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‘This Question Paper consists of 20 questions and 12 printed pages. Roll No. Code No. 54/AS/4 Set - | A ENGLISH (202) Day and Date of Examination Signature of Invigilators 1. zw General Instructions : 1 2 6 Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question Paper. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and the total number of questions contained in the Question Paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page. Also check to see that the questions are in sequential order. For the objective type of questions, you have to choose any one of the four alternatives given in the question ive. (A), (B), (C) or (D) and indicate your correct answer in the Answer-Book given to you. In the case of fill in the blanks, the correct / appropriate answers should be written in the answer-book. All the questions including objective type questions are to be answered within the allotted time and no separate time limit is fixed for answering objective type questions. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number anywhere other than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the candidate. Write your Question Paper code No. 54/AS/4-[A] on the Answer-Book S4/AS/4—202_A] 1 OCALA ¢ Cone... Time ENGLISH (202) 3 Hours} [Maximum Marks 100 Note : (1) This question paper has four sections : A, B, C and D. (2) All the questions are compulsory including those where internal chi (3) _All_ answers to be written in the answer script provided SECTION - A (Reading) (Marks : 15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow A sportswoman who has made India proud with her glorious achievements, Mary Kom is the only Indian woman boxer who managed to qualify for the 2012 Summer Olympics where she also won a Bronze Medal. Mary was born in Kangathei, Manipur and was the eldest of four siblings. Named as Mangte Chungnejjang at birth, she was called Mary as she entered the world of professional sports as it was easier to pronounce. Born into a poor family she began helping her parents by working in the fields while still very young. As a school girl she used to play a variety of sports ~ hockey, football, and athletics — but surprisingly not boxing ! When the Manipuri boxer Dingko Singh won a gold at the Asian Games in 1998, Mary was inspired to take up boxing. But taking up a sport considered “masculine” by social standards was no easy task for the young tribal girl. However, Mary was not someone to be discouraged, and travelled to Imphal to train in athletics. She was passionate about the sport and was a quick learner; she would often practice till late in the ight S4/AS/4—202_A] 2 OCALA ¢ Cone... even after the others had left. Today her success is for all to see and she now teaches boxing to underprivileged youngsters for free. Mary Kom was decorated with the Padma Shri, India’s fourth highest civilian honour in 2010, and the Padma Bhushan in 2013, for her wonderful achievements in the field of sports. Her autobiography, ‘Unbreakable’ which chronicles all her life's struggles and how she rose above them, was released by Harper Collins in 2013 and is a must read for young sports enthusiasts (i) 2012 was a special year for Mary because she - 1 (A) won a medal (B) was born (C) started boxing (D) started playing hockey (ii) Mary’s real name is - 1 (A) Dingko Singh (B) Mangte Chungneij (C) Kangathei (D) Padma Shri (iii) What were the problems she faced when she was young ? 1 (iv) What two qualities of Mary do you think helped her as she was training 2 in Imphal? (v) Whose example in the field of boxing did Mary follow ? 1 (vi) Find words from the passage which mean the opposite of - 2 (a) youngest (b) encouraged 2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow 7 If we wish to master meditation we can follow what saints do. They meditate long hours and work hard to practise meditation. They do not sit for a few minutes, get up and eat something, sit for a few more minutes, and then watch television for three hours, then sit again, and then get up and engage in more distractions. S4/AS/4—202_A] 3 OCALA ¢ Cone... They keep themselves seated until they achieve their goal. If we follow their dedication and zeal to their meditation we too will attain the spiritual heights that they reached We have been gifted with free will to choose whom we want to copy as role models. If we spend our time with those with negative habits, then we will become so much like those people. We will be influenced by their negative ways and it will be harder for us to undo the bad habits we develop. If we are truly sincere about our progress in life let us find positive role models so that those virtues become a part of us. Then, we will find that we will not have to work to control our minds. So, let us find positive role models to emulate and become better persons. On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions (i) To learn meditation we should - 1 (A) follow the example of saints (B) become masters (C)_ keep doing many things. (D) follow negative people. (ii) How do saints get success ? 1 (A) By doing many things at the same time. (B) By watching television. (C) By sleeping long hours. (D) By dedication and hard work. (iii) What has God gifted each one of us with ? 1 (iv) What will be the effect of spending time with negative people ? 1 (v) What are the two things that passage teaches us ? 