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ARNEL AZISTYA RAZAK/185110500111027

Poverty Controversy in Indonesia


Explanation of the issue Poverty is a condition where there is an inability to meet

basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and
health. Poverty can be caused by the scarcity of means of
meeting basic needs or the difficulty of access to
education and employment
Thesis Statement The problem of poverty is a complex and global problem
that must be resolved.
Refutation 1 Indonesia is entangled with increasingly severe poverty,
data on the amount of poverty in Indonesia in March 2009
alone reached 32.53 million or 14.15 percent. Someone
said that it was generally the instrument used to determine
whether a person or group of people in the community
were poor or could not be monitored by using measures
of income or consumption levels of a person or group of
people.( Hari Susanto, 2006 )
Refutation 2 The survey commonly used in Indonesia to measure the
national poverty line with the main data source comes
from the National Socio-Economic Survey. This
measurement uses the ability approach to meet basic
needs. Even though the survey using this method is not
effective. This was also said by M. Ravallion (1998)
"Measurement of poverty is often indeed controversial
because it uses surveys in its calculations. The survey
indeed cannot provide complete data "

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