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2020 Bar syllabus (coverage) for Data Privacy Act:

VI. DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 [R.A. 10173]

1. Definitions and scope
2. Extraterritorial application
3. Processing of personal information
a.General principles
b. Sensitive and privileged information
d. Privileged communication
4. Rights of the data subject; exceptions/non-applicability
5. Duties and responsibilities of personal information controller

Class Syllabus on DPA

I. Constitutional Basis [Article III, Sec. 3(1)]
II. Declaration of Policy [Sec. 2, R.A. 10173]
III. Definitions [Sec. 3]
IV. Scope [Sec. 4]
V. Extraterritorial Application [Sec. 6]
VI. Processing of personal information [Chapter III]
a. General principles [Sec. 11, 12]
b. Sensitive and privileged information [Sec. 13]
i. Sensitive Information [Sec. 3.(l)] v. Privileged Information [Sec. 3(k)]
c. Subcontracting [Sec. 14]
d. Privileged communication [Sec. 15]
VII. Rights of the data subject [Sec. 16-18]
a. Exceptions/non-applicability [Sec. 19]
VIII. Duties and responsibilities of personal information controller [Sec. 20-21]

Select SC Decisions on Right to Privacy:

a. Valmonte v. Belmonte, G.R. No. 74930 [February 13, 1989.]

b. Ople v. Torres, G.R. No. 127685 [July 23, 1998.]
c. Vivares v. St. Theresa’s College, G.R. No. 202666 [September 29, 2014.]
d. KMU v. NEDA DG, G.R. No. 167798 [April 19, 2006.]
e. Disini v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 203335 [February 18, 2014.]
NPC Decisions, Resolution and Advisory Opinions:
f. Villegas v. Revilles, NPC Decision CID 10-047 [
g. Ignacio v. BPI, NPC Decision CID No. 17-K-004 [
h. Dela Cruz v. BDO, NPC Case No. 17-001 [
i. NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2017-053 on consent [
j. NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2017-063 on personal information and sensitive personal
information [
k. NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2018-080 on legitimate interest
l. Check other advisory opinions on application and interpretation of other concepts and
principles in NPC’s website.

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