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The beginning pate in the Chemistry Olympiad. summer holiday before the first idea came to our minds some-
When I was born, IChO had I have kept my solution till this university year, I left for Moscow time around IChO in Washington.
celebrated its tenth anniversary. very day; I was especially proud to take part in the following run The 50th year was approaching,
When I started going to school, I of the equation of thermal of IChO. And it was a success: so why not try to host it together,
liked numbers. Later, we started decomposition of potassium I won the silver medal! both in the Czech Republic and
to use letters in their place more permanganate. I think I ranked Slovakia? At the beginning, we
often and sometimes even the second in the regional round. By A friend discussed it only between the
weird, Greek, ones. Then wires the first day of high school, I’d During the following years, two of us. We revealed our idea
came into the mix, along with already been hooked. I wrote, reviewed, and tested to the others and they supported
everything else that spins, gives problems; I organized summer us: “Go for it!” they said. So we
warmth, or shines. We would Contact camps enthusiastically, pre- presented the idea officially in
talk about gases and liquids, but Another key moment occurred in pared our students and proudly Hanoi.
also planets and black holes. the first year of high school. My watched them return with
However, when I first heard classmate talked me into com- medals. I became the mentor Joy
about atoms and molecules in ing to the Chemistry Olympiad of the Czech team for the first Everything gained momentum
the seventh grade, it was love camp in Běstvina. I spent four- time 13 years ago at IChO in quickly. We had to find financ-
at first sight! Not only would we teen days among cabins, test Taipei. And I saw the back- ing, enthusiasts, and time. First
talk about molecules, but we tubes, and freaks like me. And ground of the whole event. How Baku, then a last-minute change
would also go to the lab. And I learned that the top students much effort, time, and money it from Karachi to Tbilisi, Bangkok,
that teacher’s office! A magical from the oldest age category required. Then, a fateful encoun- and now we’re here: Bratislava
scent of a mix of halogens and would participate in the Inter- ter occurred. A year later, in and—after fifty long years—back
organic substances, cases and national Chemistry Olympiad Gyeongsang, South Korea, I met to where it all began: Prague!
shelves with an infinite number in Perugia, Italy! I started to Martin from Slovakia. Enjoy it with us.
of flasks with mysterious names grow fond of it even more. Two
on them. years later, I ranked just below A dream Petr Holzhauser
The following year, my teacher the threshold of participation in Years and years went by and we President IChO 2018, Czech Republic
suggested that I should partici- IChO in Beijing, but during the would only meet at IChO. A crazy (On photo: Bottom row, 2nd from left)

Guides eagerly awaiting the arrival of your teams. Sign up

and get ready for the adventure!

Vienna International Airport, one of the gates to IChO 2018.

First teams are coming.

Welcome on board! We are delighted to meet you and ready to
answer all of your questions.

DAY No. 1


Off the plane and on the bus! Just a few more days until the moment Your new home for the next few days. Please make yourself comfort-
you have been preparing months for. able. Good night.

PAGE 2–3
Interview with President
IChO 2018, Slovakia,
Martin Putala

What is the difference between the Olym-
piad you attended as a student and the
recent Olympiads?
Attending IChO myself was an exciting
experience for me—I got to meet a lot of
like-minded people. Even though the times
have changed, the main idea remains.

Why is this year's IChO taking place in both

Slovakia and Czechia?
Since the very first IChO took place in
Czechoslovakia in 1968, the Czech Republic
and Slovakia decided to go back to where it
all began and banded together for organis-
ing the 50th anniversary of IChO in Prague
and Bratislava.

What are the advantages and disadvantag-

es of this collaboration?
By cooperating with Czechia, we have had
a great chance to distribute the workload
evenly and be way more efficient than we

would be by ourselves. Nevertheless, there
were some disadvantages. In particular, we Martin Putala, President IChO 2018 (left)
had to travel 250km between Prague and
Bratislava at least once a month.
the first idea came from Anton Sirota (a tion of laboratories and other unexpected
How many people are participating in former President of the Slovak Chemistry expenses increased the budget to two
organising IChO? Olympiad). The whole project took more million euros. Both countries agreed to
There are around 200 team members: 90 than two years of active preparation and contribute one-to-one.
guides, 60 lab assistants, and 20 authors hard work.
(10 from each organising country). What message would you like to share with
What are the costs of IChO 2018? the students?
Since when was the idea on the table? Originally it was estimated to cost around Follow your dreams, work on them, and
To be honest, I don't remember. However, 1.3 million euros. However, the reconstruc- never forget to have fun.


