2004 Article by Carl Reed - MOSS - A Historical Perspective

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Carl Reed, PhD

2536 West Prospect
Ft. Collins, CO

MOSS – A Historical Perspective

I recently browsed several books on GIS, including one on the history of GIS. Out of
personal interest, I checked out what the authors had to say about MOSS, the Map
Overlay and Statistical System. While MOSS was mentioned several times, there was a
lack of both historical accuracy and content. Since I “lived” the MOSS story, I felt that it
would be interesting to go back, brush off a number of documents from the 1970’s and
write a short but definitive history of the early days of MOSS. One item I quickly
discovered in my research is that MOSS as a software product is still alive and well and
available as OpenSource! Not bad for a GIS software product that was first developed in

The development and use of MOSS was a very important milestone in the evolution of
GIS. MOSS was the first broadly deployed, vector based, interactive GIS. Second, it was
the first GIS to be deployed for production use on mini-computers. Third, it was the first
GIS to provide integrated vector and raster processing. Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, dozens of States Federal agency’s staff were able to cost effectively use and
learn about GIS at a time when there had been very little exposure as to the power and
usefulness of GIS. In a sense, MOSS provided the educational springboard that allowed
many of these agencies to use the lessons learned in implementing and using MOSS to
grow and expand their GIS “reach”, purchasing and using more powerful, commercially
supported systems.

In the middle 1970’s, coal-mining activities in the Rocky Mountain States began to
accelerate. In response, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was tasked with evaluating the
impacts of strip mine development on wildlife and wildlife habitat. They were further
tasked with evaluating and making recommendations regarding habitat mitigation.
Professionals within the USFWS felt that the (at that time) nascent potential of GIS as an
analysis and modeling tool was exactly what was required to aid the wildlife biologists
map habitat and develop habitat mitigation scenarios.

With funding from the EPA Coal Program, the USFWS issued a Request For Proposals
(RFP) in early 1976. As documented in the RFP, the scope of the project included doing a
User Needs assessment, developing a GIS functional scope, evaluating existing GIS
technologies, and making recommendations to the USFWS as to the appropriate course
of action for the development and deployment of GIS technology. In late 1976, the
contract was awarded to the Federation of Rocky Mountain States, a not for profit
organization that eventually evolved into the Western Governors’ Policy Office. The
USFWS group given responsibility to oversee the contract and participate in the User
Needs assessment and demonstrations was the Western Energy and Land Use Team
(WELUT). The project leader for the FRMS was Larry Salmon and the COTR for the
Government was Ken Burnham. The complete FRMS GIS team came together in January
of 1977 and consisted of myself, George Nez, Jim Gropper, and John Hammill. I was
hired as the GIS architect and programmer.

For the first six months of 1977, we worked on two tasks: A User Needs Assessment and
an Inventory of Existing GIS technology. The needs assessment involved interviewing
wildlife biologists, natural resources planners, and other professionals that would be
involved in wildlife habitat definition and habitat mitigation. The objective of the
interview was twofold. First, to elicit the types of GIS functions and GIS environment
that they would need in order to fulfill the mandated mission of the mitigation studies.
The other was to begin educating them on the potentials uses and benefits of GIS. FRMS
staff and WELUT staff traveled to numerous USFWS field offices and interviewed
dozens of individuals. The results of the assessment were published in the summer of

Concurrently, I was doing an inventory of existing public domain and commercial GIS
technology. Using previous work done by the IGU (International Geographical Union),
personal contacts, and research, approximately 70 different mapping and GIS software
packages were identified. Of these, 54 had enough documentation and basic required
functionality to warrant further analysis. A basic set of information was collected on each
system (hardware, operating system, basic GIS functions supported, etc.). In a sense, the
survey and inventory was similar to those now published in various GIS magazines and
industry analysts’ reports. The main difference is that we collected the information as
opposed to sending out a survey and asking companies and individuals to complete the
survey. The USFWS published the results of the inventory the summer of 1977. This
document provided information on product name, programming language, required
operating system, GIS capabilities, data model(s) used (vector vs. raster), level of
documentation, and whether support were available – or not. This document is a valuable
historical document as it has information and details of systems long extinct and

