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Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

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Applicability of metallic reinforcements for

mechanical performance enhancement in metal
matrix composites: a review

Kenneth Kanayo Alaneme, Eloho Anita Okotete, Adetomilola Victoria

Fajemisin & Michael Oluwatosin Bodunrin

To cite this article: Kenneth Kanayo Alaneme, Eloho Anita Okotete, Adetomilola Victoria Fajemisin
& Michael Oluwatosin Bodunrin (2019) Applicability of metallic reinforcements for mechanical
performance enhancement in metal matrix composites: a review, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied
Sciences, 26:1, 311-330, DOI: 10.1080/25765299.2019.1628689

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2019, VOL. 26, NO. 01, 311–330


Applicability of metallic reinforcements for mechanical performance

enhancement in metal matrix composites: a review
Kenneth Kanayo Alanemea, Eloho Anita Okotetea, Adetomilola Victoria Fajemisina and
Michael Oluwatosin Bodunrina,b
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria; bSchool of Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa


The growing application of metal matrix composites (MMCs) in structural and reliability crit- Received 3 December 2018
ical applications has placed higher premium on good combinations of strength, ductility Revised 10 May 2019
and toughness, in which ceramic reinforced MMCs currently face limitations. Metallic rein- Accepted 28 May 2019
forcements have hence come under consideration as replacements of ceramics due to their
good wettability and inherent ductility and toughness. This review covers the use of metallic Metal matrix composites;
reinforcements in Al, Mg, Cu and Zn-Al metal matrices and the mechanical behaviour of the metallic reinforcements;
developed composites. The performance advantages and some concerns with the use of ductility; toughness;
these alternative reinforcements are also highlighted, and the future possibilities in optimiz- wettability; mechanical
ing mechanical performance of MMCs are posited in the paper. performance

1. Introduction spanning sports and recreation, building and civil

structures, electrical, electronics and computer sys-
New technological delights such as fuel-efficient
tems, security and surveillance, industrial thermal
automobiles, lightweight aircraft and androids have
facilities, and transportation (Miracle, 2005; Vasanth
been largely supported by advancement in materials
development. Materials scientists are fated to per- Kumar, Keshavamurthy, Perugu, Koppad, & Alipour,
petually explore pathways for optimizing material 2018). Some metallic alloys which have been utilized
parameters to achieve desirable functional properties as metal matrices for MMCs are aluminium, magne-
to satisfy the stringent service requirements for most sium, titanium, zinc and copper (Emara, 2017;
technological applications. This materials design pro- Hassan & Gupta, 2002a). Conventionally, these metal
cess often requires working with material systems matrices are reinforced with ceramic materials,
which avail the opportunity of tailoring sometimes among which are aluminium oxide (Al2O3), silicon
extreme material characteristics into a whole system carbide (SiC), titanium oxide (TiO2), graphite (C) and
to make it service robust and effective in use. Metal boron carbide (B4C) (Ramnath et al., 2014; Salih, Ou,
matrix composites (MMCs) are material systems that Wei, & Sun, 2019). Most of the afore-stated proper-
exemplify this description. MMCs are acclaimed for ties of MMCs have been achieved with the use of
the tailored properties which can be imparted on these ceramic-based reinforcements. However, there
them by appropriate matrix and reinforcement selec- are some limitations which have been observed to
tions (Anshuman, 2017). Property combinations such be associated with the use of ceramic reinforcements
as high specific strength and stiffness, low thermal in the development of MMCs. These include low
expansion coefficient, good damping capacities, ductility and fracture toughness, high abrasiveness,
superior wear and corrosion resistance, and good poor wettability/interfacial decohesion, unwanted
high temperature stability and mechanical properties chemical reactions, recycling difficulties and the high
are common features observed in MMCs (Bauri & cost of some conventional ceramic reinforcing mate-
Yadav, 2018; Navasingh et al., 2019). rials (Alaneme, Ajibuwa, Kolawole, & Fajemisin, 2017;
The attractive property range of MMCs has made El-Labban, Abdelaziz, & Mahmoud, 2016). Also, high
them of interest as high-quality materials in several mismatch of the thermal coefficient of expansion
applications. Thus, they are now considered ahead between ceramics and metallic materials results in
of conventional metallic alloys in several applications poor thermal fatigue and high dimensional instability

CONTACT Kenneth Kanayo Alaneme Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Federal University of
Technology, Akure, PMB 704, Nigeria
ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the University of Bahrain.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (,
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

in the composites under high cyclic thermal loading gives rise to superior mechanical properties such as
(Alaneme, Fajemisin, & Maledi, 2018; Smagorinski hardness, strength and ductility as well as other
et al., 1998). The concerns regarding the limitations engineering properties (Yadav & Bauri, 2010).
of ceramic reinforced MMCs have attained new There is no doubt that the development of MMCs
heights, particularly since MMCs are now deployed with improved properties for structural applications
as structural and stress-bearing materials in a num- will continue to be a fascinating area of research.
ber of high-tech applications, where structural integ- Reviews have been written to cover different aspects
rity and safety are crucial service demands. This of the evolution in MMC development. These include
background is instructive in understanding the reviews which presented discussions on peculiarities
motivation for the extensive studies already reported of metal matrices such as Al and Mg (Lyod, 1994;
in finding alternative means to enhance properties Ramnath et al., 2014; Torralba, da Costa, & Velasco,
and functionality of MMCs (El-Labban et al., 2016; 2003). Treatises on MMCs have also included findings
Emara, 2017; Hassan & Gupta, 2002a; Thakur, Kong, on the influence of different reinforcement types on
& Gupta, 2007). metal matrices ranging from broad classification of
Several approaches and techniques have been fibre and particulate reinforcements to specifics
recommended to improve properties of MMCs, with using ceramics and carbon nanotubes (Chawla &
their successes and limitations reported (Bodunrin, Shen, 2001; Chou, Kelly, & Okura, 1985; Ibrahim,
Alaneme, & Chow, 2015). These include: modifying Mohamed, & Lavernia, 1991; Nair, Tien, & Bates,
the processing technique of MMCs (Bains, Sidhu, & 1985; Thostenson, Ren, & Chou, 2001). Other reviews
Payal, 2016); pre-heat treatment of reinforcing par-
on MMCs limited to treatment of specific classes of
ticles (Prasad, Shoba, & Ramanaiah, 2014); coating
MMCs are also available in the literature (Bains,
the particles with wetting agents (Alaneme,
Sidhu, & Payal, 2016; Bodunrin et al., 2015; Casati &
Bodunrin, & Awe, 2018); use of hybrid particle
Vedani, 2014; Srivastava, Dixit, & Tiwari, 2015;
reinforcement (Alaneme, Fatile, & Borode, 2014;
Yadav & Bauri, 2010). The existing reviews on the
Lancaster, Lung, & Sujan, 2013); use of nano and
subject have primarily addressed issues centred on
sub-micrometre particles; and severe plastic deform-
the development and performance of MMCs rein-
ation (Goussous, Xu, & Xia, 2010). There are still con-
forced with ceramic materials. Since the emergence
tentions on the property improvement levels
of research on the viability of metallic materials as
achievable with the use of these methods; conse-
substitutes to ceramics in the reinforcement of
quently, more reliable and pragmatic solutions to
MMCs over two decades ago, there have been very
this problem are still being sought. It is noteworthy
to mention that research in this area has also wit- few reviews highlighting their importance and
nessed the consideration of agro and industrial potential downsides. This review attempts to fill this
derivatives (rice husk ash, bamboo leaf ash, ground- gap in the literature. The review chronicles some of
nut shell ash, red mud, fly ash, quarry dust, steel the leading research which has shown the promise
chips) as sole or partial (when mixed with conven- of metallic reinforced metal matrices in service appli-
tional ceramics) replacements for conventional cations. It also analyses some of the challenges likely
reinforcement materials used in MMC development to be contended with the use of these reinforce-
(Arora & Sharma, 2017; Bahrami, Soltani, Pech-Canul, ments in the long run and posits the future path of
& Guti errez, 2015; Fathy, El-kady, & Mohammed, research on the development of MMCs with
2015). These studies have established the promise of improved mechanical performance, particularly
these reinforcements for metal matrices, particularly enhanced combination of strength, ductility
from cost-saving perspectives, but the developed and toughness.
composites still have not addressed the functional
limitation of conventional ceramic reinforcements. 2. Metallic-based reinforcements for
Recently, attention have been channelled towards
metal matrices
the use of metallic materials such as pearlitic steels,
stainless steel, iron, copper, nickel, titanium and The previous section highlighted some of the con-
metallic glasses as principal reinforcement in MMCs cerns with the use of ceramics as reinforcements in
(Iglesias, Jim
enez, Bermu dez, Rao, & Chandrasekar, MMCs. This section is dedicated to studies carried
2013; Sankaranarayanan, Jayalakshmi, & Gupta, 2012; out on the use of metallic-based reinforcements in
Ye & Liu, 2005). Hard metallic phases are considered different metallic matrices. The aim is to ascertain
as reinforcements because of their inherent ductility whether there are any significant improvements in
and toughness. Also, they have good wettability properties such as toughness, ductility and good
with metal matrices resulting in good interfacial wettability, which are some of the limitations tied to
bonding between reinforcement and matrices which the use of ceramic-based reinforcements.

