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Performance Task in Eng11B Reading and Writing Skills

Format: Times New Roman, 11, 8.5”x11” bond paper

Deadline: March 23, 2020 strictly until 12:00pm only.


I. Cover
Make YOUR OWN VERSION of the cover of the book you’ve read/you’re reading.
Drawing, painting, layout, photograph or any other means of creativity may be used
depending on your novel. Include the title and the name of the author along with your
name and section.
II. Background information
A. Information about the novel
1. Title
2. Publication information (date and place) *
3. Author with brief description *
B. Thesis statements found in the novel (minimum of 5)
III. Summary of the novel (700-1200 words of your own only)
IV. Interpretation and evaluation (in this part, you may locate evidences such as
quoted statements, scenarios from the book, etc., that will prove the parts needed)
A. Author’s purpose (to entertain, to inform, etc.)
• If the purpose is to inform, show how the material has been presented
clearly, accurately, with order and coherence.
• If the purpose is to persuade, look for evidence, logical reasoning, contrary
• If the purpose was to entertain, determine how emotions are affected: does it
make you laugh, cry, angry? Why did it affect you?
B. Appropriateness of Elements and the book’s Effectiveness
• How does each element (plot, setting, character, etc.,) affect the flow of the
• Based on the purpose, how can you say that the story is effective?
C. Discussion of the topic's themes (minimum of 5)
D. What are its strengths and weaknesses?
(Use the table below)

V. Conclusion
• What is the overall value of the passage?
• What is your overall impression of the work?

Italicized statements are just guide for you to come up to an appropriate answer.
Those with * are researchable


Avoid introducing your ideas by stating "I think" or "in my opinion." Keep the focus on the subject
of your analysis, not on yourself. Identifying your opinions weakens them.

Always introduce the work. Do not assume that because your reader knows what you are writing
about, you do not need to mention the work's title.

Support your thesis with detailed evidence from the text examined. Do not forget to document
quotes and paraphrases.

Remember that the purpose of a critical analysis is not merely to inform, but also to evaluate the
worth, utility, excellence, distinction, truth, validity, beauty, or goodness of the book.

Even though as a writer you set the standards, you should be open-minded, well informed, and
fair. You can express your opinions, but you should also back them up with evidence.

Your review should provide information, interpretation, and evaluation. The information will help
your reader understand the nature of the work under analysis. The interpretation will explain the
meaning of the work, therefore requiring your correct understanding of it. The evaluation will
discuss your opinions of the work and present valid justification for them.

Please compile your outputs in a short folder with the respective color:
Dell – Black
Dorsey – Green
Gates – Blue


Cover 20% Creativity

5 4 3 2
Critical Interpretations Uses evidence and Uses evidence and Does follow some evidence Uses superficial or
Analysis /Inferences reason to come to reason to obtain to conclusions that are irrelevant evidence to
80% logical conclusions; justifiable, logical mostly logic or valid; come to illogical or
Makes deep rather than conclusions; Inferences are more often invalid conclusions
superficial inferences; Makes valid inferences than not unclear or not Exhibits
Inferences are but some are based in evidence; closedmindedness or
consistent with one superficial; Inferences are illogical, hostility toward
another Inferences are inconsistent, and/or evidence/reason;
consistent with one superficial Maintains views based
another on self-interest
Organization Writing shows high Writing is coherent Writing is coherent and Writing lacks logical
degree of attention to and logically logically organized. Some organization. It shows
logic and reasoning of organized with points remain misplaced some coherence but
points; Unity clearly transitions used and stray from the topic. ideas lack unity.
leads the reader to the between ideas and Transitions evident but not Serious errors.
conclusion and stirs paragraphs to create used throughout essay.
thought regarding the coherence; Overall
topic. unity of ideas is
Grammar & Essay is free of Essay has few Most spelling, punctuation, Spelling, punctuation,
Mechanics distracting spelling, spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct and grammatical errors
punctuation, and and grammatical errors allowing reader to progress create distraction,
grammatical errors; allowing reader to though essay. Some errors making reading
absent of fragments, follow ideas clearly. remain. difficult; fragments,
comma splices, and Very few fragments or comma splices, run-
run-ons. run-ons. ons evident. Errors are
Work Ethic Output was submitted Output was submitted Output was submitted 3-5 Output was submitted
on the due date. 1-2 days after the due days after the due date. 6-10 days after the due
date. date.
Analysis of Excellent discussion of Good discussion of The discussion of literary There is little
Evidence/ literary elements/ literary elements/ elements and the original exposition exploring
Reasoning & strategies and use of strategies and use of thesis is fair, but it could the evidence in
Explanation evidence. You evidence; however, have been more fully connection to the
repeatedly show the some of your developed / there is too thesis/topic of the
connection between interpretations and much reliance on summary body paragraphs /
elements and the explanations need to / there is misinterpretation most of the evidence is
original author's thesis. be more fully of the evidence / the misinterpreted / the
developed or need to interpretation of the interpretation of the
be expanded. evidence needed to be evidence is not clear.
Style Excellent tone and Good overall tone, Fair overall tone, though 6 - There are excessive
voice / original style / though some phrases several phrases and words repetitive phrases
superior word choice and words are repeated are repeated and weigh and/or words / there
and weigh down the down the voice / there are are strong moments of
voice moments of bias and/or bias and/or offensive
offensiveness. language / the
grammar/syntax level
compromises the tone.
Structure Excellent balance All components of a All components of a strong 1 - 2 components of
between introduction, strong essay are essay are included; the output are missing.
summary, body, included; however, however, there is an
paragraphs and there is an imbalance imbalance between 3 - 4
conclusion. between 1 - 2 sections. sections.

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