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Comprehensive Design Report


234 More Hall

Seattle, WA 98195-2700
Table of Contents

1.1 Building Description
1.2 Proposed Structural Systems & Framing Plan
1.3 Site Conditions, Soil Properties, and Geotechnical Considerations
1.4 Design Changes
2.1 Dead Loads
2.2 Live Loads
2.3 Snow Loads
2.4 Wind Loads
2.5 Earthquake Loads


4.0 Slab Design

5.0 Beam & Girder Design

5.1 Deflection Limits
5.2 Effective Width
5.3 Design Process
5.3.1 Flexure Reinforcement
5.3.2 Shear Reinforcement
5.4 Beam Design
5.4.1 Naming Convention
5.4.2 Beam Flexure Design
5.4.3 Beam Shear Design
5.4.4 Beam Bar Cutoff Design
5.5 Girder Design
5.5.1 Naming Convention
5.5.2 Girder Flexure Design
5.5.3 Girder Shear Design
5.5.4 Girder Bar Cutoff Design

6.0 Column Design

7.0 Shear Wall Design

8.0 Foundation Design

8.1 Design Consideration
8.2 Design Process

9.0 Penthouse Design

10.0 Connection Design
10.1 Foundation to Column connection


List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Blume Building

Figure 1-2: West Elevation View
Figure 4-1 (ASCE Fig 7-1 Ground Snow Loads, 𝑃𝑔 , for the United States (Lb/𝐹𝑡 2 )
Figure 4-2 (ASCE Fig 7-7 Drifts Formed at Windward and Leeward Steps)
Figure 4-3 (ASCE Fig 7-2a Slope Factor)
Figure 4-4: Lateral System Layout
Figure 4-5: USGS output for design Spectral Accelerations
Figure 4-6: Lateral story loads for seismic
Figure 4-7: Effective Area North Elevation
Figure 4-8: Effective Area East Elevation
Figure 4-9: Lateral story loads for Wind - North and South
Figure 4-10: Lateral story loads for Wind - East and West
Figure 9-1: Wall plan view
Figure 9-2: In-plan view comparison

List of Tables

Table 4-A Live Loads (ASCE 7-10 Table 4-1)

Table 4-B Dead Loads (Used ASCE 7-10 Table C3-1):
Table 4-C Loads per Floor
Table 4-D (7-2 ASCE): Exposure Factor
Table 4-E (7-3 ASCE): Thermal Factor
Table 4-F (7-3 ASCE): Thermal Factor
Table 4-G (ASCE 1.5-2): Risk Category of Structures
Table 4-H (ASCE 7-10): Method 1
Table 4-I: SEAW Snow Load Analysis for King County
Table 4-J Parameters
Table 4-K Effective Area
Table 4-L Wind Load MWFRS
Table 4-M Penthouse load
Table 7-A (ACI 9.5-a): Minimum Thickness of Non-prestressed Beam
Table 12-A Concrete Strength per element:
1. Summary
1.1 Building Overview

For this project, Altan Co. has been contracted to design and construct a replacement for the
UW's civil engineering building, More Hall.
 The new infrastructure will be called the Blume Building and is located inside the UW
Seattle's campus in place of the current More Hall.


 It will be a 6-story, 200,000 gross square foot building. It will be used mainly to serve a
variety of academic necessities, including house classrooms, faculty offices, conference
rooms, lounges and labs.

Figure 1-2: West Elevation View

The building includes a roof that is composed of a lower level and higher level roof, where the
higher portion includes a penthouse to provide space for added storage.


Figure 1-1: Blume Building

1.2 Structural Design Requirements and System Summary

After careful considerations, the design and engineer team at Altan Co. decided to utilize a
reinforced-concrete frame as the building’s main gravity system. The reasons behind this are:
 Concrete provides a cheaper material cost in comparison to a pure steel system.
 Although construction time may take longer, using concrete means will reduce the labor
cost for designing and installing the steel connections.
In comparison to pre-stressed concrete, reinforced-concrete system has some disadvantages.
 Having a larger volume of concrete when poured leads to higher self-weight and a larger
moment of inertia.
 However, a pre-stressed system will require more design efforts and would raise the
cost considerably as well.

The building will have one-way reinforced concrete slab running north-south, spanning an
average width of 12 ft. (east-west). There will be reinforced concrete beams running east-west,
supported by reinforced-concrete girders running north-south. Each beam will span multiple
bays. Reinforced columns will support the girders and connect into a series of square spread
footings below grade.
 Figure [] below shows the direction of beams and slab layout on level 2. Letters (running
east west) and numbers (running north south) denoted indicate column lines.
 Beams will be denoted by floor and by number and spans will be donated by letter (for
example Beam 6 Span C-D is labeled on Figure [] below).
 Columns will be donated in a similar manner (for example Column 3C is labeled on
Figure [] below).
Figure []: Member Orientation, level 2

To resist the lateral forces, specially reinforced shear walls will be utilized in the elevator core,
connecting to a mat footing beneath grade. Details of both systems will be explained in further
detail in the calculation package.
Please refer to the attached Structural Drawings, ranging from S2.1 to S2.12, for AutoCAD
drawings of the floor plans, and S9 for E/W elevation. For elevation views refer to drawings S3.1
and S3.2.

1.3 Site Conditions, Soil Properties and Geotechnical Considerations

The recommendation for this building's foundation is to use shallow foundation with spread
footings (This should be in section 1.2?). This type of foundation is optimal to support square
column and will be designed to not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure of 12,000 psf.


To give the building a stronger foundation, the design team had decided to make a few changes
on the building’s columns layout. The final layout for columns and foundation is indicated as per
figure blow. (Add a drawing of how it looked before, or indicate on this drawing where the
changes take place exactly).

2. Loads
All loads were calculated using ASCE 7-10 manual
2.1 Dead Loads

Table 1: Assumptions and Total Loads

Assumption Loading

Concrete slab thickness 6 in. ceiling 3 psf

Concrete wall thickness 18 in. carpet 3 psf

Weight of framing Mech./elec./plumb. 10 psf

Column area 4 sf. Partitions (office) 20 psf.

Concrete Slab (6 in.) 150 pcf

Distinguish between SIDL and DL*

Totals (psf)

Roof Level 95 psf

Level 6 95 psf

Level 5 95 psf

Level 4 95 psf

Level 3 95 psf

Level 2 95 psf

Level 1 95 psf

2.2 Live Load

The values for each type of live load were determined using ASCE 7-10 design manual. Each
value will be applied over its corresponding area. (This table needs a caption)
Load Balconies Class
Type Office Computer Lobbies & Decks rooms Corridors Stairs Library Machinery Roof
100 (1st
Value floor), 80
(psf) 50 100 100 180 40 (others) 100 150 250 (heavy), 125 (light) 20
2.3 Snow Loads

2.3.1 ASCE 7-10 Method 1

ASCE 7-10 chapter 7 gives a method of calculating roof and snow loads using this equation:

𝑃𝑓 = 0.7𝐶𝑒 𝐶𝑡 𝐼𝑠 𝑃𝑔 Ground Snow Loads (𝑷𝒈 )

Using Figure 6-1 from ASCE and the knowledge that the elevation of More Hall is 108 ft, a value
of 15psf can be selected. “Ground snow loads for sites at elevations above the limits indicated
in Fig. 7-1 and for all sites within the CS areas shall be approved by the authority having

Figure 2-1 (ASCE Fig 7-1 Ground Snow Loads, 𝑃𝑔 , for the United States (Lb/𝐹𝑡 2 ) Exposure Factor (𝑪𝒆 )

In order to compute the Exposure Factor, the Terrain Category and Surface Roughness
categories must first be determined according to guidelines established in Section 26.7. The
Blume Building site is:
 In an urban area with numerous obstructions as large as, or larger than, single family
 Has a mean roof height of ≥30 ft (9.1 m).
 Surface Roughness B and Exposure B categories apply.
 Roof is partially exposed due to it being surrounded by higher structures.

Using ASCE Table 7-2 given below, the Exposure Factor is 1.0
Table 2-D (7-2 ASCE): Exposure Factor Thermal Factor (𝑪𝒕 )

The Thermal Factor is found in ASCE Table 7-3. The Blume Building falls under the category of
"All Structures Except as Indicated Below" and is 1.0

Table 2-E (7-3 ASCE): Thermal Factor Importance Factor (𝑰𝒔 )

The risk category for the Blume Building is categorized as Type III according to Table 1.5-1;
Snow Importance factor is 1.1 from Table 1.5-2.
Table 2-F (7-3 ASCE): Thermal Factor

Table 2-G (ASCE 1.5-2): Risk Category of Structures Drifts on Lower Roofs
Leeward drifts and windward drifts are computed according to Section 7.7.1. There are no
shorter members framed under areas susceptible to snow surcharges so drift loads can be
ignored for the Blume Building

Figure 2-2 (ASCE Fig 7-7 Drifts Formed at Windward and Leeward Steps) Sloped Roofs

Section 7.4 specifies the requirements for sloped roofs. Since 𝐶𝑡 is 1.0, the roof is categorized
as a warm roof. The roof slope factor may be found by Figure 7-2a. There is no slope of the
penthouse roof results in a roof slope factor 𝐶𝑠 of 0.8.
Figure 2-3 (ASCE Fig 7-2a Slope Factor) Rain-On-Snow Surcharge Loads
ASCE 7-10 requires an additional load of 5 psf to be added where 𝑝𝑔 is less than 20 psf (to
account for rain-on-snow loads).

