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Abbie Acosta
Student Information
Child’s Name: Ana
Age: 5
Grade: Kindergarten
Gender: Female

The child I worked with for this assessment study was a kindergarten student at St. Mark’s. The
student was very energetic and always looking forward to the next time I would come into their
classroom. Some of the student’s hobbies included playing outside, playing with toys, and also
playing video games. One of the things I noticed about this student was that they always looked
forward to being able to draw. They were always interested in being able to use crayons and
markers to draw or write.
Assessment Results
 Alphabet Recognition
o For the alphabet recognition, the student was able to recognize most of the
uppercase letters. They confused the letters M for W, N for W, and V for Y. I
believe that this most likely happened due to the similarity in the letters. In terms
of the lowercase letters, the student struggled more to identify the lowercase
letters compared to the uppercase letters.
 Concepts About Books/ Concepts of Print
o This assessment was done before we began reading our story that day. The
student was correctly able to identify the front and back of the book, the title
page, the authors as well as where we would start reading the story. They were
also able to point out the order in which the words are read in a book, which are
left to right.
 Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)
o In this assessment, the student was only assessed on the first 9 subtests. We
stopped at the 9th subtest because they were only able to complete 2 words from
the 9th subtest and when we attempted the 10th subtest, they did not know what to
do. Overall, the student did a good job on this assessment. They struggled with
some of the sentences in the concept of spoken words and sometimes combined
words such as, “loves to” for “lovesto”. Another subtest in which they struggled
was syllable deletion. The student struggled particularly on the words that weren’t
compound words such as basket and after. They were, however, able to complete
the activity for the words downtown, inside, forget, and skateboard.
 Sight Words
o The student was not able to identify any of the words in the sight test. The student
did not even attempt to read the words that were being shown. They would just
nod their head “no” and state that they did not know the word. It was interesting
seeing that even for the single lettered words the student was not able to identify
the word. I decided to stop administering the test after 10 words because the
student was not making any progress and I did notice them start to get distracted. I
attempted to come back to this assessment later but there was not progress made
to first time I administered this assessment.
 Informal Phonics Inventory
o The student also struggled with the informal phonics inventory assessment. The
student was identifying the letter name rather than identifying the letter sound.
They were only able to identify the letter sound for 8 of the 20 letters. When
moving on, the student was unable to complete any of the consonant digraphs or
short vowels in CVC words. Due to there being more than 10 mistakes on the
assessment, the assessment was stopped.
 Writing Samples
o When asking the student if they could write about what they like to do
afterschool, the student replied and said they could not write. At this point, I let
the student draw a picture of what they did instead. Once the student was done, I
had them explain their picture and labeled it for them instead. For the second
writing sample, I asked the student to write their name on a sheet of paper. The
student was very excited and wrote their name. Later, I prompted the student to
write different letters and numbers. The student only knew how to write the
numbers 0-5 and the letters A, B, and C.
Strengths and Learning Needs
Some of the things the student struggled with were alphabet recognition as well as sounds letters
make. The student however, did very well in the phonological awareness skills test. For the
PAST assessment, the student confidently was able to complete the assessment. I believe this
was due to the examples the assessment provided as well as the oral part of the assessment as this
assessment focused more on what the student could verbally identify versus physically read. Part
of the reason I believe the student struggled with the alphabet recognition and well as the sound’s
letters make is that I don’t think they may have as much exposure to reading at home. The
student mentioned that they play a lot of video games and only have a limited number of books
at home. This would be areas that I would work with the student on first because it creates the
foundation for the success the student will have on other parts of the assessment. If the student is
able to recognize letters and sounds, it may make it easier for them to grasp the concept of
reading and being to identify more words, which could also help them with their sight words as
well as the informal phonic inventory.
Interest Inventory Responses
1. They like to play at the park on the swings after school.
2. While at school, she enjoys playing with toys. Especially dolls, airplanes, and video
games on the computer.
3. She enjoys reading because it’s a way for her to learn more.
4. Her favorite books are The Three Little Pigs and Peppa Pig.
5. She only has two books at home.
6. They couldn’t remember the last thing they read however they did reiterate they enjoyed
7. A person is a good reader if they can read with you, if they make facial expressions when
they read, and if they can read the words on the book.
8. They do like to write.
9. They write about the barbie dreamhouse, particularly about Barbie’s boyfriend Ken and
their three daughters.
10. They think they are a good writer because they like to write and can draw good pictures.
11. They didn’t know what to say for what makes someone a good writer.
12. People read and write to show they are smart and can do good in school.
13. They use computers to learn their ABCs and numbers. They also have a personal iPod in
which they play video games.
14. She uses the family computer to play video games and call her dad who doesn’t live with
15. They do have other electronics, such as TVs, phones, computers. They use them a lot.
Specifically afterschool and before going to sleep.
ABC Recognition
Circle the letter the student does not get correct.
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
G g
H h
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n
O o
P p
Q q
R r
S s
T t
U u
V v
W w
X x
Y y
Z z

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