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Evaluation of Wages and Salary Policy by Employees






Batch - 2018-2020
Certificate of Completion and Originality of Work:

This is to certify that the summer project report titled Evaluation of Wages and Salary
Policy by Employees has been accomplished by ADITYA SHANDILYA under my
guidance and supervision. This project is being submitted by him / her in the partial
fulfillment of requirement for award of the MBA III YEAR from PHONICS GROUP OF
This work has not been submitted by him / her anywhere else for the award of any
degree or diploma. All sources of information and help have been duly mentioned and



Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate enough to get
support from a large number of people to whom I shall always remain grateful.
I would like to record my gratitude to AMPHI PLASTO for allowing me to undertake this
I take this opportunity to thank HR MANAGER for providing us an opportunity to work
I am also desirous of placing on record profound indebtedness to HR MANAGER of
PHONICS GROUP OF INSTITUTION, for the valuable advice, guidance, precious time
and support that he offered.
I would be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge the gratitude to DR.K.K GAUTAM
Director PHONICS GROUP OF INSTITUTION who motivated us a lot in carrying out
this project.
Last but not least, I would also like to thank all the respondents for giving us their
precious time and relevant information and experience, as and when required without
which this project would not have been possible.

S. No Description

1. a) Introduction to Company
b) Introduction to project

2. Objective of study

3. Research Methodology

4. Analysis and Findings

5. Conclusions and Suggestion

6. Anexure

7. Bibliography
Introduction to Company

Organization Structure of OEW Pvt. Ltd.

1. Personal and Administration plays important role in OEW Pvt. Ltd. This department is
responsible for the administration work of the company. In OEW Pvt. Ltd Personnel
Department performs different task related to people working in the organization different
activities of the personnel department are:-

 Training and Development

 Recruitment
 Performance Appraisal
 Safety
 Organization Manpower Planning
 Discipline
 Welfare Activities
 Administration

2. The production activities are look after by Head Production who is responsible to report the
Unit Head. For efficient production the department has been sub division in various
units such as Production division, Quality control division and engineering division. All these
division for regulating all the works of Production.

3. Purchase Department of OEW Pvt. Ltd. deals with the arrangement of various physical
inputs in production who is responsible to report the Unit Head.

4. Finance and Accounts is indispensable part of OEW Pvt. Ltd. and deals with the blood of
the organization i. e. Finance. It provides guidelines as to how scarce resource can be
optimally used so as to obtain maximum profit. Accounts executives look after the
procurement of the stationary. Accounts also mention records of daily transaction.

5. Marketing Department of OEW Pvt. Ltd. is headed by the managing Director of the
company itself. He is actually involved in decision making with the regard price, quality etc.
head (marketing) is the next responsible person in hierarchy who is in direct touch with
various persons in the marketing them like Group Leader & Members.
Introduction to the Project
Title of the Project

“Evaluation of Wages and Salary

Policy by Employees”
Wages & Salary means all remuneration (whether by way of salary, allowances or otherwise)
expression in terms of money or capable of being so expressed which would if the terms of
employments express or employment or work done in such employment & includes:-

I. Any remuneration payable under which any award or settlement between the parties or order
of a court.

II. Any remuneration to witch the person employed is entitled in respect of overtime work or
holiday or any leave period.

III. Any additional remuneration payable under the terms of employment.

IV. The value of house accommodation or supply of light, water, medical facilities or other
services excluded from the computation of wage by a general or special order of the state

V. Any contribution made by the employer to any pension of provident fund, and the interest,
which may have accrued thereon.

VI. Any traveling allowance or the value of any travelling concession.

VII. Any gratuity payable on the termination of employments in cases other than those specified
in sub clause.

VIII. Any bonus

IX. Any sum, which the persons employed, is entired under any scheme framed under any low
for the time being in force.

Modes of Payment of Wages:-

1. The organization requires that all wages shall be paid in current coin & currency note or in
both. It provides that the employer after obtaining a written authorization of the employees
can pay his wages either by check.

2. Where the employment of any person is terminated by or on behalf of the employer, the
wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day.

3. The State Govt. may exempt the person employed in a railway otherwise than in a factory
from the operation.

4. All the payment of the wages shall be made on a factory Act, 1948
Fixation of Wage Period:-

1. The person responsible for the payment of wage fix the wage period in respect of which
wage shall be payable such period not exceed one month.

2. In industrial establishment in which less than one thousand persons are employed, wages
must be paid before the expiry of seventh day of wage period in respect of wages are

3. Where the employment of any person in terminated by on the behalf of employer the wage
carried by him shall be paid before the expiry of second working day on which his
employment is terminated.

