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Social experiences, funeral, marriage expressions and other events, Kalash people celebrate funeral

Enabling of culture is a socialization. That’s these are interlink with each other.
Peer group play important role in building of secondary socialization

Let’s suppose I have become engineer and I’m working in company and I’ll anticipate the company’s
environment. Dressing,

Javed sifted to P&G, Our university life and job life, Marriage of girls
Broad and narrow socialization

Positive socialization: More opportunities of learning and exploring

Negative socialization: Less learning opportunities and demotivation

Attachment of new values and norms

Agent of socialization are those agencies, groups and institutions of society which play their role in the
internalization process of norms and values.
A beggar child hard to see playing with the child of rich person this is all because of social status

Schools provide social control and socialization like sports and extra curriculum activities
It is a Deen which means a complete code of life. Religion deals with private
affairs of life whereas Deen covers all aspects of life, individual as well as
collective. In other words Deen is all embracing term which includes religio-
socio-politico-economic system.

Today’s phenomenon of socialization, Crimes, dramas, movies, Workplace environment is also

Previously PTV taught about road crossing
Man is known by company he keeps

Formal socialization: Skills, values, norms that particularly learned from any institution
Non-Formal Socialization: Those skills which are learned from informal platform/institution
Ethnocentrism: Considering our own culture prior as compare to culture of some other society
Or evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs
of one's own culture. The term, ethnocentrism was first coined by William Graham
Sumner in 1906
Considering our own culture superior and others inferior.
elite class vs poor , Ist world country vs 3rd world country,Urdu
speaking, punjabi, balochi, sindhi, France Hijjab restriction

Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, style, culture, people, significant others, and food of
others, rather than of one's own.
Examples: Americans belief that French or Spanish wine is superior to what is produced by American
Americans' belief that European's produce superior automotive vehicles
The belief that other countries produce better children's toys
Preferring importing machinery from china and ignoring home made

Subculture: a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with
those of the larger culture.
Kalash People, Malam Jaba, Gilgit Baltistan

Counter culture: It is a subculture that widely oppose values norms of larger culture.
Examples: Brothel Areas in Lahore
Religious Organizations vs Militant Religious org

Cultural relativism refers to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong,
strange or normal. Instead, we should try to understand cultural practices of other groups in its
own cultural context.
Example: Child Labour, 2.5 Crore Child are acting as labour in pakistan
India don’t have cultural diversity

Cultural Lag: slowness in the rate of change of one part of a culture in relation to another part
E. g. the use of cancer vaccines, which have become available for cervical cancer have been
developed, these are given to teenagers or preteens, this raised many ethical issues, saying that this
was encouraging children to engage in sexual activity from an early age. Such an issue is raised due to
the fact that cervical cancer is acquired through a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), this
virus is spread through the onset of sexual activity, thus a woman is likely to get cancer if she does
indulge in sexual activity, and preventing her from cancer would then be required once she has been
sexually active, and giving it to teenagers meant they were being encouraged to engage in sexual
activity. The risk of cancer, however, is high at the reproductive stage of life due to the fact that the
HPV may multiply in the affected cells causing issues. This is such situations ‘prevention is better than
cure’ becomes true, however culturally we are still to accept that.

Multiculturalism: Cultural diversity in a region or country, to acknowledge the culture of different

groups in a society.
Cultural diversity can lead to national solidarity.
High culture and popular culture: Popular culture is simply culture that is widely favored or well-liked by
many people: it has no negative connotations. A middle class person can’t be seen in DHA, or cliff-ten /
wearing geans, clothes
Ideal and real culture: Cleanliness is half of faith. Dowries is consider to be bad in Islam but Muslims
happily take it

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