2.1. Aluminium base metal matrix composites weight per cent (10, 20, 30 and 40) of Ni. It was
observed from the study that there was no consist-
Aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) are currently
ency in the variation of the mechanical properties
utilized in a lot of technological applications. They
with Ni concentration. This was attributed to Al–Ni
offer an excellent balance of cost, functionality and
interaction in each composite composition coupled
processability. AMCs are acclaimed for the broad
with factors such as impurities, particle size and
spectrum of properties which they can be tailored to
defects, among others. However, the Al matrix com-
possess with appropriate selection of reinforcements
posite composition reinforced with 20% Ni was
and processing schemes. Rarely is it found in any
observed to showcase the best combination of hard-
other class of material where property combinations
ness, tensile strength and thermal conductivity. The
of good specific strength and stiffness, low coeffi-
property combination exhibited by this composition
cient of thermal expansion (CTE), good tribological
was considered to be suitable for the production of
properties, good oxidation and corrosion resistance,
cylinder walls, engine cooling pads, cycle frames and
and a relatively low processing cost are obtained as
pistons. However, the toughness and ductility of the
observed in AMCs (Kerti & Toptan, 2008; Surappa,
composite were not reported and the high cost of
2003; Suresha & Sridhara, 2010). That is why they are
Ni may be a limiting factor for such high volume per
very versatile and have been applied in virtually
cent composite production.
every important technological sector, such as aero-
Yadav and Bauri (2010) investigated the mechan-
space materials, automobile, defence, heat exchange
ical properties of Ni (7%) particulate reinforced Al-
components, sports and recreation (Pandi &
based composites processed using friction stir proc-
Muthusamy, 2012; Prasad & Asthana, 2004; Salih, Ou,
essing (FSP). FSP was used to avoid the formation of
Sun, & McCartney, 2015). The growing application of
intermetallic Al3Ni often produced using other con-
AMCs that are primarily reinforced with ceramics as
ventional processing routes such as disintegrated
structural materials has justified the need for
melt deposition. The results showed that FSP led to
improved ductility and toughness. Metallic-based
the attainment of homogeneous dispersion of the Ni
reinforcements have been used in AMCs with the
particles in the Al matrix and the achievement of
hope of addressing these challenges. The observa-
good matrix/particle interfacial bonding. It was also
tions from their use are presented in the follow-
observed that the Al matrix was extensively grain
ing paragraphs.
refined, which was due to dynamic recrystallization
that occurred during FSP. The Ni reinforced Al matrix
2.1.1. Metallic reinforcements
composite had thrice the value of the yield stress
Fathy et al. (2015) studied the microstructure, mech- reported for the unreinforced Al. Generally, the Ni
anical and magnetic properties of powder metallurgy reinforced Al had higher strengths compared with
processed Al matrix composites reinforced with 5, 10 the unreinforced Al. This was attributed to the good
and 15% iron powder. It was observed that the Fe Al matrix/Ni particle interfacial bonding, which facili-
powders were evenly dispersed in the matrix, and a tates effective load transfer from the matrix to the
significant increase in hardness, compressive stronger Ni particles via the matrix/particle interfa-
strength and ductility was achieved. Also, the mech- ces. The strengthening mechanism was also associ-
anical properties improved with an increase in the ated with the hindrance of dislocation movement by
mass fraction of the Fe powders. For instance, Al- the Ni particles and boundary strengthening arising
15Fe had 550 MPa compressive strength and a plas- from the Al matrix grain refinement. The most
tic strain of 65%. This was attributed to dispersion remarkable feature of the composites is that their
strengthening of the Al matrix by the Fe powders significant strength increase (from 90 to 127 MPa for
and the formation of intermetallic compounds as ultimate tensile strength (UTS)) did not result in a
mass fraction of the Fe powders increased. Al-15Fe substantial compromise in ductility (from 35 to 25%).
composite had the best combination of mechanical The good ductility levels retained by the Ni rein-
properties of the composites produced. The property forced Al composites was attributed to the inher-
improvement reported in the study was, however, ently ductile Ni particles and the non-existence of
accompanied by an overall increase in densities of embrittling intermetallic phases in the composite.
the Fe reinforced Al matrix composites, attributed to Kumar and Devi (2014) studied the mechanical
the higher density of Fe (7.8 g/cm3) compared with behaviour of Al6061 alloy reinforced with Cu particu-
pure Al (2.8 g/cm3). lates of varying mass concentrations. The Al-Cu par-
Pal et al. (2015) embarked on a study to establish ticulate composites were successfully processed
the optimum composition that would yield the best using a die casting method. The microstructural ana-
combination of mechanical properties in stir cast Ni lysis revealed that the copper particulates were uni-
reinforced Al matrix composites containing varied formly dispersed in the Al6061 matrix. The

microstructures were also observed to consist of Alaneme et al. (2018) reported on the mechanical
coarse grains of Al with Cu intermetallic particles at behaviour of stir cast Al-Mg-Si alloy matrix compo-
the grain boundaries. The hardness values of the Cu sites reinforced with steel, SiC and a mixture of steel
reinforced AMC composites increased as the weight and graphite particles.
per cent of Cu particulate increased up to 8 wt.% The results show that within the range of 4–8 wt.%
and then decreased for the composite with 10 wt.% steel particle reinforcement utilized, the hardness of
of Cu particles. The same trend as that of hardness the composites increased to a maximum of 11%. The
was also observed for the tensile strength and UTS, specific strength and fracture toughness of the
impact strength of the Cu reinforced composites equally increased with increase in the
AMC composites. weight per cent of steel particles. The ductility was the
Gopi Krishna et al. (2018) assessed the mechanical only exception where marginal reduction was
behaviour of stir cast 5–15 wt.% Cu powder rein- observed with increase in the concentration of steel
forced A356 matrix composites. In the study, the particles. Noteworthy is the fact that the steel rein-
potentially strong and continuous particle/matrix forced compositions had superior strength, toughness
interface which can be harnessed with the use of and ductility characteristics compared with the com-
metallic particles as reinforcement in metallic matri- posite composition reinforced with 8 wt.% SiC. The
ces was explored. The reinforcement in this case was improved properties were reasoned to be connected
Cu powder of 53 mm average particle size, and the with the enhanced grain refinement, strong matrix/
stir casting process adopted followed standard proc- steel particles interface and higher inherent ductility
essing procedures. The composites were observed to of the steel particles over that of SiC.
possess higher hardness, UTS, yield strength, modu- Selvakumar et al. (2017) assessed the effectiveness
lus of elasticity and ductility than the A356 unre- of Mo as potential reinforcement for Al matrices. The
inforced alloy. The strengthening mechanism was study was conducted on Al matrix composites pro-
reported to be due to the combination of solid solu- duced with varied volume fractions of Mo (6, 12 and
tion strengthening from the partially dissolved Cu 18%) using FSP. The Mo particles were retained in
powder in the alloy matrix and dispersion strength- elemental form in the composites, inferring that
ening from the undissolved Cu particles. Also, refine- there were no interfacial reactions; also, the absence
ment in composite matrix grain size with increase in of pores at the interface indicates good bonding
the volume fraction of the Cu powder was linked to between the Al matrix and Mo particles (reinforce-
the improved mechanical performance observed in ment). The Mo particles were also homogeneously
the Cu powder reinforced A356 compo- distributed in the matrix independent of distance
sites produced. from the stir zone. Grain refinement was observed in
Emara (2017) compared the mechanical properties the microstructure, which is due to dynamic recrys-
of powder metallurgy processed unreinforced alu- tallization and the pinning effect of the Mo particles
minium, aluminium matrix composites reinforced on the boundaries, which hindered grain growth.
with 5, 7.5 and 10 wt.% steel machining chips (SMC), The tensile tests revealed that the UTS of the com-
and those reinforced with 5 and 10 wt.% SiC. It was posites was higher than the unreinforced Al matrix
observed that the per cent porosity in the steel chip and this was linked to the good interfacial bonding
reinforced composites was lower than that for the and high dislocation density in the composites. The
SiC reinforced composites. The Vickers hardness, tensile testing also showed that there was no sub-
yield strength and UTS of the steel chip reinforced stantial loss of ductility in the Mo reinforced Al
composites were reported to be higher than that of matrix composite. The relatively ductile nature of the
the pure Al and SiC reinforced composites. Also, the composite was attributed to the inherent deform-
strength properties of the composites improved with ability of the reinforcement and low work hardening
increase in weight per cent of SMC. The largely of the Al matrix around the Mo particles. The
superior strength properties of the steel chip rein- enhanced ductility of the composites is further
forced AMCs was ascribed to the good Al matrix/ reflected in the fracture mode of the composites,
SMC interface bonding. This facilitated stress transfer which is observed from Figure 1 to be characterized
and distribution from the Al matrix to the stronger by dimple rupture.
SMC. Also, the 5% steel chip reinforced composites Huang et al. (2018) employed multi-pass sub-
had high percentage elongations (25%), comparable merged friction stir processing (SFSP) to reinforce
to that of the unreinforced Al (28%) and SiC rein- 5083Al matrix with Ti particles. The multi-pass SFSP
forced composites (13%). The high ductility of the was complemented by water cooling, which pro-
5% steel reinforced composite was linked to the moted uniform distribution of the reinforcements in
strong and continuous Al matrix/steel chips interface the matrix. Also, the water cooling contributed to
and the inherent ductile nature of the steel chips. mutual diffusion of elements preventing formation