Table 2-H (ASCE 7-10): Method 1

Ground Snow Load (𝑷𝒈 ) 15
Surface Roughness B
Exposure Category B
Exposure Factor (𝑪𝒆 ) 1.0
Thermal Factor (𝑪𝒕 ) 1.0
Risk Category III
Snow Importance Factor (𝑰𝒔 ) 1.1
Roof Slope Factor (𝑪𝒔 ) 0.8

𝑃𝑓 = 0.7𝐶𝑒 𝐶𝑡 𝐼𝑠 𝑃𝑔 (using above values)

Flat Roofs (0.7 * 1.0 * 1.0 * 1.1 * 15) + 5 = 16.55 psf

Sloped Roofs (0.7 * 1.0 * 1.0 * 1.1 * 15) * 0.8 = 9.24 psf
(The Blume Building has a flat roof, so we are using the highlighted values)

2.3.2 ASCE 7-10 Method 2

Low-slope roofs have an additional load condition according to section 7.3.4, which states that
where 𝑝𝑔 is 20 psf or less, a minimum roof snow load pm is to be computed. The value 𝑝𝑚 is
calculated by multiplying the Snow Importance Factor Is by the Ground Snow Load 𝑝𝑔 . This
results in the following load case:
𝑃𝑚 = 𝐼𝑠 ∗ 𝑃𝑔 = 1.1 ∗ 15 = 16.5 𝑝𝑠𝑓

2.3.3 SEAW - Method 1

According to SEAW, the recommended ground snow load for the Seattle Area under an
elevation of 350 ft is 20 psf. This table is given below. These recommended loads are
conservatively higher than given from calculations from known elevations and the isolines.The
UBC Appendix suggests adding an additional 5 psf for flat roofed systems to account for
increased load, resulting from a rain storm following snow.

Table 2-I: SEAW Snow Load Analysis for King County

Roof Reduction Factor: 0.7
Flat Roof Factor: 5
Flat Roofs (20 * 0.7) + 5= 19 psf
Sloped Roofs (20 * 0.7) + 0 = 14 psf

(From WABO-SEAW August 2000 and UBC Appendix)

2.3.4 SEAW - Method 2

SEAW recommends 5 psf for flat roofed structures, which is a characteristic of the Blume

Flat Roofs: 25 + 5 = 30 psf

Sloped Roofs: 25 + 0 = 25 psf

Therefore 30 psf will be used for the snow load.

2.4 Wind Loads

Wind load is part of lateral load calculation follow ASCE 7-10 Ch27 directional procedure.
Following ASCE 7-10, target structure is categories as risk category III and a fully enclosed
building. Parameters that are determine by ASCE 7-10 using location, purpose and geographic
reality of building are listed in Table 6-J.

Table 4-J Parameters

Parameter Symbol Value Reference

Enclosed/Open Enclosed

Risk Category III C1.5.1, ASCE


Exposure C 26.7.3, ASCE

Category 710

Wind 𝐾𝑑 0.85 26.61, ASCE

Directionality 710

Topographic 𝐾𝑧𝑡 1 26.8.2, ASCE

Factor 710

Wind Speed V 110 mph 26.51B, ASCE

Gust Factor G 0.85 26.9.1, ASCE

Internal Pressure 𝐺𝐶𝑝 ± 0.18 26.111, ASCE


External 𝐶𝑝 -0.24 27.4-1, ASCE

Pressure 710

Wind load varies differently for each level due to different effective area of each floor. Medal
Penthouse is calculated independently with a medal structure resistant, all others calculated
similarly. Using equation (1), velocity pressure qz is determined with parameters.

After velocity pressure qz is determine, average pressure is calculated with equation (2) from
ASCE 7-10, 27.4.1.
𝑝 = 𝑞𝐺𝐶𝑝 − 𝑞𝑖(𝐺𝐶𝑝𝑖) (𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑡 2 ) (4-13)
(For enclosed building, qi = 0)

Effective Area is calculated by using sum half area of level down and half of level up expect
foundation level and medal penthouse level. For instance, effective area for 3rd floor is half area
of 2nd level and half of 3rd level.
Figure 4-7: Effective Area North Elevation

Figure 4-8: Effective Area East Elevation

Table 4-K Effective Area
Elevation (ft) Area(ft^2)

North South West East

1st 967 960.5 2873.5 2999

2nd 1831 1835 5543.5 5740

3rd 1600.5 1620.5 4920.5 5055.5

4th 1483.5 1490.5 4521 4629

5th 1583 1583.5 4812.5 4902

6th 1724 1451 4454 4541

Roof 1243 885 5020 5080.5

Penthouse 355 273 3108 3127

Lastly, Average Pressure times the effective area give wind load for each elevation for lateral
load design.
Table 4-L Wind Load MWFRS
Wind Load (kip)

Elevation (ft) North South West East

1st 19.2 6.67 50.0 52.2

2nd 38.6 13.5 102.1 105.8

3rd 35.2 12.5 94.8 97.8

4th 33.4 11.7 89.1 91.3

5th 36.6 12.8 97.2 99.0

6th 40.9 12.0 92.5 94.3

Roof 21.6 5.2 40.6 41.5

Metal Penthouse
Metal Penthouse on top of structure has a similar but different approach according to ASCE 7-
10. From Ch29 for building appurtenance –MWFRS, qz velocity is calculated using equation
from 29.3.2 which it is identical to the qz equation above.
𝑞𝑧 = 0.00256 𝐾𝑧 𝐾𝑧𝑡 𝐾𝑑 𝑉 2 ( )
𝑓𝑡 2

Wind load is calculated using equation 4 from 29.5. Cf is determine to be 1.3 from 29.5-1.

𝐹 = 𝑞ℎ 𝐺 𝐶𝑓 𝐴𝑠 (𝑙𝑏)(𝑁)

Table 4-M Penthouse load

Elevation North South West East

Area(ft^2) 355 273 3108 3127

Wind Load (kip) 14.11694 10.85613 123.5928 124.3484

Distribution of the loads are shown below

Figure 4-9: Lateral story loads for Wind - North and South
Figure 4-10: Lateral story loads for Wind - East and West

2.5 Earthquake Loads

The earthquake loads applied on the building were determined based off seismic design
guidelines from ASCE 7-10, Ch.12. The USGS seismic design factors were found on the USGS
website based on the building’s geographical background information. More details on
calculation of earthquake loads can be found in Appendix(). Tables() and () summarize the
factors used, while Figure() gives a visual presentation of the final seismic loads applied.

Ss 1.29 Ct 0.02 Cs 0.179

Sms 1.29 x 0.75 W (kips) 21527
Sds 0.859 H 83.7 V (kips) 3853.3
S1 0.499 Ta (s) 0.553
SM1 0.749 To (s) 0.116
SD1 0.499 Ts (s) 0.580

Height W Fx
Story WxHx Cvx
(ft) (kips) (kips)
Roof 83.67 2679 224151.9 0.2137 823
Level 6 71.00 3733.5 265078.5 0.2527 974
Level 5 56.83 3733.5 212174.8 0.2023 779
Level 4 44.17 3733.5 164908.7 0.1572 606
Level 3 31.50 3771.5 118802.3 0.1132 436
Level 2 16.50 3876 63954.0 0.0610 235
Total 21527 1049070.2 3853

Upon inspection and comparison between different load case combinations, it was
determined that effect from earthquake loading is much larger than wind loading,
making earthquake loads the controlling factor when analyzing lateral load.


Replace all of the following paragraph with her edited version of it.
It is important to account for the torsional effect that earthquake loading will have when
designing for the building’s lateral resisting system. This effect is caused by the
difference of offset distance between the building’s centroid and centroid of the shear
wall system. Figure () shows a layout for the shear walls that ensure a less than 5%
offset distance will be met in accordance with ASCE Sec. requires Further details of the
torsional effect calculation can be found in Appendix B.6

The Concrete has a normal weight,150 pcf, with a design compressive strength of 5 ksi.
All reinforcement will be ASTM A706 Grade 60.
 Concrete:
Unit weight: 150 pcf
Specified/Design Compressive Strength: f’c = 5 ksi

 Reinforcement
ASTM A615 Grade 60 steel
Yield Strength: fy = 60 ksi
*For further detail reference General Notes S0.1
To span in between beams, a one-way flat slab was selected. This was chosen because
primary reinforcement is only necessary in the direction of the span.