2 (vi) Find a word in the passage which means the opposite of - failure 1 S4/AS/4—202_A] 4 OCALA ¢ Cone... SECTION - B (Writing) (Marks : 25) 3 Read the following telephone conversation 4 Rama Aunty, could I talk to Asha please ? Asha’s mother : Asha has gone to the market. Do you have a message for her ? Rama Aunty please tell her to keep her English project ready. She has to submit it tomorrow. Asha’s mother ; Ok. I will tell her. You are Asha’s mother. You will not be at home to give Asha the message. Write a brief message that you will leave for Asha 4 You are Sanjiv. You live in Lucknow. There is high level of pollution in the city. 7 Your school recently held a drive in the school to create awareness about the need to make the environment pollution free. You invited the community to join together to make the city clean. Write a report of this drive highlighting the efforts that the school and the community promise to take towards a clean city in about 100 words for publication in the local newspaper. 5 Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper giving your views about the 7 increasing use of cell phones by school children. Use of cell phones is leading to distractions and waste of time besides being unsafe. Suggest what schools and parents can do to control this trend. Your letter should cover the following points ~ increasing use of cell phones by school children specially in large towns and cities - effects : overuse, unnecessary and prank calls leading to unsafe situations, time wasted - studies affected; = steps schools and parents can take : restrict students from carrying them to school S4/AS/4—202_A] 5 OCALA ¢ Cone... Given below are three situations. Choose any one situation and write @ paragraph on it in about 100 words. (@ (b) (©) (a) You visited your grandparents in the village in your summer vacation. You were pleasantly surprised to see a lot of advancement in the village. Write a paragraph descril and friends. 1g the changes you saw and the time you spent with family You are very fond of reading and like to spend a lot of time reading, Write a paragraph about the enjoyment reading gives you and the advantages of reading. Write a paragraph on the importance of education for girls SECTION - C (Grammar) (Marks : 30) Read the following paragraph Rewrite the paragraph by filling in the blanks. The first sentence of the report has been given as an example for you Eating healthy is important for everyone, especially for teens. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. It even prevents some health is ues. You will love your body if you start eating healthy. Eating healthy food does so much for your body. It can prevent and control health problems. Healthy diet has shown to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure, Rewrite the paragraph by filling in the blanks. The first sentence has been filled in for you as an example. Eating healthy is important for everyone, especially for teens. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. Some health issues can_be prevented by eating healthy food. Your body (i) by you if you start eating healthy. Eating healthy food does so much for your body. Health problems (ii) by eating healthy food. Heart disease and (iii) by a healthy diet 7 S4/AS/4—202_A] 6 OCALA ¢ Cone... (b) Rewrite the following pairs of sentences by combining each pair into one 3 sentence. Use the appropriate words chosen from the ones given in the box. One has been done as an example for you. (Note : These are more words than you may require. You may also have to make some changes in the sentence.) while, as, because, which, when Example (a) 1 am very upset today. (b) I have not done well in my exams I am very upset today as I have not done well in my exams. (i) @) Our school team is practising hard. (b) It wants to win the football tournament. (ii) (a) My friend was sitting at the bus stop (b) A young lady came and asked her for directions to reach Saket (iii) (@) The school is holding an exhibition (b) The exhibition is about the states of India. 8 — Read the following passage. There are some numbered blanks in it, For each 6 blank four options have been provided. Choose the correct ones to fill in the blanks. The first sentence has been done as an example Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was a great freedom fighter, a born leader, _an_ idealist and a man of action. He (i) himself for the freedom of his country. He was born in Cuttack ii) January 23, 1897, After doing his matriculation, he joined (iii) Presidency College, Calcutta, Subhash Chandra graduated in 1919 first class Honors in Philosophy. He was (iv) sent to England to compete in the Indian Civil Service examination, He stood fourth and was (v) the Civil Service but resigned from the service and started serving the motherland (vi) Eg. (A) an (By a (C) the (D) one () (A) sacrifice (B) sacrificing (C) sacrificed (D) was sacrificing (ii) (A) on (B) in (© with (D) at (iii) (A) with Ba (©) an (D) the (iv) (A) then (B) while (©) after (D) but (vy) (A) took (B) take (C) taken (D) taking (vi) (A) passion (B) passionate (C) passionately (D) passions S4/AS/4—202_A] 7 OCALA ¢ Cone... 9 — Complete the following dialogue by filling in the blanks. The first blank has 3 been filled up as an example. Aruna: There is so much pollution all around ! I wish we could do something about it Saba What ____ (i) ?' It is the job of the government. Aruna: I'm worried about the elderly and the kids. Are you i)? Saba I am worried about their health, Aruna : Then you must also do something. Can you ___(iii) in your colony and ask them to stop burning leaves and garbage ? Saba: I think I can speak to them 10 Complete the following dialogue by filling in the blanks with suitable words. 