Responsibility for payment of wages:-

Every employer is responsible for the payment to persons employed by him, of all wage required
to be paid under the policy the organization.

In case of person employed:-

i. In factory, if a person has been named manager of the factory under clause.
ii. In industrial establishment, where a person is responsible to the employer for the
supervision and control of the establishment.

Maintenance of record of wages & salary:-

It is mandatory on the part of every employer to maintain separate registers for fines,
deduction from wage and salary made to employed persons. In the employer has to maintain
register of wages which shall contain following particulars.

i. Particulars of person employed.

ii. The work performed by the person employed.
iii. The wage paid to the person.
iv. The deduction made from wages.
v. Receipt given by the person employed.
Deduction from Wage & Salary:-


Every payment made by the employed person to employer or his agent shall, for the
purposes the payment of wages act, 19936 be deemed to be a deduction from wages.
There are following deductions.

1. Recovery of advances

2. Income of lone

3. Income Tax

4. Provident Fund

5. Co-operative societies

6. Life Insurance Policy

7. Incorrect refunds

8. Absence from duty

9. Welfare facilities

Amount of deductions:-
The total amount of deduction, which may be made in any wage period
from the wages of any wages from the wages of any employed person, shall not exceed.

1. In case where such deduction are wholly made for payment to co- operative societies, 75% of
such wages.

2. In other cases, 52% of such wages


Wages by their nature are central concern for both employees and the employees and the
employers. Wages are thus, the means by which a worker lives, works and support a family.
How can people preserve their dignity and that of their family without a decent and steady
wages? Batter housing, batter food and cloths: these are the needs that constantly worry a person.
The size of a person’s income determines the number the quality of his options. For employers,
the wage administration poses a big problem since every employer is concerned with costs.

All employers are concerned with the costs whereas the employee, in the turn, sees
wages in terms of his preoccupation: better housing, schooling, medical care, foods and clothing.
The size of his income determines the number and quality of his option.

An employer has to pay for the services rendered by an employee, which is terms
wages or salary whereas in bigger org. particularly for higher posts, it is called as remuneration
or compensation. It is, however, difficult to outline and explain every aspect of the payment of

Wages and salary administration is a function of human resources

management. Its important is evident from the fact that a majority of union management
problems and disputes reate question of wage payment.
Wages are like a ladder, going from the lowest (subsistence wage) to the top rung (living wage)
based upon interpretations, it can be summarized as under:

Subsistence wages

It meets only bear physical needs of worker.

Minimum wages

It provides not only bare physical need but also for preservation of efficiency of
the worker plus some measure of education, health and others. This is the legal minimum wages
of minimum wages act.

Fair wages

This is adjustable steps, moves up according to the capacity of the industry to the pay, and
prevailing rated of wages in area or industry.

Living wages

It maintains worker’s health and decency, a measure of comfort and some insurance
against the more important misfortunes of life



Payment made to compensate labor for work done is generally termed as wages. Money paid to
persons whose output cannot easily be measured, such as clerical staff, supervisory and
managerial staff is termed as salaries. Salaries in India are generally paid on monthly bases
where as in the some of industries having flexible or seasonal nature of work. The employees
who are called as workers are paid wages as daily bases. However, in practice, these two words
are used for employees in the lower strata.

Fair and equitable compensation for each

employee should be the objective of the wages and salary administration program. The way in
which this function is discharged varies depending upon policies, size and other characteristic of

However, under no circumstances the wages of the

workers should not be less then the minimum rate of wages. That’ why, for example, the govt.
passed the minimum wages act in 19948 in an effort to protect the weak, unorganized and
powerless from exploitation. That is also why countries pass laws regarding the working
conditions of woman and child labour. These minimum legal wages rates differ from section to
another, as well from industrial activity. They are constantly revised and invariable upgraded.

The first duty of human resource executives is to know what the legal minimum rates as fixed fir
the unskilled, semi skilled and skilled minimum wages act, 1948 apply to the schedule
employments, no one should be employed who does not receive at least the minimum specified
wages. This minimum legal wages is a subsistence wages only.

At the same time, there cannot be the wages for every employee since compensation for this?
Also, the human nature as it is, not as some people think it ought to be, in such a system, the
level and quality of work would fall and the skill necessary for social development and human
progress would not be learnt no double principles of social justice demand that every persons,
every workers receive enough for a decent human life for themselves and their families. If
everybody gets at least that, than it is not wrong for some to get because of the importance,
skills, working conditions or risks of their work.

