so she had to learn a lot very quickly.

She started studying at the last minute so she had to cram.

6. Tim got extremely impatient waiting for his exam result, so he went to his lecturer to ask
about it.

Tim got extremely impatient waiting for his exam result, so he went to his lecturer to enquire
about it.

7. Mary has seriously fallen behind, so it is crucial that she reaches the same level as the rest of
her classmates.

Mary has seriously fallen behind, so it is crucial that she catches up with her classmates.

8. I need to get myself familiar with the subject; otherwise, I will fail.

I need to get myself acquainted with the subject; otherwise, I will fail.

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners I. Modern Living. Education

9. My English teacher gives me the most difficult exercises for homework!

My English teacher sets the most difficult exercises for homework.

10. I was really impressed by her ability to learn languages so quickly!

I was really impressed by her ability to pick up languages so quickly!

7. Rules and regulations 7

Listen and repeat the sentences.

It is forbidden to be absent from school without a parent’s permission.

Students who are seen to be playing truant will be punished.
All students who fall behind are obliged to catch up with their lessons.
Those who cheat during an exam risk being put in detention.
Pupils who take interest in sports are welcome to get acquainted with our offer.
All those who don’t pay attention will be given extra homework.
Students who failed to pass a test are asked to resit it.
It is appreciated if you apologise to the teacher for what you did.
Students caught taking drugs will be expelled from school.
Any unknown words must be looked up in a dictionary.
Certificates will be given to all students who pass their final exams.
Those who need work experience are advised to take a gap year before they start college.

8. Expressions with do and make 8

Listen and repeat the expressions.

to do experiments to make a decision

to do research to make a difference
to do studies to make an effort
to do one’s duty to make an excuse
to do an exercise to make a fool of
to do harm to make friends with…
to do work / to do a job to make fun of…
to do wonders to make a mistake
to do good / to do wrong to make progress
to do well / to do badly to make notes
to do one’s best to make a break
to do damage to make a guess

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9. Everyday situations at school 9

Paraphrase the sentences using expressions with do or make.

1. In our Chemistry lesson we experiment with various dangerous substances.

In our Chemistry lesson we… (do experiments).

2. The teacher asked the student to think of a better excuse.

He asked the student… (to make a better excuse).

3. The headmaster wanted to find out who was responsible for the damage.
He wanted to find out who… (did the damage).

4. Children laughed at the boy with protruding ears.

Children… (made fun of him).

5. The teacher told the pupils to put down some information in their notebooks.
The teacher asked the pupils… (to make notes).

6. Not knowing the answer, the poor boy tried to guess it.
Not knowing the answer, the poor boy… (made a guess).

7. The trainer was disappointed as his football team didn’t develop.

The trainer was disappointed as his football team… (didn’t make any progress).

8. You will benefit from taking a holiday.

Taking a holiday… (will do you good).

9. I think you shouldn’t have done it. It was wrong.

I think you… (made a mistake).

10. It would be better to become friends with her.

It would be better to… (make friends with her).

10. Behaviour. Different idiomatic expressions 10

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

to be as thick as Mark and Paul are as thick as

of two people – very friendly
thieves thieves.
to blow one’s own Oh, come on! Stop blowing your
praise one’s own successes
trumpet own trumpet.
They separated and Joe went his
to go one’s own way to act independently
own way.

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to drive someone mad to irritate or anger somebody My kids really drive me mad!

to lose one’s temper to become very angry She never loses her temper.

Think clearly and don’t lose your

to lose one’s head to lose the ability to think clearly
to say nothing because of He lost his tongue and couldn’t say
to lose one’s tongue
shyness a word.
to stay brave and optimistic in a Don’t lose your optimism and keep
to keep one’s chin up
difficult situation your chin up.
to behave in a silly way Calm down and stop playing the
to play the fool
especially to make people laugh fool!
to get on someone’s
to irritate You are getting on my nerves!

11. Behaviour. Different idiomatic expressions – Test yourself 11

Paraphrase the sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. Mary and Alex have been close friends since primary school.

Mary and Alex have been as thick as thieves since primary school.

2. The noisy class started to irritate the teacher.

The noisy class started to get on the teacher’s nerves.

3. Failing the Maths exam made him really angry.

Failing the Maths exam drove him mad.

4. Things weren’t going well but Lucy stayed positive.

Things weren’t going well but Lucy kept her chin up.

5. When the teacher asked the question, Josh got really scared and couldn’t say a word.

When the teacher asked the question, Josh got really scared and lost his tongue.

6. Lilly was always very self-confident and told everyone about her successes.

Lilly was always very self-confident and blew her own trumpet.

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7. Even when the headmaster showed up, Ian stayed calm.

Even when the headmaster showed up, Ian didn’t lose his temper.

8. When she saw the exam questions, she wasn’t able to think clearly.

When she saw the exam questions, she lost her head.

9. When they graduated from college, it was time for them to separate.

When they graduated from the college, it was time for them to go their own ways.

10. No one ever took Sarah seriously, she always acted in a silly way.

No one ever took Sarah seriously, she always played the fool.

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2. Earning Money
1. Pursuing a career. Part 1 12

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

All corporations have a clear career ladder to show their employees

a career ladder
how they can develop.

training Janet underwent all the necessary training to become a professional chef.

My educational institution helped me to find a work placement so I can

a work placement
get trainee experience before I start working.

shift work I hate shift work! Working nights makes me feel so exhausted!

The tobacco workers were paid on a piecework basis, according to the

to do piecework
number of cigarettes they produced.
Moira doesn't need to go to work at 9am every day as she works
Becoming a freelance was the best decision I could’ve ever made!
a freelance Working independently for different companies gives me a lot of
Bob hates working in an office so he chose to become a blue-collar
a blue-collar worker
worker and work physically.
This recruitment company sources only highly skilled white-collar
a white-collar worker
workers for management positions.
Jared is such a workaholic! He replies to emails even when we’re out
a workaholic
with friends!
To get the best talents on the market, this company put a very complex
recruitment process in place.
If you’re not a British citizen, you’ll need to get a work permit to be
a work permit
able to look for employment.
My employer doesn’t offer any promotion prospects so I’m
promotion prospects
considering handing in my resignation.

to be promoted After five years, Claudia was promoted to a senior management role.

Despite having 10 years’ experience in the field, Michael was still

to be underpaid
He was demoted from senior to junior specialist as a cost-saving
to demote

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2. Pursuing a career. Part 2 13

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

She possesses impressive credentials and practical experience in

clinical psychology.
Being underqualified in project management, she was rejected by the
to be underqualified
I’m afraid Ben is overqualified and this position will not be
to be overqualified
challenging enough for him.
to hire somebody for The hiring manager decided to hire her for a three-month trial period to
a trial period see how she would perform in her new role.
After her successful trial period, she was offered a permanent contract
a permanent contract
of employment.
paid leave / unpaid Management authorized more paid leave to honour good work and 13
leave weeks unpaid leave for parents of young children.
Mike had a high temperature so he decided to go to the doctor and take
sick leave
sick leave.
Kim has just had her baby and she will be on maternity leave from now
maternity leave
If you’re eligible for your employer’s pension scheme, you should
a pension scheme
definitely join!
A company car and private healthcare package are some of the perks
perks / a company car
that come with the job.

negotiable My salary expectations are $5500 negotiable.

to be eligible for… /
Are you eligible for early maternity leave?
to be entitled to…

an industrial injury Industrial injury cases may include claims for stress- related damages.

Jack received $50,000 compensation for irreversible damage to his

back while working.
I will be able to start my new position on the 26th as I have a two-week
notice period.

in writing You have to submit your complaints in writing.

to terminate Bianca’s contract terminated in June so she had to look for another job.

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3. Terms of employment 14

Listen and repeat the sentences.

This job offers training as well as promotion prospects.

A company car is one of the perks in this job.
Workers will be hired for a three-month trial period.
After one month you will be on a permanent contract.
You are eligible for the company’s pension scheme.
In the case of an industrial injury, you are entitled to compensation.
The salary is not negotiable.
The contract may be terminated with one month’s notice.
You must have excellent credentials for this position.
The first step on your career ladder is a two-month training period and a work placement.
Blue-collar workers do shift-work while white-collar workers work flexitime.
The company starts recruitment next week.

4. Terms of employment – Test yourself 15

Answer the questions.

1. You are being paid for the number of items you have completed. What work do you do?

I do piecework.

2. You have completed your teaching degree. What documents do you receive?

I receive my academic credentials.

3. After two years, you can become a Senior Sales Specialist. What does your company

My company offers promotion prospects.

4. With a new position, you get private medical care, shopping discounts and a company car.
How do you call these benefits?

These are perks of the job.

5. You would like to earn 5,000 pounds but you don’t mind earning less. What are your
salary expectations?

My salary expectations are negotiable.

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6. You broke your leg on company premises. What can you expect to receive?

I can expect to receive compensation.

7. You have a PhD in physics but the company pays you a very low salary. How would you

I would feel underpaid.

8. You have just been downgraded from a senior to a junior position. What did your
manager do?

My manager demoted me.

9. Half of the week you work during daytime and half during nighttime. What kind of
work do you do?

I do shift work.

10. You can begin work at any time between 9 and 11 am. What is your system of working?

I work flexitime.

5. How to save money? 16

Listen and repeat the expressions.

to economise to reduce the amount of money you’re spending in order to save more

to control expenses to identify and reduce expenses in order to spend less money

to think twice
to think something over more than once before doing it

to resist temptation to overcome the desire to do something, here to buy something

to buy in bulk to buy in large quantities in order to pay less

to look for reductions /

to look for discounts /
to look for bargains / to look for goods for a cheaper price
to look for special
to buy economy-size to buy packets that are larger and cheaper in comparison with the price
packets for smaller packets

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to delay payment of
to postpone payment of bills until a later time
to take holidays out of to take holidays at a time when not many people go on holiday, e.g. not
season from June to August in the summer
to buy second-hand to buy clothes which are not new but were previously owned by
clothes someone else
to use the phone off-
to use the phone at a less popular time
to check bank to check the balance in your bank account in order to control your
statements expenses

to check receipts to check receipts to be sure there are no mistakes

to look after to keep your guarantee documents in order to be able to have a product
guarantees repaired or replaced if it breaks

6. How to save money? – Test yourself 17

Finish the sentences.

1. If you want to spend less on your holiday, you should buy a trip out of… (season).
2. In order to pay less, Mary always buys different products in… (bulk).
3. Before you buy another expensive watch, just think… (twice).
4. When Sue saw the stunning silver dress, she wanted to buy it but she managed to resist the…
5. Do you ever buy second-hand… (clothes)?
6. Check in the store if they have any economy-size…(packets)?
7. If you want to buy some warm clothes cheaper, January is the best time to look for… (bargains
/ discounts / reductions).
8. A two-week holiday in Hawaii for only $600 is a special… (offer).
9. If you don’t want the electricity to be cut off, don’t delay the payment of your… (bills).
10. If you want to talk to someone in Australia more cheaply, use the phone… (off-peak).

7. Banking and money 18

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

a wide range of Our firm offers a wide range of services to our individual and business
services clients.

a deposit I made a deposit of $600 in my account the other day.

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a withdrawal To his surprise, a large withdrawal has been made from his account.

Depositors drew so much money out of the bank that it was forced to
to draw money out
close down.

an overdraft She finally got the bank transfer and could pay off her large overdraft.

to grant loans Though the procedure is complicated, the bank will grant loans.

Karen needed to transfer a large amount of money to her sister’s

to transfer money

to issue credit cards Qualified non-banks should be able to issue credit cards.

a current account Every month my salary is paid into my current account.

a deposit account I’ve set up a deposit account to save some money.

a credit account This credit account includes a ‘buy now, pay later’ scheme.

a joint account After they got married, they decided to set up a joint account.

a cash machine /
There are no ATMs close by and I’m out of cash!
an ATM

to set aside He has set aside the money to pay for his university education.

interest Kim put her money in a savings account to earn interest.

to carry out Jim has carried out so many transactions this month that he’s already
transactions run out of money.

a bank balance You can easily check your bank balance online.

a bank charge You may incur bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit.

a bank statement You can check all your expenses on the monthly bank statement.

Even though he doesn’t need it, he always carries a chequebook in his

a chequebook

a bearer cheque Sending bearer cheques by bulk mail is illegal.

to bounce To their horror, the bank bounced the cheque.

to cash You can easily cash the cheque in any bank in our town.

a creditor Unfortunately the company cannot pay its creditors.

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The average time for large companies to get their money out of debtors
a debtor
is about two months.
I suppose he may send a postal order, but that is going to take a great
a postal order
deal longer.

heads Everyone! I will flip the coin now! Heads or tails?

tails It was tails and he lost all his money.

a watermark The books have anti-piracy watermarks on the first page.

His illegal banking operations have been revealed and he was accused
to launder money
of laundering money overseas.

8. Banking services 19


A. What type of services do modern banks provide?

B. Modern banks provide a wide range of services. They grant loans, issue credit cards and
exchange money.

A. What do banks inform about in their statements?

B. Banks inform their customers about their balances in regular bank statements.

A. What are the two basic kinds of bank accounts?

B. There are two basic kinds of bank accounts: current accounts and deposit accounts.

A. Can I withdraw money from my current account any time I wish or are there any time
B. You can withdraw money from current accounts at any time.

A. What cards are used to get money from ATMs?

B. Credit cards are used to get money from ATMs 24 hours a day.

A. For whom are deposit accounts?

B. Deposit accounts are for people who want to set aside some money.

A. Which accounts earn more interest? Deposit accounts or current accounts?

B. Deposit accounts earn more interest than current accounts.

A. What is the main benefit of electronic banking?

B. Electronic banking allows people to carry out transactions over the Internet.

A. What services does electronic banking offer to customers?

B. They can check their bank balance, pay bills or transfer money at the touch of a button.

Now answer the questions yourself. In each example, you’ll hear another possible answer.

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners I. Modern Living. Earning Money

9. Giving advice 20

Listen to the sentences expressing advice and then repeat those accepting or refusing the

A. You should start economising or you’ll end up on the street!

B. Perhaps you’re right, but we’ve only got one life to live!

A. You’d better start controlling your expenses or you will go bankrupt.

B. You might have a point. I will do something about it.

A. I suggest you think twice before you buy another worthless gadget.
B. I think I’ll take your advice this time.

A. What you really need to do is find a permanent job.

B. That’s easier said than done. Will you help me?

A. Have you tried buying only economy-size packets?

B. It might be a great idea.

A. Why don’t we look for more bargains?

B. Sure, why not? We’ve got plenty of time.

A. We ought to delay payment of bills until the final demand.

B. That doesn’t sound like a good idea.

A. Let’s check the bank statements to see if there are no errors.

B. Well, I’m not that on figures and counting.

A. The best thing you can do is never buy any second-hand clothes again.
B. That’s very easy for you to say, but I must economise.

A. Have you thought of using the phone off-peak, at cheap-rate times?

B. No, that’s not for me. I need the phone all day long.

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10. Ups and downs 21

Listen and repeat the expressions.

to reach an agreement to agree on something

to fulfil an ambition to achieve something that you really wanted to do

to achieve success to accomplish something

to succeed in… to be successful in something

to come off to be successful

to fall flat to be ineffective and/or unsuccessful

to reach the target to achieve what you wanted to achieve

to come to nothing to not succeed

to end in disaster to be completely unsuccessful

to reach a compromise to settle some differences by consent

to fulfil an obligation to carry out a duty or responsibility

to have trouble with… to have difficulties in doing something

11. Expressing uncertainty 22

Answer the questions using the given expressions. In each example, you will hear another
possible answer.

1. Do you think they will agree on the matter?

It doesn’t look

It doesn’t look like they will reach an agreement soon.

2. Will they be strong enough to achieve what they’ve always

wanted? I couldn’t say…

I couldn’t say if they will be strong enough to fulfil their ambition.

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3. Do you think they will be successful in the coming election?

… I’m not sure…
I’m not sure whether they will manage to achieve success.

4. Will they close the deal if the negotiations don’t collapse?

I might be
… wrong…
I might be wrong but they may not succeed in closing the deal.

5. Do you think they will ever achieve success in their plans?

… It is doubtful…
It is doubtful whether their plans will ever come off.

6. Are these plans likely to succeed?

… I might be
I might be mistaken but these plans are likely to fall flat fast.

7. Will he reach the target as soon as he thinks?

… It is far from
It is far from certain whether he will reach the target as soon certain…
as he thinks.

8. Do you think Jim’s strategy will change anything?

Jim is not
… certain…
Jim is not certain but his strategy may well come to nothing.

9. Do you think my plans have any chance of success? I might be

… mistaken…
I might be mistaken but I think your plans will end in disaster.

10. Do you think they will finally reach a mutual decision?

… I have doubts…
I have doubts whether it’ll be possible for them to reach
a compromise.

11. Will she carry out her duty? It is not so

… certain…
It is not so certain whether she will fulfil her obligation.

12. Can we complete this project smoothly?

I may not be

I may not be right but we can have trouble with realising this

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3. Modern Lifestyles
1. You are what you eat 23

Listen and repeat the expressions.

nutrition the substances in your food which influence your health

to watch your diet to be conscious of what and how much you eat

to go on a diet to start eating differently, usually according to some methodology

a well-balanced diet a diet rich in all the nutrients your organism needs to stay healthy

a low-calorie diet a diet which consists of non-fattening food

genetically modified food food which has been modified scientifically

someone who is trying to become thinner by controlling what they

a dieter

obese extremely fat

obesity the state of being extremely fat

to put on / gain weight to weigh more

to be overweight to weigh more than you should

excessive weight weight gain which is much more than reasonable

to lose weight to start to weigh less

weight loss the fact of losing weight or the process by which it happens

to keep to a healthy weight to avoid being over or underweight

to count calories to calculate how many calories you eat daily

to burn off calories to do so some workout to use energy which is stored in your body

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wholemeal bread bread with all the natural features of the grain it has been made out of

lean meat meat with little fat

fatty meat meat with a lot of fat

a light meal a meal that is low in fat and calories

low-fat with little fat / light

slimming pills pills which you take to lose weight

vegetarian cuisine meals without any meat

ill health poor physical or mental condition

high level of a high amount of a substance containing a lot of fat that is found in the
cholesterol body tissue and blood of all animals

diabetes a disease in which your blood glucose level is too high

to have an allergy to… a medical condition in which you may sneeze, get a rash or become ill
/ to be allergic to… after touching, eating or smelling something that you are allergic to

a check-up a medical examination

physical condition the physical state that someone is in

fit healthy and strong

in good shape in good condition or in good health

to look young for your

to look younger than you really are

to take vitamin pills to take pills with substances you need to remain healthy

to be under pressure to be in a situation which makes you worried or stressed

an emotional disorder an emotional illness

anxiety a feeling of nervousness, worry or fear

fatigue a feeling of extreme tiredness

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2. You are what you eat – Test yourself 24

Finish the sentences.

