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Employees with high potential are an asset of great value to
the company undeniably. High performing employees are
generally called as potential employees who show commitment
and hard work. They are perfect organisation fit and job fit and
are more likely to stay longer with the organisation and work
towards achieving the goals of the organisation, they are
people with the right skills and attitude who make the
organisation environment highly competitive and also positive
in nature. Highly potential employees are reason behind the
success of the organisation as they are constantly focusing on
the growth of the business

These are three of the qualities that stand out as consistently

appearing in the profile of a high-potential leadership candidate

1. Ability of the employee,

2. Aspiration, and
3. Engagement levels of the employee with the organisation.

What do these three qualities mean for a candidate to be of

high potential?

 Having the desired Competencies. 

 Work Efficiency of the employee.
 The Employee’s Sense of Ownership Regarding Work,
 Learning adaptability to changes in the business whenever
 Seeking for feedback from the top management and
working on areas of improvement.
 Seeking interest in new opportunities given by the
 Making one’s self available for training and development
provided by the company.

 Sense of belongingness with the company.
 Passion at workplace, enthusiastic personality which help
to keep the organisation spirit highly positive.
 Representing the company in the right terms.

Problem can lie in identifying all these qualities in a person,

evaluating if he/ or she is a potential Employee.

Identifying potential employees in the organisation

By setting criteria and looking for specifi c skills in the
employee such as:
Decision making skills : It is not true that only the higher
management should have this skill but also every
employee must have this skill and showcase it, also
analyse the circumstances at work and be able to make
decisions which would be more productive or profi t
gaining to Vishal Peripherals.
Flexibility: A potential employee must be in a position to
support the company when there is heavy workload and
be willing to be fl exible to what the company wants him
or her to do as per the business strategy. The employee
must be fl exible enough to not be stumped when things
don’t go as per the plan.
Commitment: This is very essential as Vishal Peripherals
is a small company with not more than employees in the
organisation, if the company must grow and reach the
profi t targets it requires utmost dedication to the work
that is assigned to the employee. In this way it shows
that the employee is hardworking and committed to his
Leadership skills: Vishal peripherals says that they just
want to be working with great people and great people
are good leaders. A potential employee must be in the
position to think and act like great leaders and most
importantly thrive towards achieving the goals of the
organisation. Taking ownership or being initiative is also
qualities of a great leader and also of a potential
Innovation : As Vishal Peripherals is a growing company
in the IT sector the employees must be innovative with
the solutions they come up for the problem and creative
about the resources they have and how they can put it to
maximum use, A potential employee must be innovative
in their approach in dealing with situations, crisis, etc
which will help Vishal Peripherals be more competitive in
the market.

Leadership Criteria:
For identifying potential employees of Vishal
Peripherals, they must clear the following leadership
criteria which has three dimensions to it. If an employee
has all of these then they can be considered as high
potential employees of Vishal Peripherals.
Leadership foundations:
Following process - Employees who follow rules and
respect convention at workplace, who are dutiful and
supportive. Vishal peripheral can depend on such
employees as they are also very organized in nature.
Employees who take responsibility and believe in hard
work and has personal beliefs that is similar to that of
Vishal peripherals. Such employees work with
dedication and are steady they are loyal employees.
Thinking broadly : These employees must be able to
critically think and be very innovative in their
approach, they are open to new ideas and are willing to
learn from other experts, these employees are most
likely to come up with solutions for Vishal peripherals.
Getting along : This would also be very benefi cial if an
employee is cooperative as Vishal peripherals believes
in working together for the growth of the business.

Leadership emergence:
Standing out : Employees must be able to diff erentiate
themselves by the work they bring to the table, their
thought process, attitude and behaviour towards
achieving the goals of Vishal Peripherals. They are
entertaining and keep people around them active and
motivates them.
Infl uencing others : The employees are supposed to be
competitive and leader like they are focused and have
the ability to infl uence others by words or in action
with such employees in the organisation Vishal
peripherals can have better direction in the
Building connections : Employees are also expected to
be socially skilled where they are able to retain their
current customers and suppliers and attract the new
ones that is possible if the employees are
approachable. Vishal Peripherals can expect better
sales and customer relations if employees have this

Leadership eff ectiveness:

Leading the business : Employees must be able to set
targets towards achieving the goals of Vishal
Peripherals and work towards achieving these on a
monthly, quarterly, yearly basis so that the growth of
the business can be determined easily and the
business continues to have sustainable growth which
will benefi t Vishal peripherals.
Managing resources : In this criteria the employees
should be able to understand how much resources are
available and how to put them to their optimum use.
Vishal Peripherals in this way can be cutting down
costs by utilising the resources to the most.
Leading People : Employees who are passionate and can
engage others in being productive. They are patient
and likeable. These people are also skeptical about
others motives and become aware of the threats to
Vishal peripherals. They are very tactful and know how
to deal with others needs of people in the organisation.