Figure 1. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) micrographs of fracture surfaces of Mo/6082Al AMCs contain-
ing Mo particles: (a) 0 vol.%; (b) 6 vol.%; (c) 12 vol.%; and (d) 18 vol.%. Blue circle: fractured particles; red circle: pull out par-
ticles; yellow circle: pull out particle pits. Source: adapted from Selvakumar et al. (2017), with permission from Elsevier.

of interfacial reaction products at the reinforcement using microscopic techniques revealed homogeneous
matrix interface. Ultrafine grains with average size of dispersion of vanadium particles and the absence of
 1 lm were observed in the microstructures of the intermetallic particles in the aluminium matrix. The
produced composites, and this was attributed to grain structure in the developed composites was
dynamic recrystallization (continuous) which took observed to be fine and equiaxed due to dynamic
place during the processing and the inhibition of grain recrystallization. The presence of the vanadium par-
growth by the fast cooling rate offered by water cool- ticles increased the UTS from 215 MPa in the Al alloy
ing. The tensile testing results showed that the SFSP to 268 MPa in the composite. The strengthening in the
processed Al matrix composite exhibited a 46 and composite was attributed to grain refinement, effect-
55% increase in yield strength and UTS, respectively, ive load transfer, presence of strong interfaces and
compared with the unreinforced Al alloy. The even particle dispersion. The elongation in the van-
improved strength was attributed primarily to the adium reinforced composite was 20%, which was just
extensive grain refinement in the composites. The a slight drop compared with what was observed in the
strengthening mechanisms of the composites were unreinforced alloy, indicating that the presence of this
concluded to be the contributions of grain boundary reinforcement improved the plastic flow of the matrix.
strengthening, quench strengthening and load trans- The ductility of the composites was attributed to the
fer. The composites retained a considerable amount of inherent ductility and thermal conductivity of van-
ductility, and this was evident in the appearance of
adium. Further confirmation of the improved ductility
the fractured surfaces which consisted of dimples.
is evident from the fracture surface appearance
Figure 2 shows the result of the Ti reinforced Al com-
(Figure 3), which revealed the presence of dimples,
posite which showcased the higher strengths and
which is a fingerprint feature of ductile fracture.
slightly reduced ductility of the composites.
Abraham, Dinaharan, Selvam, and Akinlabi (2019)
2.1.2. Metallic glass reinforcement
studied the mechanical response of vanadium particle
reinforced AA6063 matrix composite prepared using Metallic glasses are non-crystalline metallic materials
FSP. Analysis of the microstructures of the composites with a disordered atomic scale structure formed

Figure 2. Representative tensile behaviour of as-received Al, SFSPed Al and SFSPed AMCs: (a) tensile curves; (b) comparison
of the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation. Inset shows a tensile test specimen. Source: adapted from
Huang et al. (2018), with permission from Elsevier.

Figure 3. (a) Stress–strain graphs of the composite and FESEM micrographs of fracture surface of: (a) AA6063; and (b)
AA6063/12 vol.%. V AMC. Blue arrow: fractured particles; red arrow: pull out particles; yellow arrow: pull out particle pits.
Source: adapted from Abraham et al. (2019), with permission from Elsevier.

when liquid alloy solidifies at critical cooling rates for metal matrices in a bid to harness the promising
faster than that required for long-range order to be properties they possess (Lee et al., 2004). The use of
established by the atoms of the metallic materials metallic glasses as reinforcement is also predicated
(Ashby & Greer, 2006). Metallic glasses have an on the belief that metallic glasses, being inherently
unusual combination of mechanical properties, such metals, would have better compatibility with metal
as high hardness, high strength, high elastic strain matrices resulting in better interface bonding and
limits, low ductility and fracture toughness, attrib- enhanced properties of MMCs. The following are
uted to their non-crystalline structure and absence some of the outcomes from the use of metallic
of microstructural defects (Ashby & Greer, 2006; glasses as reinforcement in AMCs.
Saida, Matsushita, Li, & Inoue, 2000). Metallic glasses Scudino et al. (2009) carried out a study on Al-
have since been considered as novel reinforcement based composites containing a varying volume per

cent of Zr57Ti8Nb2.5Cu13.9-Ni11.1Al7.5 glassy powders. for the reinforcement of Al. In the study, uniaxial hot
Powder metallurgy processing was adopted for the pressing was adopted for the synthesis of
composites’ production using pure Al and Mg65Cu20Zn5Y10 metallic glass particle reinforced Al-
Zr57Ti8Nb2.5Cu13.9-Ni11.1Al7.5 metallic glass. It was based composite while the mechanical properties
observed that adding 60 vol.% of metallic glass in were assessed using compression testing. The inves-
the Al matrix raised the compressive strength from tigation revealed that even dispersion of the metallic
155 to 250 MPa; also, substantial strain to fracture glass particles in the Al matrix and good reinforce-
ranging between 40 and 70% was observed in the ment–matrix bonding led to significant strength
composite containing 40 vol.% of the metallic glass. enhancement complemented with good plastic
The increase in compressive strength was observed deformability (in comparison with pure Al). For
to be sensitive to the volume per cent of the metal- instance, yield strength enhancements of  222 and
lic glass. The study showed that the composites with 251% (relative to the Al matrix – 63 MPa) were
60 vol.% of the metallic glass had higher strength, achieved for 10 and 30 vol.% Mg65Cu20Zn5Y10 metal-
while the ones with 40 vol.% of the metallic glass lic glass particle addition; while compressive strength
reinforcement phase had better ductility. It was increases of  87 and 145% were achieved for the
noted from the study that dislocation strengthening same range of compositions. Satisfactory plastic
solely could not suffice in explaining the mechanism strain to fracture of 25% was reported for the Al-
responsible for the strength increase in the metallic 10 vol.% Mg65Cu20Zn5Y10 composite composition. A
glass reinforced composites. It was, however, estab- validated matrix-strengthening mechanism incorpo-
lished that the large size and high volume per cent rating a modified shear lag model predicted that
of the metallic glass powders resulted in more matrix dislocation strengthening due to the metallic
effective load transfer by shear, which led to the glass particles would be a key determinant of the
increased strength observed. The higher volume improved mechanical properties exhibited by
fraction of the metallic glass phase was also reported the composites.
to contribute to local particle contiguity, which Zheng et al. (2014) studied the microstructure
increases particle interaction – making the con- and mechanical properties of powder metallurgy
nected particles behave like short fibres. This effect processed Fe-based metallic glass (FMG) particle
was stated to improve the compressive strength of reinforced Al-2024 matrix composites. The process-
the composites. A reverse trend was observed for ing resulted in the production of nanostructured Al-
the composites with respect to ductility, where 2024 matrix ( 30 nm) containing well-dispersed
higher values are observed at lower volume fractions FMG particles. It was observed that the compressive
of the reinforcement and lower values at high vol- strength value of the AMCs was higher than the Al-
ume fractions. This implies that the local particle 2024 alloy. The FMG reinforced Al-2024 matrix com-
contiguity also affected the composites’ ductility, posites had yield and fracture strengths of 403 and
arising from increased particle interaction in the rein- 660 MPa, respectively, and also had 12% plastic
forcing phase of the AMC. strain at fracture. The strengthening mechanism in
Aljerf et al. (2012) studied the mechanical behav- the FMG reinforced Al-2024-based composite was
iour of sintered Al6061 alloy-based composites rein- linked to matrix grain refinement and uniform dis-
forced with [(Fe1/2Co1/2)75B20Si5]96Nb4 metallic glass. persion of the FMG particles.
The metallic glass particles exhibited viscous behav-
iour within the selected sintering temperature range, 2.1.3. Summary
which resulted in low or zero composite porosity. The literature surveyed shows largely that metallic-
Results from compressive tests showed that the based reinforcements in Al MMCs show a superior
[(Fe1/2Co1/2)75B20Si5]96Nb4 metallic glass raised the blend of strength and ductility compared with cer-
yield strength of Al6061 alloy from 270 to 570 MPa. amic reinforcements. The reviews show that metallic
Also, the strain to fracture of the composite was materials (including selected metallic glasses) as
approximately 13%, which is a remarkable level of reinforcement are more reliable than ceramics in
plastic deformability for a yield strength increase of preserving the ductility of Al and Al alloy matrices.
up to 110% (270–570 MPa). The significantly Also noteworthy is the sensitivity of ductility to con-
improved strength of the composite is plausibly on centrations of the reinforcing phase, where it was
account of the higher hardness of the metallic glass observed that a decline in ductility corresponded
compared with the Al alloy. When stress is applied with increased weight per cent of the metallic rein-
to the composite, the Al alloy matrix transfers much forcements in the composites. Some of the studies,
of the load to the elastically stronger metallic glass. however, did not state the exact ductility levels
Wang et al. (2014) carried out an investigation to attained and how they compare with that of the
ascertain the suitability of a Mg-based metallic glass unreinforced Al-based alloys which served as the