1. Kelly hasn’t gained any weight lately because she is on a… (low-calorie diet).
2. Adam was not just overweight, he was… (obese).
3. Erica decided to go to a gym every other day to… (burn off calories).
4. Fortunately, the meat I’m eating has little fat so it is very… (lean).
5. Anna wants to lose weight so the doctor prescribed her some… (slimming pills).
6. She is not well. She had to retire because of… (ill health).
7. Bob gave himself a heart attack because of a very high… (level of cholesterol).
8. I go to the doctor every month for a regular… (check-up).
9. I can’t believe she’s sixty years old! She looks so… (young for her age).
10. You shouldn’t drive a car if you feel … (fatigue).

3. Healthy lifestyle 25

Listen and repeat the sentences with the expressions used to give reasons.

Being overweight is hazardous to health and that’s why we must shed excessive weight.
High cholesterol stems from the fact that people don’t watch their diets.
A dieter should count calories as he must control his weight loss.
The right nutrition is very important because it affects our physical and psychological well-being.
Since we all live under pressure, fatigue and anxiety are among our common problems.
Many people switch to vegetarian cuisine on the grounds that it is well-balanced and low-fat.
Anorexia and bulimia must be taken seriously due to the fact that they can cause death.
Many people die owing to the fact that they avoid regular check-ups.
Some people give up the idea of losing weight because of the yoyo effect.
The reason why people take slimming pills is that they expect an “overnight” weight loss.

4. Fashion and cosmetics 26

Listen and repeat the expressions.

designer clothes clothes of famous fashion designers

a piece of material which gives you information about something it is

a label
attached to

popular with… liked by a lot of people

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to be in fashion /
to be popular at a particular time
to be fashionable
to go out of fashion /
to be unpopular at a particular time
to be unfashionable

affordable prices prices that are not too expensive

close-fitting / tight fitting the body closely

loose-fitting / baggy hanging loosely

well-dressed wearing stylish clothes

badly-dressed wearing clothes that do not fit and/or match

to pierce to make a hole in something

body piercing making holes in your body for jewellery

pierced ears ears that have holes for earrings

a belly (button) ring jewellery that you put in your navel / belly button

a nose stud a small piece of jewellery which is put through your pierced nose

to go to a beauty salon to go to a place where your hair, face and body undergo special
/ to go to a beautician treatments

a sunbed a machine that makes your body tanned

to make up / to wear
to use coloured substances on your face to improve your appearance
to put on make-up /
to apply make-up on your face
to do your make-up

to put on perfume to spray your body with scented liquid to make it smell nice

to apply nail polish to paint your nails with special liquid to make them look attractive

to cleanse to make something completely clean

to moisturise to stop your skin becoming dry by using special cream

to provide with the food and other substances necessary for growth and
to nourish
good condition

to protect to care for or keep safe from harm or injury

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to pluck eyebrows to get rid of unwanted eyebrow hair by pulling it out with tweezers

to shave to remove unwanted hair from your body with a razor

5. Fashion and cosmetics – Test yourself 27

Paraphrase the sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. The little black dress will always be popular.

The little black dress will always be in fashion.

2. Her trousers were so baggy that you couldn’t tell her figure.

Her trousers were so loose-fitting that you couldn't tell her figure.

3. I’ve always wanted to have holes made in my ears!

I’ve always wanted to have my ears pierced!

4. Matthew wears all those small pieces of jewellery in his nose!

Matthew wears all those nose studs!

5. Her nails make her stand out. She paints them differently every day.

Her nails make her stand out. She applies different nail polish every day.

6. After the performance she needed to wash her face thoroughly.

After the performance she needed to cleanse her face thoroughly.

7. Nicole’s face is so dry! It has difficulty in retaining moisture.

Nicole’s face is so dry! It is difficult to moisturise it.

8. Where are my tweezers?! I need to get rid of all this eyebrow hair!

Where are my tweezers?! I need to pluck my eyebrows!

9. I’ve lost my razor and now my legs are all hairy.

I’ve lost my razor and now I cannot shave my legs.

10. I know it’s winter but I will use a special machine to get my tan!

I know it’s winter but I will use a sunbed to get my tan!

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6. Sports and pastimes 28

Listen and repeat the expressions.

to enjoy sports events to do judo

to play tennis on a tennis court to do karate
to play football on a football pitch / ground to go cross-country running
to go skiing with professional skis, ski boots, to take part in a competition / to take part in
ski poles and goggles a tournament
to go running along a running track to win first prize in a competition
to ride a horse without a saddle to win a match by two goals to nil
to ride bareback to lose the game
to go swimming with a life-jacket to finish the game with a draw
to jump into the water from a diving board to have the highest / lowest score
to hit a golf ball with a club on a golf course to be the champion in a motor race
to go skateboarding to take up a hobby
to go rollerblading / to go roller-skating to go fishing with a new rod
to go ice skating on a skating rink to play billiards
to go parachuting to go bowling
to go paragliding to play draughts
to go to a gym to do crosswords and jigsaws

7. Sports and pastimes – Test yourself 29

Answer the questions.

1. When John went fishing yesterday, did he catch a big fish with his rod or his club?

He caught the fish with his rod.

2. There was a soccer match between France and Portugal and it finished with a draw.
Who won?

Nobody won, the score was even.

3. Billy isn’t very keen on sports – would he rather do karate or crosswords?

He would rather do crosswords.

4. Did the Summer Tennis Cup tournament take place on the town’s courts or pitches?

It was played on the courts.
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5. Did the runners in the 100 metres race run along a running path or a running track?

They ran along a running track.

6. When you’re off canoeing, would you rather take a life belt or a life jacket with you?

I would rather take a life jacket.

7. Did the spectators at the European Skating Championship watch the pair skating event
sitting around a skating pitch or a skating rink?

They watched the pair skating event sitting around the skating rink.

8. If the team achieved a score of two goals to nil, did they win or lose the game?

They won the game.

8. Expressing preferences 30
Listen and repeat the sentences used to express preferences.

What do you prefer: team sports or individual sports?

He prefers diving to surfing.
She prefers to go to parties rather than play sports.
Which sport would you prefer to take up: rock-climbing or bungee jumping?
I would prefer to take up rock-climbing rather than try canoeing.
I’d prefer to take part in the marathon.
I’d love to set a record one day.
I’d rather lose the game than play unfair.
I’d rather they cancelled the competition.
I would rather have attended sports classes last year.

9. Expressing preferences 31
Now answer the questions and express your preferences. In each example you will hear
another possible answer.

1. How do you spend your weekends? Do you prefer playing sport or surfing the Internet?

I prefer playing sport. I often go rollerblading and if the weather isn’t good enough, I go to the
gym with my friend.

2. What do you prefer: team sports or individual sports?

I prefer individual sports. I love watching athletics, and I’m a real fan of the high jump and the
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3. Which sport would you prefer to take up: rock-climbing or bungee jumping?

I’d prefer to take up rock-climbing. I could turn professional one day.

4. Would you like to go swimming or play a game of badminton tomorrow?

I’d rather play badminton; I’m taking part in the Inter-School Badminton Competition next

5. Would you like to try sailing?

I’d love to. I like water sports very much.

6. Would you like to take up horse riding?

No, I’d prefer to watch. To me, horse riding seems too dangerous.

10. Coping with stress 32

Listen and repeat the expressions.

to be stressed out to be so worried or nervous that you cannot relax

to cause a nervous feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax to

to relieve tension
become less severe or serious

to loosen up to stop worrying and become more relaxed

to unwind to relax and stop feeling anxious

to reduce stress to make stress less severe

to minimise the stress to reduce stress and make it seem less serious than it really is

to take things easy to relax and not do very much

to be annoyed, unhappy or bored, especially with a situation that has

to be fed up with…
existed for a long time

to handle the pressure to manage a difficult situation that causes you a lot of anxiety

to feel a sense of stressful urgency caused by having too many things

to be under pressure
to do

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11. Coping with stress 33

Listen to the sentences and then react using the given words to express likes and preferences.
In each example, you will hear another possible answer.

1. If you are stressed out, the best thing you can do is to go to sleep.
… No, I would
No, I would rather take a long walk. rather…

2. The best way to relieve tension after a hard exam is to do some

… Well, I prefer…
Well, I prefer watching a good comedy on DVD.

3. What do you do to unwind after a tiring day?

… I love...
I love going bowling.

4. Going fishing is the best way to reduce stress at the weekend.

I’m much more
… enthusiastic about...
I’m much more enthusiastic about cycling in the forest.

5. Would you like to go for a pizza to loosen up in the evening? I would prefer
… to…
I would prefer to stay at home and read a book instead.

6. Do you think some pills would help you minimise the stress? No, I would really
… prefer to…
No, I would really prefer to have a good night’s sleep.

7. Some people think alcohol will help them take things easy.
… They had better…
They had better take up sport or start a new hobby.

8. What do you do when you are fed up with your daily routine?
… I’m keen on…
I’m keen on leaving the city and going to the countryside.

9. What shall we do to handle the pressure before the meeting starts?

… Well, I’d love to…
Well, I’d love to sneak out of the office for a cigarette.

10. What do you do when you are under a lot of pressure?

… I’m fond of…
I’m fond of rollerblading in the park nearby.

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4. Geography
1. Water and land. Part 1 34

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a place where water naturally • a thermal / bubbling / mountain spring

a spring
rushes out from the ground • a spring bubbles out of the rocks
• a deep / shallow well
a deep hole in the ground from
a well • a holy / wishing well
which you get water
• to dig a well
• a(n) clear / fast-flowing / bubbling /
water that flows naturally in a
a stream mountain / underground stream
channel, e.g. in the mountains
• a stream runs / flows through a valley
• a brook flows / meanders through a
a brook a small stream
valley / babbles
an artificially made area of water, • a duck / fish pond
a pond
smaller than a lake • to build / dig / fill / drain a pond
a small area of water on the
a puddle • a puddle spreads / evaporates
ground, especially from rain
• a stagnant / still / freshwater / saltwater
a pool a small area of still water
/ muddy pool
a natural large area of water • a(n) freshwater / saltwater / frozen /
a lake
surrounded by land artificial / man-made lake
the time when the sea reaches its • at high tide
high tide highest level and comes furthest • a tide comes / flows in / flows out /
up the beach goes out / retreats
the time when the sea reaches its
low tide • at low tide
lowest level
• a(n) impressive, magnificent,
water dropping from a higher to a
spectacular waterfall
a waterfall lower level, sometimes from a
great height • a waterfall cascades down / pours
down / tumbles down the mountainside
• a white-capped / white-topped /
breaking / tidal wave
a raised line of water moving
a wave • a wave rises / breaks on the shore / laps
across the surface
at the shore / washes over the sand /
crashes against the rocks

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2. Water and land. Part 2 35

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• a(n) irrigation / ship canal

a long, thin stretch of water that is
a canal / • along / on a canal
artificially made, usually for boats
a channel
to travel along • a river / water / shipping channel
• the English Channel
• a thin / broad estuary
a wide part of the river at the
an estuary • an estuary widens into the sea
place where it joins the sea
• the Thames estuary
• a sheltered / wide / sandy bay
a part of the coast where the land
• to overlook the bay
a bay / a gulf curves in so the sea is surrounded
• across the bay
by land on three sides
• the Gulf of Mexico
• to go through / pass through / enter the
a narrow area of sea which
straits Straits of Gibraltar
connects two larger areas of sea
• to swim across the strait
an area of sea water separated • a coastal / sandy / saltwater / turquoise
a lagoon
from the sea by a reef lagoon
a line of corals, rocks and sand • a(n) unspoilt / shallow / tropical coral
a coral reef which separates a lagoon from the reef
sea • to explore / go diving on a coral reef
• in the archipelago
an archipelago a group of small islands
• the Indonesian archipelago
a ring-shaped island formed of
an atoll • a(n) oceanic / white sand atoll
coral which surrounds a lagoon
• flat / low-lying / hilly / coastal / forest /
the surface of the earth which is meadow land
not covered with water • to reach a place by land
• to live on land
a mountain a group of mountains with a • a high / long mountain range
range particular name • the Alps mountain range
• a distant / far horizon
the line where the sky seems to
the horizon • above / below the horizon
touch the land or the sea
• beyond / on / over the horizon
• to walk along the glacier
a glacier a slowly moving large mass of ice
• on the south / north face of the glacier
a very large piece of land sticking • a cape pushes out into the sea
a cape
out into the sea • Cape Canaveral

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3. Water and land. Part 3 36

Listen and repeat the expressions.

the main part of a country or • to be joined to the mainland by a

the mainland continent, excluding islands causeway
around it • mainland Britain
a long piece of land that sticks out
• a narrow / long peninsula
a peninsula from a larger area of land into the
• the Korean peninsula
sea or into a lake
• a grassy / coastal / vast / open /
a plain a large area of flat land unbroken / flat plain
• across the plains
• in / on the uplands
uplands high areas of land
• the southern Uplands
flat areas of land not higher than • to flood / swamp the lowlands
sea level • in / on the lowlands
• in the highlands
highlands a mountainous area of a country
• the Scottish Highlands
• a towering / sheer / steep / coastal cliff
• a cliff falls (away), rises (up)
a high coastal area of rock with a
a cliff
very steep side • on a cliff
• the base / bottom / edge / foot / top of
the cliff
• a golden / sandy / rocky / barren /
deserted / sheltered / distant shore
• the other / opposite shore
the land along the edge of a sea, • to approach / reach / leave the shore
a shore
lake or wide river • to be found on / to be washed up on the
• close to / near the shore
• to / towards the shore
• a(n) barren / bleak / desolate / open /
an open area of hills covered with
a moor wild moor
rough grass
• on / over the moors
a swamp very wet, soft land • a(n) extensive / smelly swamp
a very large area of land where
• an open tundra
a tundra trees do not grow because the
• an Arctic / Antarctic tundra
ground is permanently frozen
• a cold / subtropical steppe
a large area of land with grass but
a steppe • the Great Steppe; the Rocky Mountains
no trees
a wide open area of fairly flat land
• a rolling / wide prairie
a prairie in North America which is
covered with grass or wheat • a(n) American / Nebraska prairie

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4. Water and land – Test yourself 37

Change the given sentences using the appropriate expressions. Listen to the example first.

Ben is digging a deep lake in the ground behind his house to get water.

No, he is digging a deep well to get water.

1. The English countryside is filled with small babbling seas.

No, the English countryside is filled with small babbling brooks.

2. It was raining cats and dogs the other night and now the pavement is dotted with waterfalls.

No, the pavement is dotted with puddles now.

3. Yorkshire is located in the woods and has plenty of open uncultivated uplands.

No, Yorkshire is located on the moors.

4. There are a lot of picturesque islands in the Cape of Mexico.

No, there are a lot of picturesque islands in the Gulf of Mexico.

5. The Atlantic Ocean is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by the Plains of Gibraltar.

No, the Atlantic Ocean is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by the Straits of Gibraltar.

6. Hiti in French Polynesia is the permanently uninhabited reef of the group of islands.

No, Hiti is the permanently uninhabited atoll.

7. Global warming is causing mountains to melt.

No, global warming is causing glaciers to melt.

8. This whole beach is usually flooded with sea water at low tide.

No, this whole beach is usually flooded with sea water at high tide

9. The sea water entering a peninsula is diluted by the fresh water flowing from rivers and

No, the sea water entering an estuary is diluted by the fresh water flowing from rivers and
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5. Locations 38

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

situated in… / located

The Siberian Tundra is situated in the northeastern part of Russia.
in… / set in…
My house is located in Melbourne’s suburbs so I need quite a while to
in the suburbs
get to the city centre.
We decided to buy a house on the outskirts to move further away from
on the outskirts
the city noise.
in the heart of… /
My favourite restaurant is in the heart of the old town.
in the centre of…
Tony’s barber shop is close to the railway station so he has a lot of
close to…
clients every day.
Anna’s boarding school is far away from her hometown so she doesn’t
far away from…
visit her family very often.

approximately It takes approximately 5 hours to cycle to Boston from your place.

offshore Gilbert works on an offshore drilling rig.

within easy reach of… /

Why are you taking the car? Her house is within walking distance!
within walking distance
a stone’s throw
The Sea Life Aquarium is just a stone's throw from the sea itself.

half-an-hour’s walk We booked a room half-an-hour’s walk from Tokyo Disneyland.

mid-way between… I’m going to meet him mid-way between Gettysburg and Lancaster.

near the mouth of the

They sell fresh oysters near the mouth of the river.
on the bank of the
We had our lunch on the bank of the Sumida river.

on the slopes I love skiing and the thrill of being on the slopes.

Their restaurant is located at the foot of Fuji from where you can enjoy
at the foot of…
the breathtaking view of the mountain.
After many hours, we’ve finally reached a shelter at the top of the
at the top of…

to lie on… Tim’s flying to Bermuda and he’s planning to lie on the beach all day.

The Andes stretch for 7,250 km along the west coast of South
to stretch

to extend The River Nile extends as far south as Lake Victoria.

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to cover the area Smelly swamps cover much of the area along the Amazon River.

to include This travel guide includes a map of all the best cocktail bars in the city!

to wind through… The cycling route winds through the narrow streets of Riomaggiore.

to separate (something
The Pyrenees separate France from Spain.
from something)

to surround A beautiful coral reef surrounds the Gili Islands.

to lead to… This marking will lead us to the trekking finish line.

to border something Poland borders seven countries.

6. Locations – Test yourself 39

Answer the questions.

1. Is the Eiffel Tower situated in the heart or in the suburbs of Paris?

It is situated in the heart of Paris.

