Tema - 1. The Legal Advisor

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Legal Advisor – pursuing the profession of legal advisor

Among the legal professions, the one that caught my attention is the profession of legal
advisor. A legal counselor may be appointed to work or employed under the terms of the law,
the difference between these designations being that of the status.

Regarding the duties of a legal advisor, he offers advice and represents the authority, the
public institution or the legal person he chooses to represent. Moreover, he defends their
rights and interests regarding the relations that they have with other institutions, authorities
legal persons or individuals of any nationality. Furthermore, a legal adviser may advise and
countersign legal documents.

It should also be mentioned that, in compliance with the law, legal counselors have the
opportunity to organize themselves in professional associations in order to defend and
promote the common interests of this profession. In order to be able to acquire the status of
legal adviser, there are a number of conditions, among which: to be a Romanian citizen
licensed in a law faculty and to be medically fit.

In order not to be considered an offender in the exercise of this profession, one mustn’t
among others been convicted of committing an offense by which one would interfere with the
profession of legal advisor and mustn’t have abused in the exercise of this profession by
violating human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Regarding the connection with other professional activities, we should mention that the
person who, for example, is a lawyer or any other profession for which he is paid, in Romania
or abroad, can not be a legal counselor.

I chose to discuss about this profession because if I were to work in this domaine, I consider
that the profession of legal advisor suits be best. I present in the following lines the
characteristics of the profession and the personal opinion that influenced my decision.

The profession of legal advisor is a self-organized profession, integrated into the Romanian
justice system. Although it is not a liberal profession, in its exercise and in connection with it,
the counselor is professionally independent and can not be subjected to any kind of
overburdening or pressure of any kind, being protected by law against them. In exercising the
profession, it is subject only to the Romanian Constitution, the special law and the code of
professional deontology.
Moreover, the legal counseling profession resembles the profession of lawyer a great deal in
the sense that it is practiced for 2 years within the Counselors College as an intern.This
period of 2 years is followed by a final exam and then you become a full legal advisor.

What is also interesting is the fact that, as a legal advisor, you have the right to represent the
public/ private institution and you have the right to present your conclusions or decisions in
court or other institutions with jurisdictional powers. However, we must mention the fact that
only the legal advisor which has full rights can draw conclusions to the courts of all grades, to
the criminal prosecution bodies, as well as to all the authorities and administrative bodies
with jurisdictional powers.

I believe that the professions offered by this field makes you more responsible and master of
your own, which helps you to make the right decisions in the futur.

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