metal matrix. A few of the works reported an mechanical testing revealed improvements in hard-
increase in the composite density compared with ness values, 0.2% yield strength, UTS and stiffness of
ceramic reinforcements, which is largely due to the the composites. The observed improvements were
high density of transition metals (elements) that are established to be sensitive to weight fractions of
predominantly used as reinforcement (Fe, Ni, Cu). It nickel in both elemental and intermetallic form.
was also noted from some of the studies that the However, the Mg matrix ductility declined with an
processing technique adopted for the composite increasing amount of nickel. The improvement in
production can influence the matrix/reinforcement hardness of the composites was attributed to the
interface integrity, which contributed to the harder nickel particles and Mg2Ni intermetallics and
strengthening and ductility values achieved in the the increased resistance to localized deformation eli-
composites. Table 1 summarizes at a glance the cited by these particles. Also, the improved tensile
influence of metallic-based reinforcements on Al properties were linked to uniform distribution of
matrices in terms of mechanical response and the nickel and the strengthening effect of the Mg2Ni
mechanisms responsible for such behaviours. intermetallics, coupled with effective matrix to
reinforcement load transfer. The study also stated
that the observed improvement in mechanical prop-
2.2. Magnesium base metal matrix composites
erties with the use of nickel was much higher than
The quest for lighter structural materials for several the improvement recorded in AZ91 Mg alloy rein-
technological applications has drawn attention to forced with SiC of higher volume per cent of the
magnesium alloys in recent times (Rashad, Pan, Asif, reinforcement.
She, & Ullah, 2015). Magnesium alloys are known to
have good castability, good machinability, high Copper reinforcements. Hassan and Gupta
damping capacity, high dimensional stability, good (2003) also carried out a comparative study on cop-
recyclability and good biocompatibility (Alaneme & per and copper particle reinforced Mg composites
Okotete, 2017). In addition to the well-known poor processed by disintegrated melt deposition and hot
formability limitation of Mg alloys, they also have extrusion. The microstructural analysis revealed
low absolute strength, especially at elevated temper- evenly dispersed Cu and Mg–Cu-based intermetallic
atures, and are therefore limited to applications up particulates in the Mg matrix, and good Mg matrix/
to 120  C (Ye & Liu, 2004). Magnesium composites particulate interface integrity. The porosity levels
were developed to increase the absolute strength of observed in the composites were low (0.009% for
Mg-based materials at high temperatures. Xiuqing Mg-18Cu), an indication of the reliability of the proc-
et al. (2005) reported that the success achieved with essing methods utilized in the study. The results
the use of SiC particles to improve the specific revealed that the increased amount of elemental Cu
strength and stiffness at room and elevated temper- and the intermetallic (Mg2Cu), led to improved hard-
atures and creep resistance of Mg-based alloys was ness, stiffness and UTS. Improvement in 0.2% yield
limited by agglomeration of reinforcement particles strength of Mg was consistent for Cu additions up to
and an unclean reinforcement/matrix interface.
18.0 wt.%. The Mg matrix ductility was found to
Research is therefore ongoing to ascertain the suit-
decrease with increase of Cu particulates from 10 to
ability of other reinforcements for improved elevated
26 wt.%. The improvement in mechanical properties
temperature strength and ductility of Mg-
was ascribed to even dispersion of the reinforce-
based composites.
ments in the Mg matrix, high modulus of the rein-
forcing phase, good Mg matrix/Cu particulate
2.2.1. Metallic reinforcements
interfacial integrity and the formation of the Mg2Cu Nickel. Hassan and Gupta (2002b) con- intermetallic phase. The reduced ductility was attrib-
ducted a study on disintegrated melt deposition and uted to high amounts of brittle Mg2Cu intermetallics
hot extrusion processed Mg composite reinforced at the particle–matrix interface and at the core of
with elemental nickel particles. The analysis of the the matrix.
microstructure of the produced Mg-based composite Ho et al. (2004) studied the mechanical behaviour
showed that there was uniform dispersion of nickel of disintegrated melt deposition and hot extrusion
particulates in the Mg matrix, minimal porosity in processed AZ91 Mg alloy reinforced with fine copper
the composites, and good integrity between matrix/ particulates. A near even dispersion of the copper
nickel particulates and matrix/Mg-Ni intermetallic particulates and other second phases was observed
interfaces. Investigation of the properties of the Mg- in the microstructure of the composite. Other obser-
based composite showed that dimensional stability vations in the composites’ microstructure include
was achieved in pure Mg when nickel particulates good integrity in the Cu–Mg interface, good
were added. Furthermore, the results from intermetallics–Mg alloy interface integrity and
Table 1. Summary of the mechanical response of Al matrix composites developed with metallic-based reinforcements.
Tensile Compressive
UTS Elongation UCS Elongation
Matrix þ reinforcement Processing technique Yield strength (MPa) (MPa) (%) Yield strength (MPa) (MPa) (%) Strengthening/toughening mechanisms
Al þ Fe (Fathy et al., 2015) Powder metallurgy 550 65 Dispersion
Al þ Ni 10% Stir casting 1295 Interaction between matrix and reinforcement
40% (Pal et al., 2015) 918
Al þ Ni (Yadav & Bauri, 2010) Friction stir processing 123 25 Grain boundary/ductile nature of reinforcement
Al þ Cu 4% Die casting 121.45 10.26 Solid solution, presence of intermetallics
6% 129 14.56
8% 131 .37 6.02
10% (Kumar & Devi, 2014) 86.57 4.86
Al þ steel chips 5% Powder metallurgy 176 25 Interfacial bonding/plastic strain capacity
7.5% 220 20 of reinforcement
10% (Emara, 2017) 260 17
Al þ steel chips 4% Double stir casting 125 ± 5 14 ± 5 Grain refinement, interface bonding /intrinsic
6% 138 ± 5 13.6 ± 5 toughening of reinforcement
8% (Alaneme et al., 2018) 150 ± 5 13 ± 5
Al þ Mo 6% Friction stir processing 259 ± 2 15 ± 2 Good interface bonding, grain refinement/
12% 278 ± 2 9±2 plastic flow and thermal conductivity of
18% (Selvakumar et al., 2017) 303 7±2 reinforcement
Al þ Ti (Huang et al., 2018) Multi-pass submerged 246 432 23.2 Grain refinement, grain boundary/absence
friction stir processing of intermetallics, plastic deformability
of reinforcement
Al þ V 12% (Abraham et al., 2019) Friction stir processing 268 20 Grain refinement, effective load transfer,
presence of strong interfaces, consistent
dispersion/ductility and thermal
conductivity of reinforcement
Al þ Zr57Ti8Nb2.5Cu13.9-Ni11.1Al7.5 40% Powder metallurgy 200 30 Load transfer by shear
60% (Scudino et al., 2009) 250 10
Al þ [(Fe1/2Co1/2)75B20Si5]96Nb4 Powder metallurgy 570 600 12 Higher mechanical strength of reinforcement
(Aljerf et al., 2012)
Al þ Mg65Cu20Zn5Y10 10% Uniaxial hot pressing 203 247  25 Indirect strengthening by
30% (Wang et al., 2014) 221 323 5.8 increased dislocation density
Al þ Fe-based metallic glass Powder metallurgy 403 660 12 Grain refinement, uniform distribution
(Zheng et al., 2014) of reinforcement