2. When you go skiing, are you on the bank or on the slopes?

I’m on the slopes.

3. Is the Empire State Building Observatory located at the foot or at the top of the building?

It is located at the top.

4. Is the London Eye within walking distance of Big Ben or far from it?

It is within walking distance of Big Ben.

5. Is Crete surrounded by land or water?

It is surrounded by water.

6. Does the Outback region border or extend from the northern to southern Australian

The Outback is the vast, remote interior of Australia and it extends from the northern to
southern Australian coastlines.

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7. Does the Mississippi River wind through or cover the United States?

The Mississippi River winds through the United States.

8. Does the Sahara lie or stretch from the Red Sea in the east and the Mediterranean in the
north to the Atlantic Ocean in the west?

The Great Desert stretches from the Red Sea in the east and the Mediterranean in the north to
the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

7. Geography – Test yourself 40


A. Where are Niagara Falls located?

B. Niagara Falls are situated on the River Niagara, on the border between Canada and the USA.

A. What do the Ural mountains separate?

B. The Ural mountains separate Europe from Asia.

A. Do the tropical forests in Queensland, Australia border anything?

B. The tropical forests in Queensland, Australia border the Great Barrier Reef.

A. What river winds through Central Europe?

B. The River Danube winds through Central Europe.

A. What covers most of North Africa?

B. Sahara, the hottest desert in the world, covers most of North Africa.

A. What does Amazonia extend in?

B. Amazonia extends in the basin of the River Amazon.

A. Where do the Bermudas lie?

B. The Bermudas lie off the east coast of North America.

Now answer the questions yourself.

8. The geography of Great Britain 41

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Great Britain is an island situated in the north-west of Europe.

It’s a part of the British Isles with all of Ireland and smaller offshore islands.
Britain includes the countries of England, Wales and Scotland.
The country covers an area of 244,820 square kilometres.

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It is surrounded by the North Sea in the east and the Irish Sea in the west.
The English Channel separates the island from the mainland of Europe.
Britain’s coasts have sandy beaches, steep cliffs and wild rocky shores.
Scotland is famous for its heather moors.
Wales is bordered by the estuary of the River Dee in the north-east.
Southern Britain is mainly lowlands.
London lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city.
In the north of England, Scotland and Wales there are highlands and mountains.
The main mountain ranges are the Cambrian Mountains and the Pennines.
The highest peak, Ben Nevis, is 1343 metres above sea level.
The lowest point, the Fenlands, is 4 metres below sea level.

9. Maps 42
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

to read the map Maria couldn’t read the map properly so we got totally lost in the forest.
due east of… /
Japan lies to the east of China.
to the east of…
a globe I’m sure the Olympic games will be watched around the globe.

the equator Did you know that Indonesia lies on the equator?

latitude Madrid and New York City are on nearly the same latitude.

longitude Dublin is at longitude 6° west. / The longitude of Dublin is 6° west.

a hemisphere Have you ever been to the countries located in the southern hemisphere?

The university research station is oriented along an axis at 57 degrees

a meridian
to the meridian.
The prime meridian is a line of longitude that is defined as zero,
the prime meridian
following Greenwich Mean Time.
a parallel Cambridge lies near the 52nd parallel.

Most weather satellites travel over the poles – the North Pole and the
a pole
South Pole.
a tropic There are two imaginary lines around the earth called tropics.

The most northerly circle of latitude on Earth is called the Tropic of

the Tropic of Cancer

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the Tropic of The southernmost circle of latitude on Earth is called the Tropic of
Capricorn Capricorn.

above sea level We climbed over 5000 feet above sea level, feeling absolute exhaustion.

below sea level About one third of the Netherlands lies below sea level.

10. Maps – Test yourself 43

Finish the sentences.

1. The most northern and most southern ends of the Earth are called… (poles).
2. The line at an equal distance from the North and South Pole is called … (the equator).
3. The half of the Earth north of the equator is called … (the northern hemisphere).
4. The world in other words is … (the globe).
5. If something lies lower than the sea it is … (below sea level).
6. One of the imaginary lines around the earth always the same distance from the equator is
called… (a parallel).
7. A position north or south of the equator measured from 0° to 90° is… (a latitude).
8. The most northerly circle of latitude on Earth is called… (the Tropic of Cancer).
9. The line of longitude defined as zero is … (the prime meridian).
10. When you use a map to navigate you need to know how to … (read it / read the map).

11. Expressing impressions 44

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then answer the questions using the given expressions. In
each example, you will hear another possible answer.

relaxing making you feel relaxed, reducing tension

1. Do you like watching sunsets on the beach?

Yes, I consider it very relaxing.

impressive causing admiration because something is very good, large, skilful, etc.

2. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon?

Yes, the view was really impressive.

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eye-catching immediately noticeable, striking

3. Did you notice Nelson’s Column in the middle of Trafalgar Square?

Yes, it was truly eye-catching.

disappointing not as good as you hoped or expected

4. Was Stonehenge as impressive as you expected?

Well, I found it a bit disappointing

to strike to cause someone to have a particular impression

5. Did you like Mount Rushmore?

To tell the truth, it struck me as a bit strange.

bewildering confusing, especially because there are too many choices

6. How did you find Hong Kong?

Its variety was really bewildering.

awe-inspiring extremely impressive and making you feel great respect

7. Have you been to the top of the Eiffel Tower?

Yes, the view of Paris was absolutely awe-inspiring.

thrilling causing excitement and pleasure

8. Did you get a chance to see the ruins of the Colosseum?

Certainly, it was a thrilling sight.

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depressing making you feel very sad

9. Have you ever seen the concentration camp in Auschwitz?

No, but I’ve heard it’s a very depressing experience.

stunning very surprising or shocking, staggering

10. Would you like to see the Niagara Falls?

Yes, I know that the view is stunning.

breathtaking very impressive, exciting or surprising

11. Have you ever been diving along the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, believe me, its beauty is breathtaking.

moving making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy

12. Did you visit the tombs of the Polish kings in Wawel Castle?

Yes, it was very moving.

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5. Buildings
1. Accommodation 45

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a tower block a very tall building divided into offices or apartments

a block of flats a large building divided into apartments

a housing estate an area with many closely built houses or apartments

a skyscraper a very tall modern building located in the city

an expensive apartment located at the very top of a hotel or a tall

a penthouse

an office block a building divided into offices

a detached house a house not joined to another at any side

a semi-detached house a house joined to another only on one side

a terraced house a house joined to other houses on either side by shared walls

a mansion a very large and expensive house

a large house that is the official home of the royal family or some other
a palace
person of high social rank
a large strong building, built in the past to protect the people inside
a castle
from attack

a bungalow a one-storey house

a cottage / a cabin a small house in the countryside

a farmhouse a place on a farm where a farmer lives

a shed a small wooden building used especially for storing things

a flat a set of rooms in a block of flats

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a council flat a flat that is owned by the local council and rented to people cheaply

a studio flat / a bedsit a one-room apartment with a kitchen and a bathroom

an extension a new part added to a house or a building

2. Accommodation – Test yourself 46

Finish the sentences.

1. My company office is located in New York’s most modern… (office block).

2. Carl’s father keeps all his tools in the… (shed).
3. Hollywood has plenty of streets where the rich and famous live in their… (mansions).
4. Joan’s favourite restaurant is on the 68th floor of a modern… (skyscraper).
5. My parents live in the countryside in an idyllic… (cottage).
6. Jen only needs a bed and a place to cook, so she chose to rent a… (bedsit / studio flat).
7. Abigail’s house doesn’t have a second floor. It’s a… (bungalow).
8. There was a huge demonstration happening yesterday in front of the presidential… (palace).
9. Jimmy won a lot of money in Las Vegas so now he’s staying in the Hilton’s most expensive
… (penthouse).
10. Even though there are a lot of houses built close together, we really like living on a…
(housing estate).

3. On the building site 47

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

to lay the foundations The city council decided to lay the foundations for a new skyscraper.

to put up Have you seen the new office block being put up in the city?

With the arrival of the baby, they decided to extend their house with
to extend
one more room.

to construct They are constructing a new bridge in China.

Our government plans to erect memorials to remind people of the

to erect
momentous events from the last war.

to put in I’m so excited as I’ve just had my new kitchen put in!

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to rebuild The palace was completely rebuilt after being destroyed by the fire.

to support Strong wooden pillars support the chapel’s dome.

to pull down They’ve pulled down the old farmhouse as it was about to collapse.

to lie in ruins After the tsunami, the entire city lay in ruins.

We tried to get inside the abandoned mansion but the windows were
to brick up
completely bricked up.

to fence in We needed to fence in our house as there were too many trespassers.

As the demand for wood used for building or making things is growing
timber / wood
steadily, this entire forest is grown for timber.

a brick Karen didn’t want to paint this wall as it is made out of red bricks.

Some parts of Harlaxton Manor in England are made of light grey

It’s high time you did some renovations as the plaster on the walls is

glass I don’t care about privacy! My bathroom walls are made of glass!

stainless steel A good sushi chef needs to have stainless steel knives.

Fix the glass into the window frames with a putty. When it dries, it will
a putty
be very firm.

concrete Are the pavements in Singapore made of concrete?

cement Andy poured too much cement in the hole he dug under the henhouse.

If you need more concrete to finish the garage, you will have to hire a
a cement mixer
cement mixer for a couple of days.
To lay the foundations, they needed to dig the ground with five
an excavator
Our company was granted planning permission to build the new
planning permission
department store.
Nina’s father is a certified building inspector, and now he’s
a building inspector
supervising the building of our new office block.

construction He has been working in construction since 1998.

When Adam was working on the outside of the building, he fell from
the scaffolding, badly damaging his spine.

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4. Furniture and fittings. Part 1 48

Listen and repeat the expressions.

structures below the surface which support

the foundations • to dig / lay the foundations
a building
a communication device which helps
an intercom • to speak on / over an intercom
people in a building speak to each other
a level area at the top of a staircase or • a first-floor / second-floor
a landing
between one flight of stairs and another landing
a covered structure located in the front of • a(n) entrance / church / back /
a porch
the entrance to a building front porch
• a(n) steep / curving / spiral /
a staircase a set of stairs located inside a building
main / outside / back staircase
a paved or brick area outside a house, • a paved / covered / shaded /
a terrace
where people sit sunny terrace
a part of a large building that sticks out • a north / south wing; a private
a wing
from the main part wing
a room or space under the roof of a • to keep children’s old toys in
a loft
building, usually used for storing things in the loft
a loft a loft that has been changed into a living
• to do a loft conversion
conversion space

a wall unit furnishing taking up the whole wall space • a wall unit in the living room

a three-piece a set of two chairs and a sofa that match

• a leather three-piece suite
suite each other

a bookcase furniture with shelves to put books on • a glass-fronted bookcase

a bookshelf a part of a bookcase to hold books • a bookshelf filled with books

a piece of furniture with a glass door,
a glass-fronted • to be on display in a glass-
usually used for storing or displaying
cabinet fronted cabinet
an item of furniture in which different
a drinks cabinet • a well-stocked drinks cabinet
kinds of alcohol are kept
a soft piece of furniture with no back or
a pouffe (pouf) • to sit on the pouffe (pouf)
sides on which you can sit or rest your feet
a seat without any support for arms or • a three-legged / kitchen / piano
a stool
back, often used in the kitchen or in a bar stool
a high seat without any support for arms or
a footstool • a bar footstool
back, but with a special support for feet
a chair mounted on rockers or springs
a rocking chair • to rock in a rocking chair
which rocks back and forth
a piece of furniture on which two or more • to lie (down) on / sink into /
a couch
people can sit stretch (out) on a couch
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a bag made of cloth filled with soft

a cushion material which you put on a seat to make it • a plump / soft / sofa cushion
more comfortable
a cover for a window made out of thin, • to fix / raise / pull down
venetian blinds
horizontal strips venetian blinds

5. Furniture and fittings. Part 2 49

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a container for water, used for immersing

a bath • a bubble bath
and washing the body
a piece of bathroom furniture where you
a washbasin • an extra washbasin
wash your hands, face, teeth, etc.
a small bath in which you wash your lower
a bidet • a portable bidet
• a(n) original / permanent
a fixture a permanently fixed piece of furniture
fixture; fixtures and fittings
a shower • a separate / fully tiled shower
an enclosure for a shower in a bathroom
cubicle cubicle
a device through which water flow can be • a hot-water / cold-water /
a tap
controlled mixer / dripping / running tap

a toilet bowl a bowl-shaped part of the toilet • to keep a toilet bowl clean

a laundry a container that you put your dirty laundry • to put your laundry in a
basket in laundry basket
a piece of furniture consisting of two beds,
a bunk bed • a wood-frame bunk bed
one above the other, which form a unit

a dressing table a bedroom table with a mirror and drawers • a Georgian dressing table

a short pin used for securing something in

a peg • a steel / wooden / tent peg
place or hanging things on
a framework, typically with rails, bars,
a coat rack • to fit a coat rack
hooks or pegs for holding or storing coats
a piece of thick material placed by the door
• a front doormat; to wipe your
a doormat that you clean your shoes on when you
feet on a doormat
enter a building
a small hole in the door through which you
a peephole • to look through a peephole
can look
an umbrella • a wicker / metal umbrella
a place where you keep your umbrellas
stand stand
a system which keeps the air in a building
air-conditioning • to install air-conditioning
to put furniture and decorations in a
to arrange • to arrange a room
particular order in a building

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to assemble to make furniture by joining separate parts • to assemble a bookcase

to make an apartment or building more
to do up / to attractive by painting it, putting in new • to completely do up a house;
redo furniture, etc. to redecorate a room or a to comfortably redo a flat
to equip (with • to equip a suite with a
to provide a place with necessary objects
sth) bathroom and a small kitchen

to fit to install or fix something into a place • to fit an alarm to a house

to supply a room, house, etc. with furniture • to furnish a house with the
to furnish
and furnishings latest technology
to hang • to hang wallpaper in each
to put decorative paper on the walls
wallpaper room
to change something so that it can be used • to convert a building into
to convert
for a different purpose or in a different way apartments
to put furniture or a piece of equipment
to install • to install a new shower
into position and make it ready to use
the top ridge of a roof which is covered by • a sloping / steep / flat tiled
a tiled roof
special tiles roof

a thatched roof a roof covered with straw • an old thatched roof

6. Furniture and fittings – Test yourself 50

Paraphrase the sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. I was exhausted after work, so I lit some candles and relaxed in my big tub.

I was exhausted after work, so I lit some candles and relaxed in my big bath.

2. You can access the second floor of the house by a flight of stairs.

You can access the second floor of the house by a staircase.

3. Most houses in the south of the USA have comfortable, wooden verandas.

Most houses in the south of the USA have comfortable, wooden porches.

4. The sociolinguistics books are kept in one of the library’s biggest cabinets.

The sociolinguistics books are kept in one of the library’s biggest bookcases.

5. His Golden Retriever always sleeps on my sofa!

His Golden Retriever always sleeps on my couch!
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6. I looked through the eyehole and saw a masked man standing in front of my door!

I looked through the peephole and saw a masked man standing in front of my door!

7. Ikea furniture is supposed to be easy to join together but I just can't get my head around it!

Ikea furniture is supposed to be easy to assemble but I just can't get my head around it!

8. Before we put up our house for sale, we need to do it up.

Before we put up our house for sale, we need to redo it.

9. The thieves tried to break into Alex’s house but it was heavily armed with alarm devices.

The thieves tried to break into Alex’s house but it was heavily equipped with alarm devices.

10. It is so hot in here! Could you please turn the AC on!

It is so hot in here! Could you please turn the air-conditioning on!

7. Houses in Britain 51

Listen and repeat the sentences.

In Britain many people live in the suburbs on the edge of a city.

Some suburbs consist of new housing estates, others were once villages.
Most houses are built of brick with a tiled roof.
The most expensive house is a detached house with a garden all around it.
Semi-detached houses are joined to each other along one side.
Terraced houses date from Victorian times.
They are joined together in a row and most of them now have extensions.
Cottages are small, very old houses in the country with thatched roofs.
Bungalows have only one storey and are popular with older people.
Young people choose to live in rented accommodation.
High-rise blocks of flats were built in the middle of the 20th century.
To overcome the problem of lack of space, some people have a loft conversion.

8. Dealing with property 52

Listen and repeat the expressions.

an estate agency / an estate a person or business that arranges the selling, renting, or
agent management of properties and other buildings
the first amount of money you pay when you buy something
to make a down payment
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a document in which the mortgagor transfers an interest in real

a mortgage deed
estate to a mortgagee to provide a mortgage loan
to apply for money from a bank when you wish to buy a house or
to apply for a home loan
an apartment

a landlord / a landlady a person you rent a house, apartment or room from

a tenant someone who pays rent to live in a house, apartment or room

to move house to go to a different place to live

a lodging house a house with rooms that are rented to people

to sign a rental contract to sign a contract between the owner of a property and a renter

a plot a small, measured piece of land for building or growing things on

to lease to make a legal agreement for using land, a building, etc.

to put a house up for sale to advertise a house on the market so people can buy it

9. Making suggestions 53

Now make suggestions or recommendations using the suggested expressions. In each example,
you will hear another possible answer.

1. I’d like to purchase a flat near the place I work.

I think you
… should…
I think you should find a good estate agency.

2. I need to be sure no one else will rent this flat.

… How about…?
How about making a down payment on it?

3. I’m not sure if he is the only owner of this mansion.

… If I were you…
If I were you I would ask about the mortgage deed.

4. We desperately need a place of our own but we have very

little money. Have you
… considered…?
Have you considered applying for a home loan?

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5. I need another set of keys for my flatmate.

… Why don’t you…?
Why don’t you ask your landlord for a set?

6. I have a free room and I want to let it to somebody.

… You ought to…
You ought to start looking for tenants.

7. I can’t stand my noisy neighbours any more.

You might want

You might want to think about moving house.

8. Sue has inherited a huge house and doesn’t know what to do with it. Has she thought
… of…?
Has she thought of turning it into a lodging house?

9. I need to be sure my tenants will pay their rent regularly.

… You had better…
You had better make them sign a rental contract.

