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By This Axe I Rule!

By This Axe I Rule!​ is an Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires one-shot or con scenario. It is essentially a
rewritten and revised version of “Blind-blue & Hatchet City” by V. Baker. I call this one By This Axe I
Rule! and it’s centered around Hatchet Hill.

It’s for MC + 3–6 players; it’s probably best with 5. Much like the original Hatchet City scenario, this
one is intended to be representative of a session deeper into a campaign with baked in situation. It
uses MC letters to set up what’s going on, replacing the first few sessions.
Timeline / Checklist
❏ This scenario assumes you know the general idea of Apocalypse World and you have a copy of
AW: Fallen Empires. If not, go play that instead and then find a copy of AW: Fallen Empires to
play this.
❏ Read through this scenario. Start with the “dear ___” letters.

The Day Before You Play (1 Hour)

❏ Read through this scenario again, carefully. Still start with the “dear ___” letters.
❏ In your head, characterize the world of Fallen Empires around Hatchet Hill.
❏ Create two fronts, one for the outside threats (Talorch Marn, Olwyn’s band, the Monster, etc.)
and one for internal threats (Domnhall, etc.).
❏ Print out the playbooks, letters, copies of the basic moves, etc.

Right Before You Play (30 minutes)

❏ Skim the scenario again, to bring your memory back into focus.
❏ Go back to your fronts and refresh yourself. Notice again what you’ll need to nail down at the
beginning of play.
❏ Make sure you’ve got the right playbooks, dice, pencils etc.

At The Start Of Play

❏ Announce the character types you’ll be handing out, in this order: the Strongholder, the
Mesmerist, the Nightshade, the Bonepicker, and violent person(s). If you have fewer than 5
players, the Strongholder, the Mesmerist, and the Nightshade are the essential characters. If
you have more than 5 players and want to squeeze in another player, use a second violent
❏ Who’ll be the Strongholder? Pass that person the playbook and “dear Strongholder” letter.
Repeat for the rest, in the order you announced the playbooks.
❏ Have the players start with the letters, then go on to their playbooks, and back to the letters at
the end.
❏ Oversee character creation, introductions, Hx, as normal.
❏ Fill out the last details of your fronts. Finalize the Strongholder’s war-band lists, etc.
❏ With the Strongholder, put Hatchet Hill on the map, and maybe make a map of Hatchet Hill
❏ Oversee the moves in the letters.
❏ The session starts! The Strongholder rolls for wealth (if appropriate), and away you go.
Dear Strongholder,
Go ahead and create your character, following the rules in your playbook, with ​three ​exceptions: your
stronghold is named Hatchet Hill located on a hillock overlooking the River Rym, choose horses as
your mounts, and your war-band cannot be small.

You’ve been waging a bloody war with a foreign warlord named Talorch Marn. Talorch Marn has
invaded from the frosted North and holds a captured keep a couple of miles away. From there, he has
been raiding your lands and slaughtering your small-folk. His war-band doesn’t fight in great
numbers, but with viciousness beyond all reason. To make matters worse, a rebel vassal of yours has
been causing trouble. Her name is Olwyn and she has many loyal to her. You’ve captured at least one
person as her spy and assassin — a girl named Mikki, who revealed herself by stabbing you with a
wicked, well-hidden dagger. You don’t know how many spies remain, but you have the Mesmerist on

After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you how you’re doing, what with
Mikki having stabbed you and all. Roll+cool. On a 10+, tell me that you’re fine, your personal guard
got the dagger away from her before she managed to do you any harm. On a 7–9, tell me that you’re
fine, she cut your hand but the Bonepicker stitched it up and no real harm. On a miss, tell me that she
got the dagger between your ribs and you aren’t really sure how well you’re doing.

