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USOAP Continuous Monitoring

Approach (CMA) Workshop

Module 3
CMA Online Framework (OLF) and
Electronic Filing of Differences (EFOD) System

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 1


 Overview of CMA Online Framework (OLF)

 Functionalities of OLF Modules

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 2

Overview of CMA
Online Framework (OLF)

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 3

CMA Online Framework is…

A suite of web-integrated applications and centralized

database systems which enables:
1) Collection of safety-related information and
documentation from different sources; and
2) Monitoring and reporting of safety oversight
activities by ICAO and Member States.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 4

Access through…
ICAO USOAP Restricted Website

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 5

OLF Modules

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 6

Overview of OLF Functionality
Signing of Collection of Conduct of Prioritize
Update on
USOAP CMA Safety-Related on-site CMA on-site
EI & SSCs activities
MOU Information activities


Between From From ICAO By ICAO
external HQ & RO HQ
State & ICAO States HQ & RO HQ

NCMC Dashboard
Access Control System
State Profile MIR On-Site Audit State Safety
/ SAAQ Manager Risk Profile
Offline documents for PQ
CCs and PQs Findings
Planning &
SSC Scheduling

USOAP Library
& Final USOAP Live
Reports Charts

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 7

OLF Functions for States

1) Manage OLF user accounts.

2) Keep SAAQ and CC/EFOD up to date.
3) Provide CAP updates and/or progress per
corresponding PQ findings.
4) Conduct PQ self-assessment.
5) Respond to MIRs.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 8

Functionalities of OLF Modules

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 9

Access Control
Have full control of user accounts for the State:
• Issuing additional user accounts;
• Deactivating invalid user accounts; and
• Setting individual user rights/permissions.

 Individual users
Manage user profile information; and
Personalize password.
Note.— If you are not an NCMC and want to
have access to the OLF, please contact the NCMC(s) of your State.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 10

Access Control

 User account
 composed of “ID” and password.
 Duplicate IDs or email addresses are not acceptable.

 Access rights
 3 types: Invisible, read-only and read/write.
 CC/EFOD: Access rights may be granted per Annex.
 Access rights may be granted for selected audit areas
in each of the 4 OLF modules: Self-Assessment, CAP,
PQ Findings and MIR.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 11

State Dashboard

States (NCMCs) can view:

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 12

State Dashboard

States (NCMCs) can view:

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 13

State Aviation Activity Questionnaire
 States
Complete and update State Profile and SAAQ.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 14

Compliance Checklist /
Electronic Filing of Differences (CC/EFOD)

 States
 Indicate compliance with and/or difference to SARPs
(with details).
 This complies with both Article 38 of the Chicago Convention
and CMA MOU.
 Reviews/monitors the level of
global compliance/difference.
 Generates e-Supplement.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 15


Submit/Update CCs EFOD

Conduct a preliminary Submit official
Update/Save CCs Standards only
review notification to
Per Annex or All SARPs
Online/Offline ICAO
Per Annex

To be used for
To be shared generation of e-Supplement
with other States

ICAO to monitor and share information on

implementation of SARPs

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 16

Pre-formatted Word Document

 This feature is available only to NCMCs.

• Once the WORD document is downloaded, data in the
CC/EFOD system is locked.
• To enable users to edit data online, NCMC should upload the
WORD document or unlock the data.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 17

Verification by States
 In April 2011, per SL AN 1/1-11/28, States were invited
 Use EFOD as an alternative means for filing differences
to all Annexes (except Annex 17).
 Verify and confirm the data in EFOD which were
previously entered through the CCs under USOAP.

 Over 189 States have been updating data on EFOD.

 98 States have completed verification.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 18

 States
 Search and view PQs selected.
 Conduct self-assessment on safety oversight system:
• Update implementation status of PQs (S/NS/NA), with evidence.
• Provide implementation status of new PQs.
• Attach evidence documents.

 Keeps PQs up to date.
 Updates status of implementation of State’s PQs based on
latest CMA activities.
 Generates State’s Effective Implementation (EI).

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 19

Search a PQ

Select a PQ Status of Implementation by ICAO – View-only

Self-Assessment by States

Upload/attach evidence

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 20

Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
 States
Search and view PQ Finding(s) issued to a State.
Submit/update a CAP to address a PQ Finding:
• A list of proposed actions (e.g step 1, 2, etc);
• Action office(s) to the proposed actions;
• Estimated implementation date (dd/mm/yyyy); and
• Revised implementation date, when required.
Provide regular progress reports on a CAP:
• Completion (%) of each proposed action;
• Date of completion; and
• Supporting evidence (reference).

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 21

Select a PQ Finding by ICAO – View-only

CAP provided by the State

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 22


Records status of CAP
review (e.g. In progress or
Records result of review of
a proposed CAP and add
Monitors progress of CAP

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 23

Mandatory Information Request (MIR)

Requests States to submit specific information
and documentation.
Includes the following information when issuing MIRs:
• Pertinent PQ(s);
• Reason(s) and relevant reference(s); and
• Deadline for submission of requested information.
Records the result from review of submitted
Updates status of MIR (closed/open/escalated to

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 24

When can an MIR be issued

A MIR may be issued in the following cases:

a) Important information is missing in relation to the
State’s SAAQ, CCs and/or PQ self-assessment;
b) A State has not provided initial or amended CAPs as
c) A significant change is observed in the State’s
d) Information is needed in addition to an ICAO RO visit;

21 February 2017 CMA Workshop Module 2 25

When can an MIR be issued (cont’d)

A MIR may be issued in the following cases:

e) Information collected during a USOAP CMA activity
is incomplete or insufficient;
f) information indicates a potential safety concern and
additional information from the State is required;
g) information is needed following an aircraft accident
or incident.

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 States
Respond with evidence requested.
Provide requested information and/or documentation.
Possibly requests an extension of MIR deadline.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 27

USOAP Reports

 Final reports (static)

Final reports of activities
conducted since the first cycle
Published according to
predetermined timeline
after an activity.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 28

USOAP Live Charts

Dynamic graphic illustrations of USOAP data.

Based on most recent USOAP CMA activity for
each audit area/CE.

Note.— When you click the icon, you will be asked to log into the ICAO Portal
website (separate user account), where the report resides in iSTARS.

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 29

CMA Library

 A centralized library for documents related to

USOAP CMA, including:
a) USOAP CMA activity schedule;
b) State Letters and Electronic Bulletins;
c) USOAP Documents, e.g. master copies of PQs and SAAQ;
d) ICAO Manuals, e.g. Doc 9734 — Safety Oversight Manual,
Doc 9735 — USOAP CMA Manual; and
e) Assembly and Council Working Papers

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 30


 States
 Report issues and send queries about OLF.
 Keeps track and manages resolution of all
reported issues.


March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 31


 Overview of CMA OLF

 Functionalities of OLF Modules

March 2017 CMA Workshop Module 3 32

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