Wages and salary administration program

The wages and salary administration program has a variety of purposes. These are as following:

To define the duties and responsibilities involved in each position n org. and determining the
qualification and training requirement of the employee occupying the position.
To compare position according to mental and physical requirements, skills, responsibility and
working conditions.
To establish common titles for jobs which have similar duties and responsibilities, to facilitate
depending salary comparison?
To establish within the org., wage levels comparable to that prevailing in the community for
similar work.

Wage policy
In additional to above, in an org., the wage policy has to be kept under control and- to- date for
the effective decision – making. The objective of wages salary administration are:

Control of cost;
Establishment of fair and equitable structure of remuneration;
Using wages and salary as incentives to greater employee productivity;
To maintain a good public image;
To attract talented personnel.

The wages do not become just merely because an employee accepts them. The laws of the
market place are not the laws of labour. If an employee, out of fear of a wages is unjust despite
his consent. Also, the employee should realize that no formula, no individual or committee
unfamiliar with the particular situation can definitely tell him what his wages rates should be.
While there are, indeed, reference points, only those who know the specific particularities of
each circumstance can adjudge what is sheer number and varying influence of the factors, all
related to the organization concrete situations, that go into the determination of wages. The
prevailing rates of wages in the area and the rates in similar concerns, the cost of living in the

area, that capacity of the organization to pay, the legal provisions applicable, if any and the
nature of the occupation involved, the general economic environment: all these and other factors
make the determination of just and can, in the last analysis, only be solved by persons by persons
knowledgeable about the circumstances of each organization’s situation.

Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Payment of minimum rates of wages

Employer to pay to every employee engaged in schedule employment at the rate less then
minimum rate of wages as fixed by not making deduction other than prescribed.

Minimum rates of wages

Such as basic rates of wages etc. variable DA and value of other concessions

*Object of the Act

To provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employments.
*According to the company policy the minimum wages is given two times in a year to any type
of industry.

It is given on: - 1st FEB. and 2nd AUG.

The increment in the salary is done only I time and the increment period is 1st APRIAL to 31 st

Top Management make a policy for increment period a+b+bc.

A + (outstanding)

A (very good)

B (good)

C (average)

D (poor)

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936

The payment of wages Act was passed in 1936 and it come in to force from

28 March 1937. The act was amended in 1937, 1940, 1951, 1957, 1964, 1970, 1971, 1976, 1977
and 1982 extended the application of the act to cover person whose average wages are below

Scope & Application of Act:-

The payment of act, 1936 is applicable to whole of India. It applies in
the first instances to the payment of wages to person employed in any factpry.
Objectives of Act:-

 To ensure regularity of payment.

 Ensuring payment in tender.

 Preventing arbitrary deduction.

 Restricting employees right to impose fines.

 Providing remedy to workers.

Following payment has been held to be wages:-

1. House rent allowance

2. Annual increment

3. Minimum wages payable under Minimum Wages Act, 1948

4. Claims payable to an employee by reason of termination of his


Following payments have been held not be wages:-

1. Value of medical attendance.

2. Maternity benefits
3. A claim for leave salary
4. Bonus
5. Gratuity

Fixation of wages period:-

The person responsible for the payment of wages fix the wages period in respect of which wages
shall be payable such period not exceed one month



2.Absence for duty

3.House accomndation

4.Amenities & services


6.Income tax

7.Provident fund


The incentive offers an attraction of payment for efficiency of more production. Incentive are
popular all over the world are used extensively for raising productively.

Benefits of incentives:-

i. Incentives bring about improvement in method, work flow, man machine relationship.
ii. Incentives increase the productivity.
iii. Incentives satisfies to worker with high earning.
iv. Incentives develops a feeling of co operation between worker & the mgt.

Fringe Benefits

It refers to the extra benefits provided to employees in addition to the

compensation paid in the from of wage & salary.

Types of Fringe Benefits

i. Payment for time not worked

a) Hour of work
b) Paid holiday
c) Shift premium
d) Paid vacation

ii. Employee security

iii. Welfare facilities

iv. Workmen compensation


If a company has completed its five years than the employer may bonus to the employee. If
employer wants to give the bonus to an employee them it is given.

There are three forms of bonus:-

 CA – In this also charted accountant work is noticed.

 In this cases bonus is prepared.

 In this cases company return are filled.

For Bonus entitlement, the employee should work for 30 days, but if less then bonus is not given.

 Bonus limit: Wages, basic salary

 Rs. 3500 is compulsory for bonus.

 Minimum % for bonus is 8.33% and maximum is 20%

 Time period: Bonus is given on 1st April to 31st March of any year.