Before any loading calculation and analysis can be performed, it was first necessary to find a
nominal slab thickness that can be used to serve all floors, including the slab-on grade. A worst
case scenario was identified from looking at location with the longest span length. A nominal
slab thickness of 6 inches was chosen based on ACI 318-14, Table 9.5(a) to ensure that no
deflection calculation is necessary.
The theoretical approach for slab reinforcement design is to divide the slab’s total cross section
into a series of adjacent 1 foot wide beam. This way, design for slab reinforcement could be
simplified down to finding steel spacing in just that width and space accordingly. An initial design
cross section for the slab can be calculated as follow:
in in
A = 𝟔 𝒊𝒏 ∗ 𝟏𝟐 2 = 𝟕𝟐 2
ft ft
The demands for slab strength were determined based on a highest loading case scenario and
analyzed for highest live load acting over the largest span length. The factored demand load per
unit length (kip/ft) were calculated using:
𝑤𝑢 = 𝑏 ∗ 𝑞𝑢 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟒𝟐

Where 𝑞𝑢 is the factored demand load per unit area (ksf) and:
𝑞𝑢 = 1.2𝑞𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑 + 1.6𝑞𝐿𝐿 = 𝟐𝟒𝟐 𝒑𝒔𝒇

The demand dead load per unit area (ksf) consists of 2 components, from both the self-weight
of concrete in combination with the superimposed dead load:
𝑞𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑 = 𝑞𝑠𝑤 + 𝑞𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐿 = 𝟗𝟓 𝒑𝒔𝒇

The self-weight per unit area could be determined using:

𝑞𝑠𝑤 = ℎ ∗ 𝜌 = 𝟕𝟓 𝒑𝒔𝒇
(where h is the thickness of the slab and  is the concrete’s density)


Minimum cover distance was determined as per ACI Sec. 7.7.1, where:

 Concrete not exposed to earth or weather.

#11 and smaller = 0.75 in.


Assume #5 bars for reinforcement to estimate the depth from top of slab section to centroid of
steel layer.
𝑑𝑏 = 𝑖𝑛 [bar diameter]
𝑑 = ℎ − (𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 + 0.5𝑑𝑏 ) = 𝟒. 𝟗𝟑𝟖 𝒊𝒏.


All equations and calculations were done in accordance with ACI 318-14 Sec.22.5. Result
shows that no shear reinforcement is necessary for this slab. Refer to Appendix B.2 for more
details of this calculations.


In accordance with ACI Sec. 7.6 Minimum reinforcement requirement, the minimum steel will be
ACI 318-14 permits the use of the moment coefficient method in determining the distribution of
moment in the slab. The critical moments needed to design for, were located at the end spans
and middle of each slab span. Refer to Appendix B.2 for more details of this calculations. (Add
the demands)


Failure in a reinforced concrete slab typically follows two stages, before and after cracking
happens. Therefore, it was necessary to determine how this slab section will behave in a
service environment.
ACI 318-14 specifies the stress that causes concrete to crack as:
𝑓𝑐𝑟 = 7.5 ∗ √𝑓 ′ 𝑐 (𝑝𝑠𝑖) ∗ 1000 = 𝟓𝟑𝟎. 𝟑𝟑 𝒑𝒔𝒊
The maximum moment this slab could endure before cracking happens were found using:
𝑀𝑐𝑟 = 𝑆 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑟 = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟖𝟐 𝒌𝒊𝒑 × 𝒇𝒕
𝑏 ∗ ℎ2
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑆 = = 72 𝑖𝑛.3
The gross moment of inertia for a general rectangular cross section were found using:
𝐼𝑔 = 𝑏ℎ3 = 𝟐𝟏𝟔 𝒊𝒏.𝟒
The cracked moment of inertia were determined using equation
𝐼𝑐𝑟 = 𝑏𝑑 3 ( + 𝑛 ∗ 𝜌 ∗ (1 − 𝑘 2 )) = 𝟑𝟖. 𝟎𝟔𝟒 𝒊𝒏.𝟒
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑘 = √𝑛 ∗ 𝜌 ∗ (2 + 𝑛 ∗ 𝜌) − 𝑛 ∗ 𝜌 = 0.239
The effective moment of inertia were determined using:
𝑀𝑐𝑟 3 𝑀𝑐𝑟 3
𝐼𝑒𝑓𝑓 = min[( ) ∗ 𝐼𝑔 + (1 − ( ) ) ∗ 𝐼𝑐𝑟 , 𝐼𝑔 ] = 𝟐𝟏𝟔 𝒊𝒏.𝟒
𝑀𝑎 𝑀𝑎
Combined to find the section’s average moment of inertia:
𝐼𝑒𝑓𝑓 + 𝐼𝑐𝑟
𝐼𝑎𝑣𝑒 = = 𝟐𝟏𝟔 𝒊𝒏.𝟒
ACI 318-14 specifies that in order to meet the requirement of deflection in slab, the ratio must
be …, where 𝛿𝑝 is the total deflection as a function of deflections caused by the slab self-weight,
SIDL, and live load.
Deflection from the self-weight were calculated using:
𝑏 ∗ 𝑞𝑠𝑤
𝛿𝑠𝑤 = ∗ 𝛿1 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟑𝟖𝟖 𝒊𝒏.
1 𝐿4
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝛿1 = ∗ 𝑞1 ∗ = 0.052 𝑖𝑛.
384 𝐸𝑐 ∗ 𝐼𝑎𝑣𝑒
Deflection from the live SIDL were calculated using:
𝑏 ∗ 𝑞𝐿𝐿
𝛿𝐿𝐿 = ∗ 𝛿1 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟒𝟏𝟒 𝒊𝒏.
𝑏 ∗ 𝑞𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐿
𝛿𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐿 = ∗ 𝛿1 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟎𝟑 𝒊𝒏.
And the total deflection:
𝛿𝑝 = (𝛿𝑠𝑤 + 𝛿𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐿 ) ∗ 2 + 𝛿𝐿𝐿 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟒 𝒊𝒏.
The result shows that the ratio for this slab is 1040.125, which satisfies the requirements in
ACI 318-14 . Refer to appendix B.2 for more details of this calculation.

Example analysis
The slab at second floor between 2 and 3 is the example slab that will analysis in the
following process. This slab has the highest live load of 80 psf and width of 16.5ft.
For construction convenience the analysis consider entire slab is consistent with 80 psf live

Example Design
----INSERT slab calculation.pdf
Design Result
S2 – No5 bars with 12 inch spacing : Slab from 2 to 3 and two slabs from 5 to 6 on every floor.

S1 – No4 bars with 12 inch spacing: All slabs except for the ones using S2 design.

*For more detailed view reference S4.5 Slab Layout.

5.0 Beam and Girder Design

5.1 Deflection Limits

Beam and girders deflection should be checked based on the ACI 318-14 code and the two
deflection limits that will be considered is:
1. Live limit = L/360
a. “floor not supporting or attached to nonstructural elements and likely to be
damaged by large deflections”
2. Total limit = L/480
a. “roof of floor construction supporting or attached to nonstructural elements
likely to be damaged by large deflections”
The deflection can also be limited by the minimum thickness of girders or beams. Table 9.5(a) in
ACI specify the minimum thickness for beams or girders where the deflection can be ignored.
The girders in this building will be designed based on this limit. The table is shown below:
Figure 5-1: Minimum Thickness of Nonprestressed Beams
5.2 Effective Width
ACI has determined the guideline in using effective width of the slab in the flexural stiffness of
girder. The effective widths were described in ACI section 8.12 as shown below.

Figure 5-2: ACI requirements for effective width

5.3 Design Process

5.3.1 Flexure Design

The process of designing the flexure reinforcement for girders and beams is mainly consist of two parts:
analysis and design. The first step is to calculate all the loads that will be carried by the beam or girder.
With all the loads calculated, the moment demand for the beam or girder is obtained through analysis
by using SAP2000. After knowing the demand, Excel spreadsheet is used to design the size and
reinforcement of the member so that it has greater capacity than the demand. The spreadsheet utilized
these calculations in finding the optimum amount and size of steel reinforcement.
𝜇= (5-1)
𝑏𝑑 2 𝑓𝑑′

𝜔𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.375𝛽1 = 0.3 (5-2)

𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜔𝑚𝑎𝑥 (1 − 0.5𝜔𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) (5-3)
𝐴𝑠1 = 𝜔𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑏𝑑 (5-4)
𝐴𝑠2 = (5-5)

𝐴𝑠 = 𝐴𝑠1 + 𝐴𝑠2 (5-6)

5.3.2 Shear Reinforcement

The shear reinforcement design process is almost the similar to flexure reinforcement only
simpler. The beam or girder was first analyzed by using SAP2000 to see the shear demand of
the members. With the shear demands recorded for each beams and girders, the shear
reinforcement is design by using these equations:

𝑉𝑠 = 𝑉𝑛 /Φ - 𝑉𝑐 (5-7)
𝑉𝑠 = 𝐴𝑣 /𝑠 (5-8)
𝐴𝑣 /𝑠 = 𝑉𝑠 /𝑓𝑦 d (5-9)
( 𝑣 )min = max (50, 0.75 √𝑓𝑐′ )𝑏𝑤 /𝑓𝑦 (5-10)
𝐴𝑣 𝐴
( )final = max (𝐴𝑣 /𝑠 , ( 𝑣 )min) (5-11)
𝑠 𝑠
s = min (𝐴𝑣𝑠 /( 𝑣 )final , min(d/4, 24”)) (5-12)