I’ll also ask you how the war has been going. Roll+hard. On a hit, choose some of the following to be
true. On a 10+, choose 2; on a 7–9, choose 3:
❏ Your border scouts, lightly armored warriors led by your good friend Baal, have fallen to
Talorch Marn’s war-band. No survivors.
❏ Talorch Marn has managed to establish fortifications near your stronghold, setting the stage
for a seige.
❏ Talorch Marn has seized and locked down the river, cutting your stronghold off from trade
and resupply.
❏ The son of a powerful vassal of yours named Domnhall has been captured by Talorch Marn.
Domnhall won’t support you on the field with his war-band while his son remains a hostage.
❏ Olwyn is telling your people that she can make peace with Talorch Marn and save them all,
and that your time as Strongholder is done. She’s gaining support and more flock to her band
of outlaws each day.
On a miss, all 5 are true. May the gods be with you.

Love and kisses,

Your MC
Dear Mesmerist,
Go ahead and create your character, following the rules in your playbook.

You live in a stronghold called Hatchet Hill. Hatchet Hill is at war with a foreign warlord named
Talorch Marn, whose war-band fights with a viciousness beyond all reason. You’re in charge of some
important prisoners of the war, presumed rebel spies, and maybe others. However and more
interestingly, the world’s psychic maelstrom itself seems to have turned against Hatchet Hill.

After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you what you’ve figured out.
Roll+weird. On a hit, ask me some of the following questions. On a 10+, ask 3; on a 7–9, ask 2:
❏ Is Mikki really a spy for Olwyn?
❏ Why is it that Talorch Marn’s fanatics fight so ... thoroughly?
❏ Upon what or whom is the world’s psychic maelstrom so intent?
❏ Who are some other people implicated in this situation?
On a miss, ask 2 anyway, but also you are yourself implicated in the situation.

Furthermore, I’ll tell you the names and circumstances of some NPCs. Choose at least 3 of the
❏ Which one is in love with you? _______________
❏ Which one have you enslaved? _______________
❏ Which one are you going to kill? _______________
❏ Which one have you fallen in love with? _______________

Love and kisses,

Your MC
Dear Nightshade,
Go ahead and create your character, following the rules in your playbook.

You live in a stronghold called Hatchet Hill. Hatchet Hill is at war with this foreign warlord
named Talorch Marn, whose war-band fights with a viciousness beyond all reason. As you’re the
not-so-violent sort, I really hope for you that the war’s over quickly and without too much devastation.

You might be loyal to the Strongholder, and you might not, that’s up to you, but there’s no question
that you’ll be better off if [she] loses soon than if [she] wins but burns the stronghold the the ground
doing it.

After you’ve made your character, ​before the session starts, I’ll ask you how thoroughly
well-positioned you are. Roll+hot. On a hit, choose some of the following to be true. On a 10+, choose
4; on a 7–9, choose 2:
❏ If you walk out of the stronghold, Talorch Marn’s people will take you directly to him,
unharmed and unthreatened.
❏ At your word, Olwyn will open (all of) her doors to you.
❏ You have a key to the Bonepicker’s still-room, and the Bonepicker’s kid brother Cael is your
absolute puppy slave.
❏ Domnhall, a powerful vassal of the Stronholder’s, is enamored with you. Snap your finger and
he’s yours.
❏ At the first sign of threat to you, Harridan will desert the Strongholder and bring the war-band
to your defense.
On a miss, choose 1 anyway, but there are wicked strings attached.

Oh, and the following is true no matter what you roll:

❏ As the session opens, the world’s psychic maelstrom itself will offer you tribute.

Love and kisses,

Your MC
Dear Bonepicker,
Go ahead and create your character, following the rules in your playbook.

You live in a stronghold called Hatchet Hill. Hatchet Hill is at war with a foreign warlord named
Talorch Marn, whose war-band fights with a viciousness beyond all reason. You’re in charge not only
of the wounded in battle, but of Hatchet Hill’s overall health and material needs — you’re the
Strongholder’s representative to the population, and the population’s representative to the
Strongholder. Thing is, difficult and disruptive shit keeps happening.

The hunters’ guild has been refusing to go into the Mistwood. They say something lurks there. And,
just yesterday they brought back a hunter who had been torn to shreds by what they claim was not an
animal. Travelers are avoiding Hatchet Hill and rumors swirl of a cult who worships the thing. Winter
is coming and stores of salted meat are getting desperately low.

