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Roll No.

Thapar University, Patiala

Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering Department

M.E. Second Year (PSE) Sept. 20, 2016 Mid Semester Test


Time: 2.00 hrs. ; M.M.:50 Name of Faculty: Dr. Nitin Narang

Note: (i) Attempt all questions in a given sequence only. (ii) Assume suitable data if found missing.
(iii) Sketch diagrams, schematics, graphs wherever needed to support your answer.

1. Describe the operating principle of concentrating solar power technologies. Explain

the working of parabolic solar dish/stirling system in detail. (7)
2. What is the need of pumped storage hydro system? Explain the working of pumped
storage hydro system with schematic diagram and mathematical modeling. (7)
3. Derive the condition of maximum rotor efficiency of wind turbine.
4. A 40 m, three bladed wind turbine produces 600 kW at a wind speed of 14 m/s. under
standard working conditions (1) at what rpm does the rotor turn when it operates with
a TSR of 4.0? (ii) What is the speed of the rotor? (iii) What is the efficiency of the
complete wind turbine?
5. Describe the working of variable speed wind energy system with asynchronous
induction generator.
6. A NEG Micon 1000/54 wind turbine has a cut-in wind speed of 6 m/s, rated wind
speed of 16 m/s, and a furling wind speed of 27 m/s. If this machine is located in
Rayleigh winds with an average speed of 12 m/s, find the following: (i) How many
h/yr is the wind below the cut-in wind speed? (ii) How many h/yr will the turbine be
shut down due to excessive winds? (iii) How many kWh/yr will be generated when
the machine is running at rated power? (7)
7. For a multi-chain hydro model, the information is given in Fig-1 and Table 1.
Compute hydro power for 3 rd and 4th hydro units. (8)

Table 1: Reservoir volume, inflow, discharge rat

Initial Final Inflow Discharge rate
Volume . Volume CI./ C2 j C3 j C51 C61
(i) (x104 m3/hr) (x104 m3/hr) Col
( x104 m3) ( x104 m3)
1 100 120 10 11.658 -0.0042 -0.42 0.030 0.90 10.0 -50
2 80 70 8 7.1824 -0.0040 -0.30 0.015 1.14 9.5 -70
3 170 170 8.1 21.256 ' -0.0016 -0.30 0.014 0.55 5.5 -40
4 120 140 2.8 11.253 -0.0030 -0.31 0.027 1.44 14.0 -90

Reservoir 1 Reservoir 2

Reservoir 3

Reservoir 4

Reservoir 1 2 3 4
No of upstream reservoir 0 0 2 1
Time delay (hr) 2 3 4 0
Fig.1 : Multi-chain hydro model

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