5.4 Beam Design

5.4.1 Naming convention

Architectural design present us the design of gridline base on leader of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. horizontally and
A, B, C vertically. As in our convenience, showed in the example each beam segment is name as B
(beam) – A (vertical order) – 4.1 (horizontal order). For the beams without horizontal leader, it is called
as series of beam on the left that has a number leader. The first beam without a number is called .1 and
the second beam with a number is called .2. For example, B. C-14.2 is the second beam on the right side
of B.C-14. This naming convention will be used in numbers of tables in this section of report and girder
has a similar naming convention as beams but slightly more complicated.
Figure 5-3: Example of naming convention for beams

Every Beam is assigned flexure design, bar cutoff design and shear design. For example, B2-BS2 is stands
for beam flexure design 2, beam shear design 2 and all beams has an identical bar cutoff design. The
following report will explain all designs in details.
5.4.2 Beam Flexure Design

Figure 6-4 is an example beam which indicates B2-BS2. B2 is one of beam callout.
There are total of 4 beam callout (B1, B2, B3, and B4). Each callout represent a segment
of beam that includes end -mid-end section. Each end section attaches to a column or a
girder. Each beam callout has 3 section of design which includes total of 3 cross section
rebar designs.
The beam callout detail is in the next table (Concrete Beam Schedule).
Beam Steel Arrangement Steel Arrangement Steel
Callout (Left) (Mid) Arrangement
B1 1-R 1 2-R
B2 2-R 3 2-R
B3 2-R 1 3-R
B4 3-R 2 2-R
Figure 5-5: Concrete beam schedule

Figure 5-4: Example of a beam callout

The table above explained each Beam callout which is an assembly of three cross section. The
following table and AutoCAD drawing show detail of rebar in each layout callout.
2 No 10 bars on the top and 2 No 10 bars on the bottoms are continues all the way through the
span (3 continues beams). All other bars are extra added on. The added on bars will distribute
evenly showed in drawing “Layout Configurations Graphically” below.

Layout Size Top Bars Bottom Bars Moment

Callout (inch) Capacity (k-ft)
1 14”x24” (2) #10 (4) #10 430
2 14”x24” (4) #10 (6) #10 600
3 14”x24” (4) #10 (8) #10 756

1-R 14”x24” (4) #10 (2) #10 225

2-R 14”x24” (6) #10 (4) #10 446
3-R 14”x24” (8) #10 (4) #10 452

Figure 5-6: Concrete layout schedule

Figure 5-7: Layout configurations graphically

5.4.3 Beam Shear Design

Example Beam that showed in flexure design was called out as B2-BS2. BS2 is stands
for beam shear design2. Shear design is for spacing between stirrups with in the beam. Each
one is specified for both side that has a specific spacing and distance form ones side. For
example, S3 is using No4 stirrups. Make L the length of the beam. From the left side, it extends
to 0.15*L with 8 inch stirrups spacing and then it extends from 0.15*L to 0.42*L with 10.5
spacing. And the right side of the beam has the exact same process. The left and right side
are design to be identical for continent construction purpose.

Stirrups 1st 1st 2nd 2nd

Spacing(inch) Distance(From Spacing(inch) Distance (From
Corresponding Corresponding
End) End)
S1 No.4 with 10.5 0.3*L
2 legs
S2 No.4 with 10.5 0.42*L
2 legs
S3 No.4 with 8 0.15*L 10.5 0.42*L
2 legs
Figure 5-8: Shear reinforcement configurations

5.4.4 Beam Bar Cutoff Design

For the beam cutoffs, all designs are identical for ALL beams in this building. Analysis shows
calculation of all 0 moment location. The locations are all inverted in to reference of the length of
the beam. Make symbol L as the length of the beam. Using the largest negative moment, the
design is L/8 on the left top side of the beam and L/11 on the right top side of the beam. The
rest is the added bar located on the bottom middle of the beam with length of L/1.27.

Figure 5-9: Side view configurations graphically

5.5 Girder Design

5.5.1 Naming Convention

The naming convention that is used for girders are heavily relied on the architectural gridline that was
given in the plan. The vertical gridline is numbered from 1 until 15 while the horizontal gridline is listed
with alphabets starting with A until E. These gridlines are utilized as the guideline for naming the girders.
As an example, girder located at the horizontal gridline A and spanning from vertical gridline 3 to 5
would be named GA3-5. As some girders span to the shear wall, the name would be slightly different.
Instead of having the gridline number indicating the span, it will be replaced with the letter W. For
example, girder located at horizontal gridline B and spanning from vertical gridline 4 to the shear wall
would be named GA4-W (girder GA3-5 and GA4-W is shown in figure below). For girders that are not
aligned with any of the gridlines, the naming convention will be governed by the gridlines before that.
For an example, the girders that are located between horizontal gridline C and D spanning from vertical
gridline 8 to 10 would be named G(C.1)8-10.
Figure 5-10: Example of girder naming convention

Every girder is assigned with flexure reinforcement design and shear reinforcement design. As
shown in the figure, G1-GS2 would indicate that the girder has flexure design 1 and shear
design 2. The following report will explain all the designs.

5.5.2 Girder Flexure Design

Figure 5-11: Example of girder callout

The figure shows an example of girder with the callout G1-GS2. This indicates that the girder has flexure
design of G1. There are a total of 7 girder callout for flexure reinforcement (G1, G2, G3.1, G3.2, G4, G5,
and G6) that represent girder that includes end-mid-end section. Each of these girder callouts has three
section of rebar layout that corresponds to the two ends and the middle region of the girder. For the
cantilever girder, the girder callout is GX1 which is different from the rest as it only has one steel
arrangement that spans throughout the girder.
The beam callout details in provided in the table below (Concrete Girder Schedule)
Girder Callout Steel Arrangement Steel Arrangement Steel Arrangement
(Left) (Mid) (Right)
G1 1-R 1 1-R
G2 2-R 1 2-R
G3.1 2-R 2 5-R
G3.2 5-R 2 2-R
G4 3-R 2 3-R
G5 4-R 3 4-R
G6 5-R 4 5-R
Special design for cantilever girder
Girder Callout Steel Arrangement

GX1 1
Figure 5-12: Concrete girder schedule

There are total of 10 different rebar layout that will be used for the flexure design (1, 1-R, 2, 2-R,
3, 3-R, 4, 4-R, 5, and 5-R). Each rebar layout will have 2 no. 10 bars on the top and 2 no. 10
bars at the bottom that will be continuous all the way through the girder and have separate
arrangement for the added bars. The layout callout is shown in the table below (Concrete
Layout Schedule) and the arrangement is shown in the drawing “Layout Configurations

Layout Size (inch) Top Bars Bottom Bars Moment Capacity (k-ft)

Callout (continuous)
1 18”x28” (2) #10 (4) #10 566
2 18”x28” (4) #10 (6) #10 826

3 18”x28” (4) #10 (8) #10 1054

4 18”x28” (4) #10 (10) #10 1315

5 18”x28” (6) #10 (12) #10 1565

1-R 18”x28” (4) #10 (2) #10 494

2-R 18”x28” (6) #10 (4) #10 692

3-R 18”x28” (8) #10 (4) #10 883

4-R 18”x28” (10) #10 (4) #10 1096

5-R 18”x28” (12) #10 (6) #10 1293

Figure 5-13: Concrete layout schedule

Figure 5-14: Layout configurations graphically

5.5.3 Girder Shear Design

The shear reinforcement of girder is designed with almost similar step as flexure. Analysis was made to
the girders to find the shear demand and the design is made based on the ACI 318-14 code. There are
three designs of shear reinforcement for girders. As an example for the girder with callout G1-GS2 that is
highlighted in the figure above, the GS2 indicates that the girder has shear design 2. Each one of the
design has a specified spacing and distance from both ends of the girder. For example, GS2 indicates
that the no.4 stirrups will be installed from the end of the girder until 0.3*L (with L being the length of
the girder) at both ends of the girder with spacing of 12.5 inches. The middle part will have no stirrups.
The details of the shear reinforcement is shown in table below.

Stirrups Spacing(inch) Distance(From Both

GS1 No.4 with 2 legs 12.5 0.3*L
GS2 No.4 with 2 legs 12.5 0.4*L
GS3 No.4 with 2 legs 12.5 0.5*L
Figure 6-15: Shear reinforcement configurations
5.5.4 Girder Bar Cutoff Design

The zero moment location for all the girders are recorded from the analysis through SAP2000. The
shortest rebar with positive moment and longest bar with negative moment is considered as fractions of
length of the beam. These fractions of length will be used as the universal bar cutoff designs for all
girders. With L being the length of the girder, the top left added bar will be extended to the distance of
L/6.5, and top right added bar extended to the distance of L/8.4 and the bottom added bars will have a
distance of L/1.27. The bar cutoff designs is shown in figure below. The only exceptions for this bar
cutoff design would be for the cantilever beams. The cantilever beams would not have any bar cutoff
where the reinforcement will span throughout the girder.

Figure 5-16: Side view layout configurations

 Example Beam & Girder analysis

Each span consisted of 2 or 3 beams and is named

as depicted below. For Span 4, the tributary areas were
calculated are shown below.
Since beams and girders have the same process of
analysis and design. The report combines beam & girder in
this section.

Based on our load maps listed in the report, each

floor underwent a live load reduction process where an
iterative process determined if the tributary area at least
400ft^2 and the Live Load was greater than 100 psf.

