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A. Background of the Issue

As soon as a person enter politics it is generally known that the individual is

ready to any occurrences, especially when it comes to capitalizing. In bringing

about the chances of winning of a candidate, money always plays a crucial role.

In spite of the fact that the COMELEC has already set principles and rules

regarding the disbursements of the candidates for each voter, more often than

not, they exceed much more than the set amount. In our political system,

deceitfulness and corruption is deeply rooted, so as the attitudes and mentality of

the constituency. Prior and ongoing election period, voters congregate to main

offices and leaders of politicians to take advantage of the situation: to ask for

favors, influence and even money in exchange for a promise of vote. Vote-buying

and vote-selling obstruct the democratic process; still they remain prevalent in

many developing democracies. Vote buying became institutionalized in our

political system. To assure that the money of the politicians will be converted into

votes, they can device a program to identify and to guarantee. This state is more

discernible in local elections where rich political dynasties are ruling. They

arrange leaders in every barangay to distinguish potential voters to be obtained.

For assurance, they provide a copy of voters’ registration in COMELEC in the

area, so as to distinguish a potential voter to buy or to influence their decision.

Latest results of researches show that the indigents are more likely to be

targeted for vote buying and to sell their votes. It is not impossible to have a

power in a poor country like ours because our politicians know our weakness to
pressure and our hardships in life. Mostly, voters are economically challenged

and no means of livelihood, no education to back them up and they just resign

themselves to taking alms and reliefs. They take advantage of our vulnerability

however we cannot blame those who sell their votes. Filipinos’ minds are set for

any answers that are instant. That is why even when the act is unlawful; they

instantly resort to it to easily come up with a solution to their problem. On the

long run, the buying of votes will only give opportunity for fiefdom perpetration

and corruption.

B. Statement of the purpose

Every election in the Philippines, vote-buying always comes up as a major

concern, a chronic plague that perennially shakes faith in the integrity of the

electoral process and democracy itself. That is why the researchers created an

advocacy campaign to eradicate or if not, just lessen the rate vote buying in the

Philippines. The purpose of this project are to give awareness and educate

people to about the long-term effects of vote-buying and selling by forming an

organization composed of volunteer members which will be managing the

awareness program on vote buying and selling; to empower people to have self-

worth and human dignity by convincing them not to sell their votes to those

undeserving politicians because we deserve those kind of people who are willing

and will wholeheartedly serve the country and its people; to establish values

among individuals which places emphasis on transparency and honesty since

every single enlightened vote is an important ingredient towards the development

of the country and towards the positive change that we are longing for so long;
and to persuade the authorities to improve the balloting secrecy and the

enforcement of laws and punishments regarding vote-buying in order to have a

clean and peaceful elections.

C. Method

The advocacy that we are going to promote is about eradicating or reducing

the rate of vote buying and selling in the Philippines. It will be accomplished

through the following step-by-step process:

 Form an organization composed of volunteer members which will be

managing the awareness program on vote buying and selling.

 We are going to gather volunteers who are willing to be part of our

advocacy in eliminating or reducing the rate of vote buying and selling

in the Philippines. We will look for volunteers through social media,

referrals, and by encouraging our friends and others to join.

 Provide a voter's education campaign using social media and other means

in order to encourage voters to avoid vote-selling and choose for honest

and competent politicians.

 We will be creating a multimodal advocacy campaign through the use

of technology in the form of a video presentation, own song

composition and infographics which can be easily understood by the

readers or audiences.

 Conduct a study on what causes the unending incidents of vote buying

and selling in the Philippines.

 Seventy-five (75) samples are the target participants of the study that

will closely investigate on the causes of vote buying and selling. The

results will be conducive for the volunteers and other advocates to

eradicate and lessen the cases.


A. Vision-Mission Statement


 To achieve an organized democratic process in elections, fairness in

casting of votes, and building a better nation.


 To eradicate or to lessen the rate of vote buying and selling in the

Philippines by molding well-informed and educated voters who are wise

decision makers in terms of choosing the honest and deserving candidate.

B. Objectives

• To provide a multimodal advocacy campaign in the form of a video

presentation, own song composition and infographics for the registered voters

this upcoming election that will be uploaded and posted in YouTube, Spotify

and other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

• To study closely on the causes of vote buying and selling in the

Philippines by gathering data from 75 samples through the use of

• To gather 500 signatures from the voters during the campaign period of

elections through creating a paper of pledge indicating that they will not sell

their votes.

