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‘OYO STATE POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS TEACHING SERVICE COMMISSION "APPLICATION FOR TEACHING APPOINTMENT Appointment Required in SECONDARY SCHOOL NB. The Post Primary Schools (or official use only) | Teaching Serves Commission will sol be prepared lo give reasons for Apotication No the false ofan applicant to secure iment off ene ito an ate Repsteed ‘correspondence onthe subject. in » ‘THE CHAIRMAN, POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS TEACHING. SERVICE COMMISSION Section A Pets Details f Applian tah” Name fl MiMi (lee a appropriate) (Surname fit ale Block Lets) Naa Sa Toa Gant] Buea it ceo ick of Origa 2 a) Pomme Adis (0) Adds for Conespondence (itr! Fo 2) 3. Marital Stas: Sige, Mare, Widow or Widower Number of Chie, Son Aged respectively. aogher ——_Agedresecsly. 4. Alcan’ resem employment (fa) Name of Employer Adress of Epoye. rset Slay. Pann, Slay Sse ard ay ther dress alsin ‘te fancier ofthe ponent, eg Free usng, a basi alowancs, ec) 5. Areyow under any log or orl bliin t serve any employe? fsa, who. (008, ~ Pleate sae the nature and extent ofthe obligations) Section B 6. Chass Type of ppoinment sid, Permanent Terpoarary VsaianParime or Rel Section © 1 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ATTENDED. Pesod Name of Schoo From [Name of Headmaster HIGHER INSTETUTIONS 8 Name Period | Name ot Professor’ [Scholarship eld] Academic Lecture, te. Dininstions QUALIFICATIONS Date Examinations Pasod Subjects Omfered 0, Employment since leaving School in chrnolpicl are Dae | “Ressons for Levi From | To 1 2 1 1. es equremeat of he Oyo Sut Pos Primary Sehols Teaching Sevie Commision that you seal state fo) Wher you ae over convicted of criminal ofeae: (9) Wher youstea present dat fe fom faunal enbarasznet 12. (2) tsveyouspletDe yu intend to apply tthe Plc Sensce Comision for acl esc os” (0) Foe what pos: 1, State your coie of Lacl Govemmentin nde of pris Give te nme ad ures othe referees, Tey shouldbe resposible persone who know you wel, ‘The names of relives mst not be ven nor hose of eitngushed persons unless they know You well INA The conset of the Persons named to at referer should be obsined by the applicant Name Designation | Address Comments | Phone No 2 Signature of pict Section F CONFIDENTIAL REPORT (To be completed by aphcant’s present employer or Head of Department or if applicant is stil at ‘School, College or in Unversity by hisher Headmaster, Principal or accredited University Authority) Pessnsto whom this form is ume reetd for complain are regused provide us al fll, answer as pss othe following quests ad o forward the frm at othe azess on page ue. Separate covering letters are NOT required, (Name of Applicat {For how long as the Applicant been in your employmentbeen known you? (i) Wha special abilcy has the Applicant to your knowledge demonstrated for the appointment ‘which he has applied fo? (@») “Hos the Applicant the qualities of character in your opinion essential forthe sppoiniment indicated at paragraph 6? (9) sve you any other information about the Applicant which would help the Post Primary Schools Teaching Service Commission odacde his tuitabiliy? Adress ‘Sina ‘ak or Projection ‘Far Ofidal Use Only

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