minimal porosity. The results from mechanical test- Mg matrix and strong Mg matrix/Ti particulate inter-
ing showed that the copper particles increased the face integrity. Microstructural analysis also showed
elastic modulus, 0.2% offset yield strength and UTS minimal presence of porosity in the produced com-
of the AZ91Mg matrix composite. However, the com- posites. Only marginal change in dimensional stabil-
posite ductility was marginally lower compared with ity was observed in the Mg-Ti composite compared
the value for AZ91Mg matrix. The increase in with unreinforced Mg; the reason for this marginal
strength in the composite was attributed to the increase was not, however, discussed in the study.
homogeneous dispersion of elemental copper par- Significant increases in 0.2% yield strength and duc-
ticles in the AZ91 Mg matrix, strong secondary tility were also hallmarks of the composite, but the
phases in the AZ91 Mg matrix and the effective load UTS decreased slightly. The increase in yield strength
transfer between the AZ91 Mg matrix and the was attributed to Mg and Ti thermal expansion coef-
reinforcement/second phases. The ductility reduction ficient mismatch-enabled matrix dislocation strength-
of the composite was ascribed to the intrinsically ening and the strong Mg matrix/Ti particle interface.
brittle intermetallic phases in the matrix which serve The decrease in UTS was attributed to the onset of
as sites for crack nucleation. localized damage as the applied stress increased
Wong and Gupta (2007) developed Mg/Cu nano- beyond the yield point. The improved ductility of
composites using microwave assisted rapid sintering the Mg composite reinforced with titanium is note-
and hot extrusion processing. The microstructure of worthy since there are few records of improved duc-
the synthesized Mg-based composite showed low tility with the use of metallic reinforcements over
porosity and the existence of an unbroken network the unreinforced Mg. The increase in ductility of the
of nano-size Cu and intermetallic (Mg2Cu) phases composite over the unreinforced magnesium was
contiguous to the grain boundaries. The presence of attributed to Ti diffusional dissolution facilitated Mg
the nano-size Cu particulates marginally improved matrix softening.
the CTE value of the magnesium matrix. Xi et al. (2005) developed MB15 magnesium
Improvement in mechanical properties (hardness, matrix composite reinforced with Ti–6Al–4V particle
elastic modulus, 0.2% yield strength, UTS and work (TCp) using the powder metallurgy route. A silicon
to fracture of the matrix) was also observed in the carbide reinforced MB15 Mg composite was also pro-
Mg/Cu nanocomposites. The increased hardness of duced and used as a basis of comparison for the
the Mg/Cu nanocomposites was linked to the harder results obtained for the TCp reinforced Mg-based
Cu nanopowders and intermetallics formed in the composite. An even dispersion of TCp, good MB
composite and the constraint posed by the particles 15 Mg matrix/TCp interface bonding and a finer grain
to localized deformation. The increase in tensile size compared with the unreinforced MB15 were
properties was attributed to work hardening due to achieved in the MB15 Mg composite. The study,
Mg matrix/Cu nanopowder strain misfit, thermal however, did not give details of the microstructural
expansion coefficient mismatch-enabled internal features of the composite reinforced with SiC par-
stresses, Orowan strengthening, grain size reduction ticles. Studies of the mechanical properties revealed
and effective Mg matrix to nano-Cu/Mg2Cu load the UTS, 0.2% yield strength and elastic modulus of
transfer. The study also established that a 0.6% vol- MB15 were evidently improved by the addition of
ume percentage of Cu nanopowder was the opti- TCp, while the ductility slightly decreased. The
mum required for improved tensile properties, as results indicated that TCp has a good strengthening
higher volume percentage (1.0%) of Cu nanopowder effect on the MB15 matrix and was better than SiC
led to a decline in the tensile properties of the com- particles on the same matrix. Table 2 shows the ten-
posites. A slight decrease in ductility (from 6.1 to sile properties of the unreinforced Mg-based alloy,
5.9%) was also observed between pure Mg and TCp reinforced Mg composite and SiC reinforced
0.3 wt.% Cu reinforced Mg. The decrease was, how- Mg-based composite. It is observed from the table
ever, more pronounced with increased reinforcement that the UTS values of the TCp/MB15 and SiCp/MB15
additions (0.6Cu and 1.0Cu). composite were within the same range, however the
TCp/MB15 composite had slight reductions in ductil- Titanium-based reinforcements. Hassan ity compared with the composite reinforced with SiC
and Gupta (2002a) carried out a different study on particles. The authors attributed increase in UTS and
titanium particulate reinforced magnesium compo- 0.2% yield strength of TCp/MB15 composite to hin-
sites developed by disintegrated melt deposition drance to dislocation motion by the evenly distrib-
and hot extrusion processing. The efficiency of the uted TCp, effective load transfer from the MB15
processing technique for Mg-based composite rein- matrix to TCp and MB15 matrix grain refinement
forced with titanium particulates was evident in the strengthening. The defects generated in the MB15
uniform distribution of titanium particulates in the matrix and TCp during the processing were

Table 2. Tensile properties of the MB15 alloy and composites.

Materials State UTS (MPa) 0.2% Yield strength (MPa) Elongation to fracture (%) Young’s modulus (GPa)
MB15 alloy Extruded 283 202 8.9 45.5
Aged 315 229 8.5 46.2
TCp/MB15 alloy Extruded 352 278 6.0 51.6
Aged 386 295 5.6 52.8
SiCp/MB15 alloy 355 302 3.2 57.0
Source: adapted from Xi et al. (2005).

Table 3. Room temperature tensile test results for Mg alloys and ZK51 reinforced composite.
0.2% Yield Elongation to Young’s Linear work
Materials UTS (MPA) strength (MPa) fracture (%) modulus (GPa) hardenening rate
ZK51 alloy 315 229 8.5 46.2 10.4
SiCp/ZK51 355 302 3.2 57.0 17.7
TAp/ZK51 386 295 5.6 52.8 16.9
Source: adapted from Xi et al. (2006).

considered responsible for decreased ductility in the Mg and Ti particle wetting, which facilitates continu-
MB15/TCp composite. ous interface bonding and strength, inevitably pro-
Xi et al. (2006) studied the performance of pow- viding effective load transfer and Orowan
der metallurgy processed ZK51 magnesium matrix strengthening. Figure 4(a) shows the stress–strain
composite reinforced with Ti–6Al–4V particulates curve of the Mg-based composites developed using
(TAp). The microstructure of the composite showed elemental mixtures of pure Mg and pure Ti, while
uniform dispersion of the TAp, good interfacial Figure 4(b) shows the stress–strain curve of atomized
bonding between the TAp and the ZK51 matrix and pure Mg powder and Mg-Ti. The effect of atomiza-
negligible TAp clustering. Results from mechanical tion on the tensile properties of Mg-Ti composite is
testing showed that the UTS, 0.2% yield strength, observed in the figures. Figure 4(a) shows only mar-
Young’s modulus and linear work hardening mark- ginal improvements in mechanical properties
edly increased with the addition of TAp reinforce- between the unreinforced Mg and the composite,
ment to the matrix. However, the elongation to while obvious differences are observed in
fracture decreased slightly in the TAp/ZK51 compos- Figure 4(b).
ite (from 8.5 to 5.6%). The study also evaluated these Meenashisundaram and Gupta (2014) carried out
properties for the same alloy reinforced with a SiC an investigation to improve the mechanical proper-
reinforcement. Table 3, which presents a summary of ties of disintegrated melt deposition synthesized and
the results of room temperature tensile tests of the hot deformation processed pure magnesium rein-
materials studied, showed that the UTS and elong- forced with 0.58, 0.97 and 1.98 vol.% nano-Ti particu-
ation to fracture were higher for the TAp reinforced lates. The microstructures of the composites revealed
composite compared with SiCp reinforced compo- fairly homogeneous dispersion of Ti nanoparticu-
sites. Also noteworthy is the minimal ductility loss lates, low porosity, and good Mg matrix and Ti nano-
when comparing the reinforced composites with the particulate interface integrity. The addition of
unreinforced alloy. The increase in work hardening different volume per cent of Ti nanoparticulates to
rate of the TAp/ZK51 composite was linked to factors Mg matrix decreases the CTE of the Mg matrix,
such as: grain refinement; restriction of dislocation which marginally improved the dimensional stability
motion by TAp and interfaces; and the effective load of pure magnesium. Furthermore, there was signifi-
transfer from ZK51 matrix to the TAp. The higher cant grain refinement and hardness improvement in
UTS of TAp/ZK51 composite was mainly ascribed to the Ti nanoparticulate reinforced Mg composites
higher linear work hardening. studied. Also, the 0.2% yield strength and UTS of the
Umeda et al. (2010) studied the microstructure Mg composites improved with the addition of Ti
and mechanical properties of powder consolidated nanoparticulates as reinforcements. The study
and solid-state sintered Ti particulate reinforced Mg showed that the addition of 1.98 vol.% Ti nanoparti-
composites. The compression strength of the Ti par- culates to pure Mg improved the 0.2% yield strength
ticle reinforced Mg composites increased slightly by 112% and the UTS by 80%, with a decrease in
with an increase in Ti mass per cent but the tensile ductility of 49%, which was still comparable to
strength did not improve because of the weak Ti/ results obtained for other Mg-Ti composite systems
a-Mg matrix interface bonding. The use of atomized reported in the literature. Table 4 gives a comparison
Mg powder and Ti particles for the composite devel- of the mechanical properties of Mg alloys and Mg-
opment, however, yielded improved tensile strength based composites developed using different process-
and elongation. This was linked to improved molten ing routes. It is observed that processing route

Figure 4. (a) Stress–strain curves in compression test at room temperature of hot extruded Mg composite materials reinforced
with Ti particles by using elemental mixture powders. Ti content: 0, 3 and 5 mass%. Source: after Umeda et al. (2010), with
permission from Elsevier. (b) Stress–strain curves in tensile test at room temperature of hot extruded pure Mg and
Mg–3 mass% Ti composites via a water atomization process, compared with extruded pure Mg using cast ingot. Source: after
Umeda et al. (2010), with permission from Elsevier.