Artem Yanchak Solís-Vargas Anh Duc Pham
Ukraine Costa Rica Vietnam

How was your journey? How was your journey? How long have you been preparing for
We flew from Kiev and the flight was sup- First, we took a flight to Madrid that lasted IChO 2018?
posed to take about 2 hours. The flight was 10 hours. In Madrid we were waiting for We had intensive team preparation for the
amazing: no turbulence, no wind. 5 hours for the next three-hour flight to last 3 months.
Vienna. We arrived yesterday, so we had
How long have you been preparing for an opportunity to enjoy the city of Vienna. Do you have any experience or knowledge
IChO 2018? about the Czech Republic and Slovakia?
The issue is what we consider preparation How long have you been preparing for I admire local architecture (castles) and
for the Olympiad. If we consider prepara- IChO 2018? nature.
tion directly for the Olympiad, it's about We have been preparing for IChO 2018
one year, but generally it took a lot more. since January; however, we participated in What are you looking forward to? Any
other events, so in total it has been about message you would like to share?
Do you have any experience or knowledge 2 years. I hope it will be a really special event and
about the Czech Republic and Slovakia? I am looking forward to meeting local peo-
I have some memories of coming to Slova- Do you have any experience or knowledge ple. I know you are very kind and thus you
kia to ski in the High Tatras. But it was just about the Czech Republic and Slovakia? have a huge Vietnamese community.
a brief experience. I know Prague, it is an amazing city.


1 Illustrating here the Kaera-Jaan national dance. 1 Showing us their skills in a national dance called
2 Common stereotype: Very slow. National food: Sauer- Kara Jorgo.
kraut and potatoes. 2 We are hosting the World Nomad Games in September.


1 We are having fun :-). 1 Look at us! We are tough guys :-).
2 Three times as many bridges 2 We have the best taxi drivers.
in St. Petersburg as in Venice.

PAGE 4–5
1 It's not just a bird, it is Rafita. 1 Throwing tahya caps into the air. Tahya caps are a head
2 It may surprise you that we do not have an army decoration in traditional Turkmen dress.
in Costa Rica. 2 Gates of Hell: A natural gas field collapsed into an
underground cavern.

1 We asked teams to snap an original, fun photo and explain it.

2 We also asked: What's something about your country others

usually do not know?

1 Imitating their national hero, Ronaldo. 1 Pretending to be confused.
2 Our ancestors discovered India. 2 The Philippines has over
7,000 islands.


The Slovak Republic was established on 1st January 1993 by peaceful

dissolution of Czechoslovakia. It is a landlocked country located in the heart
of Europe. After joining the European Union, the country adopted the Euro
currency. Despite the small size of the country, it is rich in history, world
cultural and natural heritage, and living traditions.


GEOGRAPHIC MIDPOINT OF EUROPE UNIQUE NATURE has a unique story. Čachtice Castle is known
They don't say Slovakia is the heart of Slovakia can be characterized as a land of thanks to the “Blood Countess” Elizabeth
Europe just for nothing. Right next to the mountains and forests (41% of the country's Báthory, who allegedly killed more than 600
Church of St. John the Baptist near Krem- area is forests), which have served as iso- virgins and took baths in their blood to stay
nické Bane in central Slovakia, there is lating barriers against modernization and young forever. Among other known castles
a stone marking the geographic midpoint of centralization for centuries, thus helping to is Spiš Castle, the largest medieval castle
Europe. preserve regional traditions and identities. site in Central Europe. See pages 8 and 9
In addition, the mountains and forests for infographic on medieval castles.
1 are protected by nine national parks and
fourteen landscape parks. Among the best THE TALLEST ALTAR IN THE WORLD
known of them are High Tatras, Low Tatras, It took ten years of work and not a single
Malá Fatra, Veľká Fatra, Slovenský kras, and nail for Master Paul of Levoča to make the
Slovenský raj. gothic altar out of linden wood. You can find
it in the Basilica of St. James which is, need-
LINDEN TREE OF KING MATTHIAS less to say, in Levoča. It is 18.6 meters high.
The linden tree is the tree of Slavs. Linden
wood was said to have magical powers, RESERVATIONS OF FOLK ARCHITECTURE

