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After you have made the required installation at the wellsite, you must

package the unused markers for either going to another wellsite or

returning them to inventory. Which step below would be considered Step 3?

Place all unused markers back into its transport container.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index

and update the transportation section of the RS–14C form.
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the
next wellsite or district location.
No, the correct answer is to secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment
and proceed to the next wellsite or district location.

When handling radioactive markers you should always ___________ if they are not
sealed in plastic tape.

wear rubber gloves

use a pickup sleeve

use a radioactive handling tool

use any of the above


After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed

in a job using the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 5?

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

No, the correct answer is to work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand

After marker beads have been removed from storage, inventoried and placed in their
proper transport container, the following steps are preparations taken before the markers
are transported to the wellsite. Which step below would be considered Step 4?
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index.

Ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

Complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

Proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.

No, the correct answer is to complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C

Suppose you are returning a marker sub from the wellsite to your shop for inventory.
Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 2?

Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub and update the
Transportation section of the RS–14C form with the surveyed readings.
Ensure the marker sub is properly labeled.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to your

district location.
Inventory the marked sub or remove the marker bead from the sub and
then inventory then marker bead.
No, the correct answer is to ensure the marker sub is properly labeled.

The radioactive markers that Halliburton uses come in the form of a

calibration sleeve.

threaded radioactive source.

wire or metal bead.

radioactive fluid.


When using the marker sub in a wellsite job, the sub is used primarily for
__________________ installations.



permanent or temporary
none of the above


When installing radioactive markers for a job, how much of the radioactive markers are
expected to be removed from inventory?

no amount is required.

twice as much material to ensure that enough material is available to

complete the job or jobs.
enough to complete any number of jobs to be completed in a week.

only enough to perform the assigned job or jobs the day the material is
taken to the well.

Permanent/temporary installations use subassemblies that are generally assembled

at the shop and transported to the jobsite for installation.

at the wellsite.

while the well is being drilled.

after the well has been cased for production.

No, the correct answer is at the shop and transported to the jobsite for installation.

Suppose you are returning a marker sub from the wellsite to your shop for inventory.
Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 4?

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to your

district location.
Inventory the marked sub or remove the marker bead from the sub and
then inventory then marker bead.
Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub and update the
Transportation section of the RS–14C form with the surveyed readings.
Ensure the marker sub is properly labeled.

No, the correct answer is to inventory the marked sub or remove the marker bead
from the sub and then inventory then marker bead
After marker beads have been removed from storage, inventoried and
placed in their proper transport container, the following steps are
preparations taken before the markers are transported to the wellsite. Which
step below would be considered Step 5?

Proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.

Complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

Complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index.

No, the correct answer is to secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed

in a job using the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 2?

Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

No, the correct answer is to remove a marker from the lead container.

Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 2?

Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.

Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

Notify the RSO.

Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s

radiation level and if any contamination is present.
Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
No, the correct answer is to notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response

After a radioactive marker bead has been removed from storage and inventoried, the
marker can be installed into a collar sub. Based on the steps below, which step is
considered Step 1?

Ensure the sub is properly labeled and complete the Transportation section
of the RS-14C form.
Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub.

Mark the sub with the word “Radioactive” and complete the General section
of the RS-14C form.
Drill and tap a hole in the sub, place the marker bead into the drilled hole
and then use the set screw secure marker in the sub.
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the
wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.
No, the correct answer is to drill and tap a hole in the sub, place the marker bead
into the drilled hole and then use the set screw secure marker in the sub.

After you have made the required installation at the wellsite, you must
package the unused markers for either going to another wellsite or
returning them to inventory. Which step below would be considered Step 1?

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index

and update the transportation section of the RS–14C form.
Place all unused markers back into its transport container.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the

next wellsite or district location.
Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 1?

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.

Notify the RSO.

Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s

radiation level and if any contamination is present.
No, the correct answer is to notify all personnel in the immediate area of the

When permanently installing radioactive markers in a wellsite job, which of the

following applies?
A radioactive marker is first placed on the tubing’s thread.