Table 4. Tensile properties of Mg, Mg alloys and Mg-based composites.

Size of Ti
Material Processing routes particulates 0.2 Yield strength (MPa) UTS (MPa) Ductility (%)
Pure Mg Disintegrated melt deposition 73.5 ± 5.4 130.3 ± 4.4 13.82 ± 1.42
Mg-0.58Ti Disintegrated melt deposition 30–50 nm 134 ± 7 190 ± 7 6.3 ± 0.6
Mg-0.97Ti Disintegrated melt deposition 30–50 nm 135 ± 3 197 ± 8 8.3 ± 0.6
Mg-1.98Ti Disintegrated melt deposition 30–50 nm 162 ± 5 231 ± 12 7.7 ± 0.1

Pure Mg Disintegrated melt deposition 100 ± 4 258 ± 16 7.7 ± 1.2

Mg-2.2Ti Disintegrated melt deposition 19 ± 10 mm 163 ± 12 248 ± 9 11.1 ± 1.4
Mg-4Ti Disintegrated melt deposition 19 ± 10 mm 154 ± 10 239 ± 5 9.5 ± 0.3

Mg-10Ti Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion ˂150 mm 160 8

Pure Mg Powder metallurgy 182 223 14.3

Mg-1 wt.%Ti Powder metallurgy 29.8 mm 180 221 16.1
Mg-3 wt.%Ti Powder metallurgy 29.8 mm 184 224 14.9
Mg-5 wt.%Ti Powder metallurgy 29.8 mm 179 218 15.5
Pure Mg Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion 155 221 9.4
Mg-3 wt.%Ti Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion 29.8 mm 192 251 8.9

Pure Mg Disintegrated melt deposition 125 ± 9 169 ± 11 6.2 ± 0.7

Mg-2.2Ti Disintegrated melt deposition ˂140 mm 158 ± 6 226 ± 6 8.0 ± 1.5

Pure Mg Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion 136 ± 8 170 ± 7 6.1 ± 1.0
Mg-2.2Ti Powder Metallurgy followed by hot extrusion ˂140 mm 151 ± 4 190 ± 4 4.2 ± 0.6
Pure Mg Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion 131 ± 5 163 ± 4 3.2 ± 2.5
Mg-10 wt.%Ti Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion 10-25 mm 141 ± 4 212 ± 5.1 11 ± 3
Mg-10 wt.%Ti-0.18GNPs Powder metallurgy followed by hot extrusion 10-25 mm 160 ± 5.3 230 ± 3 14 ± 3.4
AZ63 As sand cast 75 180 4
AZ81 As sand cast 80 140 3
AZ91 As sand cast 95 135 2
AZ31 Wrought followed by extrusion 130 230 4
AZ61 Wrought followed by extrusion 180 260 7
ZK61 Wrought followed by extrusion 210 285 6
Source: adapted from Meenashisundaram and Gupta (2014).

affects the tensile properties of Mg-based composite, nanoparticulates as reinforcement; (iii) Ti particle
and ductility increases have been recorded with the constrained dislocation movement; (iv) finer matrix
use of Ti as reinforcement to Mg matrices. The grain size; (v) absence of Mg-based intermetallics;
improvement in the strength of Mg-Ti nanocompo- (vi) good Mg and Ti structural compatibility (both
site when compared with pure Mg was postulated hexagonal close packed (HCP) structures); (vii) good
to be probably due to: (i) an increase in the disloca- Mg and Ti wettability; and (viii) high elastic modulus
tion density as a result of thermal expansion coeffi- and yield strength of well-bonded and strong Ti
cient mismatch between Mg and Ti; (ii) the existence nanoparticulates compared with magnesium. The
of uniformly distributed high hardness Ti test of the compressive properties of the Mg-Ti

nanocomposites produced at room temperature was observed in the composite’s microstructure.

revealed that 0.97Ti additions increased the 0.2% Also, it was observed that densification of the com-
compressive yield strength of Mg by59% and posite was successful, confirmed by the absence of
0.58Ti additions increased the ultimate compressive porosities and interface reaction products. Uniaxial
strength of Mg by 34% with a slight decrease in compression tests showed that the hardness, yield
the ductility. strength and fracture strength of the composite rein-
Rashad et al. (2015) studied the mechanical and forced with metallic glass particles were higher com-
work hardening behaviour of semi-powder metal- pared with the unreinforced alloy (the high fracture
lurgy and hot extrusion processed Mg-based compo- strength reflects improved toughness of the compos-
sites reinforced with 10%Ti and 10%Ti–1%Al ite). Also, there was no significant loss in ductility in
particulates. The microstructural characterization the metallic glass reinforced Mg composites.
revealed that Ti and Al micrometre-sized particulates Sankaranarayanan et al. (2015) embarked on a
refined the grain structure of the composites in com- study to assess the structural and mechanical prop-
parison with pure Mg matrix. Also, the reinforce- erties of microwave sintered and hot extrusion proc-
ments (Ti and Al) were evenly dispersed in the essed Mg composites reinforced with Ni50Ti50
matrix, and this was associated with the composites’ metallic glass particles. It was observed that Ni50Ti50
processing method. The Mg-10Ti and Mg-10Ti-1Al metallic glass particles were fairly well dispersed in
composites exhibited generally improved mechanical the Mg matrix, which appeared relatively finer than
strength and ductility compared with monolithic Mg. the unreinforced Mg. This was attributed to the ten-
The improved ductility of Mg-10Ti-1Al composite dency of Ni50Ti50 metallic glass particles to act as
was attributed to the combined addition of Ti and preferential sites and facilitate grain nucleation
Al particulates and the absence of intermetallic
within the parent matrix during hot extrusion. The
phases in the composites. The authors ascribed the
microhardness measurements indicated that the
increase in strength of the composites to the
Ni50-Ti50 metallic glass particles improved the pure
Hall–Petch effect due to refined grains, difference in
Mg hardness, which was attributed to the matrix
CTE between reinforcement and matrix, and elastic
work hardening facilitated by the hard (860 Hv)
modulus and hardness differences between Mg
Ni50Ti50 particles. The compressive strength of the
matrix and Ti particulate.
Mg/Ni50Ti50 composite was significantly enhanced
The studied works have somewhat justified the
with little consequence on the compressive ductility.
use of metallic reinforcements in Mg-based compo-
There was also enhanced tensile strength of the Mg/
sites. The metallic reinforcements caused either a
Ni50Ti50 composites due to effective Mg matrix-to-
slight reduction or an improvement in the ductility
Ni50Ti50 particle load transfer. The composites’ ten-
of Mg composites. For metallic glasses, Ni and Cu
reinforced Mg composites the ductility reduced sile ductility reduced with increasing Ni50Ti50 par-
slightly, and the reduction depended on the concen- ticles; though the values are comparable to that of
tration of the reinforcements present. Ti reinforce- many Mg MMCs. Summarily, the strength improve-
ments had a different reinforcing effect on Mg and ment in the composite was attributed to the follow-
Mg alloy matrices. The ductility of Mg-based com- ing: load bearing capacity of Ni50Ti50 particles;
posite reinforced with Ti and Ti-based alloys thermal mismatch strain facilitated dislocation
increased compared with other metallic and ceramic strengthening; and grain size strengthening.
reinforcement types. Other studies have also been
carried out on other possible reinforcement alterna- 2.2.3. Summary
tives for Mg and its alloys. Recent trends in the area of Mg composites have
revealed that metallic reinforcements enhance the
2.2.2. Metallic glass reinforcement strength of Mg-based composites, however the duc-
We have previously discussed the properties of tility was not improved in the presence of most of
metallic glasses which make them suitable reinforce- these reinforcements. Exceptions were reported with
ments for metal matrices. The following are reports the use of Ti as reinforcement, as appreciable
on the use of metallic glass reinforcement for Mg increase in ductility was observed in all the studies
and Mg alloy matrices. reviewed. Metallic glasses were also presented as
Dudina et al. (2009) developed a novel suitable reinforcements for Mg matrices, and their
Mg91.4Al8.1Zn0.4Mn0.1 alloy matrix composite rein- additions moderately improved ductility in Mg and
forced with 15 vol.% Vitraloy6 (Zr57Nb5Cu15.4 Mg alloy matrices. A summary of the mechanical
Ni12.6Al10) metallic glass particles using induction properties of Mg systems discussed in this section
heating and low-pressure sintering. A relatively even and the associated mechanisms for the respective
dispersion of the metallic glass particles in the matrix observations is presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Summary of the mechanical response of Mg matrix composites developed with metallic-based reinforcements.

