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Chapter 42
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism is responsible for ensuring safe,
orderly and expeditious operation of international and domestic air traffic
within the territorial air space and developing tourism infrastructure in order to
popularize tourist products of Bangladesh. The major functions of this ministry
include formulation and implementation of laws, policies and guidelines
relating to civil aviation and tourism. The ultimate objective is to contribute to
the national economy through creation of employment and facilitating
international trade and commerce.
1.2 To keep pace with the growing demand of the international passengers from
Bangladesh, a well-developed aviation infrastructure and facilities are
needed. Bangladesh is currently one of the top ten remittance earning
countries in the world. The international airports of the country need to handle
huge number of expatriate Bangladeshis as well as a lot of foreigners coming
in for trade and tourism. The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)
has taken a number of projects and programs to modernize all the three
International and six domestic airports. Expansion and modernizations of
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka and Osmani International
Airport in Sylhet has been completed. Up gradation work of Cox’s Bazar
Airport is going on to meet the future demand of international and local
tourists coming to the world’s largest sandy beach. Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujib International Airport Project has been taken to build a world class
airport which is also a target of Vision-2021.
1.3 Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is commercially operating 39 tourism
infrastructures in the country. It has also planned to build motels in Chittagong
beach area, Rangamati, Jaflong and Sona Masjid. The Government has
taken an initiative to develop new tourism infrastructures under Public Private
Partnership (PPP). Two projects, namely, setting up of an Exclusive Tourist
Zone at Teknaf and a 5 Star Beach Hotel along with 18 Hole Golf Course are
going to be constructed at Cox’s Bazar. Constructions of a motel, a youth
hostel and a Buddhist Temple have already been completed at Kuakata
Beach point.
1.4 With an aim of attracting more international tourists, Bangladesh Tourism
Board has implemented ‘Visit Bangladesh Campaign’ in June 2011. Two TV
commercials of international standard were prepared and aired throughout

the world during ICC World Cup 2011. The board also took part in 11
international fairs as part of promotional activities. Publicity bill boards were
set up at various air ports and important places of the country.
1.5 In the Sixth Five Year Plan (SFYP), the goal has been set up to enhance
contribution of Tourism sub sector in the GDP from 0.69 to 2 percent. Ministry
of Civil Aviation and Tourism has formulated Bangladesh Tourism Policy 2010
to realize this target. In the same year, Bangladesh Tourist Reserve Zone Act,
2010 was also enacted. An interactive multilingual website has been
launched. Moreover, Bangladesh tourism guide and tourist map were also
published. Special academic and training programs have been designed to
develop tourism related human resources. To enhance marketing of tourism
products at home and abroad, modern Information Technology (IT) based
system has been adopted.

2.0 Major Functions of the Ministry

 Formulation and implementation of laws and policies relating to civil

 Modernisation and rationalisation of airports, air routes and air services;

 Supervision of activities relating to air space control, safe take-off and

landing of aircraft, aeronautical inspection, and the issuance of licensees
for aircrafts and pilots;

 Formulation of laws and rules relating to registration of travel agencies

and monitoring of their implementation;

 Formulating, updating and implementing the laws and policies for tourism,
taking into account global perspectives;

 Undertaking research for development of the tourism industry, its modern

management and creation of skilled manpower;

 Establishing, directing and controlling of associated/service-oriented

organisations for the overall development of the tourism industry;

 Signing of contracts relating to civil aviation and tourism with local and
international organisations and supervision of all activities concerned with

3.0 Relevance of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Ministry for

Women’s Advancement and Rights
3.1 The key activities of the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism includes
promoting safety in air traffic system, efficient and competitive air cargo

transportation system, expansion of inbound tourism, development of tourist

spots and enhancing tourist facilities etc. This sector has also great potential
to contribute more in the national economy. Women will also be benefitted in
a number of ways from this sector. The role of this ministry in women’s
advancement and rights are discussed below:
3.2 Safe and Secure Aviation System: The growing number of expatriate
Bangladeshis creates the opportunity of expanding the existing facilities of all
the three international airports. For this reason the number of flights both in
domestic and international routes needs to be increased. This will create
huge employment opportunities and women will be benefitted as well.
3.3 Efficient and Competitive Cargo Transport System: Investment and
employment opportunities will expand in industrial sector especially in
garments industries if efficient and standardized cargo transport system is
introduced. More jobs will be created in garment manufacturing industries
where female workers are employed in a large numbers.
3.4 Expansion of Inbound Tourism: Not much of tourism facilities have been
developed in Bangladesh, particularly for the foreign tourists. As a result,
contribution of tourism industry to GDP remains insignificant. But the natural
beauty, sandy beaches, world’s largest mangrove forest, rich and diversified
cultural heritage, hospitable citizenry of Bangladesh can attract a large
number of tourists every year if these are marketed properly. Tourism sector
has the potential to create millions of jobs in different types of services. It can
also create huge self-employment opportunities. Women can easily grab a
large share of jobs in tourism industries.
3.5 Tourism Related Human Resource Development: With expansion of
tourism industries, demand for trained human resources will be created. Jobs
will be created in tourism industry as tour guide, hospitality manager, supply
chain manager, service provider etc. Ecotourism also creates a large number
of job opportunities. To meet the demand of trained human resources
academic and training programme should be designed properly and women
should be given preference. This is evident all over the world that women are
doing better in tourism sector and Bangladesh has also great potential to
explore this area of economic activities.