A tubing collar is threaded to the tubing, where the marker is crushed

between the collar/tubing’s threads.
The collar/tubing is assembled to the remaining tubing string as a
permanent installation into the well.
All of the above.

No, the correct answer is all of the above.

Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 5?

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Notify the RSO.

Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.

Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s

radiation level and if any contamination is present.
No, the correct answer is following the emergency, take a radiation survey to
ascertain the area’s radiation level and if any contamination is present.

After a radioactive marker bead has been removed from storage and inventoried, the
marker can be installed into a collar sub. Based on the steps below, which step is
considered Step 2?

Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub.

Drill and tap a hole in the sub, place the marker bead into the drilled hole
and then use the set screw secure marker in the sub.
Ensure the sub is properly labeled and complete the Transportation section
of the RS-14C form.
Mark the sub with the word “Radioactive” and complete the General section
of the RS-14C form.
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the
wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.
No, the correct answer is to mark the sub with the word “Radioactive” and complete
the General section of the RS-14C form.

Suppose you were transporting radioactive material in your company vehicle and you
were in an accident. In this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 1?

DO NOT leave the area unattended. A qualified Radiological Handler or

Operator must remain at the scene of the accident to maintain direct and
continuous surveillance of the area, ensuring no unauthorized or
inadvertent entry.
Take a radiation survey of the accident area and close off a 2mR/hr
perimeter around the area.
Notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

Notify the RSO. The RSO will then notify the Proper Regulatory Agency.

No, the correct answer is to notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed

in a job using the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 7?

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

After marker beads have been removed from storage, inventoried and placed in their
proper transport container, the following steps are preparations taken before the markers
are transported to the wellsite. Which step below would be considered Step 1?

Proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.

Ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

Complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

Complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index.

No, the correct answer is to complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 6?

Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s

radiation level and if any contamination is present.
Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.

Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

Notify the RSO.

Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

No, the correct answer is to notify the RSO.

Small quantities of this radioactive material (such as Cobalt 60) are placed in the
production tubing string or well casing for determining

the porosity of the formation.

Gamma rays emitted by the formation

lithology of the formation.

well depth and orientation.

No, the correct answer is well depth and orientation.

Radioactive markers are used for

wellsite casing inspection.

horizontal drilling.

positive depth control in production strings.

openhole neutron measurements.


After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed

in a job using the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 1?

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

No, the correct answer is to remove the foam insert from the transport container.

After arriving at the wellsite for the marker sub installation, the marker sub is installed to
the tubing string. Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 1?

Place the radioactive collar in the tubing string.

Take survey readings of the marker sub.

Mark and identify the radioactive collar on the well diagram.

Suppose you were transporting radioactive material in your company vehicle and you
were in an accident. In this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 4?

Notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

DO NOT leave the area unattended. A qualified Radiological Handler or

Operator must remain at the scene of the accident to maintain direct and
continuous surveillance of the area, ensuring no unauthorized or
inadvertent entry.
Take a radiation survey of the accident area and close off a 2mR/hr
perimeter around the area.
Notify the RSO. The RSO will then notify the Proper Regulatory Agency.

No, the correct answer is to notify the RSO. The RSO will then notify the Proper
Regulatory Agency.

After you have made the required installation at the wellsite, you must
package the unused markers for either going to another wellsite or
returning them to inventory. Which step below would be considered Step 2?

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index

and update the transportation section of the RS–14C form.
Place all unused markers back into its transport container.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the

next wellsite or district location.
No, the correct answer is to survey the transport container/package to determine
the transport index and update the transportation section of the RS–14C form.

Permanent installations in pipe threads are typically assembled

while the well is being drilled.

at the shop and transported to the jobsite for installation.

at the wellsite.

after the well has been cased for production.

No, the correct answer is at the wellsite.

After marker beads have been removed from storage, inventoried and placed in their
proper transport container, the following steps are preparations taken before the markers
are transported to the wellsite. Which step below would be considered Step 3?

Complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

Ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

Complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index.

Proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.

No, the correct answer is to ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

After arriving at the wellsite for the marker sub installation, the marker sub is installed to
the tubing string. Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 2?