Tensile Compressive
Matrix þ reinforcement Processing technique Yield strength (MPa) UTS (MPa) Elongation (%) Yield strength (MPa) UCS (MPa) Elongation (%) Strengthening/toughening mechanisms
Mg þ Ni 7.3% Disintegrated melt deposition 337 ± 15 370 ± 14 4.8 ± 1.4 Uniform distribution of reinforcements,
14% technique coupled with 420 ± 27 460 ± 4 1.4 ± 0.1 presence of intermetallics
24% (Hassan & Gupta, 2002b) hot extrusion 313 ± 29 0.7 ± 0.1
Mg þ Cu 10% Disintegrated melt deposition 281 ± 13 355 ± 15 2.5 ± 0.2 Effective load transfer, presence
18% technique coupled with 355 ± 11 386 ± 3 1.5 ± 0.3 of intermetallics
26% (Hassan & Gupta, 2003) hot extrusion 433 ± 27 1.0 ± 0.1
Mg þ Cu 3.59% (Ho et al., 2004) Disintegrated melt deposition 299 ± 5 382 ± 6 6±1 Presence of secondary phases

technique coupled with

hot extrusion
Mg þ Cu 0.3% Microwave assisted rapid sintering 188 ± 13 218 ± 11 5.9 ± 1.1 Work hardening, thermal mismatch,
0.6% and hot extrusion processing 237 ± 24 286 ± 8 5.4 ± 1.2 Orowan strengthening, effective load transfer
1.0% (Wong & Gupta, 2007) 194 ± 17 221 ± 17 2.9 ± 0.4
Mg þ Ti 5.6% Disintegrated melt deposition 163 ± 12 248 ± 9 11.1 ± 1.4 Dislocation strengthening/Ti
9.6% (Hassan & Gupta, 2003) technique coupled with 154 ± 10 239 ± 5 9.5 ± 0.3 diffusional dissolution
hot extrusion
Mg þ Ti–6Al–4V 10% (Xi et al., 2005) Powder metallurgy 278 352 6.0 Effective load transfer, grain refinement
Mg þ Ti–6Al–4V 10% (Xi et al., 2006) Powder metallurgy 295 386 5.6 Work hardening
Mg þ Ti 1% Powder metallurgy 180 (þ6, 4) 221 (þ7, 9) 16.1 (þ1.5, 1.2) Orowan strengthening, effective load transfer
3% 184 (þ5, 8) 224 (þ9, –4) 14.9 (þ1.1, 1.0)
5% (Umeda et al., 2010) 179 (þ6, 3) 218 (þ6, 6) 15.5 (þ1.4, 2.0)
Mg þ Ti 0.58% Disintegrated melt deposition 134 ± 7 190 ± 7 6.3 ± 0.6 129 ± 2 431 ± 8 17.4 ± 0.3 Dislocation strengthening, grain refinement,
0.97% technique coupled with 135 ± 3 197 ± 8 8.3 ± 0.6 130 ± 8 413 ± 15 18.5 ± 0.6 load bearing capacity of reinforcement
1.98% (Meenashisundaram & hot deformation 162 ± 5 231 ± 12 7.7 ± 0.1 120 ± 5 415 ± 4 17.7 ± 0.8
Gupta, 2014)
Mg þ Ti 10% Semi powder metallurgy 147 212 11.1 CTE and elastic modulus mismatch, Orowan
strengthening, load transfer mechanism
Mg þ Ti-Al 10% 163 238 21.2 Synergistic effect of two ductile
(Rashad et al., 2015) reinforcements (Ti and Al)
Mg þ metallic glass Induction heating and 325 542 10.5
(Dudina et al., 2009) low-pressure sintering
Mg þ Ni50Ti50 3% Microwave sintering and 94 ± 5 144 ± 6 8.8 ± 1.7 67 ± 9 291 ± 12 15.9 ± 0.7 Dislocation strengthening, grain
Mg þ Ni50Ti50 6% hot extrusion 127 ± 4 183 ± 6 6.5 ± 0.9 89 ± 3 368 ± 8 15.1 ± 1.5 size strengthening
Mg þ Ni50Ti50 10% 148 ± 7 178 ± 9 2.0 ± 1.3 102 ± 4 417 ± 6 14.9 ± 2.0
(Sankaranarayanan et al., 2015)

2.3. Copper base MMCs

Copper matrix composites are primarily developed
using ceramic-based reinforcements (Sagar, Samir, &
Amit, 2013; Sathiskumar, Murugan, Dinaharan, &
Vijay, 2014), with selection largely influenced by their
material properties, availability and cost consider-
ation (Li et al., 2019; Salvo, Mangalaraja,
Udayabashkar, Lopez, & Aguilar, 2019). However, Cu
has been observed to exhibit very poor wetting for
ceramic materials, which often results in poor inter- Figure 5. Compressive stress strain–curves corresponding to
composite specimen with different volume fraction of Ta
face bonding and adversely affects mechanical prop-
particles (large irregularly shaped). Source: adapted from
erties of Cu matrix composites (Kumari, Kumar, Cardinal et al. (2019), with permission from Elsevier.
Sengupta, Dutta, & Mathur, 2014; Li, Zhang, Zhang,
Che, & Wang, 2015). Hence, there have been efforts showed that the hardness decreases with increased
to address this limitation in Cu-based composites. addition of Ta particles (irrespective of particle size
Part of the strategies explored is the use of metallic or geometry) while yield strength decreased as vol-
and intermetallic additions to reinforce Cu matrices. ume fraction of Ta particles exceeded 20%. As
There are, however, few studies which have ventured expected, increased plasticity accompanied decrease
into the use of metallic and intermetallic additions
in yield strength, and the highest elongations were
for the purpose of reinforcing Cu matrices.
recorded for 50% volume fraction of Ta particles.
Unfortunately, plastic deformation in composites
2.3.1. Metallic reinforcement
with high volume fractions of the reinforcement
Alaneme and Odoni (2016) compared the mechan- immediately followed with significant damage due
ical behaviour of stir cast copper matrix composites to the heterogeneous distribution of particles in
reinforced with 5, 7.5 and 10 wt.% SMC with that these composites. Hence the authors established
reinforced with 10 wt.% alumina (Al2O3). The study from their investigations that 30% volume fraction of
showed that the hardness of the SMC reinforced Cu Ta particulate was optimal for a good combination
matrix composites was higher than that reinforced of hardness and plasticity in Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic
with 10 wt.% Al2O3. There was also improved UTS, glass matrix. Figure 5 displays the extent of plastic
per cent elongation and tensile toughness achieved deformation in Cu-based matrix reinforced with
with the use of 5 wt.% SMC as reinforcement in the Ta particles.
Cu-based composite compared with the use of
10 wt.% Al2O3. The improved strength was linked to 2.3.3. High entropy alloy reinforcement
the strong Cu/SMC interface which facilitates stress
redistribution from the Cu matrix to the stronger Chen et al. (2015) used an AlCoNiCrFe high entropy
SMC that served as reinforcement. Also, the alloy (HEA) synthesized by mechanical alloying as
improved ductility achieved was associated with reinforcement for a Cu matrix. The Cu matrix compo-
higher plastic strain sustaining capacity, which is sig- sites having 10 and 20 wt.% of the synthesized HEA
nificantly enhanced by the good Cu/SMC interface. were fabricated using powder metallurgy.
Microscopic analysis of the produced composites
2.3.2. Metallic glass reinforcement revealed that there were no pores or intermetallic
Cardinal et al. (2019) investigated the use of Ta par- phases present in the microstructures, signifying
ticles having two different geometries as adequate compact sintering and the absence of interfacial
reinforcement to improve the plasticity of Cu-Zr-Al reactions. Also, there was no grain growth during
bulk metallic glass matrix. Large irregular shaped Ta the fabrication of the composites, as revealed by an
particles and fine spherical shaped Ta particles were average grain size of 20 nm in the microstructures.
introduced into the matrix in volume fractions rang- The compression tests show that the AlCoNiCrFe
ing from 5 to 50% for different composite grades. reinforced Cu matrix composites had enhanced
The composite grades produced via spark plasma strength with increasing weight per cent of rein-
sintering consolidation were subsequently observed forcements, 160% increase for 10 wt.% and 220% for
through optical and scanning electron microscopy to 20 wt.% additions, respectively. The ductility, how-
be well densified. However, larger magnifications ever, decreased with this trend and the unreinforced
revealed heterogeneous distribution of Ta particles sample had the best ductility of all the samples
in composite grades with higher volume fraction of tested. The composite with 10 wt.% of AlCoNiCrFe
Ta particles. Mechanical testing of the composites had the best combination of strength and ductility