10. My biggest dream is to have a little house with a garden.

… I think you
I think you could buy a plot for a start. could…

11. I need a place for my workshop somewhere in the city centre.

… What about…?
What about leasing it from the council?

12. I need to sell the house but the prices of property are still rising. I don’t
… recommend…
I don’t recommend putting it up for sale too soon.

10. Binominals. Different idiomatic expressions 54

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

This old house has gone to rack and

to go to rack and ruin to get ruined, decayed
The room we rented was rather
to be rough and ready of poor standard
rough and ready
They offered a wide selection so we
to pick and choose to have a wide choice
could pick and choose.

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We moved to the country to find

peace and quiet calm
peace and quiet.
I saw some huts scattered here and
here and there scattered round
I have two homes so I travel back
back and forth to and from somewhere
and forth.
When he lost his job he was a down
down and out without a home or money
and out.
She looked good so all the men eyed
up and down in both directions
her up and down.

11. Binominals. Different idiomatic expressions – Test yourself 55

Paraphrase the sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. There were houses scattered around.

There were houses scattered here and there.

2. He used to travel to and from the town.

He used to travel back and forth.

3. The flat was of poor standard.

The flat was rough and ready.

4. He didn’t have a wide choice.

He couldn’t pick and choose.

5. He was without a home or money.

He was a down and out.

6. The flat went into decay.

The flat went to rack and ruin.

7. He was walking in both directions.

He was walking up and down.

8. We moved to the country to find peacefulness.

We moved to the country to find peace and quiet.

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6. Objects
1. Parts and components. Part 1 56

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a circular object used to make • the front / back / rear wheel

a wheel
machines or vehicles move • a bicycle / car wheel
a leather seat used on a horse, a
a saddle • in the saddle
bicycle, a motorcycle
a bar at the front of a bicycle or a
handlebars motorcycle that a rider holds to • to turn the handlebars
balance and turn
a length of connected metal rings
a chain • a bicycle chain, a gold chain
used for fastening, supporting
a device controlling the flow of air or • a fuel valve, a water valve, a safety
a valve
liquid from one place to another valve
a wheel in a vehicle that the driver • to hold / turn the steering wheel
a steering wheel
uses to go in the right direction • to lose control of the steering wheel
the metal lid over the front of a car
a bonnet • check under the bonnet
where the engine is
a covered space at the back of the
a boot • in the boot
car, used for storage
a metal lever that a driver uses to • an automatic gear stick
a gear stick
change gears • to grab the gear stick
• to drop / put your foot on / release /
the pedal in a vehicle that a driver
take your foot off the clutch
a clutch presses in order to change gear or the
• to let the clutch in / out
part of the vehicle that this controls
• to press the clutch
• to depress / hit / press / put your foot
the pedal in a vehicle that a driver
an accelerator (down) on / step on / take your foot
pushes to go faster
off the accelerator
• to hit / put your foot on / put on /
the pedal in a vehicle that a driver slam on the brake
a brake
pushes to slow down or stop • to keep your foot on / let off / release
/ take your foot off the brake
an object used to connect a piece of • a three-pin / two-pin plug
a plug
equipment to a supply of energy • to pull out / take out / fit / wire a plug
a device on a piece of electrical
a socket equipment into which you can put a • a(n) electric / mains / power socket
bulb or plug

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a piece of thin metal thread, used for • an electric / electrical wire

a wire
carrying electrical currents or signals • a telephone / fuse / bare wire
• a(n) steel / metal / iron / wooden
a rod a long, thin pole or bar
rod; a fishing rod
• the face of a clock, the face of
a face the front or surface of something
a mountain
long thin pieces of metal that point at
hands • to move the hour hand forward
the numbers on a clock
• a carrying / safety strap
a strap a strong material used for fastening • a bra / watch strap
• a chest / shoulder / waist strap
a piece of metal at one end of a belt
• to do up / fasten / undo / unfasten
a buckle or a strap, used for fastening the two
a buckle
ends together

2. Parts and components. Part 2 57

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a device used for keeping the gate or

a latch • to lift a latch
the door closed

a knob a round handle • to turn / twiddle a knob

a piece of metal that fastens the edge
a hinge of a door, window, etc. to something • to attach hinges
else and enables it to open or close
a plastic, metal or wooden border
a frame • a door / window frame
surrounding windows or doors
a long and narrow hole for • to put a coin in the slot,
a slot
something to be inserted • to fit something into a slot
a piece of material fixed along one
• a small / hinged / loose flap
a flap edge, used for covering or closing
• a tent / pocket flap
• a box / case / coffin / dustbin / piano
a lid a cover of a container
/ saucepan lid
the part by which a thing is held,
a handle • a door / knife / fork handle
carried or controlled
a small pipe on the side of a
a spout container through which you pour • a carton / jug / kettle spout
liquid out
• a cup / bowl brim
a brim the very top edge of a container • to be filled to the brim
• to fill something to the brim
the circular or curved outer edge of
a rim • the rim of a glass

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• the top / bottom / lower edge of sth

the outer or furthest point of
an edge
something • the inner / inside / outer / outside
edge of sth
a base the bottom part of an object • a firm / solid / strong base

something that is put on the top of • a protective / removable / dust cover

something else • a cushion / mattress / seat cover
a cover
also the outer front or back part of a • a front / back cover; a cover photo /
magazine, book etc. picture
a spiral of thin wire that can be
a spring pressed or pulled but returns to its • a broken spring
former shape when released
a continuous series of circular rings
a coil • a coil of rope / wire
into which wire has been twisted

a plate a hard and flat piece of something • a licence / number plate

a long, thin, straight piece of metal or • bars across the windows
a bar
wood • behind bars
a hole an empty space in an object • a deep / massive / tiny / circular hole

a short pin used for securing some-

a peg • a steel / wooden peg
thing in place or hanging things on

a tent peg a firm metal pin used to secure a tent • to push a tent peg into the ground

a wooden or plastic pin used for • to fasten something with a clothes

a clothes peg
fastening wet clothes to a clothesline peg

3. Parts and components – Test yourself 58

Finish the sentences.

1. Something which shuts off the flow from the boiler when the water is hot enough is called a…
2. If you want to store your things at the back of your car, you put them in a… (boot).
3. If you want to change gears in a car, you need to press the… (clutch).
4. If you wish to charge your laptop, plug the charger into an electrical… (socket).
5. If you want to go fishing, you need to use a fishing… (rod).
6. The metal part of a belt you use to fasten it tightly is called a… (buckle).
7. The water he brought in the kettle was so hot that the steam was hissing from the… (spout).
8. When a glass of Martini has sugar on its edge, the sugar is on the… (rim).
9. If you pour the cream to the very edge of the cup, it reaches the…(brim).
10. To protect the house from a burglary, all the downstairs windows have metal… (bars).

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4. What things do 59

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

the Earth rotates The Earth rotates around its own axis.

wheels spin The wheel was spinning so fast that I couldn’t see the spokes.

a door slides Jimmy installed a special rail and now the door slides impeccably.

a storm subsides We should wait inside until the storm has subsided.

colours fade After some time colours undergo chemical oxidation and fade.

an alarm clock goes

My alarm clock didn’t go off and I was late for work!

blood congeals The blood had congealed in some thick black clots.

water evaporates Adam left the container in direct sunlight and all the water evaporated.

liquids freeze When the lake freezes, we can go skating.

a river meanders The Vistula river meanders through Poland.

rubber bends Alison tore the rubber as she bent it really hard.

a cake rises We sat in front of the oven, watching the cake rising.

a jelly wobbles This jelly cake wobbles when you shake it.

leaves fall It’s late autumn and all of the leaves have already fallen.

leaves turn red Autumn in Japan is stunning as the maple leaves turn red.

leaves rustle The leaves rustled underneath our feet as we strolled across the park.

a tide comes in When the tide comes in, the water seems to rise.

metal rusts If you do not coat it properly, the metal railing will rust.

a wall cracks After some years, the walls in John’s apartment started cracking.

a ceiling leaks The storm was so heavy that the ceiling started leaking.

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Adam threw the ball so hard that it bounced back and smashed the
a ball bounces

a pendulum swings The pendulum in the grandfather clock swung back and forth.

a string vibrates The guitar strings vibrated as Francisco played flamenco.

a feather floats on
The swan plucked its feathers and they floated on the water.

juice spills Martha dropped the bottle and the juice spilt all over the kitchen floor.

ice melts Due to global warming, the ice caps started melting.

snow thaws The sun came out and thawed the snow.

a mechanism falls The gramophone mechanism fell apart and I cannot listen to records
apart anymore!

a fire spreads The fire spread and burnt 70% of our forests.

water splashes Mary jumped into the pool and the water splashed all over her towel.

5. Noises things make 60

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

to clatter The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.

to bang He banged his fist on the table.

to creak The floorboards creaked as he walked.

to jingle His car keys jingled in his pocket.

to rattle The wind was rattling the windows.

to rumble They could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.

to rustle Fallen leaves rustled at his feet as he walked.

to squeak There was a knock and the door squeaked open.

to screech The tyres screeched as the car accelerated.

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to wail The ambulance overtook us with sirens wailing.

to tick The old clock was ticking rhythmically.

to buzz I couldn’t stand the TV buzzing all day long.

to chime The clock on the wall chimed ten.

to slam He slammed the door as he left.

to slap She raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

to whistle Bullets were whistling above our heads.

to thud The waves were thudding against the side of our ship.

to sizzle A piece of bacon was sizzling on a frying pan.

to plop A frog plopped back into the pond.

to pop At midnight we could hear champagne corks popping.

to click The little boy clicked his fingers.

to drip The dripping tap kept us awake all night.

to patter I listened to the raindrops pattering on my windowsill.

6. Shapes 61

Listen and repeat the expressions.

circular / round something shaped like a circle

semi-circular something shaped like half a circle

something shaped like a square, having four straight equal sides and
90° angles at the corners
something shaped like a rectangle, having four straight sides, two of
rectangular which are usually longer than the other two, and four 90° angles at the
something shaped like a triangle, having three straight sides and three

diamond-shaped something shaped like a diamond

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heart-shaped something shaped like a heart

pyramid-shaped something shaped like a pyramid

cylindrical something having the shape of a cylinder

slanting down sloping downwards

steep rising or falling at a sharp angle

oblong rectangular

oval something shaped like an egg or an ellipse

spherical something round, like a ball

spiral something shaped in a series of curves

concave something curved inwards

convex something curved or swelling out

a curved shape that is wider in the middle and has two narrow pointed
a crescent

pointed something that has a sharp and thin end

vertical something pointing straight up

horizontal something parallel to the ground

sharp something with an edge that can cut something else

crooked something which has many bends

wavy something with a series of curves

something using the principles of aerodynamics to achieve high speed

or low use of petrol

three dimensional having height, weight and length and therefore appearing real

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7. Objects – Test yourself 62

Change the given sentences using the appropriate verbs. Listen to the example first.

The wheel in my bike flows.

No, the wheel spins.

1. After a couple of hours the storm finally moved.

No, the storm subsided.

2. When my blood becomes thicker, it stops.

No, the blood congeals.

3. If a river follows a winding course, it retraces.

No, the river meanders.

4. The great pendulum rotates on the axis.

No, the pendulum swings.

5. If something has three sides and three corners, it is rectangular.

No, it is triangular.

6. If an object has unequal adjacent sides, it is square.

No, it is oblong.

7. The Earth has a circular shape.

No, it is spherical.

8. If something is bent or twisted out of shape, it is flat.

No, it is crooked.

9. In some phases, the moon takes a curved sickle shape and it is full.

No, it is crescent then.

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8. Problems with objects 63

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then listen to the descriptions of the problems and make
complaints repeating the sentences.

blunt These scissors are completely blunt. Can you do something about it?

stale The loaf of bread I just bought here is stale. That’s unacceptable.

All these grapes and cherries are squashed. I’d like to bring
something to your attention.
I have a problem that demands your immediate attention. One of
the shelves has split in two.

chipped This saucer is chipped. Can I have it replaced?

ripped I’m dissatisfied with the sofa. It got ripped after a week.

scratched I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. The top of this glass table is scratched.

cracked Two of these glasses are cracked. I want a full refund.

rotten These potatoes are rotten. I want my money back.

rusty All these pipes are rusty. What are you going to do about it?

faulty The CD I bought here is faulty. I want it replaced immediately.

The passenger door is still badly dented. I must express my strong

dissatisfaction with your work.

9. Problems with objects – Test yourself 64

Answer the questions. In each example, you’ll hear another possible answer.

1. Why couldn’t you cut the beef for dinner?

Because the knife was completely blunt.

2. Why do you want me to cover the cake?

Otherwise, it will go stale very quickly.

3. Do you know what happens if you put all these tomatoes in this small bowl?

No, do you think some may get squashed?
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4. What happened to your dress? It’s torn at the back.

Yes, I ripped it while getting off my bike.

5. Can you see this mark on the vase? I thought it was brand-new.

Yes, it is but it must have got chipped on the way home.

6. What happened to your stylish sofa? It has some cuts all around.

It was my new cat that scratched it pretty badly.

7. Why do you want to redo your flat? It’s not so old anyway.

Yes, but the walls have already started to crack.

8. Why did you throw out all the tomatoes? I wanted to cook spaghetti.

Sorry, but they were all rotten already.

9. What happened to the rear door of your car?

Well, it got dented in the accident.

10. Have you seen the nails I had in my tool box? I’d like to hang a picture in the hall.

Have you forgotten? They all got rusty.

10. Comparison. Different idiomatic expressions 65

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

Judy is as brittle as glass so be

as brittle as glass fragile
careful with her.
calm at a time of difficulty or Only Paul stayed as cool as a
as cool as a cucumber
danger cucumber when panic broke out.
as different as chalk Those brothers are as different as
very different
and cheese chalk and cheese.

as easy as ABC very easy Horse-riding is as easy as ABC.

very fit, of excellent physical

as fit as a fiddle Agnes is slim and as fit as a fiddle.
He’s as firm as a rock and won’t
as firm as a rock resolute
change his mind.
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of a well-behaved child or an
as good as gold Her children are as good as gold.
orderly person

as light as a feather of very little weight Little Sue is as light as a feather.

as like as two peas in a very much alike in appearance These twins are like two peas in
pod or character a pod.
When it comes to cooking, James is
as quick as lightning very fast
as quick as lightning.

11. Comparison. Different idiomatic expressions – Test yourself 66

Finish the sentences.

1. When something is fragile it’s as brittle as…

It’s as brittle as glass.

2. If someone remains calm when in danger, he is as cool as…

He is as cool as a cucumber.

3. Sometimes siblings can be as different as…

Siblings can be as different as chalk and cheese.

4. I found horse-riding as easy as…

Horse-riding is as easy as ABC.

5. Somebody who enjoys an excellent physical condition is as fit as…

He is as fit as a fiddle.

6. If you are resolute, you are as firm as…

You are as firm as a rock.

7. A well-behaved child is as good as…

A child is as good as gold.

8. When a person weighs very little, she’s as light as…

She is as light as a feather.

9. If twins are very much alike, they are like…

The twins are like two peas in a pod.

10. If someone is very quick, we say he’s as quick as…

He is as quick as lightning.

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7. Politics and the Economy
1. Authorities. Part 1 67

Listen and repeat the expressions.

the vesting of the legislative, • based on separation of powers

the separation
executive and judiciary powers of • the principle of separation of
of powers
government in separate bodies powers
• the state / national / federal
the group of people in a country who
the legislature have the power to make and change
• the highest / supreme legislature
• the state legislature of California
• a(n) elected / representative /
consultative / general / legislative
a group of people gathered together
an assembly assembly
in one place for a common purpose
• a local / national / provincial /
regional / state assembly
• to become a member of / join a
a a group consisting of members of the
parliamentary club
parliamentary same political party in a legislative
• a parliamentary club chairman /
club assembly such as a parliament
• the Speaker of the House of
the presiding officer in a legislative
the Speaker assembly, especially the House of
Commons • the Speaker of the Texas House of
• a(n) government / judicial / official
a group of people entrusted by a / parliamentary / royal commission
a commission government or other official body • a(n) economic / election / electoral /
with authority to do something fact-finding / investigating /
investigative / planning commission
• a congressional / parliamentary
a parliamentary representative in deputy
a deputy
certain countries • a(n) opposition / right-wing /
socialist deputy
• to enact a law allowing unlimited
to enact a law to make something law

to raise taxes to increase taxes • to raise taxes on clothing

to adopt a • to adopt a federal / government /

to vote to accept a budget
budget national / state budget

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two chambers that some parliaments

an upper house are divided into, e.g. The House of • the upper / lower house of the
/ a lower house Lords and the House of Commons in Parliament
the UK
to make a decision about someone or
to vote upon • to vote upon a bill / an amendment
something by voting
• to bring forward/in / introduce /
propose / put forward / submit a bill
a draft of a proposed law presented • to force through / push through a bill
a bill
to parliament for discussion • to draft / amend / debate / approve /
pass / support / reject / throw out /
veto a bill
• to introduce / make / draft / propose /
put forward / suggest / withdraw an
a minor change or addition to a piece
an amendment • to accept /adopt / approve / pass /
of legislation
ratify / support / vote for / oppose /
reject an amendment
• be subject to an amendment

2. Authorities. Part 2 68

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• the executive and the judiciary are

the branch of a government
supposed to be separate
the executive responsible for putting decisions or
laws into effect • the balance of power between the
executive and the judiciary
• a(n) formal / ceremonial / official
head of state
the chief public representative of a
a head of state • to be formally appointed as the head
country, such as a president
of state
• a summit meeting of heads of state
• to elect / form the government
• to head / run / bring down /
the group of people with the destabilize / overthrow the
the government
authority to govern a country or state government
• a government comes to power /
takes office / falls / resigns
a senior official whose primary
a press • to act as / elect / elect sb (as) /
responsibility is to act as spokesperson
secretary replace (sb as) a press secretary
for the executive branch
• to appoint (sb) / appoint sb as /
nominate (sb) / nominate sb as the
the prime
the head of an elected government Prime Minister
• to elect (sb) / elect sb as / dismiss (sb
as) / to serve as the Prime Minister

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• a(n) inaugural / opening / closing /

final session
a session a meeting of an official body • a(n) open / public / closed session
• a(n) extraordinary / emergency / full
/ plenary session
• a presidential term
a fixed or limited period for which • a term of office
a term
something is intended to last • to be elected for a single four-year
a vote showing that a majority • to cast / get / gain / secure / win / be
a vote of
continues to support the policy of a given / lose / be refused a vote of
leader or governing body confidence
a vote showing that a majority does
a vote of no • to call for / pass / get / be given a
not support the policy of a leader or
confidence vote of no confidence
governing body
• to be appointed as
to be appointed to be assigned a job or position • to be appointed to the position / to
sth / to do sth
a civil servant a member of the civil service • a(n) elected / senior civil servant

3. Authorities – Test yourself 69

Finish the sentences.