Mark and identify the radioactive collar on the well diagram.

Place the radioactive collar in the tubing string.

Take survey readings of the marker sub.

No, the correct answer is to place the radioactive collar in the tubing string.

After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed

in a job using the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 3?

Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

No, the correct answer is to place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Radioactive markers are installed in wellsite operations one of two ways. Which of the
following is not an installation procedure?
dropping the markers into the well

placeing a marker into a drilled, tapped hole of a tubing subassembly

crushing a radioactive marker in the pipe’s threads

No, the procedure that does not belong is "dropping the markers into the well."

When working with radioactive markers, there are two primarily procedures
to consider. Which of the following is not a procedure?

Source calibration procedures

Emergency procedures

Installation procedures

No, the answer that does not belong is the Source calibration procedures.

After a radioactive marker bead has been removed from storage and inventoried, the
marker can be installed into a collar sub. Based on the steps below, which step is
considered Step 4?

Ensure the sub is properly labeled and complete the Transportation section
of the RS-14C form.
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the
wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.
Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub.

Drill and tap a hole in the sub, place the marker bead into the drilled hole
and then use the set screw secure marker in the sub.
Mark the sub with the word “Radioactive” and complete the General section
of the RS-14C form.
No, the correct answer is to ensure the sub is properly labeled and complete the
Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed in a job using
the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 6?

Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

No, the correct answer is to screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

After arriving at the wellsite for the marker sub installation, the marker sub is installed to
the tubing string. Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 3?

Mark and identify the radioactive collar on the well diagram.

Place the radioactive collar in the tubing string.

Take survey readings of the marker sub.

No, the correct answer is to mark and identify the radioactive collar on the well

Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 4?

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Notify the RSO.

Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.
Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s
radiation level and if any contamination is present.
Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
No, the correct answer is to take a radiation survey of personnel involved in
combating the emergency.

Suppose you were transporting radioactive material in your company vehicle and you
were in an accident. In this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 3?

Notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

Notify the RSO. The RSO will then notify the Proper Regulatory Agency.

DO NOT leave the area unattended. A qualified Radiological Handler or

Operator must remain at the scene of the accident to maintain direct and
continuous surveillance of the area, ensuring no unauthorized or
inadvertent entry.
Take a radiation survey of the accident area and close off a 2mR/hr
perimeter around the area.
No, the correct answer is DO NOT leave the area unattended. A qualified
Radiological Handler or Operator must remain at the scene of the accident to
maintain direct and continuous surveillance of the area, ensuring no unauthorized
or inadvertent entry.

After a radioactive marker bead has been removed from storage and inventoried, the
marker can be installed into a collar sub. Based on the steps below, which step is
considered Step 5?

Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the

wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.
Ensure the sub is properly labeled and complete the Transportation section
of the RS-14C form.
Drill and tap a hole in the sub, place the marker bead into the drilled hole
and then use the set screw secure marker in the sub.
Mark the sub with the word “Radioactive” and complete the General section
of the RS-14C form.

After arriving at the wellsite, radioactive markers are permanently installed

in a job using the following steps. Which step below would be considered Step 4?
Place the marker bead onto the tube’s threads.

Screw the tubing’s collar onto the Teflon-taped tubing.

Secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

Remove the foam insert from the transport container.

Remove a marker from the lead container.

Work the Teflon tape into the threads by hand.

Take survey readings of the “tagged” collar.

No, the correct answer is to secure the marker onto the pipe’s thread.

When assembling a marker sub for a wellsite job, a marker bead is generally inserted

into the wall of a tubing string’s sub.

on the threads of a tubing string’s sub.

taped on the outside wall of the tubing string’s sub.

by way of all of the above.

No, the correct answer is into the wall of a tubing string’s sub.

Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 3?

Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

Notify the RSO.

Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s
radiation level and if any contamination is present.
Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

No, the correct answer is to attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not
immediately present.

When making a permanent radioactive marker installation in a wellsite job, which of the
following is not considered?
Transporting markers to the wellsite

Installing the markers in a wellsite job

Returning unused markers to inventory

None of the above


After marker beads have been removed from storage, inventoried and placed in their
proper transport container, the following steps are preparations taken before the markers
are transported to the wellsite. Which step below would be considered Step 6?

Complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

Complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

Ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index.

No, the correct answer is to proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT

Suppose you are returning a marker sub from the wellsite to your shop for inventory.
Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 1?

Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub and update the
Transportation section of the RS–14C form with the surveyed readings.
Inventory the marked sub or remove the marker bead from the sub and
then inventory then marker bead.
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to your
district location.
Ensure the marker sub is properly labeled.

No, the correct answer is using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub and
update the Transportation section of the RS–14C form with the surveyed readings.

Suppose you were transporting radioactive material in your company vehicle and you
were in an accident. In this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 2?

Take a radiation survey of the accident area and close off a 2mR/hr
perimeter around the area.
Notify the RSO. The RSO will then notify the Proper Regulatory Agency.

DO NOT leave the area unattended. A qualified Radiological Handler or

Operator must remain at the scene of the accident to maintain direct and
continuous surveillance of the area, ensuring no unauthorized or
inadvertent entry.
Notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

No, the correct answer is to take a radiation survey of the accident area and close
off a 2mR/hr perimeter around the area.

Suppose you are returning a marker sub from the wellsite to your shop for inventory.
Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 3?

Inventory the marked sub or remove the marker bead from the sub and
then inventory then marker bead.
Ensure the marker sub is properly labeled.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to your

district location.
Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub and update the
Transportation section of the RS–14C form with the surveyed readings.
No, the correct answer is to secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment
and proceed to your district location.

After marker beads have been removed from storage, inventoried and
placed in their proper transport container, the following steps are
preparations taken before the markers are transported to the wellsite. Which
step below would be considered Step 2?

Complete the Transportation section of the RS-14C form.

Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment.

Complete the General section of the RS-14C form.

Ensure the transport container is properly labeled.

Survey the transport container/package to determine the transport index.

Proceed to the wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.

No, the correct answer is to survey the transport container/package to determine

the transport index..
After a radioactive marker bead has been removed from storage and inventoried, the
marker can be installed into a collar sub. Based on the steps below, which step is
considered Step 3?

Ensure the sub is properly labeled and complete the Transportation section
of the RS-14C form.
Mark the sub with the word “Radioactive” and complete the General section
of the RS-14C form.
Secure the package in a locked vehicle compartment and proceed to the
wellsite, observing all applicable DOT regulations.
Drill and tap a hole in the sub, place the marker bead into the drilled hole
and then use the set screw secure marker in the sub.
Using a gamma survey meter, survey the marker sub.


After arriving at the wellsite for the marker sub installation, the marker sub is installed to
the tubing string. Based on the steps below, which step is considered Step 1?

Mark and identify the radioactive collar on the well diagram.

Place the radioactive collar in the tubing string.

Take survey readings of the marker sub.


Suppose you were transporting radioactive material in your company vehicle and you
were in an accident. In this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 1?

DO NOT leave the area unattended. A qualified Radiological Handler or

Operator must remain at the scene of the accident to maintain direct and
continuous surveillance of the area, ensuring no unauthorized or
inadvertent entry.
Notify the RSO. The RSO will then notify the Proper Regulatory Agency.

Notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

Take a radiation survey of the accident area and close off a 2mR/hr
perimeter around the area.
No, the correct answer is to notify the appropriate Emergency Response Agency.

Suppose a fire has broken out in the area where you have stored radioactive material. In
this type emergency, which of the steps below is Step 7?

Attempt to fight the fire only if a radiation hazard is not immediately present.

Notify the RSO.

Notify the Fire Department or the Emergency Response Agency.

Take a radiation survey of personnel involved in combating the emergency.

Notify all personnel in the immediate area of the danger.

Following the emergency, take a radiation survey to ascertain the area’s

radiation level and if any contamination is present.
Prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The RSO will contact the
Regulatory Agency.
No, the correct answer is to prepare and send a detailed report to the RSO. The
RSO will contact the Regulatory Agency.

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