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It’s just a matter of time.

In any particular situation, what we do in that moment

decides what our future is going to be. Have patience my friend, this is all I
want to say.

Even if you have lost everything, there is one thing that is always going to stay
with you- Your name. Your identity.  Your individualism.  When it stays with
you till the last, how could you betray the only thing which you actually
possess? And trust me, nobody else could own this thing of yours. What you
have is always different. You can imagine of a puzzle. It’s just a matter of time
to get fit in the right side of the puzzle and complete it.

We have heard about the white light theory. It says that white colour is nothing
but a combination of seven different colours, in short called VIBGYOR- violet,
indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Seems strange right? All these
colours combine to form a colour which is colourless ??? 

See, life is very unpredictable. You never know what life is going to be on the
next moment. That is what everyone says. But the point is how many are able to
follow all these thoughts?

You have got very precious information, a secret about life. That it is very
unpredictable. And one more secret- What you do now, will later result you.
You give exam; you pass or fail on the basis of hard work. Yeah sometimes
luck favors but that’s not the point. Only few are there who tries their luck, rest
of us are hard workers, no?

People nowadays have to understand that life is not a machine, you press the
button of tea, and tea pours into your cup. It’s more of “You do now, you get
tomorrow”. Good or bad is in what you choose to do.

Just think in your mind about your future, your lifestyle. Feel good? Yes.
Because that is what your heart wants you to be. See just by only thinking you
feel the pleasure; just imagine how heavenly you will feel when you actually
achieve it. You just have to focus on it. And ride the journey to that direction. 

Remember the example above? About the white colour? Just imagine if any of
the seven colours didn’t exist, would light colour light would have been
possible? You can give a shot by trying to make the light without any one
colour. And voila! You’ll be the next great scientist. Until then, we can assume
that whatever colour or the nature of those seven different colours has, they are
equally important. 

Similarly, it is same about our lives too. There is so much population in the
entire world. Then what’s your worth? How we come to know our importance?
That we will leave for the god. Our work is to get fit in the right place of the
puzzle; we will not know our worth until the puzzle is not complete. Until the
white light is not there. 

All I want to say is, whether you get what you want in life, or do not succeed in
something, or any sort of problem you face, just remember do not give up. Just
do not give up. The worst thing one can lose is hope. Such great speakers have
said all these words, and these words are yet living. That means it is worth it.
Not only getting motivated, but taking it in our lifestyles too. 

If you are going through a bad phase or you are so stressed or depressed to the
extent that ever do you think about ending your life. Ask yourself one day. Only
for one day. But with a condition- If you get single happiness even for a fraction
of time, or a reason to live, you will give yourself yet another day. See ending
your life is totally different perspective but I would like to add one line that if
you have hundred reasons to die, life will give you thousands of reasons to stay.
May not be altogether, but only if you give life a chance you will definitely get
to know it. 

And rest all of us, spare some time from our busy lives to share happiness. We
never know what miracle it could create. As the saying says 'Give time some
time'. I say give yourself some time.

Your name, identity is what you have to keep till the end. You have to make
your name, your identity proud of being yours. It wouldn’t happen all of the
sudden. But I believe that it will happen. :-)

Do you believe?

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