1. The enactment of the budget is up to the state… (legislature).

2. Only 131 women were elected to the Parliament among 460… (deputies).
3. The government needed more money so they decided to raise… (taxes).
4. It became law so Parliament must have passed the… (bill).
5. They wanted to change the bill so they voted for the… (amendment).
6. Italy's new prime minister is expected to win his first vote of… (confidence).
7. The teachers’ general strike was commented on by the Government’s Press… (Secretary).
8. After working in the civil service for 15 years, he was appointed to the position of senior civil…
9. A resolution on disarmament was adopted by the Parliament during the extraordinary…
10. Due to a lack of quorum, they had to postpone the summit meeting of the East African
Community Heads of… (State).

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4. Elections 70

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

a candidate There are four candidates standing in the election.

a constituency Who represents our constituency in the parliamentary election?

The urban black vote had become a major goal of Truman's election
an election campaign
After winning the general election in 1987, a difficult combination of
a general election
events occurred.
The 58th President of the United States was elected in the Presidential
a presidential election
Election of 2016.
A nationwide referendum will be held to decide the issue of the
a referendum
country's accession to the European Union.
The majority of the members voted against the new legislation, which
a majority
is why it was vetoed.
The minority group holds the key to the result as their votes will be
a minority

a poll The latest opinion poll puts the Conservative Party in the lead.

a polling station I didn’t know where my polling station was so I didn’t vote.

a voter Tax cuts are usually popular with the voters.

to go to the polls On March 26, Californians go to the polls.

to elect Now we regret that we elected him as our representative.

Some countries which hold elections on a weekday declare it a public

to hold an election
Ten countries voted for the change, five voted against, and three
to abstain
You can cast your vote at the local polling station or vote online if you
to cast a vote
to vote for… / to vote
I voted against him but he became our president anyway.

to outvote The controversial proposal was outvoted in the House of Commons.

to appoint somebody
He was appointed to the office of president.
to a post / an office

to resign from a post After the massive scandal, the prime minister resigned from his post.

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to run for the post Three strong candidates are running for the post this year.

to take up office The former governor took up office in 2014.

The new government had only just come to power when the anti-
to come to power
government rebels started.
The UK parliament was officially dissolved at one minute past
to dissolve parliament
midnight on Friday.

5. The political system in the USA 71

Listen and repeat the sentences.

The United States is a federal constitutional republic.

The President, Congress, and the judiciary share powers reserved to the national government.
There is the separation of powers between the legislature and the executive.
The executive branch is mostly about the President and is independent of the legislature.
The President of the United States is the head of state.
The President appoints people who will work in different departments that focus on special areas
of the country.
The President is elected by the American citizens every four years in democratic elections.
Congress is the legislative, or law making, branch of the United States government.
It meets in the United States Capitol.
Congress has two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The primary duty of Congress is to write, debate, and pass bills.
To pass a bill, more than half of the members of each house must vote in favor of passing the bill.
After both houses pass the same bill, it is then sent to the President.
The president has 10 days to sign or veto the bill.
The judiciary (or the judicial branch), made up of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts,
focuses on the judicial power.
The federal government shares the power with the state governments.
In each state, there are governors who are in charge of their state.
They make and pass bills that will become laws in their states.
There are also two senators who represent their state in Congress.
And there are representatives who represent a district in their state and also represent them in
Since the American Civil War, two main political parties dominate: the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party.
The political party with the most members in the house of Congress usually decides which bills
are voted on in the house.

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6. Politics and politicians 72

Listen and repeat the sentences expressing general opinions.

It’s generally assumed that American political life is relatively honest.

Some people argue that Watergate was the biggest scandal in the history of the USA.
Some Americans think there should be term limitation for those serving in Congress.
It’s a well-known fact that in America people vote for an individual, not for his policy.
Most people feel that corruption is one of the biggest problems in many countries.
People often claim that only protest campaigns can change anything.
It’s a popular belief that journalists are faster than the police in revealing scandals.
It is widely known that slogans used by politicians in their campaigns are mostly lies.
Many people are outraged when they hear about sexual harassment in political parties.
It is often alleged that political correctness is the most desirable virtue in diplomacy.

7. Business and trade. Part 1 73

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• in demand
• a demand for sth
a need for something to be sold or
demand • to cope with / meet / satisfy a demand
• to boost / increase / reduce demand
• to create / forecast demand
• to be in short supply
• to provide / ensure / maintain / cut
an amount of something that is
supply off / disrupt a supply of sth
available for use
• to restore / increase / limit / reduce a
supply of sth
• the wholesale trade / business / sales
selling goods in large amounts,
wholesale • to buy / sell (at) wholesale
usually at low prices
• to buy at wholesale prices
a person or a company that sells • to buy from a wholesaler
a wholesaler goods in large amounts at low prices, • to buy the goods direct from the
typically to retailers wholesaler
• the retail trade / business / sales
selling products to the public in • to buy / sell (at) retail
shops and on the internet • to buy at retail prices
• a retail market / outlet
a person or a company that sells • a single retailer
a retailer goods to the public in shops and on • at a retailer’s price
the internet • to buy the goods from a retailer
• to sell through a middleman
someone who buys goods from one
• to act as a middleman for some
a middleman person and sells them to someone
else for a higher price
• to cut out the middleman
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• in storage
keeping something in a special place • storage space / capacity
while it is not being used • storage facilities
• a storage system
• to carry / hold / keep stock
the goods kept on the premises of a
• to increase / decrease / dispose of /
stock shop or warehouse and available for
get rid of stock
sale or distribution
• a stock shortage
• to be in stock
in stock to be available in a shop
• to have sth in stock
out of stock to be unavailable in a shop • to be out of stock

• a large / rich / wide / mixed / varied

an assortment a mixture of different things
assortment of sth
a symbol, word or words legally
• a registered / best-known trademark
a trademark registered as representing a company
• to register the trademark of sth
or a product
• a brand name product
a name given by the maker to a
a brand name • brand name goods
product or a range of products
• a brand name hunter

8. Business and trade. Part 2 74

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• a(n) book / antiques / craft / trade fair

periodic gatherings for the sale of
fairs • a job / careers fair
• country fairs
• on exhibition
public displays of works of art or • an exhibition of sth, e.g. an
exhibitions other goods, held in an art gallery or exhibition of modern art
museum or at a trade fair • an exhibition on sth, e.g. an
exhibition on local history
buying and selling goods and • to increase / decrease / expand /
foreign trade
services internationally engage in foreign trade
buying and selling goods and • to increase / decrease / expand /
domestic trade
services in one country engage in domestic trade
• to be in a slump; to sink into a slump
• a slump in sth
a sudden severe or prolonged fall in
a slump • a world / global / housing / price /
price, value, or amount
sales slump
• an economic slump
• in deep / severe recession
• a short-lived / prolonged / continuing /
a recession a temporary economic decline
global / widespread recession
• an economic / industrial recession

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a period of great prosperity or rapid

a boom • during / in the boom; a boom in sth
economic growth
• a strong / dynamic / successful sales
a special effort to sell more than
a sales drive drive
• an overseas sales drive
• heavy / customs / export / import duty
a payment levied on the import, • the amount of duty
export, manufacture or sale of goods, • to be liable to duty
• to be exempt from duty
(of goods) that can be brought into a
duty-free • a duty-free shop / product
country without paying tax on them
the total amount before any tax or • a gross income / salary
costs have been taken • gross pay / earnings
the amount remaining after the • a net income / salary
deduction of tax • net pay / earnings
• a(n) cash / credit / bulk / online
something that you buy or the act of purchase of sth
a purchase
buying something • the cost / date of purchase; proof of

9. Business and trade – Test yourself 75

Finish the sentences.

1. To buy directly from the factory, you need to avoid the use of a… (middleman).
2. In winter, there is a large amount of natural gas in… (storage).
3. They couldn’t buy more printers as the store was out of … (stock).
4. After two years of recession, the property market is sinking into a… (slump).
5. She earns $50,000 a year…. (gross).
6. You can get a better price for your order if you buy… (wholesale).
7. Demand for new apartments has fallen due to the… (recession).
8. Coca cola is a worldwide known… (brand name).
9. Since last year people have been buying more and more cars, so Volvo is now in high…
10. After the war, petrol was in short… (supply).

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10. Industry 76

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

to manufacture /
Adam works for a company which manufactures dishwashers.
to produce
If the top global manufacturer can't mass-produce these vaccines, that's
to mass-produce
a cause for concern.

to industrialise Some people think that the US was the first country to industrialise.

to assemble The factory assembles new cell phones for sale in the Asian market.

The fully mechanised assembly line helped to raise production by 30

an assembly line
per cent.

automation Thanks to the automation of the factory, we could decrease our costs.

Manufacturing output fell by 20 per cent after 200 workers had been
made redundant.

overproduction Overproduction put the business in a bad financial situation.

For many years we had a shortage of manpower in engineering but

opening new technical faculties at universities changed the situation.

a factory / a plant Due to the strike, the car-assembly plant was closed.

They finally built a power plant and the region is not in danger of a
a power plant
shortage of electricity any more.
We have two huge oil refineries on the coast that provide the domestic
a refinery
trade with oil supplies.
Without new orders for charter yachts, the shipyard will have run out
a shipyard
of work by the end of this year.
The company decided to close most of their warehouses as the cost of
a warehouse
storing goods increased rapidly after electricity prices went up.
She has her own pottery workshop where she produces pots and dishes
a workshop
made of fired clay.
People with mental or physical difficulties can work in a sheltered
a sheltered workshop

11. Industry – Test yourself 77

Answer the questions.

1. When you develop industries in a country on a large scale, is the country industrialised
or manufactured?

It’s industrialised.
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2. When each of the workers makes or checks one part of the product that is being
manufactured, do they work in a warehouse or on an assembly line?

They work on an assembly line.

3. Does the country plan to increase agricultural output or outlay by 15 per cent a year?

It plans to increase agricultural output, especially fruit and vegetables.

4. In times of great prosperity, is there a need for overproduction or trained manpower?

There is a strong need for trained manpower.

5. As the demand for oil was rising, were the new investors allowed to set up a new refinery
or a new shipyard?

They were allowed to set up a new refinery.

6. How do you call a place where things are repaired with machines or tools? Is it a
workshop or a warehouse?

The place is called a workshop.

7. Where can people with physical or mental disabilities work? In a sheltered workshop or
a power plant?

They can work in a sheltered workshop.

8. If they want to develop their business, should they invest money in their venue or
automation of production?

They should invest money in automation of production.

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8. The Law
1. The judiciary 78

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• the independence of the judiciary

the judiciary the judicial authorities of a country
• the national / state judiciary
• the fairness of the judicial system
the judicial a system relating to the administration • a(n) common / independent
system of justice judicial system
• to reform the judicial system
a civil court a court dealing with noncriminal cases
a court which decides matters and
a family court makes orders in relation to family law
such as divorce, child custody, etc.
a court which has the jurisdiction to
a criminal court
prosecute individuals for crimes • to go to / take sb/sth to / bring
a governmental judiciary body which sb/sth to court
a labour court rules on labour or employment-related • bring sb/sth before court
matters and disputes • a case comes to court
an administrative a court specialising in administrative • a case comes before the court
court law
• to settle sth out of court
a court governing members of the • to give evidence before a court of
a military court
armed forces
law that governs the activities of
administrative agencies of the • a court hears a case
law • a court convicts / clears sb
a trial court / a court having original jurisdiction • a court adjourns a case / trial until
a court of first where cases are tried first, as opposed to a later time
instance an appeals court • a court dismisses / throws out sth
an appellate a court of law that is empowered to
hear an appeal of a trial court or other • an appellate court upholds a
court / an
appeals court lower tribunal conviction
a common kind of court structure • an appellate court quashes /
a common court found in various common law overturns a conviction
the Supreme the highest court in the judiciary in
Court some countries
a judicial body that rules on the
the State
constitutional liability of people
holding the highest offices of state

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the a judicial body established to resolve

Constitutional disputes on the constitutionality of the
Tribunal activities of state institutions

2. The judiciary – Test yourself 79

Finish the sentences.

1. To protect the rights of all our citizens, we need an independent… (judiciary).

2. They fought over the custody of their children and need to go to the… (family court).
3. His lawyers disagreed with the court's decision and filed a motion in the… (appeals court /
appellate court).
4. Most sentences are usually considered by the… (trial court / court of first instance).
5. To get compensation for unfair dismissal, we are prepared to go to… (court).
6. The prosecutor called several witnesses to give evidence before a… (court of law).
7. In many legal jurisdictions, the highest court within the hierarchy of courts is the… (Supreme
8. When one person sues another person, a business or an agency, such a case will go to a… (Civil
9. The court decided to adjourn his trial until a later… (time / date).
10. She decided to drop the charges against the employer and settle… (out of court).

3. The law 80

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

justice His imprisonment was a tragic miscarriage of justice.

Your Honour Remember to address the judge as Your Honour.

Pursuing a career of a barrister lets you argue cases in the higher law
a barrister

a notary This agreement was drawn up and verified by a notary.

Yesterday I spoke to a senior probation officer about a suspect having

a probation officer
mental health problems.
The penalties which might be imposed for these offences can be found
a criminal code
in the criminal code.

legal advice I didn’t know what to do so I decided to take some legal advice.

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legal costs Could you summarise all the legal costs of this trial?

legal proceedings Congressional hearings are not generally considered legal proceedings.

These legal regulations were issued by various federal government

legal regulations

an appeal He won his appeal and the sentence was halved.

a courtroom Everyone stared as the accused entered the courtroom.

a case Her lawyers built a very strong case so she may go free.

a trial It was the longest trial this court has ever seen.

a retrial The discovery of new evidence forced a retrial.

a hearing He has every right to a fair hearing.

a lawsuit She decided to file a lawsuit against her former employer.

a charge She may still face criminal charges.

a prosecutor The fingerprints gave the prosecutors irrefutable proof of his guilt.

the accused The accused was charged with homicide.

a solicitor We have to wait until her solicitor draws up a contract.

a suspect Everyone who was in the house at the time of the murder was a suspect.

a defendant The jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was innocent.

the dock He was stressed as he left the dock and stepped up to the witness box.

the defence They called upon the witness for the defence.

evidence Despite the insufficient evidence, he was sentenced to life in prison.

a testimony The court heard four days of testimony from forensics experts.

an eye-witness The police questioned several eyewitnesses.

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4. The law – Test yourself 81

Answer the questions.

1. Is a lawyer who gives specialised legal advice called a barrister or a solicitor?

He / She’s called a barrister.

2. Who regularly meets with people on probation to make sure they do not commit another
crime? A notary or a probation officer?

A probation officer.

3. How is a judge in the court of law always addressed? Your Majesty or Your Honour?

A judge is always addressed Your Honour.

4. Does a law court meet in a courtroom or in the dock?

A law court meets in a courtroom.

5. If the case comes to trial again, is it called a hearing or a retrial?

It’s called a retrial.

6. Is a person who accuses someone of committing a crime a prosecutor or the accused?

This person is called a prosecutor.

7. Is a person in a court of law who has been accused of a crime a defendant or a suspect?

This person is called a defendant.

8. Are the police experts still collecting evidence or legal advice at the scene of the crime?

They’re gathering evidence.

9. Was the witness called to give an appeal or testimony about the incident in the park?

The witness was called to give testimony.

10. Is the company involved in a charge or a lawsuit against its client?

It’s involved in a lawsuit.

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5. In court 82
Listen to the expressions and then repeat the sentences using them.

to be tried for… He was tried for attempting to murder his fiancée.

to appeal against
The convict’s last chance was to appeal against the sentence.
a sentence

to convict Four teenagers were convicted of shoplifting.

to pass sentence The judge will pass sentence once he has looked at all the reports.

to be acquitted of all
The suspect was acquitted of all charges and released.

to be held in custody He was held in custody in connection with a murder.

to be released on bail He was to stay in jail until the trial but was released on bail instead.

Our neighbour was such a nuisance that we finally brought him to

to bring sb to justice

to commit perjury By testifying against his wife, Mr Brown committed perjury.

to lodge an appeal When they lost the case, they decided to lodge an appeal.

Mr Smith set a precedent when he took maternity leave after his son
to set a precedent
was born.

to settle out of court There was no chance to settle out of court so we sought legal advice.

6. In court – Test yourself 83

Change the given sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. He was suspected of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

No, he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

2. Anna was eventually put on probation with her father’s money.

No, she was eventually released on bail by her father’s money.

3. He was taken to court and investigated for an armed robbery.

No, he was taken to court and tried for an armed robbery.
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4. When Tom lied in his testimony, he committed fraud and got himself into serious trouble.

No, when he lied in his testimony, he committed perjury and got himself into serious trouble.

5. To our relief, Josh faced all the charges and was released.

No, to their relief, Josh was acquitted of all charges and released.

6. Each and every person responsible for her murder will get justice.

No, each and every person responsible for her murder will be brought to justice.

7. Mr Brown’s barrister is going to reject an appeal against the extremely heavy fine for driving
without a licence.

No, Mr Brown’s barrister is going to lodge an appeal against the extremely heavy fine for
driving without a licence.

8. The court waited in silence for the judge to gather evidence.

No, the court waited in silence for the judge to pass sentence.

9. The company has agreed to drop the charges against the client and go to court.

No, the company has agreed to drop the charges against the client and settle out of court.

10. The mugger will be held in court until reports on his mental condition are made.

No, the mugger will be held in custody until reports on his mental condition are made.