C. Strategies

 In order to execute our objectives, we shall to have a person (marketer)

that will publicize our creations like the infographics and the song that we

made in social media and in person. This is less expensive and definitely

a more practical way in promoting fair elections specially for our age.

 We will conduct a quantitative study and construct a well-structured

questionnaire that composes of approximately 10-15 questions related to

vote buying and selling in the Philippines. Qualifications of the respondent

would be a Filipino citizen and a registered voter in the Philippines and

currently residing in the Philippines.

 During the election campaign period, we will conduct a pledge paper for

them to sign that states that they promise to not sell their votes, ask for

favors, influence or money to any of the candidates.

D. Action Plan

 1st strategy’s action plan

1. We will first have an evaluation of whether our infographics and lyric video

is really effective and of course we want to catch the attention of the

audiences most especially registered voters and make them remember

the information that we disseminate. After receiving critiques, we will

revise and improve our works to their standards.

2. Next is we will have a marketer that will upload our works in a variety of

social media channels such as YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram

and Twitter.

3. Moreover, we would request our friends, families, relatives and

acquaintances to share our works through private messages, facebook

stories, messenger stories, retweet them on twitter, sharing on their wall,

and to promote our music in spotify to others. In short, we will do our best

to make it viral and spread this information to the widest audience


4. Selling our Music

We'd like to sell our music to Spotify so that our music will be uploaded.

First step is to upload our song to TuneCore. This will get our songs,

artworks (infographics), and release information quickly and easily. In

addition to Spotify, we can actually choose from 150+ additional stores

and streaming partners, including Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon,

iTunes, Tidal etc. Second, TuneCore will send our song to every major

streaming service and digital store worldwide. Sell our albums, EPs, and

singles online faster than any other distribution service. The sooner our

song is live in stores, the sooner it can appear on playlists, streamed,

downloaded and shared. Last is we get paid. For every stream on Spotify,

every download from iTunes, every play on Tidal, they put our money

directly into our TuneCore account. And we keep 100% of the money we
make. Now we plan on saving that money for funding future projects

related to giving back to the community.

5. Uploading our Lyric Video in YouTube and sharing it to other sites

We would just first log in to our account, select the upload button, drag

and drop the file that we'll upload, enter some descriptions, tags, and

privacy information about vote buying and selling in the Philippines, put

some credits to the songwriter and where we got the instrumental for the

music, then share the video to social medias.

 2nd strategy’s action plan

1. Read articles and previous studies regarding vote buying and selling from

local and international research studies.

2. Work on our thesis and have an advisor that will lead or guide us for

revisions and recommendations

3. Conduct a survey and plan what, when and where.

4. Finish the paper, print and wait for the approval of the adviser.

 3rd strategy’s action plan

1. Compose a pledge letter

2. Print 500 copies

3. Prepare 10 ballpens

4. Hand out 72 copies on different days

 Personnel: Gwyneth Alhambra, Angela Eliane Pua and Ferl Diane Siño

and to hire or find 3 marketers

 Our budget for this advocacy campaign is P3000 (from estimated

expenses in materials and unexpected forecasted events

 Computer, Laptop, WiFi router with internet connection, 2 rings of short

bond papers, printer, 10 black ballpoints, 2 short folders


 Gwyneth Dominique Alhambra’s, Angela Eliane Pua’s and Ferl Diane

Siño’s families, friends, relatives and acquaintances


 Target Beneficiaries: Registered voters in the Philippines mainly in Cavite,

since Cavite has a big population.

 Agents: Gwyneth Dominique Alhambra, Angela Eliane Pua and Ferl Diane



Vote buying is a way of giving up your rights to vote/ selling one’s ethical

standards. It does not do anything good for the country and for all of us. Its short-

term gains have negative long-term effects. Soon after the election, it is payback

time. So, we must never sell our votes and we must start to be responsible voters

from now on. We must begin to open our minds and unite to eradicate vote

buying in the Philippines to make a difference in the near future and generations.
Reform must start in the smallest unit of the society, which is the family.

Our family should inculcate in us the values of honesty and transparency and the

importance of a single vote to the development and progress of the country.

Change must start within ourselves. Anti-vote buying campaigns will not succeed

if we will not cooperate with one another towards one goal and that is to

eradicate vote buying in the country. Through the help of this advocacy

campaign, there would be deepening of voter consciousness of their sovereign

power in choosing political leaders through encouragement to exercise their right

of suffrage and make them realize and reflect on the serious consequences of

their vote.

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