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What will happen when parents go back to work?

A journalist from the Sunday Mirror asks how parents can get back
to work if schools aren't fully up and running.

Shapps says it is right to point out the "interconnectivity of the

economy" but many people have found new ways of working
through the pandemic, with many more people working from home.

Van-Tam is also asked what will happen to those who are

shielding when the people volunteering to help them get essential
supplies and medicine go back to work.

The deputy chief medical officer replies that shielding is "an

extremely important part of what we’ve been doing to protect
most vulnerable" and it has likely prevented many deaths.

He adds that shielding groups are being kept under review but
"nothing we do in the future will ever sacrifice" the importance of
protecting the most vulnerable.

Shapps is asked about the impact of quarantine measures on the

airline industry whether the government is still open to negotiation
on any quarantine arrangement for people arriving in the UK.

In response he says the chancellor has already made a number of

packages available for businesses including furlough schemes and

However, if that doesn't work he says "bespoke conversations"

with industries are possible and "that is happening in a number of
different aviation cases".

BBC political correspondent Ben Wright asks Transport Secretary

Grant Shapps about the reports of a policy requiring arrivals into
the UK to quarantine for 14 days.

Wright asks why such a policy has been decided now and about
the potential damage it could do to the already suffering airline
Responding to the question, Shapps says details will be clarified
by the prime minister tomorrow but says it makes sense to look at
arrivals at the border as things get under control, with increased
testing and lower infection rates inside the country.

He also points out that the government previously had a self-

isolation policy in place from arrivals from high-risk areas before
lockdown began.

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