Entire Beam Trib Area Calculations

Trib Trib Area

Length Width.Left Width.Right Area right
Beam # (ft) (ft) (ft) left (ft ) (ft2) AT (ft2)
b.A 4 42.1667 4.5 5.25 189.75 221.38 411.125

b.B 4 25.5 4.5 5.25 114.75 133.88 248.625

b.C 4 44.33 4.5 5.25 199.49 232.73 432.218

Before Reduction Live Load Reduction Reduction

Is A > Live
Width Width 400ft^2 Load
LL Left Right Load and LL> Red Load per
(psf) Length (ft) (ft) Area per ft 100psf? KLL Coeff ft
b.A 50 25.32 4.5 0 113.93 225 yes 2 0.773106 173.95
40 25.32 0 5.25 132.92 210 yes 2 0.773106 162.35
80 16.85 4.5 5.25 164.27 780 yes 2 0.773106 603.02
b.B 80 25.50 4.5 0 114.75 1016.25 no 1 1016.25
125 25.50 0 5.25 133.88 - no 1
b.C 80 8.71 0 5.25 45.74 420 yes 2 0.760182 319.28
50 35.62 4.5 0 160.29 225 yes 2 0.760182 171.04
40 35.62 4.5 5.25 347.30 390 yes 2 0.760182 296.47

From here, a template span is created based on the length of each beam in the span.
The length of each beam in this span is 42’2” – 25’6” – 44’4” accordingly. When in SAP, the live
and dead loads are applied and Moment and Shear envelopes are created through analysis of
different load combinations, loading patterns, and types of supports. Moments of 0 locations are
also noted for bar cutoffs and shear demand is analyzed d-away (3” from each end). The
following tables show our results for this span as well as a figure showing the envelopes.

0 Moment Shear demand

Simple Supports (k-ft)
Location (d away)
End1 Mid Bot End2 Left Right Left Right
b.A 0 297 -319.72 0 34.17 -26.7 45.54
b.B -319.72 -151.47 -320.75 -32.37 31.825
b.C -320.75 303.21 0 8.54 -41 27
0 Moment Shear demand
Fixed Supports (k-ft)
Location (d away)
End1 Mid Bot End2 Left Right Left Right
-331.4 112.8 -237.95 10 34.4 -36 36.4
-237.95 54.79 -62 -231.78 0 0 -31.75 31.99
-231.78 172.1 -342.1 7.43 34.81 -32 37.64

Figure: Fixed Support Moment Envelope for Floor 3, Span 4.

 Example Design
The following design calculation only designed the first segment of the example beam.

--------INSERT Robby.pdf Mathcad calculation

*For more detailed view/schedule reference S4.1 to S4.3

6.0 Column Design

Design Process
The design for columns in Blume’s building were done based on ACI 318-14 Chapter 10. A
column will typically fail under a critical combination of axial load and bending moment. The P-M
interaction diagram was used for this design. To meet standards, the column designs will have
axial and moment resisting capacity that will lie within the acceptable region, as per Fig.
R10.4.2.1 from ACI:

Design Layout of Column-Girder System

Because the building is close to being symmetrical, the analysis were reduced to only looking at
two rows of columns, A and C. Note that some changes have been made to the original
architectural plan to accommodate for designs.Having column B.8 and C.8 located right next to
one of the shear wall served little engineering or architectural purpose. Instead, the shear wall
will be used as support for that region, as indicated in Figure().


The values for point and distributed dead were calculated based on dimensions of beams,
girders, and initial design dimensions of the column. Figure() shows a load path map of how
different loads act on the columns
1. Dead Load
a. Beam point-load: these are point loads from beams acting along girders and on top of
columns, calculated based on tributary area.
Example: for Girder A spanning between Column 1 and 2:
Trib. Length: 21.1 ft.
Trib. Width: 30 ft.
Slab Weight: 𝐷𝐿𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑏 = (30′ ∗ 21.1′ ∗ 0.5′ ) ∗ 0.15 = 47.5 𝐾𝑖𝑝.
Beam Weight: 𝐷𝐿𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 = ∗ 21.1 ∗ 0.15 = 5.5 𝐾𝑖𝑝.

Total: 59.3 Kip

b. Distributed self-weight (column)

Example: for column exterior column A.1 with dimension 24”x24”:
Cross section area: 𝐴𝑔 = = 24*24 = 576 𝑖𝑛2 = 4 𝑓𝑡 2
Distributed column weight: 𝐷𝐿𝑐𝑜𝑙 = = 4 ∗ 0.15 = 0.6 𝐾/𝑓𝑡
c. Distributed dead load (girder)
Example: for Girder A spanning between Column 1 and 2:
Girder cross section area: 𝐴 = 28*18 = 504 𝑖𝑛2 = 3.5 𝑓𝑡 2
Distributed girder weight: 𝐷𝐿𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 = 3.5 ∗ 0.15 = 0.53 𝐾/𝑓𝑡

2. Live Load
The live load are distributed along the length of girders spanning between columns.
Calculation was done using tributary area method, as indicated in Figure ().
Example: for girder A spanning from 1-3
(16.5’+13.5’) 42.167 1
Tributary area: 𝐴 𝑇 = ∗ ∗ = 316.8 𝑖𝑛2 = 2.2 𝑓𝑡 2
2 2 144
Reduced? AT < 400 in2 so NO
Distributed live load: 𝐿𝐿 = 2.2 ∗ 0.05 = 0.11 𝐾/𝑓𝑡


Column Analysis
Applied load combination 1.2D +1.6L and skip loading pattern in SAP2000 to analyze the
column-girder gravity resisting system. Notice that for row C, the frame system for column-girder
starts from C.2, since there is no girder between C.1 and C.2. A stiffness modifier of 0.5 was
applied on the girders to better represent its stiffness in the frame system .The output axial and
moment demands of row C from SAP2000 are shown in Figure() and Figure().



Values for critical axial load and moment were found and indicate in Table().
Exterior Columns Interior Columns

Axial Moment Axial Moment

(Kip) (K-ft) (Kip) (K-ft)
Level 1 - Level 3 782 375 1210 954
Level 4 - Roof Level 259 394 731 903.2

Column Sizing
Initial dimension of the column were found assuming that the axial demand was within 30% of
the column’s capacity. If the initial dimensions couldn’t provide adequate strength, use trial and
error with incremental dimension to determine required concrete area.
Example: for interior columns on level 1-3
Axial demand: 𝑃𝑑 = 1210 𝐾𝑖𝑝.
𝑃𝑑 1210
= 30% → 𝐴𝑔 = = 803.3
𝑓′𝑐 𝐴𝑔 5 ∗ 0.3

Use: 28” by 28” for column dimension.

As indicated in the figures, then change in demands vary little from floor to floor. Thus, the
designs for columns were categorized into 4 groups:
Type Level
Exterior 1,2,3
Interior 1,2,3
Exterior 4,5,6
Interior 4,5,6

With this configuration, the flexural reinforcement only needs to be changed starting from level 4
and up. Exterior column carries less demands, and will have a smaller dimensions than interior



The final dimensions of the column area indicated as per Table().

Type Level Dimension Reinforcement

Interior 1-3 28”x28” 20 # 11 bars

Exterior 1-3 24x24 16 # 11 bars

Interior 4-6 28”x28” 20 # 8 bars

Exterior 4-6 24x24 16 # 8 bars


Column Flexural Reinforcement

Example: for interior columns on level 1-3
< 8% (𝐴𝐶𝐼) 𝑜𝑟 4% (𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑)
𝐴𝑠 20∗1.56
20 bars #11: = ∗ 100 = 3.98%
𝐴𝑔 803.3

These values were then plotted on the P-M interaction diagram for capacity tests. Figure () and
() show that both capacities of the columns on level 1-3 and 4-roof, respectively, lie within
acceptable design region.

Columns Shear Reinforcement

Since the building is located in a seismic region, ACI requires minimum shear reinforcement of:
• Ties: #4 for longitudinal bars # 11 and all bundle bars (minimum)
• Tie Spacing: minimum of (4” or [b/4 = 7 in.]) = 4 in.
Cover: 3 in.
Depth to reinforcement: 25 in.
Tie #4: 𝐴𝑣 = 0.4 𝑖𝑛2
𝐴𝑣 0.4
Available column’s shear capacity: 𝑉𝑠 = ∗ 𝑑 ∗ 𝑓𝑦 = ∗ 𝑑 ∗ 𝑓𝑦 = 0.1 ∗ 25 ∗ 60 = 150 𝐾𝑖𝑝.
𝑠 4
Maximum shear demand from SAP analysis: 58 Kip.
Ratio of = 40% (not accounting for concrete shear strength)
 Tie #4 at 4 in. spacing is adequate.