3 The first one has been done as an example. Manu; All of us must reach the football ground by nine a.m. tomorrow. We (i) to practise hard from now. Rohit: I agree, We i) surely win the tournament this time if we prepare well Manu: Yes. But we win only if each player practises for 4 hours daily. 11 You heard the following dialogue between two friends. Complete the report 6 by filling in the blanks Neerja: Hello Ruma. Why are you looking so sad ? Ruma: Actually my mother is not well Neerja : Oh ! What happened to her ? Ruma; She has got a lung infection Neerja ; Don’t be so sad. She'll get well soon, Neerja asked Ruma (), Ruma replied that (ii). Neerja inguired (ii) mother, at which Ruma informed her (iv) Neerja (v) She further assured her (vi). S4/AS/4—202_A] 8 OCALA ¢ Cone... 12 13 14 Complete the following passage by filling in the blanks using the correct form 6 of the verbs given in brackets A monkey climbed the roof of a house and (i) (entertain) the people who had gathered below to watch it with his antics He (i) (make) funny sounds, played tricks and mimicked the people who (iii) (gather) to watch him. Everyone enjoyed his antics and cheered him happily. After he (iv) (go), an ass who craved popularity climbed the roof and tried (v) (perform) the same tricks He was unable to perform them and fell off the roof. He also dislodged and (vi) (break) several tiles. The owner of the house was furious and beat him up. SECTION - D (Literature) (Marks : 30) Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow 1x4=4 He gave out a cry in frustration and anguish His dreams and his efforts all dashed in the dirt But as sure as I’m standing here telling this story The same goes for what next occurred. (Nine Gold Medals) (a) Who is he ? (b) Who is narrating the story ? (©) Why was he frustrated and pained ? (d) What was the boy’s dream ? Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each 2x2=4 (i) What does the poet not like about people’s behaviour in the present ? (Once Upon a Time) (ii) What are the weavers weaving in the poem ‘Indian Weavers’ ? S4/AS/4—202_A] ° OCALA ¢ Cone... 15 Complete the following statements by choosing the correct option ba=2 (i)__In the past people used to laugh (The Truth) (A) with their hearts. (B) with only their teeth (©) when they were joking (D) when they shook hands (ii) Both trees and human beings are (Tall Trees) (A) funny (B) caring (©). shining (D) dark 16 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1xd=: An old grey-haired man came out of the house, He knew the cure for snakebite Grandfather asked him to cure me. The old man took me inside, He looked at my finger and then asked me not to move. I sat on Grandfather's lap. The old man then took some water in a small brass vessel, sat in front of us and started reciting some mantras. (Snake Bite) (a) Who is the old man ? (b) What did grandfather ask him to do ? (©) What did the man do to the narrator ? (@ Pick out the word which is close in meaning to ‘singing’ 17 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1xd=4 He was better than me in everything: at lessons, in arguments, and in manners, and all this took me farther from him and caused me moral anguish which | could not understand. When Valodya was given a tucked shirt for the first time I was unhappy for not having a shirt like that, I am sure I would have felt happier if I was convinced that every time he arranged his collar it was not done to annoy me. (My Elder Brother) (a) What was it that upset the narrator ? (b) Why did the narrator feel unhappy when his brother was given a tucked shirt ? (©) Why did Valodya get annoyed when his brother arranged his collar ? (d) Find the word in the passage which is close in meaning to ~ ‘great pain or suffering” S4/AS/4—202_A] 10 OCALA ¢ Cone... 18 Complete the following statements by choosing the most appropriate option given below. (i) Pandit Nehru was not able to send a birthday gift to Indira because 1 he (A Birthday Letter) (A) was imprisoned in Naini jail (B) did not like sending her gifts (©) thought that the high walls of prison would make it difficult to send (D) thought a letter was good enough for her (ii) The monkeys made fun of the squirrel because 1 (How The Squirrel Got His Stripes) (A) he was hurt by the stones he was picking up. (B) Lord Rama ran his fingers over his back (©) the squirrel looked funny with stripes on his back (D) they thought the squirrel was too small to help them (iii) Neema’s father wanted to become a doctor because 1 (The Village Pharmacy) (A) he saw his grandfather preparing medicines from different parts of the neem. (B) there was a pharmacy in his village. (©) his grandfather asked him to become a doctor. (D) his father thought he could become a good doctor. 19 Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words each 2x2=4 (1) Why did the parakeet dislike Aunt Ruby ? (The Parrot Who Wouldn’t Talk) (2) Why did Ustad Bismillah Khan not accept the offer of taking citizenship of USA ? (Ustad Bismillah Khan) (3) What kind of a boy was Gopal ? (The Last Stone Mason) S4/AS/4—202_A] ul OCALA ¢ Cone... 20 Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 words 5 (1) What is the change in Nicky's character during the course of the story, ‘My Elder Brother’ ? How does the change happen ? (2) Why is it important to recycle waste ? How can recycling be helpful in improving the environment ? (New Good Things From Rubbish) S4/AS4—202_A] 2 LOOT t 445003

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