 Bonus is given during Diwali period and the time limit of bonus is 8 month.

 Disqualification of bonus: is not given if there is for example.

 Fraud or misconduct behavior.

Objective of Study

The study of this project is focused of variety reasons why an employer or employee may decide
to follow a wage & salary program. Some of major reason includes gaining a competitive edge
improving personal skills satisfying legislation or code requirements.

The general objective of the project can be broken down in to a series of more specific aims.

 To attract talented person.

 To provide the maximum rate of wages.

 To ensure regularity of payment.

 Ensuring payment in tender.

 Preventing arbitrary deduction.

 Restricting employees right to impose fines.

 Providing remedy to workers.

 To provide co- operation b/w employers and employees.

Research Methodology

Research Methodology means the procedure adopted for conducting research. It is a systematic
and planned approach to approach to carryout research. Even collection of sufficient timely and
accurate information helps in decision making and very important in the like marking of the
This forms the major part of the study.

Types of Data:

In this research study both types of data will be used viz. Primary and
Secondary Data. In the case of Primary Data researcher will interview of the employees in B. L
International LTD. Noida. The present research study will mainly based on their perceptions.

In the case of Secondary Data, Researcher will collection information from Annual
Report (2007) of company, company website, literature.
Research Design:

The research has been alone with the help of structured questionnaire keeping in mind
the objective of the study. The study made with the help of personnel interview added with
questionnaire used for study was structured, not distinguished one here the emphasis’s given on
thing ideas regarding “Evaluation of Wages and Salary Policy by employees”

Data Collection Plan:

Data collection is most important part of research because the research

is based on it. There are several ways of coaching data were: Observation, interview,
questionnaire method. To collect the because of low cost, if the respondent is in large number,
secondly it is free from the base of the interviewer and respondent have adequate time to five
well thought of answer.
Construction of Questionnaire:

Questionnaire is set of questions with out a blank space for recording answer. The questions can
secure the relevant facts the opinion from the recording and sequencing of questions. Following
Rules and regulations are in preparing Questionnaire:

1. Question simple, easy understandable, pointed well phrased.

2. Questionnaire explains the purpose of enquiry in order to stimulate in terest and request
the responded to offer to co- operation in giving answer to the questions

3. There is no misleading tone or personal question must not be included.

4. The questions are well structure according to needed information.

5. The question envolving story, emotional tone must not be included.

6. The question is presented in a logical sequence.

Analysis and Finding

Ques 1. Do salary and wages payable to you follow the wages acts?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 96 4

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 96% employees
are satisfied and the 4% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.
Q.2 Has wage policy any cost control?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 95 5

The above table indicates the satisfy and unsatisfied employees. The 95% employee
are satisfied and the 5% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.

Q.3 Does the Welfare scheme have any effect on wages and salary?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 90 10

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 90% employees
are satisfied and the 10% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given is below.
Q.4 Are you satisfied with the wages the and salary payable to you?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 99 01

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 99% employees
are satisfied and the 1% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.

Q.5 Is wages policy satisfactory to maintain good industrial relation?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 90 10

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 90% employees
are satisfies and the 10% employees are not satisfies. The figure is below.
Q.6 Is wage policy helpful to generate the morale of employees?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 87 13

The above table indicates the satisfies and unsatisfied employees. The 87% employees
are satisfied and the 13% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.

Q.7 Is wage policy helpful to decrease the labour turnover?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 78 22

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 78% employees
are satisfies and the 22% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.
Q.8 Is the helpful to decrease the unrest among the employee of the company?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 88 12

The table indicates the satisfies and unsatisfied employees. The 88% employees are
satisfied and the 12% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.

Q.9 Is there any increment policy and are you satisfied with it?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 92 8

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 92% employees
are satisfied and the 8% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.
Q.10 Is there any participation of workers while formulating wage policy?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 82 18

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 82% employees
are satisfied and the 18% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below

Q.11 Are the detail of salary and wages provided to you?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 98 2

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 98% employees
are satisfied and the 2% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.
Q.12 Is the rate of bonus payable to you satisfactory?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 98 02

The above table indicate the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 98% employees
are satisfied and the 2% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.

Q.13 Is the rate of bonus payable to you satisfactory?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 98 02

The table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 98% employees are
satisfied and the 2% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.
Q.14 Do you know about any type of deduction made from your salary and wages?

No. of workers Satisfied Unsatisfied

100 100 0

The above table indicates the satisfied and unsatisfied employees. The 100% employees
are satisfied and the 0% employees are not satisfied. The figure is given below.

