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SY 2019-2020
First Semester

Guidelines for the Project

In general:
1. Two students will be grouped together for the project. The Class
Beadle will be tasked to submit the list of the paired students.
2. Once the list is submitted, no one will be allowed to change their
group unless for meritorious cases.
3. Deadline for the submission of the project will be on the last
meeting prior to the Final Examinations.

Project Proper:
4. Each group will be required to interview the following personnel of
the court and should only be those within the National Capital
Judicial Region:
a. Branch Clerk of Court
b. Clerk III (Criminal Cases)
c. Clerk III (Civil Cases)
d. Court Interpreter
e. Sheriff
5. The group must learn how a case is filed in court, from the time a
Complaint is filed until the decision is promulgated. This includes,
but not limited to the following:
a. Raffling of cases through e-court
b. Payment of docket fees
c. How the court receives the record and encoded through the
e-court system
d. Service of summons by the Sheriff
e. How the Court Interpreter will calendar the case
f. Mediation (Philippine Mediation Center and Judicial Dispute
g. Preliminary Conference before the Branch Clerk of Court
h. Pre-Trial
i. Trial Proper
j. Formal Offer of Evidence
k. Promulgation of Judgment
6. The group must learn these procedures both for Criminal and Civil
Cases. Documentation
7. The group will be required to document the interview through
video recording. However, in case video recording will not be
feasible, the group must submit photographs of the interview with
descriptions, and have all of these compiled via video maker of
your choosing.
8. Aside from the photographs, the video must also contain
documents that can be provided by the court, subject to the names
and other personal details of the parties redacted. Other
documents to be included in the video presentation are: (a) Sample
court calendar; (b) Sheriffs Return; (c) Docket fees; (d) Other
documents that can be provided by the court.
9. The video recording should be submitted in a USB, which should
be free from any virus or malware. If the file in the USB is not
playable, the same will be relayed to the Class Beadle for the group
to re-submit the project, within 24 hours upon receipt of the

Note, if the USB does not contain any file, it is presumed that the
group did not intend to submit any project.
10. Sound and visual effects on the project and other matters not
mentioned will be up to the discretion of the group.
11. Failure to submit any project will result in an automatic 65.
12. The Class Beadle will prepare a list of the students who submit the
project with their signature on the list. If the name of the group
does not appear in the list, it is presumed that they did not intend
to submit any project, and will result in an automatic 65.

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