After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you how on top of shit you are.
Roll+sharp. On a hit, choose some of the following to be true. On a 10+, choose 3; on a 7–9, choose 2:
❏ Your friend Ranvier, the leader of the hunter’s guild, has learned where Olwyn, the rebel
outlaw, has established her hideout.
❏ You’ve convinced Harridan to establish a watch on the edge of the Mistwood. They keep
anyone from going in and anything from coming out.
❏ You’ve convinced Domnall to share his excess of meat stores with the stronghold, which will
surely come in handy should Talorch Marn lay siege to Hatchet Hill.
❏ You’ve confronted your kid brother Cael about his stealing your supply and he’s come clean
about why he’s done it.
On a miss, none of them are true.

Furthermore, I’ll tell you the names and circumstances of some NPCs. Divvy the following out among
❏ _______________ is just fine. Limping, but unimpaired and on [her] way back to normal life.
❏ _______________ is patched up and recovering well.
❏ You’ve done your best for ______________ but it’s touch and go, hour by hour.
❏ You didn’t even bother with _______________, [her] condition is so terrible. [She’s] dying as we
If I ask you about the status of the Strongholder, tell me that [she’s] at 2 harm and recovering well.

Love and kisses,

Your MC
Dear Child of Battle, Swordmaster, or
Go ahead and create your character, following the rules in your chosen playbook.

You live in a stronghold called Hatchet Hill. Hatchet Hill is at war with this foreign warlord named
Talorch Marn, whose war-band fights with a viciousness beyond all reason. And, a band of outlaws
threatens to disrupt the Strongholder’s peace.

During character creation​, choose one of the following. Announce it when you go around and
introduce your character:
❏ You’re the commander of the personal guard sworn to protect the Strongholder. If the
Strongholder is wounded at the start of play, you may choose to bear their wounds instead.
❏ You’re the Strongholder’s captain-of-the-watch, in charge of gate and wall defense, law and
❏ You are the heir of Domnhall, a powerful vassal of the Strongholder’s, and lead Domnhall’s
❏ [Wolfshead Only]​ You lead a war-band that raids lands of the Strongholder’s rivals.
If you’re not the Wolfshead, I’ll give you your war-band’s stats.

After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you how your war-band’s getting
along with you. If you’re a Wolfshead, your war-band is your war-band, and you can tell me so in
whatever terms come to mind when someone questions you like that. If you’re a Child of Battle or
Swordmaster, however, your war-band ​isn’t​ yours, you’re just responsible for it, so make a roll. Child
of Battle, roll+cool; Swordmaster, roll+hard. On a hit, choose which of the following are true. On a
10+, choose 1; on a 7–9, choose 2:
❏ You are running shorter and shorter on coin and supply.
❏ Your right-hand, Prys, is angling to lead the war-band.
❏ Your berserker, Anval, is getting out of your control.
❏ One of your people is a spy for Olwyn and you don’t know which.
On a miss, choose 3, and as the session starts you’re up to your eyeballs in blown action.

Love and kisses,

Your MC
The Situation
Talorch Marn​ has a pet grotesque, a perversion of birth, alive half-in the world’s psychic maelstrom.
This creature is named ​Black Ghaul​. With close contact it can enslave people body and brain, and
that’s Talorch Marn’s war-band, of course. But more, it can bring the dead to life and imbue them with
black powers.

The hunters are a guild of sorts, led by the ranger ​Ranvier​. They’re the primary source of meat,
providing important food to Hatchet Hill. Now the hunters are saying something lurks in the
Mistwood. They refuse to hunt there and the supply of salted meat has been dwindling dramatically.
Winter is coming and possibly siege. Hatchet Hill won’t have enough food for either.

Olwyn​, a rebel vassal of the Strongholder’s who is hiding out in a nearby ruined chateau, is agitating
for overthrow. Olwyn leads an outlaw war-band and has loyalists / spies within Hatchet Hill. She’s
promising peace with Talorch Marn and appealing to people with grudges against the Strongholder:
Godric, Hywel, & Sweyn. Enlist the Strongholder’s participation in creating their grudges, and if you
need to you can fall back on these: Godric resents being passed over for commander of the guard;
Hywel resents the Strongholder’s partnership with Domnhall; and with Sweyn it’s personal.