Table 6. Summary of the mechanical response of Cu matrix composites developed with metallic-based reinforcements.
Tensile Compressive
Processing UTS Elongation UCS Elongation Strengthening/
Matrix þ reinforcement technique Yield strength (MPa) (MPa) (%) Yield strength (MPa) (MPa) (%) toughening mechanisms
Cu þ steel chips 5% Double stir 235 ± 5.5 27 ± 0.8 Good interface bond/high
(Alaneme & casting plastic strain capacity
Odoni, 2016) of reinforcement
Cu þ Ta (Cardinal Spark plasma 800–1000 10 ± 3 /
et al., 2019) sintering
Cu þ AlCoNiCrFe 10% Powder 240
20% (Chen et al., 2015) metallurgy 330

since the ductility drop was not so significant com- with 5 wt.% Al2O3. It was observed that the hardness
pared with the unreinforced Cu. and UTS of the ZA27Al alloy reinforced with SMC
were higher than that reinforced with 5 wt.% Al2O3.
2.3.4. Summary The hardness was noted to increase with increase in
This section has shown that sparse literature exists SMC weight per cent while the reverse was recorded
on the use of metallic reinforcements for Cu matri- with respect to tensile strength behaviour. The
ces, making it difficult for definite conclusions to be reduction in strength with increase in SMC weight
drawn on the effect of metallic reinforcement on the per cent was held to be due to a higher tendency
mechanical performance of Cu-based composites. for chip agglomeration above 5 wt.% SMC, which
The studies reviewed show that metallic reinforce- results in reduced strength. The Zn27Al reinforced
ments offer good interface bonding with the Cu with 5 wt.% SMC also recorded the highest per cent
matrix, which for optimally selected reinforcement elongation and fracture toughness of all the com-
weight per cent results in good combination of posite compositions developed, the 5 wt.% Al2O3
strength and ductility in the composites. Further reinforced composition included. The improved frac-
research could still be carried out to assess the effect ture toughness and ductility observed in the Zn27Al
of other refractory metallic materials serving as rein- reinforced with 5 wt.% SMC compared with that rein-
forcements on the mechanical performance of Cu- forced with 5 wt.% Al2O3 is linked to the inherent
based MMCs. Table 6 presents at a glance the Cu- toughness and ductility of SMC coupled with the
based systems discussed. good Zn27Al matrix/SMC interface.
There have also been efforts to assess the mech-
anical properties and performance of Zn-based com-
2.4. Zn-Al-based base metal matrix composites posites with the use of metallic and ceramic
Zinc-based composites are a class of MMCs devel- reinforcements as hybrid reinforcement.
oped from Zn alloys, especially the ZA alloy series,
which have many industrial applications. These com- 2.4.2. Summary
posites were developed as alternatives to Zn alloys Available studies on the use of alternative reinforce-
in several engineering and commercial applications ments in ZA-based matrices are still in the early
where high temperature stability of material proper-
stages and thus few reports exist to make concrete
ties is required (Kumar, Sadashivappa, Prabhukumar,
conclusions on their effectiveness as reinforcements
& Basavarajappa, 2006). These applications often
in ZA-based composites. Table 7 shows a summary
require sliding wear resistance and dimensional sta-
of the properties presented in the discussed work.
bility, modest strength and toughness for effective
service performance. Thus, a suitable reinforcement
for Zn-based composites would be one which would 3. Summary and future scope
enhance the aforementioned properties. Ceramics This review has elucidated the role of metallic rein-
have been largely used to reinforce Zn-based com- forcements in the mechanical behaviour of different
posites, but the use of metallic and hybrid (metallic metal matrices with the focus on ductility and
and ceramic) reinforcements has been explored with toughness, which are quite low in ceramic reinforced
a view to achieving improved properties and MMCs. For Al matrices, it was observed that Fe, Ni,
performance. SMC, V, Ta and metallic glasses, which are chiefly uti-
lized as metallic reinforcement, result in generally
2.4.1. Metallic reinforcement
improved mechanical properties with ductility levels
Alaneme et al. (2016) compared the mechanical slightly superior to that of the ceramic reinforced
behaviour of stir cast Zn27Al composites reinforced AMCs but lower than that of the unreinforced
with 5, 7.5 and 10 wt.% SMC with that reinforced Al matrix.

Table 7. Summary of the mechanical response of Zn matrix composites developed with metallic-based reinforcements.
Tensile Compressive
Matrix þ Processing Strengthening/
reinforcement technique Yield strength (MPa) UTS (MPa) Elongation (%) Yield strength (MPa) UCS (MPa) Elongation (%) toughening mechanisms
Zn þ Steel Double stir 190 ± 5 6.5 ± 0.5 Good interface bond
chips 5% casting
7.5% 160 ± 3 5 ± 0.4
10% (Alaneme 145 ± 3 4.5 ± 0.4
et al., 2016)

The progress on the use of alternative reinforce- ORCID

ments for Mg and alloys is slightly different from Michael Oluwatosin Bodunrin
what has been obtained with Al composites. Metallic 0001-6736-4771
reinforcements such as Cu and Ni preserve consider-
ably the ductility (slight or minimal reduction) in Mg
composites, but this has been successful at lower
concentrations of these reinforcements. The most Abraham, S. J., Dinaharan, I., Selvam, J. D. R., & Akinlabi,
significant success recorded thus far in ductility E. T. (2019). Microstructural characterization of vanadium
particles reinforced AA6063 aluminum matrix compo-
improvement in MMCs using metallic reinforcements sites via friction stir processing with improved tensile
was obtained with the use of selected metallic strength and appreciable ductility. Composites
glasses and in Ti and Ti alloy reinforced Mg-based Communications, 12, 54–58.
composites. The other metallic matrices Cu and Zn- Alaneme, K. K., Bodunrin, M. O., & Awe, A. A. (2018).
Al which are of engineering importance discussed in Microstructure, Mechanical and Fracture Properties of
Groundnut Shell Ash - Silicon Carbide hybrid reinforced
this review at present have limited research on the with aluminium-based composites. King Saud University
use of metallic reinforcements for enhancement of Journal: Engineering Science, 30(1), 96–103.
ductility and toughness, thus it is difficult for far- Alaneme, K. K., Fajemisin, A. V., & Maledi, N. B. (2018).
reaching conclusions to be drawn based on the few Development of aluminium based composites reinforced
with steel and graphite particles. Structural, mechanical,
works available.
and wear characterization. Journal of Materials Research
There are few important observations worth docu- and Technology, 8(1), 670–682. doi:10.1016/j.jmrt.2018.
menting on the suitability or otherwise of metallics 04.019
as reinforcements in MMCs. Based on the results Alaneme, K. K., Ajibuwa, O. A., Kolawole, I. E., & Fajemisin,
from the several works discussed in this review, A. V. (2017). Mechanical corrosion and wear behaviour
metallic materials can be considered to be good of steel chips and graphite reinforced Zn-27al alloy
based composites. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 23(2),
technical substitutes for conventional ceramic rein- 171–181.
forcements in metal matrices. However, the compos- Alaneme, K. K., & Okotete, E. A. (2017). Enhancing plastic
ite processing technique is an important deformability of Mg and its alloys: A review of trad-
consideration which was overlooked by most investi- itional and nascent developments. Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, 5(4), 460–475.
gations reported. The composite development and
Alaneme, K. K., Adeoye, K. O., & Oke, S. R. (2016).
processing routes explored in most of the studies Mechanical and wear behaviour of steel chips reinforced
were powder metallurgy, extrusion and disintegrated Zn27Al composites. Leonardo Electronic Journal of
melt deposition, with very few adopting conven- Practices and Technologies, 29, 1–16.
tional liquid metallurgy techniques which are more Alaneme, K. K., & Odoni, B. U. (2016). Mechanical properties
wear and corrosion behavior of copper matrix compo-
versatile, cheaper and very amenable for the devel-
sites reinforced with steel machining chips. Engineering
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in MMCs. While their promise remains indisputable, Alaneme, K. K., Fatile, B. O., & Borode, J. O. (2014).
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