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Demographic profile

From the respondent data, we can see most of the user of are at 20-30
age range the amount of 52% of total respondents, 31-40 year range are
24%, 41-50 year range are 10%, 51-60 year range are 8% and Above 60
year range are 6%.







20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Above 60


From the respondent data, we found that 32% of the respondents are
female and 68% are male.



From the respondent data we can see that, If we consider the education
level most of them are graduate level in 48%, 34% are undergraduate,
6% are S.S.C & H.S.C. and the rest are below S.S.C.



6% 6%

Below S.S.C. S.S.C. H.S.C. Undergraduate Graduate Level

Monthly Income
From the respondent data we can see that 44% of our respondent’s
monthly income are o-5000; 10% are 5001-10000; 8% are 10001-15000;
14% are 15001-20000 & 24% are above 24%.

Monthly Income

Above 20,000
24% 0-5,000


8% 5,001-10,000

Impact of social media on students for academic purpose

Data analysis

We select 50 resapondent to find result of survey. According to our survey:-

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
1. Using social media is more useful 0 2 4 30 14
for students.
60% (30/50*100) of our respondents think that using social media is more useful for students .
On the other hand, only 4% of our respondents are think that using social media is not more
useful for students
Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
2. Using social media students can get 2 4 5 24 15
more information about academic
48% of our respondents think that using social media students can get more information and 8%
of our respondents believe that using social media students can’t get more accurate information.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
3. Social media helps in ommunicating 0 2 2 20 26
with others.
52% of our respondents strongly think that social media helps in communicating with others and
only 4% respondents generally thought that using social media sometimes can’t communicate
with others.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
4. Using social media is harmful for 1 16 6 22 5
44% of our respondents think that using social media is harmful for students. Contrary to 32% of
our respondents believe that using social media isn’t harmful for students.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
5. Using social media is costly. 7 26 3 13 1

52% of our respondents think that using social media is costly and on the other hand, 26% of our
respondents believe that using social media is so much costly.
Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
6. Online course is helpful for 0 4 5 29 12
58% of our respondents believe that online course is helpful for students and only 8% of our
respondent disagree with this statement.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
7. Online information is reliable. 3 13 7 21 6

42% of our respondents think that online information is reliable. On the other hand another
biggest number disagree with this statement.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
8. The use of social media is 0 3 2 10 35
increasing day by day.
70% of our respondents think that the use of social media is increasing day by day where only
6% don’t agree this statement.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
9. Using social media deteriorates 0 4 5 30 11
students health.
60% of our respondents think that using social media deteriorates students health where there is
no number of strongly disagree person.

Indexing Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
10. Using social media decrease 3 25 8 10 4
students productivity.
50% of our respondent think that using social media decrease students productivity. On the other
second highest biggest number is agree with this statement.
Data Findings

Statement Name Categories Percentage

1.Using social media is more useful for students. Agree 60%

2. Using social media students can get more information about Agree 48%
academic purpose.
3. Social media helps in communicating with others. Strongly agree 52%

4. Using social media is harmful for students. Agree 44%

5. Using social media is costly. Disagree 52%

6. Online course is helpful for students. Agree 58%

7. Online information is reliable. Agree 42%

8. The use of social media is increasing day by day. Strongly agree 70%

9. Using social media deteriorates students health. Agree 60%

10. Using social media decrease students productivity. Disagree 50%

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