Domnhall​’s family controls trade around Hatchet Hill. The Strongholder and Domnhall have a
longstanding arrangement, but nevertheless Domnhall’s family is an armed and organized body on
the Strongholder’s lands. This guy ​Raghnall ​is the leader of Domnhall war-band, with ​Pots​, ​Asher ​and
maybe 10 more. If the PC violent person chooses to be a son or daughter of Domnhall, incorporate
Raghnall, Pots and Asher into [her] war-band. Domnhall has two wives. ​Alys ​is the older and
matriarch, and ​Elyse ​is the younger and trophy. Domnhall also has a bunch of lovers; one of them,
Gisela​, is a spy for Olwyn.

A cult (of sorts) has awakened the Monster. They had been performing “sex rituals” out in the
Mistwood and accidentally awakened some sleeping Monster. ​Gisela​, ​Cael​, and are the leaders of the
cult, along with several other younger inhabitants of Hatchet Hill.
Own This Shit
The Day Before You Play
❏ Think about imagery:
❏ The ruins and land surrounding Hatchet Hill
❏ The river & traders along the river
❏ Talorch Marn’s keep & war-band
❏ Black Ghaul
❏ The Mistwood
❏ The Monster
❏ Imagine all of these, but be sure to think up some good stuff for the monster: what awakened
it? What does it look like? What do its victims say about it?
❏ Create a front for the inside threats:
❏ Domnhall’s family (brutes, family)
❏ The Hunters’ Guild (brutes, mob)
❏ The Cult (brutes, cult)
❏ Create a front for the outside threats:
❏ Talorch Marn and war-band (warlord, hive king)
❏ Black Ghaul (grotesque, perversion of birth)
❏ Olwyn and her outlaws (warlord, bandit-queen)
❏ The River Rym (landscape, barrier)
❏ The Mistwood (landscape, breeding pit)

Create custom moves for as many of these threats as you like, but a couple of them especially call for
it. The monster wants a move for when you see it and it sees you. And, also, when you fight it. Black
Ghaul needs a move for

Oh and also stat up Talorch Marn’s war-band. Maybe 3-harm war-band large 1-armor, plus because of
their undeath Talorch Marn is always strong and present to them.
The Strongholder:
With the ​Strongholder​, imagine Hatchet Hill. Put it on the map; create another map of it in detail, too,
if you want. Here’s the Strongholder’s war-band:
❏ Scouts. Leader: ​Baal​. Others: Tybalt, Manfred, __ more.
❏ Guard. Leader: ​Azar​. Others: Godric, Waleran, __ more.
❏ Raiders. Leader: ​Atticus​. Others: Sagramor, Sigurd, __ more.
❏ Watch. Leader: ​Harridan ​(if Violent Person is captain of the watch, bump Harridan to Raiders).
Others: Mathild, Feodor, Pol, Barke, __ more.
If the border scouts are dead, RIP the border scouts. If the PC violent person is any other, incorporate
those NPCs into [her] war-band.

Godric ​is a spy for Olwyn. That’s how Mikki got so close.

After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you how you’re doing, what with
Mikki having stabbed you and all. Roll+cool. On a 10+, tell me that you’re fine, you got the dagger
away from her before she managed to do you any harm. On a 7–9, tell me that you’re fine, she cut your
hand but the Bonepicker stitched it up and no real harm. On a miss, tell me that she got the dagger
between your ribs and you aren’t really sure how well you’re doing.

I’ll also ask you how the war has been going.

Roll+hard. On a hit, choose some of the following to be true. On a 10+, choose 2; on a 7–9, choose 3:
❏ Your border scouts, lightly armored warriors led by your good friend Baal, has fallen to
Talorch Marn’s war-band. No survivors.
❏ Talorch Marn has managed to establish fortifications near your stronghold, setting the stage
for a seige.
❏ Talorch Marn has seized and locked down the river, cutting your stronghold off from trade
and resupply.
❏ Your vassal Domnhall’s son has been captured by Talorch Marn and won’t support you on the
field with his war-band while his son remains a hostage.
❏ Olwyn is telling your people that she can make peace with Talorch Marn and save them all,
and that your time as Strongholder is done. She’s gaining support and more flock to her band
of outlaws each day.
On a miss, all 5 are true. May the gods be with you.