Development Length: Slabs to Columns

Development length, or the minimum length required to ensure enough bondage between
reinforcing steel from slab and column’s cross section, can be calculated using:

3𝑑𝑏 𝑓𝑦 𝜑𝑙 𝜑𝑐 𝜑𝑠
𝑙𝑑ℎ = ( ) [ACI equation]
40 𝜆𝑋
√𝑓 ′ 𝑐

𝐵𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟: 𝑑𝑏 = 0.625 𝑖𝑛.
𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟: 𝜑𝑙 = 1.3 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑝
𝐶𝑜𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑟: 𝜑𝑒 = 1.0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑎𝑟
𝐵𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟: 𝜑𝑠 = 0.8 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 ≤ 𝑁𝑜. 6
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟: 𝜆 = 1.0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑐 = 3/4" + = 1.063 𝑖𝑛.,
𝐾𝑡𝑟 = = 0 (𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑) [ACI equation]
𝑐 + 𝐾𝑡𝑟
𝑋 = min( , 2.5)
𝒍𝒅 = 𝟐. 𝟎𝟑 𝒇𝒕
Required 2.03 ft. for bondage to happen. Smallest column has dimension 2’x2’
Necessary to hook the bars.

Hook Development Length: Slab to Beam/Girder

Minimum length required to ensure enough bondage between steel reinforcement from slab and
beams/girders, calculated using:
𝑑𝑏 𝑓𝑦 𝜑𝑐 𝜑𝑒 𝜑𝑟
𝑙𝑑ℎ = [ACI equation]
50 𝜆
√𝑓 ′ 𝑐

𝐵𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟: 𝑑𝑏 = 0.625 𝑖𝑛.
𝐶𝑜𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑟: 𝜑𝑒 = 1.0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑏𝑎𝑟
𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟: 𝜑𝑐 = 1.0
𝐸𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑑: 𝜑𝑟 = 1.0
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟: 𝜆 = 1.0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝒍𝒅 = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟔 𝒊𝒏.

Hook Development Length: Beam/Girder to Column

Minimum length required to ensure enough bondage between steel reinforcement from
beams/girders and columns, calculated using:

𝑓𝑦 𝑑𝑏
𝑙𝑑ℎ = max (6 𝑖𝑛. , 8𝑑𝑏 , ) [ACI 318-14 equation]
65√𝑓 ′ 𝑐

With bar diameter 𝑑𝑏 = 1.27 𝑖𝑛.

𝒍𝒅𝒉 = 𝟏𝟔. 𝟔 𝒊n.

*For a more detailed view reference S4.6 Column Layout.

7.0 Shear Wall Design

Placement of the walls –The architectural drawing was looked for the right placement of the
wall and tried to make it roughly symmetrical about the centroid. The building perimeter is
mostly glass windows, therefore there were no place for walls. The rational way to put it were
around elevator cores and stairs. The reason we chose the end walls to be L and not C shaped
was due to the right stairs. We couldn’t make the walls all the way to roof by C configuration.
But the left end wall could have been C shaped, and we decided not to go that way since we
wanted the center of mass to be aligned with the center of rigidity.
There are 11 walls total and the naming goes from SW1 to SW8.

Sizing of the walls – In the building of this size and earthquake loads, 18” of thickness was
chosen based on the shear capacity of the wall, and it is a typical dimension for SRCSW. For
the lengths, it was pushed to the maximum possible length that would allow us to build shear
walls without conflicting the architectural drawing. The sizes of each wall can be viewed from
Figure 7-1 below. Note that these walls are not flanged. They are planar walls.

Figure 7-1: In-plan view comparison

Example calculation of SW1 is being detailed.

Demand Moment and shear from Earthquake calculation (Section 2.5) is

𝑉 𝑢 = 677.4𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠
𝜑𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜑8𝐴𝑐𝑣 √𝑓𝑐′ = 1197𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠
For 18” thick wall, the capacity is enough. 12” of thickness will work by this equation, but shear
is not the controlling factor. Most of the time, it’s the moment that controls.

Longitudinal Reinforcements

The area of steel within the walls is going to change at the 4th level of the building, therefore
there are going to be two designs per wall.

Wall Capacity – Load combinations:

(0.9 − 0.2𝑆𝐷𝑆 )𝐷 + 1.0𝐸

(1.2 + 0.2𝑆𝐷𝑆 )𝐷 + 1.0𝐸 + 𝐿 + 0.2𝑆

30 boundary steels are being used for the analysis with 4 in bar spacing. Practically, it’s usually
around 4 to 6 in since there should be enough space for the bar splicing. The value of 𝑆𝐷𝑆 =
0.859 from Section 2.5.

For the same SW1 wall, Boundary depth is 42 in, which is based on 10 layers of bars spaced 4
in and 3 in to the center of extreme bar. Dead load = 1050.2 kips including self-weight of the
wall, Live load = 1014.6 kips, and Snow load = 31 kips. These results are based on the tributary
area method of the floor plans.

Tension force of the steel

𝑇 = 𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 = 2808𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠
Axial load with by load combination
𝑁𝑢 = (0.9 − 0.2𝑆𝐷𝑆 )𝑁𝑑 = 764.8 𝑘𝑖𝑝
Depth of the wall, 42 in., is the boundary length
𝑑 = 𝑙𝑤 − 𝑖𝑛 = 175 𝑖𝑛
Compression of the concrete
𝑇 + 𝑁𝑢
𝑎= = 46.7 𝑖𝑛
0.85𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏
Moment with axial load on it
𝑎 (𝑙𝑤 − 𝑎)
𝑀𝑛 = 𝑇 (𝑑 − ) + 𝑁𝑢 = 40233 𝑘𝑖𝑝 − 𝑓𝑡
2 2
∅𝑀𝑛 = 36209 𝑘𝑖𝑝 − 𝑓𝑡

Which is not enough for our demand, but note that this does not include the web reinforcements
and the compression steel, therefore the exact calculation would be much higher than this
result. The plot of P-M interaction diagram will give exact results.

Web reinforcements - Use #5 bars with 13.5 in spacing to satisfy the minimum reinforcement
of 0.25%.
In the spreadsheet input, the steels were grouped into 5 chunks. 1 for each of the boundary
elements and 3 for the web elements. The inputted numbers are shown below Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2: Spreadsheet input

The P-M interaction diagram shows below Figure 7-3

Figure 7-3: P-M interaction – SW1 Base

The two dots indicates the two load combination for the analysis.
For level 4, the analysis is the same. The demands are of the dead, live, snow loads, and
demand moments are respectively follows.

𝑁𝐷 = 516.5 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠; 𝑁𝐿 = 507.3 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠; 𝑁𝑆 = 31𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠; 𝑀𝑢 = 12046 𝑘𝑖𝑝 − 𝑓𝑡

The area of steel will decrease into 30 #6 bars. The P-M interaction at Level 4 is shows below
Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4: P-M interaction – SW1 Level 4

Again, the two dots shows the two load combinations.

There is another way of doing this. By discontinuing some of the #11 steels at level 4 and
continue the remaining ones all the way up. But the issue with that was there weren’t enough
confinement in the boundary elements. The shear reinforcements are spaced 6 in and the
spacing of the confinement had to be smaller than that, if the steel was discontinued. Therefore,
the changing of bars was used at level 4.
Horizontal reinforcements – Shear reinforcement

Demand shear from Section 2.4, 𝑉𝑢 = 677.4 𝑘𝑖𝑝

Cross Section area

𝐴𝑐𝑣 = 𝑏 ∗ 𝑙𝑤 = 24.95 𝑓𝑡 2
Shear reinforcement area. Two #4 bars
𝐴𝑣 = 0.2𝑖𝑛2 ∗ 2 = 0.4𝑖𝑛2

Maximum spacing for seismic design is 𝑠 = 6 𝑖𝑛 (ACI

Steel ratio
𝜌= = 0.0037
Which is greater than the minimum required steel of 2.5% so that’s good.

Shear capacity

𝑉𝑛 = 𝐴𝑐𝑣 (𝛼λ√𝑓′𝑐 + 𝜌𝑓𝑦 ) = 1282.7 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠

This is less than our maximum shear that has been calculated early.

∅𝑉𝑛 = 769.6 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠 > 677.4 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠

Which is enough.

Confinement – When designing for seismic, the boundary elements have to be confined.
Figure 7-5: Confinement figure

Diameter of #11 and # 4 bars

𝑑11 = 1.41 𝑖𝑛; 𝑑4 = 0.5 𝑖𝑛;

Clear cover distance

𝑐𝑐 = 3𝑖𝑛 − − 𝑑4 = 1.795 𝑖𝑛
Using ACI Table for needed confined area. 𝐵𝑑 = 42 𝑖𝑛 Is the boundary length (Figure
𝑙𝑏𝑒 = 𝐵𝑑 − 𝑐𝑐 = 40.205 𝑖𝑛
Long direction confined length
𝑏𝑐1 = 𝐵𝑑 − 2𝑐𝑐 = 38.41 𝑖𝑛
Short direction confined length
𝑏𝑐2 = 𝑏 − 2𝑐𝑐 = 14.41 𝑖𝑛
By definition of the code
𝐴𝑔 = 𝑙𝑏𝑒 ∗ 𝑏 = 5.026 𝑓𝑡 2
𝐴𝑐ℎ = 𝑏𝑐1 ∗ 𝑏𝑐2 = 3.844 𝑓𝑡 2

𝐴𝑠ℎ 𝐴𝑔 𝑓𝑐′ 𝑓𝑐′

= max(0.3 ( − 1) ; 0.09 )
𝑠 ∗ 𝑏𝑐 𝐴𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑦𝑡 𝑓𝑦𝑡

Choose spacing as 6 in making it the same as the shear spacing. This results that every layer
has to be confined in the short and long direction.

