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Career Diploma in Hotel Security Management

The path toward a full Career Diploma in Hospitality Security Management (CDHSM) consists of six
independent certificated courses.

Duration: Approximately 30 hours for each course / 180 hours for the Diploma

Handbook: Cabric, M. (2015) ‘Corporate Security Management: Challenges, Risks and Strategies’

Audience: Although all the courses together form the full Hotel Security Management Diploma
where each course is essential for Hotel Security Professionals, certain courses are extremely
beneficial for other functions in the Hospitality Industry. Target audiences are listed under the title
of each of the courses and explained in the following illustration.

Short Description of Individual Courses

CDHSM-001 Hotel Security Management: Theory and Practice

Best Suited for: Security Directors, Managers and Supervisors; Hotel Directors and Executives
Understand the Hospitality Industry, Conceptualize Hotel Security, and Comprehend How They
Blend-in Together by:
o Understanding the Risks, the Needs and the Challenges
o Clearly Conceptualizing the Role of Security in a Client Oriented Environment
o Balancing Between Service, Privacy and Security
o Developing a Methodical Approach to Hotel Security
CDHSM-002 Hotel Security Management: Assessing Risks and Analyzing Vulnerabilities
Best Suited for: Security Directors, Managers and Supervisors
Assessing Needs, Planning, and Building Strong but Flexible Fundaments of Hotel Security by:
o Anticipating the Risks of Crime, Fraud and Terrorism
o Discovering Vulnerabilities and Closing the Gaps
o Understanding the Interconnectedness Between Macro and Micro Trends and Local Security

CDHSM-003 Hotel Security Management: Building and Maintaining Resilience

Best Suited for: Security Directors, Managers and Supervisors; Hotel Directors and Executives
Combine 7 Pillars of Security: People, Physical Elements, Technology, Procedures, Information,
Communication and Leadership to:
o Design Successful Protection Strategies
o Adjust Solutions to Specific Circumstances
o Plan, Build and Manage a Sustainable Security Organization
o Prevent Internal and External Crime and Fraud
o Anticipate Terrorism and Lower the Risks and the Impact

CDHSM-004 Hotel Security Management: Handling Crisis’, Emergencies and Disasters

Best suited for: Security Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Security Staff; Hotel Directors and
Executives; Reception Staff
Assure Business Continuity, Minimize the Damage and Recover from Disasters by:
o Resolving Conflicts
o Anticipating Both Natural and Man-made Crisis
o Planning for Emergencies
o Successfully Managing Sudden Unanticipated Events
o Properly Responding to Emergencies and Managing Their Resolution
o Managing Crisis and Lowering their Impact
o Minimizing Tangible and Intangible Damages Following a Disaster

CDHSM-005 Hotel Security Management: The Business Side of Hotel Security

Best suited for: Security Directors, Managers and Supervisors; Hotel Owners, Directors and
Executives; Sales and Marketing Professionals; Tour Operators
Manage Hotel Security from a Business Perspective by Learning How to:
o Budget Security
o Save and Avoid Costs Without Sacrificing Resilience
o Measure the Value That Security Adds to Sales and Marketing and How to Use it
o Measure Performance and Manage Costs
o Choose and Manage Service Providers and Vendors

CDHSM-006 Hotel Security Management: Situations and Events with Special Requirements
Best suited for: Security Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Security Staff; Tour Operators;
Event Management Professionals
Successfully Manage, Assist or Support Situations and Events with Special Security Requirements:
o Individual VIPs and VIP Delegations
o Massive Open Events and Venues
o Closed Corporate Events, Conferences and Seminars
o Exhibitions and Other Displays of Valuables
o Homogenous Groups that Require Special Attention
Delivery Method
Each course is designed to be completed in 30 hours (Including assignments, research and self-
study). All the courses are delivered entirely online and are suitable for working professionals.
Although computer based, they feature close interaction with the mentor. The courses consist of a
combination of texts, silent presentations, presentations with voice guidance, videos, multimedia
presentations, and guided self-study. Apart from instructional material, special attention is put on
live consultations with the mentors, writing assignments, discussions, guided self-study, research,
discussions, formative and summative tests, and exercises with case studies.

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