Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd. Theological Education in Contemporary Africa

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Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.

Chapter Title: Table of Contents

Book Title: Theological Education in Contemporary Africa

Book Editor(s): Grant LeMarquand, Joseph D. Galgalo
Published by: Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.. (2004)
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Introduction (Joseph Galgalo and Grant LeMarquand).........1

Part One: Theological Foundations

Chapter One: The Teaching of Theology in Africa: Some
Reflections on Sources, Methods and
Curriculum (Joseph D. Galgalo).......................5
Chapter Two: The Binding Power of the Text and the Context
in which we Preach (Jonas Pasztor).................29
Chapter Three: Current Issues in Biblical Interpretation
(Musa W. Dube)..............................................39
Chapter Four: Learning to Read the Bible in Limuru: Textual
and Hermeneutical Reflections of a Non-African
Guest (Grant LeMarquand).............................63
Chapter Five: Ecumenism and Theological Education in Africa
(Nyambura J. Njoroge)...................................83

Part Two: Contemporary Issues

Chapter Six: Theological Education: HIV/AIDS and Other
Challenges in the New Millennium
(Musa W. Dube)............................................105
Chapter Seven: The Challenges Posed by HIV/AIDS: A Way
Forward for Educators
(Maryann N. Mwangi)...................................131
Chapter Eight: Beyond “Victim Theology”: Reconstructing
Theological Education in an Era of HIV/AIDS
in Africa (Peter Mageto)...............................147

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Theological Education in Contemporary Africa

Chapter Nine: Christian Theological Education in the
Context of the Religiously Pluralistic
Continent of Africa (Johnson A. Mbillah).......167
Chapter Ten: Approaches to teaching Islam in the Twenty
First Century (John Chesworth).....................181

Chapter Eleven: Biblical Reflections on a Panel Discussion on
‘Disability’ (Grant LeMarquand)...................211
Chapter Twelve: Theological Education and the Youth in the
Family, Church, and School
(Josphine Gitome).........................................219

Chapter Thirteen: Challenges of Theological Education in the
Twenty-First Century (Sammy Githuku).........227
Chapter Fourteen: Residential, and Distance Approaches to
Theological Education (Godfrey Nguru).........237

Part Three: Postscript

Chapter Fifteen:Final Statement of the Conference..................249
List of Contributors...............................................................255


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