𝐴𝑔 𝑓𝑐′ 𝑓𝑐′
𝐴𝑠ℎ1 = 𝑠 ∗ 𝑏𝑐1 ∗ max (0.3 ( − 1) ; 0.09 ) = 1.772 𝑖𝑛2
𝐴𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑦𝑡 𝑓𝑦𝑡
𝐴𝑔 𝑓𝑐′ 𝑓𝑐′
𝐴𝑠ℎ2 = 𝑠 ∗ 𝑏𝑐2 ∗ max (0.3 ( − 1) ; 0.09 ) = 0.6 𝑖𝑛2
𝐴𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑦𝑡 𝑓𝑦𝑡
Using all #4 confinement bars for 10 layers in the long direction and 3 layers on the short
direction would satisfy the required area.

At level 4, the results are the same. Confine each layer of bars in both directions.

Critical Section – ACI

max ( ; 𝑙 ) = 16.33 𝑓𝑡
4𝑉𝑢 𝑤
30 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 400𝑝𝑠𝑖
𝜌= = 0.017 >
𝑏 ∗ 𝐵𝑑 𝑓𝑦
Meaning the whole wall elevation has to be confined the same as the critical section.
Cross section of the wall is shown below, based on the design.

Figure 7-6: SW1 Base Cross Section

*For a more detailed view reference S4.4 SW1 Shear Wall .

8. Foundation Design
8.1 Design consideration
The foundation type that will be used for this building is shallow foundation type. Due to the
column dimension, the foundation was designed with a square dimension for effectiveness. Mat
foundation will be used to support the shear walls and the mat foundation for the two right shear
walls , SW 8 and 11, will also support three columns beside it due to overlapping foundation
size.The design will be based on the ACI 318-14 codes.
Design criteria:
● The size of the foundation is calculated based on the highest load any column will
support with a total of two loads, exterior and interior loads.
● All of the interior isolated column footings to be the same size based on maximum axial
● All of the exterior isolated column footings to be the same size based on maximum axial
● Column footings was assumed to carry no lateral loads and all the lateral loads will be
carried by the shear walls.

8.2 Design Process

8.2.1 Column foundation
The column will have a total of 2 different types of foundations; foundation for interior columns,
and exterior columns. The size of the foundation was designed based on the total service load
which was calculated in SAP2000 for the column design. Sizing for bearing
The load combination that was used for the design of the column footings is the ASD load
combination with D+L being the one that controls. Once the total service load was calculated,
the initial size for the footing for each column, A-req, will be calculated by summing the service
load using the load combination, PASD, and dividing it with the allowable bearing pressure of the
subgrade, qall. The allowable bearing pressure was given from the geotechnical and surveying
team for this project and it is 12000 psi.

The following equation was used in determining the size of the footing for different columns. Sizing for shear

Shear failures will be the one that controls the thickness of the footings. Two types of shear
failures was used to determine the thickness that is the one way shear and the two way shear,
or punching shear. The thickness was designed so that no shear ties will be needed in the
One way shear was calculated by assuming that the footing is an upside down cantilever beam
with the bearing pressure as the load and the column as the support. The moment will be
measured at the depth of the footings as usually concrete will break from shear in a 45 degree
angle and therefore the moment was calculated footing depth away from the surface of the
The following equation was used to design the thickness of the footing to resist the one way
shear qu being the ultimate bearing pressure and l is the from the end of the footing to footing
depth distance away from the column.

Two way shear or the punching shear is a case where the concrete fails in both direction
breaking at a distance of the footing depth away from the surface in all direction. The punching
shear will be the one controlling the thickness of the designed footings. The strength design
equation was used to find the shear strength in punching shear case.
The two way shear used the following equation and was then compared to the shear strength
equation. The thickness of the footing needs to be controlled so that there is no need for shear
ties in the footing.

The ultimate shear need to be smaller than the shear strength for it to work perfectly. The phi
factor was used for safety factor. The development length of the dowel to transfer the load from
the column to the footing would also control if the calculated thickness is smaller than the
development length required. Flexural reinforcement
For the flexural reinforcement of the footings, we analyze it by assuming that the footing is a
slab sitting on a column. Moment was taken by using equation for calculating moment on a
cantilever slab. Once we computed the moment demand of the footings, we compare it to the
moment capacity by using the following equation.

To find the required reinforcement area for the footing, the moment demand was set to be lower
than the capacity and by manipulating the equation, the minimum reinforcement area could be
8.2.2 Mat foundation (Shear Wall foundation)
The mat foundation was chosen to be the footing type to support the shear wall because the
length and size of the shear wall, which is mostly “L” or coupled wall shaped, do not support the
use of combined or square footings. The main difference between this design and the column
foundation design is that the mat foundation will be designed to resist moment from the lateral
loads that the walls hold.
The lateral loads will cause an overturning moment and the eccentricity bearing, or a non-
uniformed bearing pressure acting against the footing. The axial loads that the walls support will
help to reduce the overturning caused by the lateral loads. The loads was determined by using
the tributary area method and the tributary area is cut in an angle between two side by side
The design will start by guessing a preliminary size of the footings. The equation that was used
is different from the calculation of the column design as in this case we need to take into
account the moment acting on the footings caused by the lateral loads. The preliminary size
also needs to be larger than the length and width of the covered elements. After approximating
the size, eccentric bearing, overturning moment and shear will be checked and the size will
change regarding to this requirements. Lastly, the flexural reinforcement is calculated for the
mat foundation. Overturning moment
For simple approximation of the size of the foundation, overturning moment was calculated for
the footing. The overturning moment will be the first check on whether the footing size could
accommodate the moment that the lateral loads created. ACI stated that the foundation only
needs to withstand 75% of the lateral loads in the walls. The loads that will control is the seismic
load as the building is located in the area with a very frequent seismic activity. The ASD load
combination that was used in this analysis is D + 0.75(0.7E) + 0.75L+ 0.75S which shows the
least amount of dead load for the highest amount of lateral or earthquake load. The overturning
moment will be resisted by the dead load of the wall. The length of the foundation needs to be
adequate so that the moment caused by the lateral loads could be equalized by the moment
caused by the dead load of the building. Eccentric Bearing

The initial size of the footing needs to be approximated based on the wall length. Once a size
has been set, the eccentricity was checked. This was done by using the following equation. The
eccentricity, e, the distance where the resultant force acts is calculated, by dividing the moment,
Mo, by the axial loads acting on it, Po.

After the eccentricity was calculated, the length of the footing that resist the bearing pressure,
Le, is calculated and was used to find the maximum bearing pressure using the following
equation. Where B is the shorter distance of the foundation.

This bearing pressure shows the maximum bearing pressure that footings with that eccentricity
will have for the bearing pressure. Therefore the maximum bearing pressure, qmax, could not
exceed the allowable bearing pressure, qall . Shear
The shear needs to be checked as the shear will likely be the one controlling the thickness of
the mat foundation. One way shear as well as the two way shear or the punching shear still
need to be checked in order for the foundation to resist shear without the need to use any shear
stirrups. LRFD will be used for the load combination.
For one way shear, the analysis will be similar to the column foundation design. The footing was
assumed to be an upside down slab sitting on a column. The moment will be calculated at the
depth of the footing away from the nearest wall surface to take into account the 45 angled shear
For punching shear, it is also similar to the column footing design. The moment was taken 0.5d
away from the wall surface as it is considered the critical length of the 45 degree break. The
analysis considered all four side broke off at the same. The punching shear will most of the time
controls the thickness of the footing. Flexural reinforcement

For the flexural reinforcement of the shear foundation mat footing, the footing was considered a
cantilever slab and the moment demand was calculated from the edge of the footing to the wall
surface. The method to get the area of the steel reinforcement is still similar to the way the
column foundation was analyzed by dividing 0.9 of the d with steel yield’s strength from the
ultimate moment. The moment for both direction of the footing is calculated in order to get the
reinforcement area needed to resist that moment. As the moment will go in either direction, top
bars with equal strength is needed for the mat foundation. Foundation schedule

Name Width (ft) Length (ft) Thickness Rebar long Rebar short
Interior 9.5 9.5 42 (9)#9 (9)#9
Exterior 7 7 26 (7)#7 (7)#7
Mat 27 40 48 (25)#11 25#11
foundation L (top and (top and
bottom) bottom)
Mat 30 50 72 (44)#11 (20)#11
foundation (top and (top and
M bottom) bottom)
Mat 35 45 48 (25)#11 (20)#11
foundation (top and (top and
R bottom) bottom)

9.0 Penthouse Design

Figure 9 Penthouse Layout

The Penthouse resides on the top of the Blume building. It spans 258 feet North to
South and 25.5 feet East to West. It is surrounded by a mechanical screen and has an
overlapping section on the South side that extends to the lower roof level. The height of the wall
is 11 feet in all areas except the south side which extends 3 feet past marker 13 in plan and is
25 feet 2 inches tall.