7. Crime description 84

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

a terrible / horrible /
The chief prosecutor told the court that Green was guilty of a horrible
horrific / despicable
crime and asked for the maximum sentence.
a lesser / minor / petty
He was charged with the lesser crime of negligence of duty.

a perfect crime Johnson boasted of having carried out the perfect crime.

a notorious crime Speeding is one of the most notorious crimes in our country.

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Jack never faced trial for his many alleged crimes as no evidence was
an alleged crime
Is murder in the first degree still treated as a capital crime for which
a capital crime
the penalty is death?

an unsolved crime The crime statistics reveal that 20% of murders still remain unsolved.

juvenile / youth crime Police blame gangs for the increase in juvenile crime in the city.

a sex crime It is now clear that there is a link between pornography and sex crimes.

Violation of the terms of capitulation by individuals is punishable as a

a war crime
war crime.
Life sentences for serious cyber crimes were proposed in Queen's
a ciber crime

8. Crime description – Test yourself 85

Finish the sentences.

1. A crime carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules is
called a… (war crime).
2. A crime involving sexual assault or having a sexual motive is called a… (sex crime).
3. In most countries, a crime committed by young people below the age of 18 is called a…
(juvenile crime / youth crime).
4. A crime which is said, without proof, to have taken place is called an…. (alleged crime).
5. A crime which is so carefully planned and executed that it cannot be detected or solved is called
a… (perfect crime).
6. A crime which is not serious, for example a theft, is called a… (minor crime / petty crime).
7. A crime which is part of another, more serious offence is called a… (lesser crime).
8. A crime which is punished by death is called a… (capital crime / capital offence).
9. A crime which has never been solved is called an…. (unsolved crime).
10. A crime which involves the use of computers or the Internet is called a… (cyber crime).

9. Similar and contrasting ideas 86

Listen and repeat the sentences describing investigations and punishment. Learn the linking
words used to join similar and contrasting ideas.

Robert Brown was suspected for months. Although the police questioned many witnesses,
progress in investigation was slow.
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He was clever enough to escape the police. However, when they gathered some evidence against
him, he was arrested.
He was questioned; and moreover, his fingerprints were taken.
His lawyer wanted the police to withdraw the charge, yet he wasn’t even released on bail.
He was accused of several frauds. Besides this, he tried to bribe the police inspector.
He was tried for the crime. In spite of the fact that his lawyer presented new evidence, he was
found guilty.
He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. What is more, he had to pay a fine of €5,000 to the
charity organisation.
Despite having a smart lawyer, he didn’t get away with the crime.

10. Similar and contrasting ideas – Test yourself 87

Transform the sentences using the given expressions.

1. Robert Brown was suspected for months. Progress in the

investigation was slow. The police questioned many witnesses. although

Robert Brown was suspected for months. Although the police
questioned many witnesses, progress in the investigation was slow.

2. He was clever enough to escape the police but they gathered some
evidence against him and he was arrested. however

He was clever enough to escape the police. However, when they
gathered some evidence against him, he was arrested.

3. He was questioned. His fingerprints were taken.

… moreover
He was questioned; and moreover, his fingerprints were taken.

4. His lawyer wanted the police to withdraw the charge.

He wasn’t even released on bail.

His lawyer wanted the police to withdraw the charge, yet
he wasn’t even released on bail.

5. He was accused of several frauds. He tried to bribe the police

inspector. besides this

He was accused of several frauds. Besides this, he tried to bribe
the police inspector.

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6. His lawyer presented new evidence. He was found guilty.

… in spite of the fact
In spite of the fact that his lawyer presented new evidence, he
was found guilty.

7. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He had to pay a fine of

€5,000 to the charity organisation. what is more

He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. What is more, he had to
pay a fine of €5,000 to the charity organisation.

8. He had a smart lawyer. He didn’t get away with the crime.


Despite having a smart lawyer, he didn’t get away with the crime.

11. Linking words 88

Now join the sentences with the appropriate linking word. In each example you will hear
another possible answer.

1. Hooligans cause damage to public property. They destroy private property and cause financial

Hooligans cause damage to public property. Besides this, they destroy private property and
cause financial losses.

2. He was made redundant and was out of work for half a year. He didn’t get any unemployment

Although he was made redundant and was out of work for half a year, he didn’t get any
unemployment benefit.

3. Young people often drive under the influence. They are accused of speeding.

Young people often drive under the influence. Moreover, they are accused of speeding.

4. Alcohol and drug addicts are supported by the state. They are not often able to fight their

In spite of the fact that alcohol and drug addicts are supported by the state, they are often not
able to fight their addictions. / Despite being supported by the state, alcohol and drug addicts
are often not able to fight their addictions.

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9. Culture
1. Fine arts. Part 1 89

Listen and repeat the expressions.

art which uses shapes, lines and colour in a way that does not try to
abstract art
represent the real appearance of people or things

ancient art art from the very distant past

late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century art, in which artists rejected
modern art
traditional features

applied art art having particular use

folk art art which is traditional of a community or nation

a style a manner or a way of doing something

a technique a way of doing something that requires a skill

an original produced by an artist and not as a copy

a forgery an illegal copy of something

a painter someone who paints pictures

a sculptor someone who creates sculptures

a caricaturist someone who draws funny drawings of people

an old master a great artist of former times

a workshop a room or a building where things are made

to carve to cut a hard material in order to produce an object

to exhibit to publicly display a work of art in an art gallery or a museum

to frame to place a picture or a photograph in a frame

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to place yourself in a particular position in order to be photographed,

to pose for…
painted or drawn

to portray to depict someone or something in a work of art

to sketch to make a rough drawing of something or someone

to capture to record something or someone accurately

2. Fine arts. Part 2 90

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a painting a picture made using paint

iconography images or symbols used by a religious group

a drawing or a description of a person which presents them in a comic

a caricature
way by exaggerating certain features

an oil painting a picture painted with oil paints

a watercolour a picture created with paint mixed with water

a mural a large picture painted on the wall of a building

a self-portrait a drawing, painting or sculpture that you do of yourself

a large printed picture that is used to advertise something or as a

a poster

a collage a picture which is made by sticking various materials onto a surface

a reproduction a copy of something, e.g. a work of art, a piece of furniture, etc.

a nude a picture of someone wearing no clothes

a picture of an arrangement of objects, usually including fruit and

a still life
a piece of work, especially a drawing, done for practice or as an
a study

the foreground the part of the picture which is nearest to the observer

the part of the picture that forms a setting for the main figures or
the background
objects and seems furthest from the observer

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a method of drawing a picture that makes objects look solid and shows
distance and depth

a fresco a painting made by painting on wet plaster on a ceiling or a wall

the art of making objects by shaping pieces of clay which are then
hardened by being heated and then cooled

a bust a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest

a sculpture a work of art made by shaping stone, wood, etc. to make abstract forms

a statue a carved or cast figure of a person or animal

a statuette a statue that is small enough to stand on a table or a shelf

a sculpture made from a flat surface in which the forms are raised
a relief
above the surface
a piece of cloth with a pattern or picture that is created by sewing or
a tapestry

3. Describing works of art 91

Listen to the expressions and their opposites, and then disagree using the given expressions.

evocative of… uninspiring

1. This oil painting is beautifully evocative of a hot summer’s day.

… I must disagree.
I must disagree. For me, it is absolutely uninspiring.

colourful drab

2. Impressionism is famous for its very colourful paintings.

… I don’t quite agree.
I don’t quite agree. Some pictures are quite drab.

high-brow low-brow

3. Everybody finds his posters absolutely high-brow.

I’m surprised to
… hear it.
I’m surprised to hear it. For me, they are rather low-brow.

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peerless run-of-the-mill

4. Critics agree that his pastel drawings are peerless.

… I wouldn’t say
I wouldn’t say that. To me, they seem run-of-the-mill.

impenetrable transparent

5. Paintings by Surrealists are absolutely impenetrable.

… I disagree.
I disagree. Many people interested in the style consider them
quite transparent.

dazzling pedestrian

6. The light and shade in this landscape are really dazzling. I’m of a different
… opinion.
I’m of a different opinion. I think it’s quite pedestrian.

tongue-in-cheek earnest

7. I found her collages very tongue-in-cheek.

I had a different
… impression.
I had a different impression. I think they were quite earnest.

sophisticated primitive

8. The technique employed by this sculptor is very sophisticated.

I must contradict
… this opinion.
I must contradict this opinion. To me, it’s quite primitive.

challenging undemanding

9. These watercolours are quite challenging.

You must be
… joking.
You must be joking. The truth is they are very undemanding.

intriguing dreary

10. I find abstract art extremely intriguing. That’s not the way
… I see it.
That’s not the way I see it. In my opinion, it’s just dreary.

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4. Fine Arts – Test yourself 92

Finish the sentences.

1. I thought I was looking at the real Mona Lisa but I was fooled. It was a… (reproduction).
2. In this painting, the vase shouldn’t stand in the background. I think it’d look better in the…
3. This sculpture is only a head, chest and arms. Did you know it is called a… (bust)?
4. I’ve never seen anyone paint like him. He has a truly unique… (style).
5. In the old days, Nordic women wove the most beautiful… (tapestries).
6. The Last Judgment painted by the Italian Renaissance painter, Michelangelo, is one of the most
dazzling… (frescos).
7. Recently, graffiti and street artists have developed contemporary wall painting, decorating the
buildings with impressive… (murals).
8. Furniture, pottery or jewellery are examples of… (applied art).
9. Although the art dealer insisted the portrait was an original, the expert revealed it was a…
10. The Basket of Apples, an oil painting by French artist Paul Cézanne, is an example of a… (still

5. Literature. Part 1 93

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

an author Michael Blunt is the author of this political novel.

a bestselling author Agatha Christie is one of the world’s bestselling authors.

a biographer Humphrey Carpenter was the biographer of J.R.R. Tolkien.

a literary critic I like literary critics who look at authors’ writings as a whole.

a novelist In your opinion, who is the best novelist of all time?

a poet Wordsworth is one of Britain's most famous poets.

a translation I prefer the original version as all translations were unbearable to read.

a translator Kate aspires to becoming a famous poetry translator.

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a proofreader Both scripts need to be verified by a proofreader before publishing.

complete works A fifteen-volume edition of his complete works was published in 1954.

a collection Tom has the most bizarre private art collection I have ever seen.

a fairy tale I don’t like fairy tales as they are for children.

an encyclopaedia I’m certain you’ll find more information in the encyclopaedia.

a booklet This booklet provides useful information about the university.

a chronicle Are you familiar with the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?

a manuscript In his free time, John studies ancient manuscripts.

a textbook Remember to always bring your textbooks to the class.

6. Literature. Part 2 94

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

a genre Science fiction is Kim’s favourite genre.

a literary style Through literary style, an author can create a mood for the story.

prose I prefer reading prose to poetry.

a quotation The book opens with a quotation from Macbeth.

a page Several pages have been torn out of this book.

It is important to have a well-formatted title page in a proper format

a title page
that clearly represents your work.

titled One of my favourite books by Coetzee is titled Disgrace.

a leaf This book has the thinnest leaves I’ve ever touched.

a volume The chapter about aerodynamics is in the second volume.

a preface In his preface, the author says that it took ten years to write the novel.

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a chapter I only have one more chapter to read before I finish the book.

a foreword The book begins with a foreword from Queen Elizabeth.

contents The final chapter is not listed in the contents!

a copy How many copies of the guide have been published?

a cover The book had a beautiful soft leather cover.

footnotes I got more information about Michelangelo's fresco from the footnotes.

a paragraph The text looks messy. Try to write it again, this time in paragraphs.

print run A first print run of 10,000 copies is planned by the publisher.

a spine Only the title was printed on the book’s spine.

to come out His new novel is coming out next month!

Fred struggled for many years to publish his short stories in the local
to publish

to be out of print Most of her books are out of print now.

7. Literature – Test yourself 95

Answer the questions.

1. Before publishing an article, should I give it to a proofreader or a literary critic?

You should give it to a proofreader.

2. In the 19th century, was romance young women’s favourite literary style or their favourite

It was their favourite genre.

3. Is the Latin phrase “Veni, vidi, vici” one of the most well-known proverbs or quotations?

It’s a popular quotation attributed to Julius Caesar.

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4. Does the last printed edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica span 32 volumes or 32

It contains 32 volumes.

5. Are the author’s inspirations and special thanks included in the preface or in the

They’re included in the preface.

6. When a book is no longer available from the publisher, is it out of print or out-of-date?

It’s out of print.

7. Did the author of the old master‘s biography ask him to write the contents or a foreword?

He asked him to write a foreword.

8. Is the identity of the murderer revealed in the very last chapter or the very last leaf?

It’s revealed in the very last chapter.

9. Will I find information on the renaissance sculptors in a manuscript or in a booklet?

You will find it in a booklet.

10. Is the bar code usually printed on a book’s back cover or on its spine?

It’s usually printed on the back cover.

8. Music 96

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

At the beginning of his career he toured as a backing musician for a

a musician
rock star.

stringed instruments A violin is the smallest of all stringed instruments.

Among all the wind instruments, playing the flute was his greatest
wind instruments
In an orchestra, the trumpet is the easiest to hear from all the brass
brass instruments

a guitarist Who do you consider the greatest guitarist in history?

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a drummer The drummer was playing so hard that he broke his drumsticks.

a vocalist She won the Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocalist.

a soloist Violin soloist Hilary Hahn is going to perform Mozart's Concerto No. 4.

a gig The band is going to do 20 gigs on their European tour.

Being a very talented violinist, he soon became the concertmaster in

a violinist
the orchestra.

a cellist The two talented cellists stood out from the rest of the musicians.

Suzy was proclaimed a musical wunderkind when she made her

a pianist
concert debut as a pianist at the age of 10.

a keyboard The recording features Herbie Hancock on keyboard.

a piano tuner If your piano is out of tune, you need to call a piano tuner in.

a conductor Who is the principal conductor of the Berlin Symphony Orchestra?

a choir I was a soprano in my high school choir.

a recording session The band scheduled a three-hour recording session for their demo.

a recording studio The new recording studio is entirely soundproof.

an album Our best-selling album has won three prestigious awards.

a single The new single from The Drums has just come out!

in the charts Her song was number one in the charts for eight weeks.

a performance Her stage performance left everyone breathless.

The amateur musician played Brahms’s Variation on a Theme by

a theme

a track The band has already cut a few dance tracks popular with teenagers.

a tune Bob is always humming tunes in the shower.

to accompany The first tenor was accompanied by the string trio.

When I was in music school, it was difficult at first to learn how to

to read music
read music.
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9. Music – Test yourself 97

Finish the sentences.

1. A wind instrument, such as a trumpet or a trombone, typically made of brass is called a… (brass
2. A musician or singer who performs a solo is called a… (soloist).
3. A person who plays the cello is called a… (cellist).
4. A person who tunes pianos as an occupation is called a… (piano tuner).
5. A person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir is called a… (conductor).
6. To be on a weekly listing of the current best-selling pop records is to be… (in the charts).
7. A song or tune that is played several times in a film is called a… (theme).
8. To look at the notes of music and understand what they mean is to read… (music).
9. Recording instrumental or vocal musical performances in a studio is called a recording…
10. A live performance by a musician or group playing popular or jazz music is called a… (gig).

10. Cultural events 98

Listen to the sentences and repeat the recommendations that follow them.

There is a fantastic jazz gig at the Music Theatre tonight. Don’t miss it!
That’s the number one single in the charts. You must hear it!
I read the foreword and fell asleep after the first chapter. It’s a bore to read!
The best translator of Shakespeare’s works was Barańczak. I strongly recommend his
I can’t wait till the next novel by this best-selling author comes out. It’s a must!
The famous soloist is coming to give one concert in our city. It’s bound to be a box-office hit!
One of Chaucer’s manuscripts will be on display in our museum soon. It is well worth seeing.
Rubik is not only a composer but also a conductor. His concerts are really thrilling.
Go and listen to Nigel Kennedy – a famous British violinist. It will change the way you see
classical music.
Every page of this booklet is full of humour. It’s a highly entertaining read!
Their new album is a recording of a live performance. It’s certainly at the top of my list.
During the concert the vocalist will be accompanied by a choir. Fans will no doubt be thrilled
with this!

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11. Music. Different idiomatic expressions 99

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

a live performance I’ve always preferred attending live performances.

to sing in tune Everyone in class was singing perfectly in tune except George!

to sing out of tune I can’t listen to her! She’s singing completely out of tune!

to have a good ear for

Margaret knows all the songs! She has a really good ear for music!

to be tone-deaf I asked Adam to sing me the song but he was completely tone-deaf.

to play by ear She doesn't know the notes but she can play this song impeccably by ear.

to be music to your The publisher’s decision was music to her ears when he decided to
ears publish her complete works.
Do you know the quote: A real leader faces the music, even when he
to face the music
doesn't like the tune?
to dance to someone’s The recording studio controlled all the funding so the band had to
tune dance to their tune.

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10. The World in Danger
1. Global threats 100
Listen and repeat the expressions.

a very serious danger that something

• to become the major threat to…
a major threat unpleasant might happen to someone
or something • to name some major threats
things that a lot of people are worried • to conquer / overcome common
common fears
about or afraid of fears
problems resulting from
demographic • to raise / debate / discuss / focus
overpopulation or reduced population
issues on / avoid demographic issues
the condition of a particular area being • to cause / lead to / result in
populated with too many people overpopulation
population an increase in the number of people • to encourage / stimulate / control
growth living in a certain place population growth
a demographic the difference between the birth rate
• to bridge a demographic gap
gap and the death rate
outbreaks of
sudden occurrences of diseases which • to lead to the outbreak of
cannot be cured incurable diseases
the difference found in various • to bridge an economic gap
an economic gap measures of economic well-being • a substantial / significant
among individuals in a group economic gap
a situation in which a large number of • to be threatened by / face / suffer /
starvation /
people have little or no food for a long rescue sb from / save sb from /
time, often resulting in death die from/of starvation / famine
physical weakness and bad health
• to suffer from / die from/of
malnutrition caused by having too little food or
food of poor quality
misuse of
using scientific achievements in a way • to prevent / investigate misuse of
that was not intended scientific achievements
the action of frightening or threatening
• to be subjected to / experience /
intimidation someone to persuade them to do
face / suffer intimidation
prejudice, discrimination or • to be a victim of / experience
racism antagonism directed against someone racism
of a different race • to combat / fight (against) racism

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patriotic feelings, principles, or interests • the growth of nationalism

nationalism shared by a group of people of the same • the rise in nationalism
race, origin, language, etc. • a tide of nationalism
• a fatal disease / crash / attack /
fatal causing death
the unlawful use of violence and
• to combat / fight / defeat / give in
terrorism intimidation, especially against
to terrorism
civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
the use of harmful biological or
• to combat / fight / defeat / give in
bioterrorism biochemical substances as weapons of
to bioterrorism

2. Global threats – Test yourself 101

Finish the sentences.

