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Tutorial headcount

17 Oktober 2010

Open the folder Kursus Headcount straits meridien

Open HC1 HC2

Click on the tab 'Maklumat sekolah' and fill the information required

This headcount's data in this file are made for the UPSR of 2011. therefore
the end year examination results of standard 5, 2010 are used for this
headcount. If we are doing it for standard 5 2011, then the end year
examination result of standard 4, 2010 will be used, and so forth.

Click on the tab 'Perbandingan Tahun'. Fill in:

1. The previous 3@4 years examination results (eg: UPSR, end year
examination) for your subject. for example Science.
2. Fill up the data for every particular year: fill in the number of pupils who
get A, B, C and D for your subject

Except the % values as it will be automatically written. The column 'semakan'

is for the teachers to check the numbers of the enrolment. It should be
tallied with the 'jumlah ambil'

3. Among the 3 years result, check for the best year by looking at the GPMP=
gred purata mata pelajaran of that year.

4. Fill up the 'tahun terbaik' column just below this greenish yellowish

Fill up the current year TOV column for the standard 5, 2010 with the end
year examination result from ur science subject. if u do not have the end year
result, u can fill in the mid-year result.
Click on the tab 'Markah'

Fill in the students' names and their score in the 'akhir tahun' column

Fill in the 'kelas' as well.

These data will be automatically linked to HC2

Click on the HC2 tab:

and check the data just to make sure there are no mistake.

Click on the HC1 tab

And fill in the ETR (kiraan) for 2011 only! The jumlah should follow the TOV of
3 things to bear in mind:
****there should be an increase in the number of students who get A and B
grade, but a lower number of students who get C and D. the number should
challenge the best year students who got A.

Do the same for B, C, D and E grade.

**** Check the peratus lulus, it should be higher than the best year (2009)

****lastly, check the GP..the 2011's GP should be LOWER than the best year

On the column Gred A, pay attention to the number of targeted A scorer (16)
for the ETR (kiraan).
Click on the tab 'HC2' and try find those 16 targeted by adding marks to
come to the desired gred.
The TOV gred should move up to a better one. Example: from 66 (B) to 86(A).
Potential students can be identified if u really know how the students perform
in ur class.

Do the rest for the other gred.

A= 16 students B= 15 students C= 6 students D= 1 student

The ETR (pindaan) data will be automatically written as u adjusting ur A, B, C

and D students. However, bear in mind that
The final GP should be same/lower ….than/with the GP ETR (kiraan) and must
be lower than the GP of best year (2009)

Sort the data by select starting from the first name of the pupil and all their
marks.. "Click Sort &Filter" and choose "Custom sort"
Change Sort by "Column B" and the names to become alphabetical order A-Z

HC1 and HC2 form is now DONE!

HC gabungan

Open empty HC Gabungan form:

Screen clipping taken: 29-Dec-10, 9:36 PM

Open one subject HC at one time to transfer the data:

Eg: Open HC for BM pemahaman subject:

Click on the tab

Put the cursor on top left of the data in HC2 (of HC BM pemahaman) to select

Right-click and (((copy))

click on the HC Gabungan form >> SCIENCE tab>>> put cursos on top left
as well to paste the data:

Right- click and select " Paste Special". Check for "Values and number
formats" as below:
Click "OK"

Data will be automatically combined in one large data spread. Click <<<<
HC3 >>>>> to check your work:

Do the same thing for other HC subjects (just for teras subjects only la)
Choose "Custom Sort" and customize the setting:

This is how it looks like once ur done:

HC Gabungan makes it easier for teachers to identify those potential As in

To check click on the Column N in HC Gabungan (HC3 tab)
Click on the small arrow on Column N:

Unselect all except " 5A0B0C0D0E" box

Click OK. Result is the potential straight As students as below:

To undo: click on the small aroow in Column N again and check ALL the

The headcount is made for standard 6, of 2011.

Among these years, the best year GP for science is 2.04 which is in 2009

Do not fill in the TOV and Gred column as once you type the data in, it will lose its
To recover the formula, simply click the above box and copy the formula. Then
paste it in the affected boxes.

Screen clipping taken: 17/10/2010; 16:44

The percentage of students who got an A should be more than the best year
percentage i.e. 42.11 >33.33
Increase the number of students targeted to get an A little by little and check the

97.37> 96.30. that's the way it should be

1.79<2.04. the lower percentage implies the better result of the examination

Tambah markah for potential A students

2.04 > 1.71 > 1.79

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