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Molly Daniel

Indian Passport no: M 9449217

Dubai Insurance Company

P .O.Box No : 3027

Dubai, UAE


The Rulers Court, Abu Dhabi

I am Moly Daniel, holder of Indian passport no M9449217, valid emirates identity no 784-1966-69263640,
working as Accountant General with Dubai Insurance Company (P.S.C) from March 2008 till now.

I am a widower who has lost my husband Late Chandrathil George Daniel who died on 6 th of March 2015.

My late husband and myself is blessed with only one daughter who is a Doctor by profession , named as Berly
Daniel, and now working in India.

Our daughter was educated in Dubai and later went on to study medical science in India. Me and my late
husband is survived by our only one daughter who is my immediate relative and legal heir.

My late husband was hospitalized in Rashid Hospital on 13 th of February 2015 later got discharged on 19 th
February 2015 and went on to Kerala, India, for further treatment.

During the course of treatment, it was diagnosed as poorly differentiated carsiaonia (stage 4) which is
otherwise termed as a kind of cancer in the liver. My late husband succumbed to death on 6 th march, 2015.

My late husband during his life in Dubai, UAE, took an insurance policy with Oman Insurance Company vide
Subject policy no: SU11021653, for a premium of usd 1,632/- (aed 5998/-)

He had successfully paid aed 24000/- without fall and during the course of treatment period, he was not able
to pay and after his death, I moved a petition before the Personal Status Court, Dubai, to prove his legal heirs.

As I have earlier mentioned that the legal heirs of my late husband are me and our daughter Dr.Berly Daniel

But to the utter disappointment of us, the Honorable Personal Status Court in Dubai has included few others
also as legal heirs who are not our immediate relatives to claim such.

I have requested the Personal Status Court at Dubai to verify this unforeseen mistake which should be deleted
or excluded from the legal heirship list and may include our daughter and myself on the legal heirs of my late
husband for establishing and claiming his insurance policy amount, bank balance and other assets if any left in

As my daughter also wanted to go for higher studies, we require financial aid and due to this, I am not able to
take her for further studies as I am facing much financial constraints.

During this period of tolerance my belief and trust is with the UAE rulers and judiciary.

I have moved before Personal Status Court, Dubai vide care no 2/2017 where my attempt to establish the
original legal heir was defeated and the same has been awarded including many others who are not our
immediate relatives as legal heirs.

I trust that this period of tolerance will provide me to get peace of mind by directing the appropriate
authorities to enable me to establish me and my daughter as the legal heirs of my late husband Chandrathil
George Daniel.

Thanking you

Your faithfully

Molly daniel

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