Workshop 2 Solution: Basic Unsteady Flow Modeling Using HEC-RAS

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PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

Workshop 2 Solution:
Basic Unsteady Flow Modeling Using HEC-RAS

In this problem, the geometric data processed in Workshop 1 will be used

to route a flood event. Unsteady flow data will be defined, a simulation
performed and output will be reviewed.

Workshop Tasks:

1. Open Wrk2.prj. This data represents the data developed in Workshop 1

2. Open the Geometry file.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

3. Check the HTAB settings and adjust them, if necessary based on your
Workshop 1 analyses. Save the file.

The HTAB settings, shown below are those established in workshop 1.

4. Open the Unsteady Flow data editor

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

a. Upstream Boundary is a flow hydrograph.

The data for the flood is in an Excel file named 1974Flood.xls under
Beaver Creek Flood Hydrograph.

The Excel file was

opened; the column
of flow data was
highlighted and
copied. The Flow
Column in the data
editor was
highlighted and the
copied data pasted
into the table (Ctrl

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

b. Downstream Boundary is a rating curve. The data are listed in the

Rating Table, on the next page.

The downstream
boundary Rating Curve
was entered into the Table.
An alternative would be to
enter the data into the DSS
file and then read it from
DSS, using the option at
the top of the table.
A zero flow stage was
added at the minimum
elevation to ensure stage is
provided for low flows.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016
4. Set up the Unsteady Flow Analysis. Establish a new Plan, check
Programs to Run, and set the times. What Computational Interval would
be appropriate? Do not forget to select the cross sections for output.

The computation
interval was
initially set to 5
However, the
problems, so the
interval had to be
reduced. A 10
second interval
gave similar
results to a 1
minute interval.
A 30 second
interval was

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

5. Run the Unsteady Flow Analysis and evaluate the results.

a. Are there model results that suggest problems? What could be

done to improve the solution?

The water surface profile is not very smooth. Although this may be correct, it
may also suggest that the model does not have enough cross sections. Also the
bed elevation has a large vertical drop at the upstream end. This may also be
an issue.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

In order to determine if there is a problem, additional cross sections were

added to the model using the cross section interpolation function.

If time permits, make adjustments and run again.

The Geometry file was modified to add interpolated sections with a maximum
step of 500 feet. That means that any channel reach length greater than 500
feet will be subdivided by adding sufficient interpolated sections to reduce the
step to no more than 500 feet. The geometry file was saved as a new file and a
new plan was run with the modified geometry.
The interpolated sections should be carefully reviewed.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

The levee option in the downstream sections did not appear reasonable on the
interpolated sections. Using the Graphical Editor can easily modify this.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

The levee location was moved for the interpolated sections and the geometry
file was Saved As a new file name. The Simulation Editor was set to compute
on a 30-second interval and the Output Locations was set for all Cross
Sections. The simulation was run as a New Plan

The results were compared to the original simulation. The comparisons for the
two plans are shown below, upper is stage and lower is flow hydrograph. The
lines without symbols are the new solution with interpolated cross sections.
Note the smoother shape at the beginning and end of the hydrograph.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

b. What was the attenuation in peak discharge?

The Flow and Stage hydrographs are available at any output location. The
Maximum Flow can be viewed in the table on the upper right-hand-side. The
River Sta can then be changed to view the attenuation of the peak discharge.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

6. Add a lateral flow to River Station 5.29. The inflow starts at 25 cfs,
peaks at 250 cfs at noon and subsides to 25 cfs at midnight. Save the
Unsteady Flow file as a new name and run the simulation as a New
Plan. How much and how far did the inflow change the peak profile?

The internal boundary location RS 5.29 was added. The Lateral Inflow
Hydrograph option was selected. The starting, peak, and ending discharge were
input and the “Interpolate Missing Values” option was used to fill in the lateral
flow hydrograph. The flow file was saved under a new name and the unsteady flow
simulation run under a new plan.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016

The flow is added below RS 5.29, so the largest change will be seen at the cross
section immediately downstream, as shown in the hydrograph plot on the next
page. (Stage is the upper plot and flow, the lower.) Although, there is some
increase in stage both upstream and downstream from the added flows, as shown
in the Profile Summary Table.

PS-02(188-08) Unsteady Modeling Solution 2016


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