Engels Opdracht 2020 1

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1.Verb tenses

:1.Future Simple : Schools in the UK will close from Friday except for
those looking after the children of key workers and vulnerable children ->
it's going to happen in the future
2.Past perfect simple : She said she had seen "excellent staff on their
knees due to the unrelenting excessive workload" during her career ->
action taking place before a certain time in the past.
3.Past Simple : But pressed on what he meant by the three-month
timescale, he said he did not know how long it would go on for -> it
happened in the past
4. Present perfect simple : -Bars, restaurants and most shops have
closed, as have schools and universities.>action that is still going on
5. Present Continuous : The EU is banning travellers from outside the
bloc for 30 days in an unprecedented move to seal its borders because of
the coronavirus crisis. -> to describe an action currently underway
6. Present simple : China makes up a third of manufacturing globally,
and is the world's largest exporter of goods. -> it is a fact
7 Future Continuous : The oak three will still be standing there, fifthy
years from now . -> something has started before a time in the future and
will start after that time ( zelf bedacht)
8. Past Continuous: I was eating a peach -> it takes place in the past
and takes a while ( zelf bedacht)
9. Future Perfect Simple: I will have been here for 4 years on April 16.
-> you project yourself forward into the future and we look back on an act
that will be completed at a certain time later than the present (zelf
10.Past perfect continuous : They had been talking for over an hour
before Kim arrived -> show that something started in the past and
continued up until another time in the past.

2. Passive constructions
1.Active :Senior officials say the ex-employees are needed to boost
frontline services -> Passive: To boost frontline services senior officials say
the ex-employees ar needed.
2.Active: Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told Europe 1 radio on
Thursday that the lockdown might be extended beyond the originally
stated 15 days. -> passive:The lockdown might be extended beyond the
originally stated 15 days, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told Europe
1 radio on Thursday.
3. Active: Final-year medical students and student nurses could also be
given temporary work to boost the ranks.-> passive To boost the ranks
final-year medical students an student nurses could also be given
temporary work.
4.Active: Mr Hancock said 150 lorries had been dispatched overnight to
get the equipment to about half the UK's hospitals-> passive: 150 lorries
had been dispatched overnight to get the equipment to about half the uk’s
hospitals Mr Hancock said
5.Active: Isis is recommending various health guidelines to its members
and supporters->Various health guidelines is recommended to its
members and supporters by Isis.

3 Contitionals
1.If we had prepared better for corona we wouldn’t have a

4. Relative Clauses
1. It also published a list of key workers whose children will still be able to
go to school after they shut later.
2. In Scotland, anyone who left the medical profession during the past
three years has also been asked to consider returning to the NHS.
3. The number of deaths now stands at 3,405, which is more than in China
where the virus originated last year.

5.Adjectives/ adverbs
1.However, more recent editions of the publication have carried lengthy
articles saying it would be wrong for Muslims to believe they would be
spared by the disease = Adjectives because lengthy is describing the noun
2. Though editorials have continued to blame the US for a wave of atheism
and immorality that has allegedly provoked punishment in the form of
the……. =adverbs because allegedly is describing the verb provoked.
3. But it reported 34 new cases among people who had recently returned
to the country.= adverbs because recently describes the verb returned
4. Different demographics in other nations may have helped to keep the
death toll lower. Adjective ,says something about the death toll wich is a
5. The 93-year-old praised the work of scientists, medics and emergency
staff, but added that everyone has a "vitally important part to play".
Adverb, says something about important which is a adjectives
6. Initially, Isis gloated over Covid-19 in its magazine, Adverb, says
something about isis gloated which is a verb.
7. arguing that though the virus had cast “a gloomy, painful shadow over
the entire world”, Adverb, says something about the shadow which is a
8. Islamic militants to win support as corrupt, inefficient and poorly
resourced governments across Africa and the Middle East fail to provide
adequate care for already distrustful populations. Adjective, says
something about government wich is a noun
9. Islamist groups have repeatedly sought to exploit natural disasters in
the past. Adverb,says something about sought wich is a verb
10. Few countries hit badly by extremism have effective health
systems=adverb,says something about hit which is a vetb

6. Multiple choice questions

1. What percentage of the salaries does Denmark promise to cover at

private companies for three months if the don’t let ther staff go ?
A. 98%
B. 75%
C. 56%
2. What has Italy closed down? (more answers are good)
A. Schools
B. All shops
C. Bars
3. How much is the fine you get in France if your outside without an official
A. €135
B. €205
C. €400
4. Wich two communities are already vulnerable to extremist
A. Refugees and detainees
B. Circassian and Aleut
C. Horde and hamlet
5. Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the Boko Haram breakaway faction of
extremists in…………..
A. Irak
B. Afghanistan
C. Nigeria

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