used mainly against demons and vampires. (2) The picturesque village of Čičmany holds
The Linden Tree of King Matthias is one of the title of the first Reservation of Folk
the oldest linden trees in Slovakia and in Architecture in the world. It is known for
Europe. According to a legend, it was plant- its traditional wooden houses whose walls
ed by “Lord of Váh and Tatras” Matúš Čák of are hand-painted with white geometrical
Trenčín in c. 1301. In the fifteenth century, shapes.
this place was regularly visited by Hungar-
2 ian King Matthias, who organized meetings ROCK DWELLINGS
and dinner parties under this linden tree. In Would you think they still live in “caves” in
its best times, the tree measured 30 meters Slovakia? The village of Brhlovce is home to
in height, 12.5 meters in circumference, and unique houses carved into rock. The story
36 meters in the diameter of its crown. goes that the first such dwellings already
came into existence in the sixteenth century.
MORE THAN 1,600 MINERAL SPRINGS There was not enough money to build hous-
Slovakia has many sources of mineral water es, so they carved them into nearby rocks.
and as well as hot springs, which are mainly

used for therapeutic and recreational pur- FUJARA, MUSIC OF TERCHOVÁ,

poses in twenty-one spas. While they're con- BAGPIPE CULTURE
sidered a luxury in several countries, spas (3) What do the only musical instrument of
and water parks are easily accessible in its kind, world famous Slovak regional folk
Slovakia, thanks to their long tradition. Even music, and the tradition of playing bagpipes
Ludwig van Beethoven took to the waters in have in common? They’re all inscribed in
Piešťany in western Slovakia. UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.
MINES IN THE WORLD The Kremnica Mint was founded in 1328 and
Nowhere in the world has opal been mined has been producing the world's top minting
as long and in such an amount as in Slova- products ever since, for almost seven cen-
kia. The largest piece of opal named Harle- turies. Coins, or ducats, began to be minted
kýn comes from here. It weighs 607 grams here by coining 23-carat and 9-grain gold.
and is worth half a million dollars. These All Kremnica ducats can be distinguished
gems were also worn by Napoleon's family. by their high levels of gold stability and
fineness, which is why they were considered

CASTLE AND CHÂTEAUX SUPERPOWER to be the strongest currency of the medieval

(1) With 180 castles and 425 châteaux, Slo- Central Europe.
vakia is the world leader in number of cas- Julián Vrábel
tles and châteaux per capita. Each of them Henrieta Stankovičová

PAGE 6–7
The traditional basic components of the Slovak
diet are milk, potatoes, and cabbage.

© 123RF
Due to a common past, Slovak cuisine is clo- oversalted meat caused a cumulative thirst; However, hunger reached such dramat-
sely linked to Hungarian, Czech, and Austri- servants in the imperial court—in addition ic proportions that people were forced
an cuisine. Other factors have also affected to wine—received two liters of beer per to accept potatoes. Hunger was a more
it: Turkish ingredients and recipes; German, day. Moreover, beer was a Lenten drink convincing argument than the punishment
Italian, Bosnian, and Bulgarian cuisine; and and, unlike wine, could be consumed during of fourty blows of the cane for peasants who
the imperial court was well-known for its times of strict fasting. Eating habits began refused to plant potatoes. The consumption
Spanish etiquette and food. It is not possible to change over time; hard-working people, of potatoes, rice, pasta, and corn gradually
to circumvent Jewish cuisine or Polish Goral in particular, needed strength before going increased. Potatoes are now considered to
and Ruthenian influences. Of course, this to work. In our environment, both adults and be a Slovak ethno-identifying food.
statement has nothing to do with the food children consumed bread with warm beer
historically eaten by the poor, but can be in the morning. Beer was often flavoured, Since that time, the traditional basic compo-
applied to foods consumed by members of so beer soup appeared. Various pulps, thick nents of the Slovak diet are milk, potatoes,
the middle and upper classes. soups with vegetables, beans and broths and cabbage.
were added to bread and beer, which we
Our current Central European standard is would call a “snack soup” today. Milk is drunk fresh or sour, and all milk
expressed by our five meals a day: break- products such as whey, cottage cheese,
fast, lunch, dinner, with supper and snacks For dinner, women prepared hot dishes, bryndza (salted sheep curd), and sheep
between them. There is usually a hot drink especially legume porridge, milled cereals, cheese are very popular.
(tea, cocoa, coffee), yogurt, cereals, breads and various soups; the upper class also
and pastries with a garnish, or fruit cake ate roast or stewed meats with sauces, The most typical Slovak national meals
with butter, honey or jam at the beginning poultry, fish, game, cheeses, savoury and use bryndza as main ingredient: bryndzové
of the day. Hot cooked meals—soup, a main sweet puddings (flavoured with honey or halušky (dumplings made of potato dough
meal, and a dessert—are served for lunch fruit jams), vegetables, fruit—and bread, of mixed with a special kind of soft and salty
and dinner, which can also be warm, or course. sheep curd and with fried bacon chopped in
there can be some form of cold buffet. tiny pieces or chives) and bryndzové pirohy
From time immemorial, people have distin- (potato dough filled with bryndza). Among
Habits were once different, however. Five guished between two types of bread: dark the traditional domestic dishes are various
hundred years ago, people ate twice a day. and white. Wheat bread was light and rye meals prepared with potatoes. They are
The first meal of the day was consumed bread, or bread made from other cereals, mostly in the form of cooked or fried dough
before noon, and the second meal after was dark. Dark bread belonged to the peas- (zemiakové placky, lokše).
dark. The first meal used to be cold: people ants and the poor, while white bread was
ate bread, and only those who could afford consumed by the nobility. Bread was sold in A good Slovak dinner starts with a soup:
it. They also ate cheeses, sausages, meat the markets. Dark bread used to be stored kapustnica (made from cabbage, spring
from the previous day; vegetables, and in a dark mat on the ground; white bread mushrooms, smoked meat; some regions
seasonal fruit. Cold, boiled, or roasted meat and pastries were stacked on desks. even use potatoes, dried plums, or pasta),
was complemented with mustard, popular garlic soup (in some places, it is served in
grated horseradish with apples, and pick- At the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth a bread loaf), bean soup with a frankfurter,
les. Few could afford fresh meat. Meat was centuries, in the context of new growing or beef or chicken consommé.
kept fresh by smoking, salting, or drying, so crops, a big change occurred. The expansion
thirst was much stronger than today. It is of potato cultivation was promoted by Maria Domestic soft drinks such as Vinea (grape
said that beer is our bread, and back then, Theresa, but the nobility constantly bumped lemonade) and Kofola (cola-type drink), and
it truly was, because beer consumption into resistance. The reason was prosaic. a wide choice of fine quality mineral waters,
was perhaps up to ten times higher than People respected food closest to heaven now compete with international soft drink
today. There were several reasons for this: the most: fruits and birds. What was grown brands.
water quality was poor, causing disease; underground carried with it the scent of hell. Julián Vrábel, Henrieta Stankovičová


