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The Literatures of
the World
A reflection of “On Giving” & “Psalm
of Life”


February 20, 2020

A reflection of “On Giving” & “Psalm of Life”

Love an art specifically a poem for it is has the ability to speak and relate what your
heart and mind seeks to feel. The power of poems connects us to different tones and
colors of the varieties of feelings we perceive. A poem is a tree that beareth fruit of
chasmic reflection and connection to our reality thus allows us to explore beyond,
naming an unknown feeling.

Act of giving is sharing. One line states: It is when you give yourself that you truly
give. It is true that out of pity, out of inclination or oughtness we give. But giving yourself
is a different kind of giving when it means that even you are at your worst time, even
you are the busiest person alive you “make” time. Genuine giving is when you have
nothing to offer but yourself, the time and effort you make. A giver is someone who
received. Simply put, when you experience receiving you do not just ponder waiting for
something to be given to you. You were once a receiver that you know the joy of
receiving when you needed it most. Above all, the true Giver is the Almighty above
whom sufficed grace, beyond His love for us, He gave us this most wonderful blessing
called Life. Are you more of a giver or a receiver? Why do give your all out of nothing in
benefit but the joy of the other? Hence, I therefore say, giving is a form of love which
understands the necessity to give even it is not asked.

One therapy of life is through music, a song we always hum in the hope that we’ll
attain peace. In this world our lives is our own songs we sing. We are not merely
existing, but we live. Live is not just breathing but the effort of using every breath
significant to the striving of our life. It was stated that time here on earth is fleeting. It is
true that life is short but it is not just to only seek for a purpose or to fulfill a goal. The
song of life isn’t solely jamming the tune, meeting the melodies or harmonizing with its
flow. Sometimes, we revise life, we act to change, to change is to be better, to be better
is to inspire and be the epitome where when a shipwrecked man will always find its way
to calm his/her own waves of storms along, it’s when you impart your piece in a corner
where when someone struggles they’ll just pick it up, it’s a hope. In order to move
forward, life is not about dwelling in the past, nor dream in an uncertain tomorrow where
the future is not promised, we live to our “now”, build yourself up with your now and be
not defined by the past. Lastly, a song is heard therefore like the beating of the heart - a
heart that listens is a heart that understands. On the final note, life is full of possibilities
let us not have a pessimist outlook towards life.

A song of giving is a life that endureth love when time is fleeting and although you
have none and yourself is the only option you selflessly give. You are the art that God
speak. Therefore you are not meant to live and the tomb is not a march to the coda of
your song. You are meant to embark memoirs that narrates and inspires pieces of you,
and by that you will be dearly remembered, it is something you leave, a footprint that
forever will live. Love today, give your all, regrets no more.

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