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Why We Should Stop Consuming Junk Food?

Like the name of itself junk food, the type of food that is easily to get, tasty and some of them
has a cheap price has many a lot off harmful effects than the good nutritional for body. Junk
Food itself is included in the type of fast food that can easily be found in almost all over the
world, many kinds of junk food outlets ranging from selling desserts to large portion meals. In
some of big city, junk food outlets can be found easily, because of the high mobility of the
people and the need for easy consumed food, but besides that many young and older people get
many health risks because consuming junk food too often.

Most of the junk food contains a large amount of sugar, fats, carbs and less minerals and
vitamins. This means that when people take a large amount of junk food that contains unhealthy
calories, it can increase weight and in addition, with the lack of unhealthy life can cause several
diseases. One of the most common diseases caused by junk food consumers is obesity. Obesity
itself is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A person
has body fat that exceeds the normal limit of normal people, obesity can also cause other
complications including stroke and cholesterol.

Besides being able to cause obesity, junk food can also cause depression at people who too often
consume it. In one of a research study mentioned that people who consume junk food regularly
have more chances of depression than people who rarely eat junk food. This is due to the sugar
content contained in large amounts of junk food, this will cause chemical reactions in the brain
which can impact brain function, so the brain cannot work optimally in dealing with problems so
it leads to depression.

Behind many of the harmful effects caused by these low-nutrition foods, a few people feel happy
after consuming junk food. At some conditions, a person can crave junk food, for example when
working late at night, when people under the stress or in a bad mood many people prefer to eat
something that can cope with stress and sadness, but most people rarely consume healthy food at
that such times, people prefer to eat savory chips, burgers, pizza and any other junk food, this is
because the taste of junk food can deceive the brain so it can release the dopamine that involve
with the feeling so it can makes people happier after eat junk food.

There are more negative effects than the benefits from consuming junk food. Because it contains
a lot of calories, and fat so because of that junk food is the cause of various chronic diseases such
as diabetes who can cause a complication disease. Mental illnesses like depression can also be
caused by consuming junk food too often. Although some people feel happier after consuming
junk food, that is only temporary and actually causes addiction. Therefore we must stop
consuming junk food and switch to consuming healthier foods such as vegetables and fruits that
contain more nutrients for the body.

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