1. These two guys punched him only because of his skin colour, which was an act of… (racism).
2. They didn’t have anything to eat and were dying of… (famine / starvation).
3. Ageing and depopulation in western countries are just two crucial… (demographic issues).
4. He was seriously injured in the battle and, unfortunately, his wounds turned out to be… (fatal).
5. She is afraid of spiders, which is a very common… (fear).
6. There were too many people living in the area, so they soon started to face various problems
due to… (overpopulation).
7. With threats of losing their jobs, workers were subjected to verbal… (intimidation).
8. Owing to severe lack of food, in many African countries children die every day from disease
and… (malnutrition).
9. A weapon, especially a nuclear weapon, is the best example of the misuse of scientific…
10. Many developed countries have decided to adopt special regulations to stimulate population…
11. The unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society resulted
in a substantial economic… (gap).

3. Environmetal problems 102

Listen and repeat the expressions.

environmental problems like global

environmental • to deal with / focus on / highlight
warming, air pollution, acid rain,
issues environmental issues
deforestation, and many more

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• to bring (about) / cause / lead to /

destruction of the act of destroying forests in
result in destruction of the
the rainforests tropical areas
the exhaustion of the act of using up water, oil, gas, • to bring (about) / cause / lead to /
natural etc., to the state of there being none result in / face the exhaustion of
resources left natural resources
• to be in danger of / be on the verge
the extinction of
the dying out of animals, plants, etc. of / be threatened with / face the
extinction of species
catching and killing animals without • to be caught poaching
permission on someone else's land • to be accused of poaching
pollution of air, damage caused to air, water and soil • to cause / prevent / combat /
water and soil by harmful substances or waste control / fight / tackle pollution
changes in the world’s weather,
• to bring about / cause / effect /
especially the gradual rise in
climate change force / prevent / be subject to
temperature, known as global warming,
climate change
which is caused by human activities
extreme weather • under / in extreme weather
very severe weather conditions
conditions conditions
the action or process whereby large
melting of sheets of snow and ice near the poles • to cause / lead to / result in melting
glaciers liquefy due to high temperatures on of glaciers
the earth

4. Dealing with global problems 103

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases will control the extremes of the global climate.
Instead of building power plants, we should learn to use solar power.
Freon-free devices must be used to prevent global warming.
Replacing coal and oil by hydrogen will limit the exhaustion of natural resources.
Poaching should be heavily fined.
To avoid overpopulation, developing countries must lower the birth-rate.
New scientific discoveries give hope that fatal diseases will be brought under control.
Some forms of cancer are curable by means of chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy.
By avoiding casual sexual contacts, we lower the risk of contracting HIV.
Bioterrorists use biological and chemical weapons to achieve political aims.

5. Solving problems 104


A. What help is provided to the famine victims in Africa?

B. Charity organisations collect money and send them aid.

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A. Do people addicted to alcohol and drugs receive any help in your country?
B. Alcohol and drug addicts are supported by the state and the local governments.

A. Was the concert attended by the Queen held in aid of a charity organisation?
B. Yes, all the money raised at the concert will go to the SOS Children’s Villages organisation.

A. What should we do to fight poverty among elderly people?

B. We need an effective strategy to fight poverty among elderly people.

A. What action can the government take to fight terrorism?

B. I think that international cooperation is indispensable in the fight against terrorism.

A. Do the authorities seem to be fighting a losing battle against the illegal trade in African
B. Only the capture of notorious poachers can save the African elephant from extinction.

A. Are victims and witnesses subject to retaliatory attacks from perpetrators of crimes?
B. Yes, and that’s why they are entitled to protection from harassment and intimidation.

A. How can scientific achievements both help and hurt humanity?

B. Scientific research can change our lives for the better, but it also presents risks – either
through deliberate misuse or accident.

Now answer the questions yourself. In each example, you’ll hear another possible answer.

6. Military conflicts. Part 1 105

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

to wage war /
At the beginning of the 20th century Russia waged war against Japan.
to conduct a war

to declare a truce After many years of fighting, the countries finally declared a truce.

to overcome / In the Battle of Midway, the US Navy defeated an attacking fleet of the
to defeat imperial Japanese navy.

to surrender They would rather die than surrender to the invaders.

to break out World War II broke out in 1939.

The United States developed a famous colour-coded set of military

a military operation
The armed forces of the Netherlands consist of the Army, Navy, and
armed forces
Air Force.

to send troops It has cost $86 million to send troops to the border so far.

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to withdraw troops The US finally agreed to withdraw troops from the region.

The troops were stationed in the town before a planned all-out attack
to station
on enemy positions.

to cease fire The troops prepared for the operations despite orders to cease fire.

to assassinate Many people watched the live transmission on TV when John F.

politicians Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
The September 11 attacks began with the hijack of four passenger
to hijack planes
airliners by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists.
Some of the kidnapped people returned home, but others,
to kidnap people
unfortunately, were killed.
New strategies for combatting terrorism must be implemented by the
to combat

a civil war The Spanish Civil War lasted from 1936 to 1939.

All the young men joined the guerilla forces in the woods to fight with
the invader.
A fanatic decided to conduct a suicide mission in the city centre no
a suicide mission
matter what the cost was.
The fighters massacred dozens of innocent and defenceless civilians in
defenceless civilians
a remote district of the country.

refugees Thousands of refugees fled across the border to seek food and shelter.

Africa’s biggest refugee camps have become home to thousands of

refugee camps
displaced persons.
to take refuge / After a bombing raid over the country, thousands of people fled to seek
to seek refuge refuge.

7. Military conflicts. Part 2 106

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

They claim the government used not only conventional weapons

a weapon
against them.
Missile attacks on the capital resumed at dawn, causing severe damage
to harbour installations.

a nuclear weapon Countries must be stopped from developing nuclear weapons.

a weapon of mass Weapons of mass destruction will kill a large number of humans and
destruction cause great damage to the region.
an attack / an assault / All members of the patrol were killed in an ambush on the narrowest
an ambush part of the road.

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The bomb was planted at the foot of Nelson's Column but failed to
to plant bombs
Two unidentified young men set off a bomb at the airport, wounding
to set the bomb off
more than a dozen people.
The police found three home-made bombs in his flat, ready to be
a home-made bomb
Nerve gas may have been used in the Syrian government's alleged
nerve gas
'chemical weapons attack' on the town of Douma.
to blow up buildings When the bomb exploded, dozens of buildings and vehicles were
and vehicles blown up.
to release poisonous They released poisonous gases into the tunnels, killing all all who were
gases hiding there.
to contract anthrax / One week after the September 11 attacks, letters containing anthrax
anthrax spores spores were mailed to several news media offices.

8. Military conflicts – Test yourself 107

Finish the sentences.

1. As soon as a truce was declared, the captain commanded the soldiers to cease… (fire).
2. When their ship sank in a storm, a small uninhabited island was the only place to seek…
3. Last week, just outside a crowded cafe in Ankara, a group of unidentified terrorists set off a
large… (bomb).
4. The soldiers attacked the enemy unexpectedly, waiting for them in an… (ambush).
5. It is illegal to detonate any nuclear… (weapon).
6. The bomb which was set off in the shopping centre, killing hundreds of people, wasn’t made
in a factory, it was… (home-made).
7. When in danger of attack on the border, a country has to send… (troops).
8. As the talks were initiated, the enemy parties decided to declare a temporary… (truce).
9. His involvement in terrorism was finally confirmed when he went on a suicide… (mission).
10. According to the Constitution, the President needs the consent of Congress to wage… (war).

9. Acts of violence 108

Answer the questions.

1. What were the terrorists who took control of the plane with 200 passengers accused of?

They were accused of hijacking.

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2. Do you know what happened to Abraham Lincoln, the President of the USA?

He was assassinated.

3. Where did the civilians forced to leave the country take refuge?

They took refuge in the refugee camps.

4. Who blows up buildings and vehicles during a civil war?

They are blown up by guerrillas.

5. What did the two armies declare in order to stop fighting for a short time?

They declared a truce.

6. What did the authorities send to Iraq to keep peace in this area?

They sent peace-keeping troops.

7. What might happen if you open an envelope with anthrax spores?

You might contract anthrax.

8. What do you call people who spread deadly germs as a weapon to reach political aims?

They are called bioterrorists.

10. Expressing cause and consequence 109

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

to be the reason for… Spreading anthrax spores in letters was the reason for the panic.

to be the cause of… Intolerance is the cause of conflicts on a global scale.

as a result Innocent civilians die as a result of suicidal attacks.

to be due to… The lower birth-rate in Europe is due to the break-up of the family.

to stem from… Extreme weather conditions stem from climatic changes.

Thousands of people died as a consequence of the attack on the World

as a consequence
Trade Centre.

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to give rise to… Local fights gave rise to a civil war.

to bring about… Urbanisation brings about damage to the environment.

therefore The economic gap can lead to conflicts; therefore, we must limit it.

otherwise We should ban the ivory trade; otherwise elephants will become extinct.

11. Expressing cause and consequence 110

Transform the sentences using the given expressions.

1. Many people died because of the lack of food. to be the reason

… for…
The lack of food was the reason for the death of many people.

2. He died because of fatal wounds received in battle. to be the cause

… of…
Fatal wounds received in battle were the cause of his death.

3. Heavy rainfall caused the severe floods in the spring.

… as a result
The severe floods came about as a result of heavy rainfall in
the spring.

4. Experts believe that the crash was caused by pilot error.

… to be due to…
Experts believe the crash to be due to pilot error.

5. Incompetent grain trading seems to cause most of the losses

according to the new chairman.
… to stem from…
The new chairman says that most of the losses seem to stem from
incompetent grain trading.

6. Coming into contact with this chemical caused the animals

to die. as a consequence

Animals died as a consequence of coming into contact with
this chemical.

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7. Poaching elephants is likely to arise due to an increasing

demand for ivory. to give rise to…

An increasing demand for ivory is likely to give rise to poaching

8. It took hours of negotiations for the two sides to reconcile.

… to bring about…
It took hours of negotiations to bring about a reconciliation
between the two sides.

9. The guerrillas set off a massive bomb as they wanted to blow up

the railway line to the capital city. therefore

The guerrillas wanted to blow up the railway line to the capital city;
therefore, they set off a massive bomb.

10. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of £10,000,000 or they said

they would kill the businessman’s wife. otherwise

The kidnappers demanded a ransom of £10,000,000. Otherwise,
they would kill the businessman’s wife.

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11. Crossing Barriers
1. Exploring the universe 111
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

to explore / to search
One of the biggest dreams of humanity is to explore the universe.

to travel in space Human beings may actually travel in space in the near future.

to launch In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.

to revolve The Earth revolves around the Sun.

to go into orbit The satellite went into orbit just as planned.

The spacecraft sends a beacon signal to the ground, so we hope it will

a spacecraft
be possible to find their position.
an unmanned They didn’t want to risk lives, so they decided to use an unmanned
spacecraft spacecraft.
A mission control centre manages space flights, usually from the point
mission control
of launch until the end of the mission.
Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more
a probe
detailed exploration of Mars.

a rocket The rocket was launched from a space research base.

The US space shuttle will interlock with the Russian space station later
a shuttle
By definition, interplanetary travel is travel between bodies in a given
interplanetary travel
star system.
My uncle worked for NASA and he wanted to be the first astronaut to
an astronaut
set foot on the moon.

a spacesuit The tiny cubicle was just large enough to hold one man and a spacesuit.

I have read many books on the big bang theory, the most popular
the big bang theory
theory about the origin of the universe.
Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole
a black hole
Do you believe in UFOs, in extraterrestrial beings paying the Earth a
an extraterrestrial

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a galaxy Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.

the solar system Jupiter is one of the planets in our solar system.

a full moon When the fog cleared away, the full moon appeared.

a lunar eclipse Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth's shadow falls on the moon.

a total eclipse of the

When will a total eclipse of the sun be visible in the USA?

a shooting star When you see a shooting star, make a wish.

New evidence supports the theory that dinosaurs were wiped out by an
an asteroid
asteroid hitting our planet.

a celestial body The sun, the stars and the moon are different types of celestial bodies.

a light year The nearest star to Earth is about 4 light years away.

2. Exploring the universe – Test yourself 112

Finish the sentences.

1. If you send a spacecraft into space, you… (launch it).

2. To move around a central point or line is to… (revolve).
3. A vehicle used for travel in space is called a… (spacecraft).
4. A device that is put inside something to test or record information is a… (probe).
5. A vehicle or aircraft that travels regularly between two places is a… (shuttle).
6. One of the independent groups of stars in the universe is called a… (galaxy).
7. The sun and the group of planets that move around it are called the… (solar system).
8. The distance light travels in one year is called a… (light year).
9. A piece of clothing worn by a person who travels in space is a… (spacesuit).
10. A person who travels into space is called an… (astronaut).

3. Facts about space exploration 113

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.

Our solar system has eight principal planets.
A light year is nearly six million million miles.

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The moon revolves around the earth.

The total eclipse of the sun is a very rare phenomenon.
The first satellite, Sputnik, was launched by the Russians in 1957.
The first probes missed the moon and went into orbit around the sun.
A spacesuit covers the whole body and provides a supply of air.
Apollo 11 was the first spacecraft to land on the moon with people on board.
Several unmanned spacecraft were sent to other planets.
Space stations allow scientists to conduct research into celestial bodies.

4. International cooperation. Part 1 114

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• e.g. to be active in / be engaged in world politics

world politics
• be / get involved in world politics
• cordial / friendly / improved foreign relations
• difficult / strained foreign relations
foreign relations
• to develop / establish foreign relations
• to break off / suspend foreign relations
• to develop / shape foreign policy
foreign policy • to establish / implement / introduce foreign policy
• to adopt / carry out / follow / pursue foreign policy
• to require / ask for / call for / demand / seek international
cooperation on sth
• to offer / encourage international cooperation among / between
• to develop / formulate / frame common policy
common policy • to adopt / carry out / follow / pursue common policy
• common policy is aimed at sth
• a common defence system / policy / strategy / budget
common defence
• common defence expenditure / spending / forces / cuts
• to conduct / cultivate / develop / establish mutual relations
• to break off / damage / sever / suspend mutual relations
mutual relations • improve / strengthen / restore / resume / regulate mutual relations
• the principles of mutual relations
• the improvement in mutual relations

5. International cooperation. Part 2 115

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• to create / form / set up a federation

a federation • the federation breaks up
• a member of a federation
• representatives of the member states
member states • member states of the European Union / the United Nations; EU /
UN member states
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• to enter into / open / break off / resume / conduct multilateral

multilateral / bilateral
• bilateral negotiations between the two countries
• to negotiate / work towards / reach / sign an agreement
• to be bound by an agreement
an agreement
• to adhere to / keep to / stick to an agreement
• to break / go back on / renege on / violate an agreement
• to agree on/to / draw up / negotiate / be/become a party to / enter into
/ finalise / make / sign a treaty
a treaty • to accept / approve / ratify / adhere to a treaty
• to reject / vote against / amend / be in breach of / breach / break /
violate a treaty
a pact • to have / conclude / enter into / form / sign a pact; to break a pact

6. International cooperation. Part 3 116

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• to achieve / gain / win / to bring (about) independence

• to declare / proclaim / ensure / maintain / preserve / sustain
• to give up / lose independence; to regain / restore independence
integration • to achieve / bring about / encourage / promote / stimulate integration

• to support / fight for / establish / restore democracy

• constitutional / parliamentary democracy

wealth • growing / increasing / economic / financial / national wealth

• to achieve / bring / ensure / give sb / provide (sb with) stability
stability • to lack / threaten stability
• to undermine / maintain / preserve stability
security • to give (sb) / provide (sb with) security

disarmament • nuclear / international / multilateral / unilateral disarmament

• to uphold / preserve / protect basic human rights

basic human rights
• to abuse / violate basic human rights
• the right to freedom of speech / worship / religion
• to fight for / achieve / gain / obtain / secure / win freedom of speech /
freedom of speech /
worship / religion
worship / religion
• to allow sb / give sb / permit sb freedom of speech / worship / religion
• reduce / restrict / threaten freedom of speech / worship / religion
ease of travel • to guarantee ease of travel

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7. International cooperation – Test yourself 117

Answer the questions.

1. Did the two parties go through heavy bilateral or multilateral negotiations?

They went through bilateral negotiations.

2. After many years of war, did they decide to sign the agreement or the peace treaty?

They decided to sign the peace treaty.

3. Does the Constitution guarantee freedom of speech or ease of travel?

The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech.

4. Did the UN adopt a resolution on nuclear disarmament or a nuclear attack?

They adopted a resolution on nuclear disarmament.

5. Did Mexico achieve integration or independence from Spain in 1821?

Mexico gained independence.

6. If citizens can manifest their religion without government influence or intervention, are
they guaranteed freedom of speech or freedom of religion?

They are guaranteed freedom of religion.

7. Will losing control over inflation have a strong impact on the economic stability or security
of the region?

It will influence economic stability.

8. Is a union of partially self-governing provinces, states or other regions under a central

government called an international cooperation or a federation?

It’s called a federation.

8. Europe without frontiers 118

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

accession Poland’s accession to the EU took place in 2004.

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The European Union is a federation of countries which ratified the

to ratify
Maastricht Treaty.
The EU aims at the economic and political integration of its member
to aim at…

to get rid of… The EU tries to get rid of all discrimination based on nationality.

to hold the presidency The presidency of the European Council is currently held by Portugal.

the freedom of The EU works constantly to expand the freedom of movement for its
movement citizens.
free movement of The free movement of labour resulted in a great number of immigrants
labour looking for jobs.
The annulment of borders means ease of travel for citizens of member
annulment of borders

to open up access to… EU actions are designed to open up access to learning opportunities.

