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Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.

Chapter Title: Acknowledgements

Book Title: Researching AIDS, Sexuality and Gender

Book Subtitle: Case Studies of Women in Kenyan Universities
Book Author(s): Nyokabi Kamau
Published by: Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Ltd.. (2013)
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To complete this work I received love and support from very

many people, all of whom I am deeply indebted. My most sincere
gratitude goes to the Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher
Education (GECHE) project headed by Prof. Louise Morley for
funding my doctoral studies which culminated in this book.
Thanks also to Dr Anne Gold, my doctoral supervisor, for
being my teacher and my friend; for introducing me to women’s
studies and for always seeing the person behind the PhD. I have
continued to benefit enormously from Anne’s invaluable support
and encouragement even post-PhD.
I thank the late Prof. Diana Leonard and Dr Marianne Coleman
for reading drafts of the PhD work on which this book is based,
Prof. Elaine Unterhalter who read the full first draft of the book
and gave very useful comments, and Prof. Jane Onsongo,
Dr Gichure and Dr Chege Githiora who read drafts of this work
and gave invaluable comments. Thanks also to Jeremy Nga’ngá
who edited this entire revised edition.
Thanks to Prof. Michael Kelly whom I first met through his
inspiring writings on HIV and AIDS in African universities. While
he was not officially involved in my doctoral studies, he provided
great encouragement, academic advice, and support. Prof. Kelly
also kindly agreed to write the foreword to this book.
To Nick Mulhern and Dorothy Garland of the Association of
Commonwealth Universities, Masimo, Kuyok Abol, Irene and all
my dear friends in London and Nairobi who have supported me
throughout this journey, I say a simple thank you. I also say thank
you to my very supportive group of women friends, ‘Valentines’,
for their prayers and encouragement.
I thank my parents Mr and Mrs Kamau Njongeri, my siblings,
Njoki, Wangui, Wairimu, Muthoni, Mbaire, Waiganjo, Washuka
and Wambui, and all my nieces and nephews for their love and

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xxii Researching AIDS, Sexuality and Gender

prayers. Thanks also go to all my house helps who have always

ensured that my home is well managed in my prolonged absences.
And thanks to all the women and men who participated in this
study.Unfortunately, the need to use pseudonyms to maintain
anonymity means I cannot thank them by their names. However,
their stories provide the backbone of this work.
Special thanks to my children Mugane and Mumbi, and my
husband Mundia, for their unwavering love and support. And to
my last daughter Wanjiku, born after the PhD and who has been
my great source of inspiration for my work. It is my sincere hope
that she grows up in a world where justice and equality are the
core norms.

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