The results of the User Needs Assessment coupled with new industry and technology
knowledge allowed us develop a GIS Functional Needs document that specifically
focused on the GIS requirements for the USFWS and the habitat mitigation process. We
then were able to compare the functional specification against the inventory of existing
systems. It became quickly apparent that none of the existing systems could meet even
half of the requirements of the USFWS. Further, all the inventoried systems operated in
batch mode. There was a general feeling among the USFWS/WELUT staff that an
interactive GIS would be much more useful as part of a decision making process. Since I
had used both batch and interactive GIS applications in graduate school, I strongly
supported the interactive approach. So we had to make a “build or buy” decision.

A very critical and interesting discussion took place at this point. Some FRMS staff and
some at WELUT were sold on the idea of using a batch mapping system called CMS
(Computer Mapping System). Functionally, it was similar to Symap. Its primary output
mode was the line printer. As far as I know, it is the only “GIS” ever written in COBOL!
After weeks of argument, the decision was made not to use CMS. Also, since none of the
commercially available systems at the time had the required functionality or they were
way too expensive, the decision was but design and implement a new GIS based on the
requirements uncovered by the needs assessment and documented in the functional
specification. The stipulation by the decision committee was to use as much of the public
domain code documented in the inventory as was feasible in the new system.

With this background of well-documented requirements and systems information, the

design of MOSS began during the summer of 1977. Once the group agreed on the design,
programming started. Eventually, a set of shared libraries of common functions, such as a
graphics library, a math library and a text processing library were developed. These
shared libraries with documented interfaces allowed for the very rapid development of
the complete software system. Many of these base level subroutines were extensions of
work done by myself and other geography graduate students in the GIS laboratory at
SUNY Buffalo. The development environment was a CDC mainframe running the
KRONOS operating system. Fortran IV was the development language. Graphics
presentation and code development was done on a Tektronix 4010.

Since the decision was to implement an interactive system, we needed a user interaction
language. Using the results of the user needs assessment, we were then able to define an
English like language for user interaction for the new GIS. We decided to use simple
action verbs (PLOT to plot a map) with simple subjects and modifiers (PLOT ROADS)
to plot a roads map. We also raised the issue of how once a user has selected a map set,
they could continue processing on the result of the select without having to constantly re-
select the map or set of maps. We came up with the concept of “Active Ids”. These ID’s
are equivalent to views or query sets. For example, if the user selected interstates from a
road map, the result of this select was “remembered” by the system and given a unique
identifier. The use could then reference this selected map set by its ID number. So, for
example, the user could then enter PLOT 3 to plot map set ID 3 or they could enter
OVERLAY (2 4) to perform polygon overlay on selected map sets 2 and 4. This approach
made it much easier for users to develop and use sequences of commands to perform a
given work flow or modeling operation. We further extended this concept so that users
could save this save and reuse this information from working session to working session.

Using the defined user language, the functional specification, and the systems design for
guidance, in late 1977, I began implementing high-level user action functions in the
software. These higher-level functions accessed the shared libraries already previously
built and tested. Extensive use of existing public domain code helped accelerate the
development process. For example, code for point in polygon was extracted from
software done my David Douglas, a polygon cross hatching and fill capability was
“borrowed” from code by Waldo Tobler, and the vector to raster conversion software was
a recoding into Fortran of the COBOL code in the CMS system. As a point of interest, the
commitment to using existing public domain code continued through the full
development and deployment lifecycle for MOSS.
This approach allowed for the rapid development and use of MOSS in a Pilot Project in
1978. The Pilot Project was done for several reasons:

• Provide a validation of the capabilities and implementation approach for the

• Help educate FWS staff on the user and power of a GIS;
• Provide iterative feedback to be used to evolve and enhance MOSS.
• Prove to the funding organizations that they were getting their money’s worth.

