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1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Progress Report of Thai Volunteer 2017

Period of work 9th October – 9th January 2017

Name Miss Wipasiri Somnuk
Position 3D portrait making instructor
Working place Trashiyangtse for Zorig Chusum(TIZC)
Attachment No. 1: Work Plan of Volunteer (Friend from Thailand 2017)
No. 2: Lesson plan time table
No. 3: Teaching plan
No. 4: Volunteer teaching logs: 1st quarter
1.1 To discuss the expectations, design work plan (Attachment no.1) and other additional
assigned by counterpart (sculpture instructor).
1.2 Be able to achieve lesson plan (Attachment no.2) and teaching plan (Attachment no.3)
in the 1st quarter (Oct.- Dec.2017).
1.3 Introduce and explain about 3D portrait subject.
1.4 To enhance training quality in clay work by introducing 3D portrait making beside the
normal traditional statute making and provide the 3D portrait making skill to the
trainees and counterpart(instructor).
2.Work Assignment
Sigh seeing all studies class and observing sculpture class after reached the working
place (TIZC), introducing with sculpture instructor(counterpart), discussing and designing for
work plan (Attachment no.1), lesson plan (Attachment no.2), teaching plan (Attachment no.3),
expectations and extra assignments.

Assignment: Teaching 3D portrait sculpture, basic human figure, basic animals sculpture and
mold making.
Trainee: Sculpture class 2nd -5th year and 1 college student (16 female trainees).
Time: Friday (9.00am.-3.45pm.) and Saturday (9.00-12.00am)
1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Cause of coming in the middle of last term (2017), trainees have examination in the end of
December 2017, that take some portrait drawing for sculpture class. But teaching still run following
teaching plan by adapting learning process and time managing.

2.1 Introduction class

After first meeting introducing with trainee for making relax, volunteer lets the trainees
brainstorm about sculpture words and analyze word by word and take note on sketchbook for checking
data base, then drawing classmate face pretest for skill check and adapting with next teaching.

Figure 1 Trainees drawing classmate for pretest

Sculpture trainees almost learn by focus on practice, they have a good skill about
traditional sculpture only. But inexperienced in theory, principle and creativity, counterpart and
volunteer agree that they have to learn principle, basic drawing skill and realistic skill for adapting with
traditional style, develop the skills for better career or chance of business. So, volunteer prepare power
point sliced about sculpture introductions and art sculpture reference photo for inspirations.
1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Figure 2 Some slide for Sculpture introductions class about sculpture

In class observing, volunteer find that basic drawing is important for all studies not only painting
class, if sculpture class trainees know the basic drawing, they will learn portrait and realistic easier.
Because of observing skills from drawing.

Figure 3 Some slide for Sculpture introductions class about drawing

1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Although Bhutanese drawing style different with western drawing. But all have the same basic.
volunteer try to adapt these two things for easy way of learning. Challenging for volunteer is comparing
traditional with western style and real face

Figure 4 Trainees are drawing basic face

1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Volunteer shows Thai traditional drawing books which follow western drawing principle for
show way of leaning and build confident in learning.

Figure 5 Reference books

Figure 6 Comparing between Thai traditional drawing and western style

1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Figure 7 Some of basic face drawing samples

1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Before teaching, volunteer prepares the teaching guide for flowed teaching
(teaching guide sketchbook contains teaching steps, ticks, date, key words and
how to sketch,and record teaching content or assignments.

Figure 8 Teaching guide on volunteer 's sketch book

1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

3. Result
In drawing class all trainees pay attention to drawing and try it best, if they
don’t understand, they tell volunteer to repeat drawing again. 98 % of Trainees
can complete the drawing assignment on time and send sketchbook. And the
drawing quality is fair for first time drawing. Volunteer doesn’t give scores. But
check learning responsibility by class attendance and assignments.

Assignment Checking Record 2017

Subject: 3D Portrait making Class: Sculpture year 2nd -6th Instructor: Ms. Wipasiri Somnuk







Responsibility Result(%)
 sent
 none

drawing with shading

8. face dimensions
1. Brainstorm key

drawing (eyes, nose,

9. geometric form
4. Basic drawing

7. Face element


5. Basic face
3. Sculpture

6. Bally face

with elements


mouth, ears)
2. Pretest


No. Name year

1 Lhakpa Dup 5          100
2 Leki Younten 5          89
3 Tashi Dorji 4          89
4 Wangdi Gyelshen 3          100
5 Tenzin Wangda 3          100
6 Uyugen Karamar 3          89
7 Rigzin Wangchuk 2          100
8 Nima Wang chuk 2          100
9 Chorten Tenzin 2          89
10 Sangay Rigzin 2          100
11 Kelzang Sherub 2          100
12 Tshering Dendub 2          100
13 Pema Dorji 2          67
14 Sonam Tobgay 2          89
15 Namgay Loday 2          100
16 Tshering Chophel C          100

Figure 9 Assignment checking

10 trainees (62.5%) got 100% responsibility result means they had done all
assignment. It’s a satisfied result.
5 trainees (31.25%) got 89% responsibility result because of missing the
class for 1 time.
1 trainee (0.16%) got 67% because of missing the class for 3 time.
1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

Sometime volunteer find trainee feeling uncomfortable and bored, because

of they didn’t get and not used to. They always practical learning by sculpture
tools, when volunteer turn to work on sketchbook, the boring can happen. This
problem volunteer can understand.
Volunteer satisfy with responsibility result. It shows the trainee ability of
learning in this class and volunteer teaching going well.

4. Feedback from trainees

Some of trainees in sculpture class proud to present their own drawing to
another class, because it’s the new knowledge and it going well. Some of them try
to practice for overtime work or repeat drawing many times.
Another class such as painting and wood turning and tailoring class also
interested in this kind of drawing after they saw volunteer teaching and drawing
of sculpture trainees. Actually, many trainees are interested in drawing, but don’t
understand how to draw and don’t have teacher to teach them.

5. What should be improve?

- Change teaching technics: more practical leaning with sample sculpture,
add drawing assignment or lectures sometime.
- Result checking with scores: making rules how to get and minus scores,
announce on board for activate trainee. Which one have a good score and good
performance, volunteer will prepare the award and some scholarships in the end
of course
- learn Bhutanese language: teaching in English and learning Bhutanese
language from trainees, translate English word to Bhutanese language for
recognizing of trainees.
1st Progress Report of Thai Volunteer in Bhutan 2017| Miss Wipasiri Somnuk

6. Suggestion
Suggestion from trainees:
drawing class should be in the morning, trainees are active in the morning.
Speak slowly and clearer.
Suggestion from counterpart:
Sent all document (work plan, lesson plan, teaching plan copy to HOD and
TIZC principle to approve.

7. Other

On October 26, 2017 is the funeral formally of Bhumibol Adulyadej. Principle and trainees
arrange long praying with offering 108 butter lamp for respecting and offer the merit to Thai late King in
the evening. Volunteer impresses and feeling thankful for the kindness of Bhutanese friends.

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