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Nove : Good Morning Guys..

S,,G, : Good morning

Nove :: How are you today?

N,G : we are good

Gebby : do you know? I heard that our school is coming for new students

Sarah : really ?? what's the name?

Gebby : I heard his name was Linda, he was a diligent and smart (Parallel Structure)

Nove : when did he start school?

Gebby : whether or not

By the way I'm curious about this year who will take part in the English storytelling competition?

Sarah : I don't know, maybe even no one is willing

Nove : Why?

Gebby : because in the race we used to speak english in public (past custom)

Sarah : didn't you want to take part in the competition last year?

Gebby :: it's true, but I'm afraid

Nove :: why should you be afraid?

Gebby : I am not fluent in speaking English!

Nove : Neither do I (So,too,either,neither)

Randy : hi guys, what are you talking about ??

Sarah : Where are you from? You're left behind two important news

Randy :really what is that?

Sarah : the first is the arrival of new students

Gebby : and secondly, this year the school will hold a storytelling competition in English

Randy : then who will take part in the competition?

Nove : whether or not if you are willing we will choose you

Randy : I doubt

Gebby :: Why?

Randy : I'm a little forgetful when telling stories

Nove : we will study together and we will support you, be beside you no matter what happens

Randy :: Thankyu

Gebby : believe me if you study hard, you will be able to pass the race (Con.Sentence)

Randy :: Thankyou so much

All : YourWelcome

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