Several programmes promote equal opportunities in all sectors of

equal opportunities

to be an official seat Strasbourg is the official seat of the European Parliament.

Many countries were negotiating the conditions under which they

to negotiate
would adopt a common currency.

to search for solutions In Brussels, politicians search for solutions to maintain peace in Europe.

It’s difficult to pass laws that will satisfy the needs of all nations within
to pass laws
the EU.
The EU had to intervene against the controversial plans to build a
to intervene
highway through the Rospuda river valley.

9. Europe without frontiers – Test yourself 119

Paraphrase the sentences using the appropriate expressions.

1. The government has refused to try to reach an agreement with the strikers.

The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers.

2. The Senate decided to give consent to the agreement on weapons reduction.

The Senate decided to ratify the agreement on weapons reduction.

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3. The army will have to become involved to prevent further riots.

The army will have to intervene to prevent further riots.

4. He took on the presidency of the association for five years.

He held the presidency of the association for five years.

5. One of the aims of the EU is getting rid of borders.

One of the aims of the EU is the annulment of borders.

6. The process of Turkey formally joining the EU will not take place in the nearest future.

The process of Turkey’s accession to the EU will not take place in the nearest future.

7. Luxemburg is the official location of the European Court of Justice.

Luxemburg is the official seat of the European Court of Justice.

8. The government has announced plans to increase the availability of higher education.

The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education.

10. Introducing opinions 120

Answer the questions using the given expressions.

1. Do you think interplanetary travel will be possible in the nearest

future? In my view…

In my view interplanetary travel won’t be possible.

2. How big is the danger of an asteroid hitting the Earth?

… To my mind…
To my mind the danger of an asteroid hitting the Earth’s surface
is very small.

3. Do you think that the big bang theory explains the origin of
the universe? I am convinced…

I am convinced that the big bang theory explains the origin of
the universe.

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4. Do people think that funding space exploration is a waste of money? According to many
… people…
According to many people funding space exploration is a waste of

5. Do people think that searching for new galaxies is a fascinating

Some people

Some people claim that searching for new galaxies is the most
fascinating occupation.

6. Do you think disarmament is a step towards maintaining peace

As far as I’m
on Earth?

As far as I’m concerned disarmament is the first step towards
maintaining peace on Earth.

7. Do you believe that mutual relations between EU countries will

It is my firm
always be good? belief…

It is my firm belief that the mutual relations between European
countries will always be good.

8. Do many people believe that the EU is a ready source of financial

It is popularly

It is popularly believed that the EU is a ready source of financial

9. Do people think that freedom of speech and religion are basic

Many people point
human rights? out…

Many people point out that freedom of speech and religion are
basic human rights.

10. Do you think the main role of the EU is to mitigate conflicts? To my way of
… thinking…
To my way of thinking the basic role of the EU is to mitigate

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11. Proverbs 121

Listen and repeat the expressions.

This means that what you do is more important than what

Actions speak louder than words.
you say.
This means that it is better for someone or something to be
Better late than never.
late than never arrive or happen at all.
This means that you should not be too confident that
Don’t count your chickens before
something will be successful, because something could still
they hatch.
go wrong.
Don’t put all your eggs into one This means that you should not depend on a single person
basket. or plan of action for your success.

Honesty is the best policy. This means that it is better to tell the truth than to lie.
This means that there is no point in wasting time feeling
It’s no use crying over spilt milk. sorry about an earlier mistake or problem that cannot be
This means that you should take the opportunity to do
Make hay while the sun shines.
something now, because you may not be able to do it later.
Necessity is the mother of This means that if someone really needs to do something,
invention. they will find a way of doing it.
This means that you can only achieve something, for
No gain without pain.
example become fitter, by suffering or working hard.
This means that when you have not received any news
No news is good news.
about someone or something, nothing bad has happened.
This means that if you do an activity regularly, you will
Practice makes perfect.
become very good at it.
The road to hell is paved with This means that people often intend to do good things but
good intentions. in fact do not, often because they are lazy or weak.

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12. Modern Media
1. The Internet 122
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

virtual reality She created an alternative life in virtual reality.

Internet access Some Third World countries still do not have access to the Internet.

a network I have a huge professional network on LinkedIn.

a modem Television and Internet are provided by a high-speed modem.

This full service model is an alternative to the previous technology,

limited scope
which had either targeted or limited scope.

a net connection I pay a lot to have a fast net connection.

an Internet user How will this new technology be important to the average Internet user?

a cybercafé I didn’t have a computer so I often used cybercafés.

For many companies, social media is just another platform to interact

social media
with consumers.
If you want to read discussions on the latest movies, subscribe to a
a newsgroup

a blog After my many travels, I’ve decided to write a blog.

e-commerce E-commerce is regarded as an important part of modern retail.

online You can buy all the furniture online, just with a click of a button.

offline Whenever I’m in the country, I love to stay offline.

wireless I really hate cables everywhere so all my equipment is wireless.

a password He cracked the password and accessed his wife’s account easily.

Google wasn’t the first search engine on the Internet, but it has been
a search engine
the most successful one by far.

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Click on the "reload" arrow button on your web browser to refresh the
a browser
They updated all their internal security systems to protect themselves
from hackers.

a server All data is stored on a central file server.

a website I created my company’s website.

Its homepage simply features a company logo, and access to the rest of
a homepage
the site is password-protected.

an e-mail account All the students have an email account set up on the academic mailbox.

Message authentication can be done by appending a digital signature to

a digital signature
the transmitted message.
A webcam embedded in a laptop offers a practical solution for
a webcam
a broadband A broadband connection is the most used form of Internet access
connection because of its high access speeds.
Make sure you install the antivirus software on your device and update
anti-virus software
it regularly.
Surveys show millions of workers use their office computers to play
to surf the net
games, surf the net, etc.
I downloaded some malicious software by mistake and now my
to download
computer access is blocked.
I usually upload all my photos to the cloud as the storage space is
to upload
unlimited there.

to link All the computers in the office are linked into a network.

Install anti-spam software to screen out spam such as large numbers of

to screen out spam
unwanted emails.
I didn’t use my mailbox for a year and when I logged in I had to spend
to delete junk e-mails
hours deleting junk emails!

to bounce back If your message bounces back, check if the address is still valid.

I am sure I didn't subscribe to their newsletter and I know they are

to subscribe
spamming me!
to hack into
Without any security passwords it is so easy to hack into a computer.
a computer

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

2. The Internet – Test yourself 123

Answer the questions.

1. If you wanted a quick connection to the Internet, would you use a webcam or a
broadband connection?

I would use a broadband connection.

2. If your mailbox were flooded with junk emails, would you delete or download them?

I would delete them.

3. If you wanted to verify the identity of the sender of an electronically transmitted

document, would you check the digital signature or the e-mail account?

I would check the digital signature.

4. If you needed a new font to create a Web advert, would you download or upload it on
your computer?

I would download it.

5. If you wanted to get as much information as possible, would you link to a newsletter or
subscribe to it?

I would subscribe to it.

6. If you wanted to surf the net, would you use a browser or a server?

I would use a browser.

7. If the terrorists aimed at stealing military technologies, would they hack into military
computer networks or spam them out?

They would hack into military computer networks.

8. If you didn’t write a correct email address, would your message be delivered or bounce

It would bounce back.

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3. Surfing the net 124

Give advice on the following problems using the given expressions.

1. My spam keeps bouncing back. A good idea would

… be…
A good idea would be to start screening out your spam.

2. I don’t have access to the Internet at home.

… If I were you…
If I were you I would visit the Internet cafe.

3. I have a dial-up connection and I pay a lot monthly.

… Why don’t you…?
Why don’t you install broadband?

4. I’m afraid someone will hack into our company computer one day.
… It would be
advisable to…
It would be advisable to invest in better security.

5. Internet Explorer seems to be very vulnerable to viruses.

… You had better…
You had better start using a different search engine like,
for example, Mozilla.

6. I panic whenever my computer crashes.

My advice is…

My advice is to stay calm and restart the computer.

7. Since my girlfriend left, our only contact has been through e-mails. Haven’t you
… thought of…?
Haven’t you thought of installing skype?

8. I’m almost certain someone occasionally reads my mail.

The only solution

The only solution is to change your password.

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

4. Advertising 125
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.

Although the service was advertised as being ‘free’, users were

to advertise
charged a standard fee.
an ad / an advert / She scanned the job advertisements in the paper to find something
an advertisement suitable for her.

a classified ad More than 30 million classified ads are posted on Craigslist each month.

a web banner I have created an eye catching web banner in Photoshop.

an advertorial My job is writing promotional advertorials for fashion magazines.

telesales / Telemarketing calls are made to customers, either to suggest a new

telemarketing product to them or to seek opinions for a survey.

a brand name Coca Cola is one of the most famous brand names.

a sponsor’s logo During the gala, all sponsors’ logos were displayed on the screen.

a commercial The 30-second commercial featured the new model of Mercedes.

a leaflet After the party congress, the streets were covered with election leaflets.

a flyer She distributed hundreds of fliers to advertise the anti-smog protest.

an insert Too many inserts in magazines really put me off.

a promotional The company produced a new brand of toothpaste and launched a huge
campaign promotional campaign.

5. Advertising – Test yourself 126

Finish the sentences.

1. Short adverts that you put in a newspaper if you want to buy or sell something are called…
(classified ads).
2. The marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls is called… (telemarketing /
3. A television or radio advertisement is called a… (commercial).
4. A small sheet of paper advertising an event or a product, often given to you in the street, is
called a… (flyer).
5. A loose page or section in a magazine or other publication is called an… (insert).
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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

6. To attract the readers’ attention to their new product, the company decided to pay for a few…
7. A printed sheet of paper containing information or advertising something is called a… (leaflet).
8. The name given by the producer to a product or a range of products is called a… (brand name).
9. A heading or advertisement appearing on a web page in the form of a bar, column or box is
called a web… (banner).
10. A small design that is the official sign of a company is called a… (logo).

6. The press. Part 1 127

Listen and repeat the expressions.

a type of newspaper with smaller • a daily / Sunday / national tabloid

a tabloid / pages, many pictures, and short • tabloid journalism
the gutter press reports, typically dominated by • a tabloid newspaper
sensational stories • the tabloid press
a broadsheet / a newspaper with a large format,
• a broadsheet newspaper
a quality regarded as more serious and less
sensationalist than tabloids • a national / daily broadsheet
• a(n) professional / freelance /
investigative journalist
a person who writes news stories or
a journalist
articles • a business / environmental /
fashion / financial / literary /
political / sports journalist
a photographer who creates news • a(n) award-winning / self-taught
a photojournalist
articles using mainly photographs photojournalist
a person who determines the final • a(n) chief / executive / managing /
an editor
content of a newspaper or a magazine deputy / assistant / associate editor
• a national / regional / state-owned
a newspaper occurring every day or
a daily / daily • the Daily Telegraph
every weekday
• a daily newspaper / tabloid /
• a(n) international / country / news
a weekly / weekly
a magazine occurring every week
weekly • a weekly magazine / journal /
bulletin / newsletter
• a(n) English-language / satirical
a biweekly / a magazine occurring every two biweekly
biweekly weeks • a biweekly magazine / journal /
bulletin / newsletter
• a(n) leading women’s / Anglo-
a monthly / American / glossy monthly
a magazine occurring every month
monthly • a monthly magazine / journal /
bulletin / newsletter

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

• a(n) academic / fashion quarterly

a quarterly / a magazine occurring four times a
year, every quarter • a quarterly magazine / journal /
bulletin / newsletter
• a current / back / special issue
a magazine or newspaper printed for
an issue • to bring out / publish an issue
a particular day, week or month
• an issue comes out / is out
• to go through / look through back
a back issue a past issue of a journal or magazine

7. The press. Part 2 128

Listen and repeat the expressions.

• a colour / glossy magazine

• a local / national magazine
• a(n) school / student / in-house /
a periodical publication containing quality / specialist / women’s /
a magazine / articles and illustrations that deals business / listings magazine;
a journal with a particular subject or • a(n) academic / professional /
professional activity technical / trade journal
• a non-specialist / specialist journal
• a highly-ranked / leading / major /
prestigious journal
• today's / yesterday's paper
a regularly printed document • a(n) independent / left-wing / right-
a newspaper /
containing news reports, articles, wing newspaper
a paper
photographs and advertisements • a local / national / provincial /
regional newspaper
a bulletin issued periodically and • to publish / issue / mail a
a newsletter
sent to the people who are interested newsletter
a separate section, especially a
• a colour supplement; a magazine /
a supplement colour magazine, added to a
special / Sunday supplement
newspaper or periodical
• a newspaper / tabloid headline
a heading at the top of an article or
a headline
page in a newspaper or magazine • a front-page / catchy / screaming
a title or brief explanation
accompanying an illustration in a • a(n) explanatory / informative /
a caption
book or newspaper or on a television cartoon caption
a newspaper article expressing the • a newspaper / lengthy / hard-hitting
an editorial
editor's opinion on a topical issue editorial
a relatively separate part of a book,
a section • a business / finance / travel section
newspaper, report or other document
an article in a newspaper or • a favourable / glowing / hostile /
a review magazine that gives an opinion about poor / critical review
a new book, play, film, etc. • mixed reviews

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

a conversation between a journalist

and a famous person, used as the • a newspaper / press interview
an interview
basis of a publication in a newspaper, • an exclusive interview
magazine, etc.
• considerable / extensive / mass
the reporting of a particular coverage
important event or subject • full / comprehensive / detailed / in-
depth / wide / widespread coverage
an item or story published or
an exclusive • to publish an exclusive
broadcast by only one source
a vertical division of a page or text or
a piece of writing in a magazine or • a regular / daily / weekly column
a column newspaper, usually on a particular • a(n) editorial / financial / lonely
subject, that is always written by the hearts column
same person and appears regularly
a notice of a death, especially in a
newspaper, typically including a
an obituary • in an obituary column
brief biography of the person who
has died
a column in a newspaper or
magazine offering advice on
an agony column • in an agony column
personal problems to readers who
write in
a woman who answers letters in an • to write to an agony aunt
an agony aunt
agony column • to send a letter to an agony aunt
a section of a magazine designed to • a pull-out supplement / section /
a pull-out
be removed and read separately report
the two facing middle pages of a • the centre-spread articles / stories
a centre-spread
newspaper or magazine / photograph
a cinema listing / a detailed and descriptive list of • to go through a cinema listing / a
a theatre listing movies or plays theatre listing
an amount of money paid regularly • a subscription fee / rate; a year's /
a subscription
to receive a newspaper or magazine month's subscription
to pay money in order to receive a
to subscribe to… • to subscribe to the magazine
product or use a service regularly
to describe or analyse the most
to cover • to cover the Syrian Civil War
important aspects or events

8. The press – Test yourself 129

Finish the sentences.

1. Sensational headlines usually attract the readers of… (tabloids / the gutter press).
2. Being an award-winning photojournalist, she now takes pictures of food for glossy…
(magazines / journals).
3. Some people read the articles only because of their catchy… (headlines).

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

4. My boyfriend always reads the sport’s … (section).

5. You’ll find the latest news, comment and analysis in the Guardian, the British… (broadsheet
6. Her mother’s death was announced in the newspaper’s… (obituary / obituary column).
7. I follow a lot of blogs but I never subscribe to their… (newsletters).
8. You can watch these videos only on our website; the content we post is… (exclusive).
9. Before you book your cinema tickets, check the latest cinema… (listings).
10. Information about the coronation ceremony will be published in a special colour… (pull-out).

9. Making assumptions 130

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Many people must have subscribed to this new biweekly.

I’m sure the extensive coverage of sports events makes broadsheets so widely read.
I suppose it’s big photographs that attract people’s attention in this tabloid.
These editorials must be boring and that’s why many readers skip them.
I’m quite positive that people buy Sunday papers only for their colour supplements.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they stopped publishing this daily very soon.
I guess this new agony column will soon become very popular.
Perhaps this new issue will contain a photo session with my favourite actor.
I bet the actress will sue the paparazzi for invading her privacy.
There is no doubt that this interview will be a huge success.
I get the impression that the impact of this advertising campaign will be great.
I can’t tell for sure but it looks as if we will have to pay more for our commercial airtime.
Judging from the headline, this interview might be scandalous.
This new monthly seems to be much better than the one we used to buy.
This article can’t possibly be based on facts.

10. The gutter press 131

Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the expressions.

based on writing shocking I don’t like keyhole journalism;

keyhole journalism stories about people's sensational stories about celebrities
private lives don’t interest me at all.
a section of a paper devoted You can read a lot of funny stories full
a gossip column to gossip about well-known of cutting remarks in our weekly gossip
people column.
absurd, nonsensical or Some of these television shows do talk
worthless talk or ideas a load of rubbish!

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English Vocabulary Master for Advanced Learners IV. The World Today. Modern Media

involving stories about

Have you read the scandalous article
scandalous dishonest or immoral things
about the chairman’s affair?
that someone has done
to strongly dislike I can’t bear journalists pursuing their
can’t bear something
something or someone careers on people’s misery.
to tell people exactly what
He was a tough journalist who wasn’t
to speak your mind you think, even if it offends
afraid to speak his mind.
It’s up to the chief editor to decide
used to say that someone
to be up to someone whether the material is journalistically
can decide about something
to cause someone to lose The agony column seems odd to me;
to put someone off
interest or feel dislike these banal problems really put me off.

11. The gutter press – Test yourself 132

Answer the questions using the given expressions. In each example, you will hear another
possible answer.

A. Do you ever read the tabloids? can’t bear

B. … something
Frankly speaking, I can’t bear them.

A. Don’t you like reading sensational stories?

B. … rubbish
To me, it’s all rubbish.

A. Strong words. Why do you think so?

B. … to speak your mind
I always speak my mind. I don’t like keyhole journalism.

A. But the front-page headlines do attract your attention, don’t they?

B. … to put off
No, these catchy headlines really put me off.

A. OK, but look at the headline of this interview! How do you feel
about it? scandalous
B. …
As a matter of fact, I’m not very fond of it. Judging from
the headline, this interview might be scandalous.

A. Yes, I know but I like reading such stories from time to time just to to be up to
have fun. someone
B. …
It’s up to you what you choose.
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