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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

All Nevada education students are required to pass the Praxis exam before

enrolling in the bachelor programs for UNLV, NSC, or UNR. For the praxis exam, you

need a certain score to pass each section. For math, you need a passing score of 150, for

reading you need a 156, and for writing, you need a 162.

Exam Preparation

I only prepared for the writing exam by taking a quiz. For the reading and Math

exams, I did not study or prepare. I feel that it gave me an accurate representation of what

has locked into my brain already and what I need to study for the real exam.

Exam Results

In reading, I got a 46 which means I need to improve more. For my writing exam,

I scored a 58 which means I also need to improve more. For the math exam, I received a

score of 72 which is borderline meaning I did average and could use some improvement

to do even better.

Future Exam Preparation

For the real exam, I will prepare myself by using the websites that were provided

for me. I will also study using the praxis preparation that CSN has provided in the

courses tab. I will spend a lot of time studying to try and get the best score possible.

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