 Self- managing: An employee who is independent
and can manage and work on a task that is
assigned self suffi ciently. Who is able to regulate
time, attention and strengths, etc in the most
productive manner by self.
 Communication : An employee who is able to
communicate the right thing in the right time,
which means when there is necessity and clearly
to avoid wasting time and controversies in the
 Managing Complexity : There may be situations
when the business will have to go through diffi cult
time for any reason, but a highly potential
employee must be able to think in proper way and
have a vision for the organisation to come out of
that current situation.
 Honesty
 Ambitious

Employees need both motivation and also they must
exhibit certain behaviours to be a high potential
employee in the organisation. And the behaviours that
are most likely to succeed are:
 Taking initiative and responsibility: the employees
must be willing to take certain calculated risks in
order to explore opportunities and assume
positions of responsibility and realize the impact
on tasks, projects, etc.
 Achieving objectives and pursuing self-
development: The employees must be able to set
targets and make sure to achieve them regularly
to achieve the goals and objectives of the
organisation apart from this they must also invest
time in personal development.

Achievements :
 Work Experience : Past work experience of an
employee can fetch as an achievement. Their roles
and responsibilities help in the previous work
 Awards : The Awards they have received for
activities or performance.

 Initiatives: For coming up with ideas at work and
achieving the objectives.
 Perfect Attendance: This achievement shows
commitment to work.
 Revenue generation: The Amount of money they
have brought in to the organisation through sales.
 Hitting targets set by the organisation and
participating in campaigns held by the organisation.

Apart from these skills there are few KPI’s that help us
identify these potential employees:
 Revenue per employee: which is revenue/ no. of
employees. It is Basic indicator of what the employee
brings into the organisation.
 Profi t per employee: which is total profi t/ no. of
employee this KPI which is useful for companies with
freelance workers.
 Employee billable percentage: It is total weekly
hours logged * 100. This KPI gives us the utilization
 Average task completion rate: total time to complete
task/ no. of times the task performed. Rough guide
to inform overall effi ciency of the team.
 Overtime per employee: total hours of
overtime/number of employees. This used to
measure engagement levels.
 Employee capacity: weekly capacity-total hours
logged. This KPI is used to measure productive
performance of an employee.


Only knowing what to look for in a potential employee alone
isn’t enough. There are many tools that will help us assess and
identify high-potential employees in the organization, which are
as follows:

 360 Feedback Surveys: In this method we can proceeds
by collecting information of the employee from their
colleagues, direct reports, and from their supervisors,
with this you can create a better profile of the skills and
behaviours they exhibit on the job and how they add value
to the organisation.
 Behavioural Interviews: Vishal peripherals can conduct
interviews of their employees on behavioural basis by
assessing the attitudes and behaviours of the potential
employees and comparing them to the success profile for
a given role within in the organisation, to find the best fit
for the role and reduce job dissatisfaction and attrition
rate in the organisation.
 Situational Judgment Tests/Simulations: In this
method we can put potential employees into situations
similar to the conditions they’ll face on the job, and see
the response. By this you can observe their behaviours
and skills while preparing them for their future role.
 Questionnaires or self-evaluation: Self-assessments
designed to gather data about a potential employee’s
attitudes, behaviours, and skills to provide more objective
data to fuel your succession management decisions. This
data can be used to analyse strengths and weaknesses of
the employees and help them grow in the organisation.


Now that we identified our potential employees, it doesn’t ed

here it is a continuous process that you also have the need to
maximize their potential by providing adequate resoursces,
training and development to maintain a good performance
record of these potential employees and leverage their
capacities to increase productivity of the organisation. Apart
from this vishal peripherals must also make them feel valued
and motivated in the organisation to retain this talent as they
are an asset to the company.

How can we do that?

We will be able to succeed by focusing on the following:

1. Having a Career path for the potential employees of Vishal
Peripherals, which is easily integrated within the company
and provides a straightforward way to:
 Boost the employee engagement levels with the Vishal
 Enable you to align the potential employee career goals with
the strategic goals of your company and make sure they
continue to be the right organisation fit.
2. Closing skills gaps by providing sufficient training and
access to right technology which will hold the interest of
the employee. Before this vishal peripherals have to
perform proper need analysis which includes organisation
need analysis, person need analysis and task analysis
followed by proper and regular evaluations to be well
3.  94% of employees would stay with an organization that
invested in career development. So, vishal peripherals
must be able to promise and focus on developmental
areas of the potential employees.
4. Creating a better employer brand: A career pathing
program differentiates your organization from your
competition which might have better opportunities for
your employees and retaining them would be a huge task.
Therefore constantly focus on building the brand.
5. Creating a culture that recognizes their aspirations and
expectations is essential to achieve your strategic goals
and ensure they stay with your business for longer and
feel secured about their jobs and the environment in the
6. We can also talk about training of employees and its pros
and in what areas?
 Professional training for the potential employees to build
more skills and updating the existing skills
 Coaching and mentoring for the employees for handling
stress in the organisation

– Are there any obstacles that the employees are

facing, and how can we help?

– What’s an action you can take next week to improve
your overall performance? Providing honest feedback to
the employees.

 Cross departmental training for employees to increase

productivity in the organisation and reduce idle time or
instead of hiring new employees you can always prefer to
cross skill your employees.
 Help the employees to gain soft skills like emotional
intelligence which they would require to complete the tasks
more efficiently and effectively.

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