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A. I wake up F.

I have breakfast
B. I get up G. I go to work
C. I take a shower H. I have dinner
D. I brush my teeth I. I watch TV
E. I get dressed J. I go to bed
She has breakfast with her husband and daughter

She always gets up at 7 o´clock

Yes she does, she take a shower before have breakfast

She goes college by bicycle

She picks up her daughter from her after- school club

She has lunch in her office

Yes, she has. She likes listening to music and watch tv or listen to the radio

She usually goes to bed at about 11:30

Every day on week, I always get up at 5:00 o´clock am and then I take a
shower, after get ready I often brush my hair because sometimes I don´t
have time, but never put make up on. Then I usually go to work on a bus
but I sometimes have a walk only if I have time.

At about 12:30pm I usually lunch and always I need eat while I listen to
music. In the afternoon in my free time I often watch tv. At about 9:30pm
I usually go to bed and before go to sleep I sometimes surf on internet.

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