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With the sudden increase in waste generation levels, all the countries are moving
towards the approach of Smart cities, in order to provide a clean and sustainable
environment for the people. The current waste management system is not effective
as it involves huge number of workers and an inefficient method of waste
segregation and collection all of which leads to a huge increase in the budget of the
local municipalities. Improper segregation leads to the formation of toxic leachate
and methane gases in the landfills, which further contaminates the ground water.
This paper presents the idea of a cloud based Smart waste management model
integrated with waste segregation at the ground level. The Smart Bin is a low cost
trash container equipped with various sensors and motors, used for segregation and
providing real time data to the administrator of the municipal corporation. The data
is stored on the cloud servers and can be further used for predictive analysis and
route optimization of trash collectors.

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