5.0 Priority Spending Areas and Benefits for Women’s Advancement

Impact on Women's Advancement
Priority Spending Areas/ Programmes
(Direct and Indirect)

1. Development and modernization of civil

aviation related infrastructure:
The growing number of expatriate
It is very essential to create and expand the
Bangladeshis creates the opportunity of
civil aviation infrastructure in order to expand
expanding the existing facilities of airports.
air transportation, ensure air safety and
The number of flights both in domestic and
provide improved services to the increasing international routes needs to be increased.
number of passengers. Various Local and international aviation companies
infrastructures must be modernised in line will require more trained manpower where
with international standards in order to have women will have better opportunities to be
continuous take-off and landing of employed.
international flights. For this reason,
construction and modernisation of civil
aviation infrastructure has been considered
as a priority area.

2. Modernisation of existing tourism

infrastructure and development of related
infrastructures The natural beauty, world’s largest sandy
beach, mangrove forest, rich and diversified
International as well as domestic tourism will
cultural heritage, hospitable citizenry of
receive a boost with the identification of more
Bangladesh can attract a large number of
new tourist spots, reconstruction/ repair/
tourists every year. If tourism sector is
renovation and modernisation of existing flourished, it will create millions of jobs in
tourist establishments and construction of different types of services. It also creates
new tourist infrastructure at various attractive huge self-employment opportunities.
tourist places of the country. As a result, Women can easily grab a large share of
huge employment opportunities will be those jobs.
created in this sector. Modernisation of the
existing tourist infrastructure and construction
of new ones have been given a priority in
order to make the tourism one of the biggest
foreign exchange earners.

3. Development of physical infrastructure for

tourism under PPPs:
The Government has taken an initiative to
Since infrastructure development projects of
develop new tourism infrastructures under
civil aviation and tourism sector are very
Public Private Partnership (PPP). Two
expensive, it would not be possible for the
projects, namely, setting up of an Exclusive
government alone to fund all the Tourist Zone at Teknaf and a 5 Star Beach
infrastructure development in this sector. For Hotel along with 18 Hole Golf Course are
this reason, priority has been given to attract going to be constructed at Cox’s Bazar.
private investment in developing physical Constructions of a motel, a youth hostel and

Impact on Women's Advancement

Priority Spending Areas/ Programmes
(Direct and Indirect)
infrastructure in tourism and civil aviation a Buddhist Temple have already been
sectors under Public-Private Partnerships completed at Kuakata Beach point. All these
(PPP). In addition, management efficiency in initiatives will boost tourism industry where
women have better chances to participate in
the sector will be enhanced as a result of
economic activities.
private sector participation which will attract
new foreign investment.

4. Conducting training for human resource Special academic and training program is
development: very helpful to develop tourism human
It would not be possible to attract foreign resources. Through this program women are
tourists and foreign investments in tourism most benefitted as this sub-sector requires
sector unless there is sufficient skilled women workers and employees especially
manpower to deliver services up to the
as tour guides, front desk attendants,
international standard. For this reason,
hospitality managers etc. Apart from this,
priority has been given to conduct modern
and need-based training courses and to training programme on flight cabin crew and
maintain international standards at existing flight attendant can also be arranged for
tourism training institutes. women with special emphasis in English
language skills.

6.0 Women’s Share in Ministry’s Total Expenditure

(Taka in Crore)
Budget 2013-14 Revised 2012-13 Budget 2012-13
Description Women Share Women Share Women Share
Budget Revised Budget
Women % Women % Women %
Total National Budget 2,22,491 61,575 27.68 1,89,334 54,304 28.68 1,91,737 50,340 26.25
Ministry Budget 308 72 23.38 267 70 26.22 348 35 10.06
Development 265 66 24.91 237 59 24.89 326 33 10.12
Non- Development 43 6 13.95 30 11 36.67 22 2 9.09

7.0 Success in Promoting Women’s Advancement

 ‘National Hotel and Tourism Training Institute’ impart training on Tourism and
Hotel and Hospitality management with a view to make skilled human
resources. Main courses of this training institution are- Diploma in Hotel
Management, Diploma in Tourism Management, Professional Chef Course,
Certificate Course in Food and Beverage Production, Services, Bakery and
Pastry Production, Travel Agency and Tour Operator and Receptionists. Each
year about 1200 people get training on these courses;

 Besides regular training courses, National Hotel and Tourism Training

Institute organizes special training courses for women. As a part of this

initiative 114 women got training on catering service and 84 women got
training on bakery and cookery during the year 2012. Therefore, women
become skilled and are getting employment opportunity.

8.0 Recommendations for Future Activities

 The Global Report on Women in Tourism 2010 confirms that tourism

can act as a vehicle for empowerment of women whilst highlighting the
remaining challenges for gender equality in tourism. Some initiatives
and decisions of the government can work towards enhancing the
positive impact of tourism on women’s lives and to bring gender issues
to the forefront of the tourism industry.
 Bangladesh has much potential for development of tourism industry.
She has many natural attractions and social events of interest. If these
are properly developed and marketed the tourism industry will be able
to attract more overseas tourists. With expansion of tourism industry,
many related small and cottage industries automatically grow where
women can become entrepreneur and worker at the same time. As
demonstration of cultural activities involves women in large quantities,
they will be able to engage in economic activities. Women are also
given priority in hospitality management and related services. They will
also be benefitted from tourism related small businesses like,
handicrafts, souvenir shops, supply services etc.

 Ecotourism opens up a new horizon of opportunities for the women.

Sometimes, village home stays engage community in ecotourism. An
ecotourism guideline will be helpful to enhance tourism opportunities
particularly in hill, forest and haor areas where institutional tour
operators do not have much access.
 Special training program for women can be arranged in the areas of
flight cabin crew, hotel and hospitality management, professional tour
guide etc. with a special emphasis in English language. It is important
to provide educational activities for women to better improve their
opportunities for working within tourism industry.

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