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LANGUAGE PRACTICE O Liars ae illic eeu Do you ever eicise after class? Yes Lalways go running alter school, — Yes. { usually play tenms with my friend. Yes, Lsometimes go swimming, bul Inever do yoga How often do you evercise? Ugo wnning every day. I play tennis four times a week. | go swimming once a week. ¥v | \- 1, Anna _vsually_ does yoga 4, She goes swimming Every day 2. she Never’ plays tenni 5, She Sometimesgoes running, 6. She does yoga four times a week Ry 2 PAIR WORK. Complete the conversations, Use your awn Ideas, 1, A Do you ever Play soccer » 2. A Do you ever eat hamburguery B Yes, 1 do. § No, I don't. But like eat hot dogs. A Really? How ofteneat hot dogs » B Leat hot dogs once a wel A Really? How often do vou play soccer > 8 I play soccer twice a week PRONUNCIATION—Final s sounds ® TD Listen. Notice how the final s sounds like /s/ or /z, ‘Does each ward end in a /s/ or /z/ sound? Write s orz, 1. & tennis 4. — sometimes 2. always 5. — swims 3, — class 6, —mantial ans ©® 2 austen again and repeat. Be sure to say the finals correctly, [ES] escaneado con Camscanner Escaneado con CamScanner VOCABULARY © FD took at the pictures. What are the activities? Write the correet fetter, Then listen and check your answers. Hl a wwimmming, biking, ¢. basbetball BR ninning | | b soccer di weightlifting f martialarty Wye | basketball Fig 3 pain work. po you do any of these activities? Tell your partner. 4 Do you go swimming? A) Doyou play soccer? b ' ? ; Yes, da. Do you da-yoR: b)yes, ido. Do you A Ho, 1 don't De you... ? do marital arts? Escaneado con GamScanner ‘AY No, idon't Escaneado con CamScanner UNIT 4 Frequency adverbs and word order We use frequency adverbs to say tow often 25% 50% 75% 100% aheays ‘ ' . ‘ usually, ‘ ' . sometimes + ' never Frequency adverbs usually go before the verb + We always exercise on Monday + She usually woes ta the yym + [sometimes play tennis # Enever go running Howeves, with the verb be, frequency adverts usually go after the verbs + They are always hungry * Lm sometimes late + Hey usually on time * She's never ted Sometimes and usually can go at the beginning or end of a sentence * Sometimes t play soccer # The weather 1s nice sometimes + Igo tothe aym usually + Uswaity he's late We don't use never with a negative verb (never = not at any time) + He's never late + She's ont never tired * Tnever go there, # Hdow't never am-there ‘We use ever in negative statements and questions, (ever = at any time) © She isn't ever tired. * Do you ever go there? D complete the sentences: But tie raqueney adie parentheses in the correct place. 1. I'm hunpry in the morning (usually) _tm usually hungry in the moming 2. 1 go to school on Saturday. (sometimes) _Sometimes i go to_school on Saturday _ 3. lexercise on the weekend (always) Lalways do exercise on the weekend __ 4. I'm happy (always) __I’m always happy 5, 1go out with my friends on Saturday (usually) Tusually go out with my friends on Saturday_ 6. Idon't eat a big breakfast (never, ever) ‘Inever eat a big breakfast Do you ever eat a big breakfast? Escaneado con CamScanner

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