Take the results of these two moves and decide whether the Strongholder’s hold is secure and rule is
unchallenged, for purposes of [her] wealth move.
The Mesmerist:
After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you what you’ve figured out.
Roll+weird. On a hit, ask me some of the following questions. On a 10+, ask 3; on a 7–9, ask 2:
❏ Is Mikki really a spy for Olwyn?
❏ Why is it that Talorch Marn’s fanatics fight so ... thoroughly?
❏ Upon what or whom is the world’s psychic maelstrom so intent?
❏ Who are some other people implicated in this situation?
On a miss, ask 2 anyway, but also you are yourself implicated in the situation.

1. Mikki​, like the rest, is a spy for Olwyn, yes. But, her urge to kill the Strongholder was urged on
by something else… presumably, this Black Ghaul.
2. Talorch Marn​’s war-band fights to the end because they do not fear death, but yearn for it. You
can say “the touch of ​Black Ghaul​” or “black magic” or whatever is the cause.
3. The world’s psychic maelstrom is intent upon the Nightshade, like a stalker intent upon its
4. Who else is implicated? Here’s the list:
❏ Godric​, of the Strongholder’s Guard
❏ Dirk​, of the Violent PC’s war-band
❏ Gisela​, one of Domnhall’s lovers
❏ Mikki​, one of the Mesmerist’s prisoner, but we knew that
❏ Possibly the Mesmerist, depending on the roll
❏ And, whomever the Mesmerist is in love with

Furthermore, I’ll tell you the names and circumstances of some NPCs. Choose at least 3 of the
❏ Which one is in love with you?
❏ Which one have you enslaved?
❏ Which one are you going to kill?
❏ Which one have you fallen in love with?

Here are the NPCs to list:

❏ Eogan​, the captured champion of Talorch Marn
❏ Mikki​, the captured spy who stabbed the Strongholder
❏ Cael​, the Bonepicker’s kid brother
❏ Prys​, violent PC’s right hand
❏ If it’s now out that ​Gisela ​is a spy, name her too.
The Nightshade:
After you’ve made your character, ​before the session starts, I’ll ask you how thoroughly
well-positioned you are. Roll+hot. On a hit, choose some of the following to be true. On a 10+, choose
4; on a 7–9, choose 2:
❏ If you walk out of the stronghold, Talorch Marn’s people will take you directly to him,
unharmed and unthreatened.
❏ At your word, Olwyn will open (all of) her doors to you.
❏ You have a key to the Bonepicker’s still-room, and the Bonepicker’s kid brother Cael is your
absolute puppy slave.
❏ Domnhall, a powerful trader in Hatchet Hill lands, is enamored with you. Snap your finger and
he’s yours.
❏ At the first sign of threat to you, Harridan will desert the Strongholder and bring the war-band
to your defense.
On a miss, choose 1 anyway, but there are wicked strings attached.

Oh, and the following is true no matter what you roll:

❏ As the session opens, the world’s psychic maelstrom itself will offer you tribute.

Black Ghaul​ is trying to reach the Nightshade. Not to enslave [her] but to appeal to [her], to replace
Talorch Marn. So what tribute will Black Ghaul offer? Black Ghaul sends the Nightshade a ghost
messenger to make this offer and tribute.
The Bonepicker:
After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you how on top of shit you are.
Roll+sharp. On a hit, choose some of the following to be true. On a 10+, choose 3; on a 7–9, choose 2:
❏ Your friend Ranvier, the leader of the hunter’s guild, has learned where Olwyn, the rebel
outlaw, has established her hideout.
❏ You’ve established a watch on the edge of the Mistwood and gotten a few men from Attitus to
man it. They keep anyone from going in and any… thing from coming out.
❏ You’ve convinced Domnall to share his excess of meat stores with the stronghold, which will
surely come in handy should Talorch Marn lay siege to Hatchet Hill.
❏ You’ve confronted your kid brother Cael about his stealing your supply, and he’s knocked it
On a miss, none of them are true.

