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CAPE TOWN – Imagine trusting the government even dare touch anyone or congregate beyond a
to educate your child but not being able to figure pair, we are selfish, immoral, society-hating killers.
out a plan to educate them.
No need to imagine, this scenario is playing out
before our very eyes, in real time. Yes, even though
you have been burdened by the very government,
which you very eagerly hand your hard-earned
taxes to, to do their job and by the way, if your
children are in a so-called privileged school, you
better continue paying your school fees. Shouldn’t
you now be paid by the government to teach your
own kids?
Nevertheless, tax lesson on another day. So, after
six weeks of lockdown, we have no certainty of
how or when to end this soul-sucking experience.
One of the major concerns during this state-
imposed house arrest, is education, more precisely,
the shutting down and re-opening of schools.
Okay, so as with everything in life, shutting down Well, the smart hats in the NCCC (National
anything from an authoritarian position is easy, Coronavirus Command Council, boy, we love our
simply tell the people they’ll be imprisoned if they abbreviations…) have come up with a plan, or have
continue with their evil activity of allowing their they? Even they are not sure, anymore. They have
toddler to accidentally wander onto the beach. Step backtracked on their statements more times than a
one accomplished. The question, however, that a grade 7 boy in an Afrikaans school caught with
thinking man needs answered, is how to re-open cigarettes in his school trousers.
these activities.
If there’s one thing that we do know now, for a fact,
This question seemed to have baffled our education is that our education minister, Angie Motshekga,
minister and leaders. What a surprise! Given the with her R2m salary, haven’t had a re-entry plan
fact that COVID19 cases are on the rise and we are when lockdown was instituted and still doesn’t.
not allowed to congregate even as couples outside
We can all agree that the initial three week
of our homes, how will these forward thinkers
lockdown was considered a sensible thing to do, no
justify cramming anything from 30 to 80 students
arguments there. However, after six weeks of no
back into a single classroom, especially after the
school and no apparent plan on which educators,
fear of God has been instilled in us that, should we
teachers’ unions, parents and the NCCC will agree Having acknowledged that there won’t be any
on, things aren’t exactly looking up. extra-curricular activities for the rest of 2020 at
schools, it leaves us with some options to have
The reasons for not agreeing on a plan ranges from
fewer students in a class but have more teaching
no water at over 3000 schools for washing, lack of
sessions. As an example, a class of 30 children
PPE, lack of educators, lack of desks, lack of space,
could be divided into three groups of ten (plenty of
lack of brain power and not even to speak of some
social distancing space) and have 2 and a half hours
parents refusing to send their children back to
(five periods) intense schooling from 07:30 - 10:00
school to ‘die.’
and go home. The next group gets taught from
Since it is so difficult for them to think critically, 11:30 – 14:00 and the last from 14:30 – 17:00.
here are some ideas:
Everyone goes home, including teachers.
Firstly, we could do with people in decision making Alternatively, divide classes in two groups and
roles who were actually teachers and maybe an have them come in to be taught on alternate days.
honestly earned degree or two who could have No, marking of books, no lunch-breaks, no
foreseen these problems when the lockdown was swopping of classes. No unnecessary meetings.
instituted. But, hey, I’m not one to dwell on the Teach the essentials, sanitize, keep your distance,
past, so here’s what we can do now: Adjust the go home. You get the idea, plans can be made. The
lockdown level criteria. Level 3 should include fact that we simply have come up with no plan is
gatherings of 30 people or less, across the board, quite frankly, laughable.
then you could start to accommodate a reasonable
The bottom line is that plans could have been made
amount of classes.
a long time ago and should have. Fr a salary of
Not happy, here’s another: A school day generally R2m, we should expect some intellect. We need
starts at 07:30 and including extra-mural activities, more than these bamboozling fools to lead us in the
could continue up to 17:00. That’s nine and a half various ministries, instead, we got what we voted
hours! for.
There, now that’s out of my system.

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