Since Earthquake loading controls at 134 kips, the penthouse will be designed with
Square HSS metal columns at each in the plan view shown below. Running East to West, there
will also be a beam that spans the 25’6” gap to account for the moments imposed on the
penthouse through loading. The calculations are shown in the Calculation Package show our
design process based on the loading.
Figure 9-2 Plan View

Figure 9-3 North Elevation View

Figure 9-4 South Elevation View

Table 9-1 Penthouse Specifications

Column (ft) (16) 11’ HSS (2) 25’2” HSS 7x7x1/2”


Base Plate ¼” A36 Steel Plates ½” A36 Steel Plates

Anchors 4 Heavy Hex-head 4 Heavy Hex-head ASTM F

ASTM F 1554 Gr. 55 1554 Gr. 55 1/2” bolts
5/8” bolts

Effective Throat 1/8" matching filler 3/16” matching filler

Welds (inch)

Bolt Design:

Due to our moment resisting frame, the analysis can be conducted with only a Shear
force in the x-direction and a Normal Force in the z-direction. To complete the analysis, the
program Hilti PROFIS Anchor was utilized to size the bolts and check for modes of failure. This
includes concrete breakout strength, shear load, tension load, pullout strength and steel
strength. Based on our designs above, the software was used to:

 Dimension the plate (11x11”)

 Dimension the Slab (6”)
 Dimension the Column Profile (HSS 7x7x1/2”)
 Select 5ksi concrete (as per report specifications)
 Run with seismic design criteria meaning:
o Condition B tension and shear reinforcement
o Edge reinforcement greater than No. 4 bars w/ stirrups
o Cracked concrete due to seismic loading
 Choose amount of bolts and configuration (cast in place heavy hex-head)
 Model the forces acting on the anchors
 Automated efficiency dimensions
 Specified Embedment depth (5 inches)

Since there are 2 different loading conditions, two analyzes were run with both base
plates to ensure the ACI 318-14 design criteria was met. These results will be listed in the
Calculations Package. The loading conditions and configurations are shown in the following
Figure 9-5 11’ HSS 7x7x1/2” column w/ 4 Heavy Hex-head ASTM F 1554 Gr. 55 5/8” bolts on
a ¼” A36 Steel Plate

Figure 9-6 25’2” HSS 7x7x1/2” column w/ 4 Heavy Hex-head ASTM F 1554 Gr. 55 1/2” bolts on
a ¼” A36 Steel Plate
Loading follow stiffness and since the 25’2” columns at the South end of the building are
less stiff, the figure below denotes how the load will act. This requires 2 designs for the base
plate, welds, and bolts into the slab below.

Beam Design:

Applying the earthquake loading to these beams, we find the following loading conditions
on the beams, which result in a moment demand of 175 k-ft. Consulting the steel construction
manual, the iterative process of selecting the beam finds that HSS 7x7x1/2” is sufficient with a
stress of 45.6 ksi, which is under the yield stress of 5 ksi.
𝑀𝑐 175𝑘−𝑓𝑡(3.5𝑖𝑛)∗12𝑖𝑛
𝜎= = = 45.6ksi <50ksi
𝐼 80.5𝑖𝑛4 ∗2𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑛𝑠

The next thing to look at would be to apply the loading to the moment frames in order to
determine designs for the beams that span East to West as well as the ones running North to
South. From the analysis shown below, the E-W spans have a moment demand of 87 k-ft and
the N-S spans are a maximum of 103.66 k-ft.
 East to West Span: W18x40 (moment capacity of 90.5) (Table 3-6 AISC Steel)
 North to South Spans: W18x55 (moment capacity of 112)

Since determining moment frame connections to HSS columns is outside the scope of
the project and class, they will assumed to be bolted flange plates the will needed to be sized,
welded and checked for flange stiffness, tension, and panel zone shear.

11’ (east to west) moment frame

6.94 K

25’2” (east to west) moment frame

North to South Analysis of Loading on Spans
Plate Design:
Axial Loads
(Mechanical Wall weight + Weight of Moment Resisting Beams + Self Weight = Axial
0.02 psf (11 ft) (30ft span) + [0.04 lb/ft (30 ft) + (1/2)(0.04lb/ft)(25.5ft)] + 0.04lb/ft(11ft) =
8.75 kips (negative y direction)
0.02 psf (25’ 2”) (30ft span) + [0.04 lb/ft (30 ft) + (1/2)(0.04lb/ft)(25.5ft)] + 0.04lb/ft(25’ 2”)
17.82 kips (negative y direction)
Factored Loads
𝑃𝑢,11𝑓𝑡 = 1.2 ∗ 8.75 + 15.88 = 26.38 𝑘
𝑃𝑢,25′2" = 1.2 ∗ 17.82 + 6.94 = 28.32 𝑘
Based on the above loading conditions, the plates were designed following AISC Design
guide – Column Base Plates. For a rectangular HSS, the distance m is determined as 0.95
times the depth and width.
𝑁−0.95(𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛) 11 𝑖𝑛−0.95(7𝑖𝑛) 7 𝑖𝑛−2(1/2)
𝑚= = = 4.35 > =3
2 2 2
Therefore it is effective in bearing.

Equation F11-1 procedure for LFRD determines the required thickness of baseplate
𝑃𝑢 26.38𝑘
𝑓𝑝𝑢 = = = 0.218 ksi
𝐴𝑒𝑓𝑓 121𝑖𝑛2
𝑃𝑢 28.32𝑘
𝑓𝑝𝑢 = = = 0.234 ksi
𝐴𝑒𝑓𝑓 121𝑖𝑛2
𝑓𝑝𝑢 𝑙 2
𝑀𝑢 = 𝜑𝑏 = 0.9
𝑡𝑝 2
𝑍= 𝑀𝑢 = 𝑀𝑝 = 𝐹𝑦 𝑍
Setting 𝑀𝑢 = 𝜑𝑏 𝑀𝑛
2𝑓𝑝𝑢 𝑙 2 2(0.218𝑘𝑠𝑖)(4.35𝑖𝑛)
𝑡𝑝(𝑟𝑒𝑞) = √ =√ = 0.241 in (11’)
𝜑𝑏 𝐹𝑦 0.9(36𝑘𝑠𝑖)

=√ = 0.251 in (25’2”)

Therefore we can use 1/4” A36 steel plate for the 11’ columns in the penthouse and use 1/2”
A36 steel plate for the 25’2” columns.
Weld Design:
From table J2.3 In the steel manual, the effective throat is determined by the thinner
material. Since the base plates are is 1/4” and 1/2” thick and the HSS is ½” thick, the effective
throats are 1/8” and 3/16” accordingly..
Also, since the base metal is A36 and ≤ ¾” thick, the weld will consist of a 60 &70ksi
filler material (matching filler).

*For a more detailed view reference S4.7 Penthouse Footings.

Connection Design
Minimum Development Length: Slabs to Columns
Development length, or the minimum length required to ensure enough bondage between
reinforcing steel from slab and column’s cross section, can be calculated using:
[ACI equation]

[ACI equation]

Required 2.03 ft. for bondage to happen. Smallest column has dimension 2’x2’
Necessary to hook the bars.

Hook Development Length: Slab to Beam/Girder

Minimum length required to ensure enough bondage between steel reinforcement from slab and
beams/girders, calculated using:
[ACI equation]

Hook Development Length: Beam/Girder to Column

Minimum length required to ensure enough bondage between steel reinforcement from
beams/girders and columns, calculated using:
[ACI 318-14 equation]
With bar diameter
10.1 Foundation to Column connection
The connection between the column and the footing will be a hook connection in which the
dowel bar will be embedded into the footing with the required development length.This analysis
will be based on the ACI 318-14 chapter 25. The area of the dowel for the load transfers is
calculated using the equation
Splice length will be calculated as well to accommodate for the transfer of load from the column
to the foundation and the different size of the column rebar and the footing bar size. The

lbd = 0.0005*fy*db

will be used to calculate the length into the column for lap splice.
The development length into the footing will be calculated using the equation


The footing is deep enough to support the length so no actual hook length is needed for the
development length requirement. However, to ensure an adequate connection strength, hooks
will be made for safety reason.
11.0 Codes and References
 ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
 ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
 Foundation Design: Principles and Practices; Donald P. Coduto (3rd edition)
 Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design; James K. Wight, James G. MacGregor (7th
 AISC: Steel Construction Manual
 AISC Seismic Design Provisions
 WABO-SEAW Snow Load
12.8 Summary of Weekly Team Meetings

Week Assigned Tasks Accomplished Help Needed?


0 RFQ (all members) - -

1 Gravity/Lateral (Tsenguun) RFQ submitted Beams (help

Load Maps (Muhannad) recieved from Chris)
Foundation (Hans)
Beam/Girder (Robert/Boris)

2 Earthquake (Tsenguun) Framing/Load Loads (report)

Snow (Robert) Paths s (all)
Wind (Boris) Meetings w/ Chris
Columns (Ahmad) and Dawn

3 Report Updated RFQ Report


4 Putting Drawings into Preparing for -

Autocad KPFF

5 Finalize Drawings Meeting w/ KPFF Penthouse (KPFF)

6 Analysis in SAP for girders Drawings Lateral System

Completed (chris)

7 50%DD Updated 50%DD


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