By 1979, version 10 of MOSS had been implemented on the CDC mainframe. This was
the final version developed as part of the FRMS contract. At this time, I became an
employee of the USFWS WELUT organization. Denny Parker, the founder of what is
now GeoWorld, was my boss. My first task as a Federal employee was to port the CDC
version of MOSS to a Data General C330 minicomputer running the AOS operating
system. Another part of this project was to integrate MOSS with another software
package that had been developed under contract by Autometric for the National Wetlands
Inventory. The Wetlands Analytical Mapping System (WAMS) was an advanced map
digitizing and edit package for topologically structured vector data. All work on these
projects was completed in early 1980. As far as I know, WAMS was the first interactive
digitizing system for capturing and structuring map data as topology in real time. But
WAMS is another story worth of its own chapter in the history of GIS.

By the middle of 1980, the WAMS/MOSS software suite was ready for production use
not only within the Fish and Wildlife Service but also in other Federal agencies. The
Oregon state office of the BLM was the first non-FWS group to install and use MOSS
and WAMS. Within a couple of years, MOSS was being used in the Bureau of Indian
Affairs, multiple BLM State Offices, the Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service,
US Army Engineering Topographic Labs, Fish and Wildlife Service, and numerous State,
Local and University organizations.

For the next several years, MOSS was extensively and successfully used by these
agencies to complete numerous projects. In the process, hundreds of individuals gained
hands-on experience using GIS technology in the US Federal Government. The USFWS
staff and contractors developed complete systems documentation, detailed User’s
Manuals and Guides, Reference Manuals, and tutorials. In the early 1980’s, a series of
annual MOSS users’ conferences started. Perhaps the widespread use of MOSS helped
break down the barriers to the use of GIS technology, helping to pave the way for the
adoption and use of geospatial technology today.

But the MOSS legacy does not stop here. In the early 1980’s, Autometric under contract
to the BML and USFWS, provided on-going support and maintenance of AMS and
MOSS. They also provided technology transfer services to install the software into both
Federal and Local Government sites, provide training, and ongoing support. Autometric
staff also ported the software to other operating system environments, such as VMS and
UNIX. This work allowed Autometric to build an extremely experienced staff of GIS
programmers and support professionals.

In 1984, a small group of the engineers decided the time was right to design and
implement an entirely new GIS software package. A six month intensive design period
ensued. The design took into consideration all the strengths – and weaknesses – of both
AMS and MOSS. The team considered lessons learned in porting AMS and MOSS to
UNIX. They also took advantage of the results of several projects that focused on the data
structures and algorithms needed for real time collection and maintenance of
topologically structured spatial data. By April 1985, version 0 of DeltaMap was publicly
announced. Since design and implementation of DeltaMap reflected the strengths of AMS
and MOSS, such features as the English oriented command language, session state
information, and spatial views were maintained. However, contrary to some industry
beliefs, DeltaMap represented almost 100% new code. Because DeltaMap used a
topologically structured data model as opposed the full polygon data model of MOSS,
very little MOSS code could be used to develop DeltaMap. DeltaMap – later GenaMap –
was first installed at a customer site in 1986. GenaMap lives on today and is now an
integral component of a broad set of applications for the telecommunications industry
being deployed in Europe and South America.

So, from its somewhat humble beginnings in the US Fish and Wildlife Service, MOSS
flourished for many years and enabled dozens of agencies and Federal offices to compile
a comprehensive digital map database and complete numerous projects. Much of these
data have since been converted into other GIS formats. All of the agencies that began
their GIS experience with MOSS have moved to using a variety of commercial products.
But the MOSS legacy lives on in having paved the way for these organizations being able
to make better and more effective use of GIS technology to meet today’s policy and
mandate challenges.

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