Appendix 7: 50 Spiritual and Material Distinctions: Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

Appendix 7: 50 Spiritual and Material Distinctions

This intuitive resource list examines the distinctions between the spiritual and material
planes. While we often think of spirituality and materiality as opposites, each describes a
part of the continuum of life and consciousness. One’s objective is not to judge these
distinctions as good and bad, but to identify with, synthesize, integrate, harmonize, be
with, or transcend them. Know that each of them is okay and that the higher is in the
lower and that the lower is part of the higher.

Which dualities resonate with you?

analytical intuitive
breadth depth
busy contemplative
concrete abstract
controlling allowing
desires, wants Soul needs
destination process
do be
emotional, mental intuitive
exclusive inclusive
external internal
fear courage
forgetting remembering
form spirit
hate love
individual community
judging accepting
lack abundance
learned unlearned
limited unlimited
loss of self self discovery
material spiritual
me humanity
mediocrity make a difference
mine God’s
objective subjective
particular universal
past, future now
personal impersonal
personality Soul
quantity quality
reactive proactive
restrictive expansive
scatter focus

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Higher Awareness Manifesting Abundance Workbook

self conscious other conscious

self will God’s will
self Soul
selfish altruistic
separated united
separation oneness, wholeness
space bound not bound by space
sporadic disciplined
stagnant growth
static dynamic
stress peace of mind
stuff in draw out
take give
taught caught
things essence & values
time no time
victim accountable
work service

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