PAGE 8–9


For decades, chemists have been fascinated by carbon's ability to form chains
and create unique structures. This was proven again in 2016, when the Nobel
Prize for Chemistry was awarded for the design and synthesis of molecular
switches, pumps, and nanocars.
Let us have a look at a group of might feel ashamed that their
especially peculiar molecules: pride limps on one leg; howev-
porcanes. In this field, Czechs er, the theory with pentavalent
have played a crucial role. They carbon limps on both legs.
were the first to decode the The question of the absolute
messages of our ancestors configuration of norporcane
hidden in cave paintings and comes up immediately as an 1 2
written on country house walls imminent issue. Assuming that
and to bring porcanes into the the structure is able to move,
daylight. By doing this, they laid it is far more probable that the
the grounds of porcane chemis- actual structure of norporcane
try. Moreover, they co-founded is described by equilibrium (3).
the World Council of Porcane
Chemistry (WCPC). Aminoacid porcine (4) is also
worth noting. This non-coded
It is fair to admit that the struc- amino acid was given the abbre-
ture of porcane (1) is somewhat viation Por and it might be a val-
problematic. No doubt that the uable scaffold for the synthesis
weakest point in its structure is of series of synthetic peptides
the presence of a pentavalent with interesting properties. 4
carbon atom. Therefore, Trademarks “Fivebabypigs” for
throughout time, even the linear pentapeptide Por-Por-
strongest supporters came to Por-Por-Por and “Tentabypigs” and research will start as soon you can prepare your own por-
the conclusion that the proposed for decapeptide Por-Por-Por- as some grant agency is brave canes at home in the meantime.
structure of porcane is nonsense Por-Por-Por-Por-Por-Por-Por enough to fund it. While it may You simply need a sheet of
and that the published structure have been already registered. take a while for grant agencies paper and a set of pencils and
is actually norporcane (2). The All experiments have been to recognize the importance and crayons.
authors of the porcane structure carefully designed and planned, relevance of porcane research, Petra Ménová



Bratislava Tourist Board, Prague Convention Bureau, Dupont, ENAMINE Ltd., Muzeum Červený kameň, ČSOB, ChemPubSoc Europe, MARSH, Stará tržnica, Únětický pivovar,
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, Wiley-WCH, Zväz chemického a farmaceutického priemyslu SR, Bidfood Czech Republic, Johney Service, IUPAC,
Asoc. výrobcov nealkoholických nápojov a minerálných vôd na Slovensku.


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