An AMPHI PLASTO implementation is a huge commitment from the organization,

causing millions of rupees and can take up to several years to complete. However,
when it is integrated successfully, the benefits can be enormous. A well-designed and
properly integrated AMPHI PLASTO system allows the most updated information to
be shared among various business functions, thereby resulting in tremendous cost
savings and increased efficiency. When making the implementation decision,
management must considered fundamental issues such as the organization’s readiness
for a dramatic change, the degree of integration, key business processes to be
implemented, e-business applications to be included, and whether or not new hardware
need to be acquired.

In order to increase the chance of user acceptance, employees must be consulted and be
involved in all stages of the implementation process. Providing proper education and
appropriate training are also two important strategies to increase the end user
acceptance rate. The organization is also going through a drastic change, with changes
in the way businesses are conducted, the organization being restructured, and job
responsibilities being redefined. To facilitate the change process, managers are
encouraged to utilize the eight-level organizational change process. Managers can
implement their AMPHI PLASTO systems in several ways, which include the whole
integration, the franchise approach, and the single-module approach. Finally, the paper
concludes with a flow chart, depicting many of the activities that managers must
perform to ensure a proper AMPHI PLASTO implementation.

Ques.1 What is salary Annexure?

Ans. Salary annexure is break up of salary/income of the employee which contain

different segments like basic salary and allowances and ctc and deduction salary
annexure process of salary break up and shows disposable salary of an employee after
including reimbursements and excluding deduction .It is a financial statement ...

Ques.2 What happens if basic salary is high?

Ans. If the basic is too high, your tax liability will shoot up. Other components
of salary exemptions, such as the HRA and Provident Fund benefits, are linked to basic
pay. ... Senior employees fall in a higher tax bracket. For them, tax savings gets priority
over a higher take-home salary.

Ques.3 What components of salary are taxable?

Ans. Here are 10 components that can be used by an employee to minimise their tax
burden and plan their salary structure accordingly.
1. Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) ...
2. Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) ...
3. House Rent Allowance (HRA) ...
4. Food coupons. ...
5. Car maintenance allowance. ...
6. Children education allowance. ...
7. Hostel expenditure allowance.

Ques. 4 What is current base salary?

Ans. Updated August 29, 2018. Base salary is a fixed amount of money paid to an
employee by an employer in return for work performed. A base salary does not include
benefits, bonuses or any other form of potential compensation from an employer.

Ques. 5 What is CTC in salary with example?

Ans. CTC means Cost To Company. ... The gross salary that you receive (before
income tax and other deductions) is what is known as Cost To Company salary. The
break up of CTC package would talk about the basic salary, HRA (House rent
allowance) and other such allowances.

Ques. 6 Can basic salary be changed?

Ans Under the new system there is a probability that for few employees the basic
salary may decrease from their present basic salary., though their gross will either
not change or may increase. The employees so affected are also okay with the change.

Ques. 7 Is there any rule for basic salary?

Ans The amount that you can claim as tax deduction under HRA cannot be more than
50% of your basic in a metro or 40% of your basic in a non-metro. Hence, depending on
where your workplace is located, this salary component will usually be set at 40% or
50% of the basic salary

S. No. Particulars Yes/No Employees Name

Do salary wages payable to you follow the
Q.1 wages acts?

Does the welfare scheme have any effect on

Q.3 your wages and salary?
Are you satisfied with the wages and salary
Q.4 payable to you?
Is wages policy satisfactory to maintain good
Q.5 industrial relation?
Is wages policy helpful to generate the morale
Q.6 of employees?
Is wages policy helpful to decrease the labour
Q.7 turnover?
Is it helpful to decrease the unrest among the
Q.8 employee of the company?
Is there any increment policy and are you
Q.9 satisfied with it?
Is there any participation of workers while
Q.10 formulating wages policy?
Are the details of salary and wages are
Q.11 provided to you?
Is the rate of bonus payable to you
Q.12 satisfactory?
Do you know about any type of deduction
Q.13 made from your salary and wages?

To improve the increment policy.

The wages and salary on the bases of the performance of the employees.

To give the notice to employees while the formulating the wages policy.

To decrease the unrest among the employees.

To decrease the labour turnover.

To provide more welfare facilities.

Every work do on time. Because wastage of time effects the wages and salary.

Learn from your employees by using them as sounding boards for change and reflection in
wages and salary policies.

Pay adequate attention to the culture and value in the company and in the country.

Use personnel policies for empowering people and promoting managerial effectiveness rather
then blocking creativity and innovation.

1. C. B. Memoria - Wage and Salary

2. C. R. Kothari - Research Methodology

3. T. n. Chabra - HRD

4. Policies of company

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