The true ones are true, the false ones are the interesting ones:
1. The Bonepicker’s friend ​Ranvier ​has, yes, figured out where ​Olwyn’s ​hideout is, but Olwyn has
realized that and laid an ambush.
2. No watch on the Mistwood means that when the Monster comes, it comes undeterred and
without warning. It also means, the cultists aren’t spotted entering the forest.
3. No food stores means the siege is going to be especially hard.
4. Cael​’s provides the necessary supplies to the cult to summon the monster. Increase the
monster’s countdown clock by 1.

Furthermore, I’ll tell you the names and circumstances of some NPCs. Divvy the following out among
❏ _______________ is just fine. Limping, but unimpaired and on [her] way back to normal life.
❏ _______________ is patched up and recovering well.
❏ You’ve done your best for ______________ but it’s touch and go, hour by hour.
❏ You didn’t even bother with _______________, [her] condition is so terrible. [She’s] dying as we
If I ask you about the status of the Strongholder, tell me that [she’s] at 2 harm and recovering well.

Here are the NPCs to list:

❏ Dirk​, of the Violent PC’s gang
❏ Godric​, a bodyguard, who’s taken an arrow for the Strongholder
❏ Leif​, a hunter
❏ Whomever the Mesmerist has enslaved or is going to kill, whichever seems more interesting
The Child of Battle, Wolfshead, or
During character creation​, choose one of the following. Announce it when you go around and
introduce your character:
❏ You’re the commander of the personal guard sworn to protect the Strongholder. If the
Strongholder is wounded at the start of play, you may choose to bear their wounds instead.
❏ You’re the Strongholder’s captain-of-the-watch, in charge of gate and wall defense, law and
❏ You are the heir of Domnhall, a powerful vassal of the Strongholder’s, and lead Domnhall’s
❏ [Wolfshead Only] You lead a war-band that raids lands of the Strongholder’s rivals.
If you’re not the Wolfshead, I’ll give you your war-band’s stats.

Guard: ​2-harm war-band small 2-armor

Raiders: ​3-harm war-band small 1-armor
Watch: ​2-harm war-band small 2-armor
Domnhall’s family’s war-band:​ 2-harm war-band small 1-armor

Whatever its stats, the war-band includes:

❏ Prys​, a competent and calculating right-hand
❏ Anval​, kind of the opposite
❏ Ranulf​, calm, reliable, detail-oriented
❏ Dirk​, who hasn’t seemed maybe as reliable as she used to be
❏ Any other NPCs you’ve incorporated from the Strongholder’s lists

After you’ve made your character​, before the session starts, I’ll ask you how your war-band’s getting
along with you. If you’re a Wolfshead, your war-band is your war-band, and you can tell me so in
whatever terms come to mind when someone questions you like that. If you’re a Child of Battle or
Swordmaster, however, your war-band isn’t yours, you’re just responsible for it, so make a roll. Child
of Battle, roll+cool; Swordmaster, roll+hard. On a hit, choose which of the following are true. On a
10+, choose 1; on a 7–9, choose 2:
❏ You are running shorter and shorter on coin and supply.
❏ Your right-hand, Prys (or Coif), is angling to lead the war-band.
❏ Your berserker, Anval, is getting out of your control.
❏ One of your people is a spy for Olwyn and you don’t know which.
On a miss, choose 3, and as the session starts you’re up to your eyeballs in blown action.

The spy is ​Dirk​. A blown action seems good, yeah? I bet you can come up with just the right one.
Custom Moves
When you fight [NAME] in single combat​, they always get 1 more choice than the move would
normally allow.

When you suffer harm from [NAME]​, always suffer an additional harm.

When you see the monster​, roll+hard. On a 10+, you choose what you do next. On a 7-9, choose: fight
or flight. On a miss, you stand paralyzed with terror.

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