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(continued from previous page)

¾ \closedcurlyvee ⌞ \lefthalfcup D \sqcupdot

¼ \closedcurlywedge \lefttherefore F \sqcupplus
∪ \cup ⋋ \leftthreetimes ∷ \squaredots
⊍ \cupdot * \leftY × \times
⊎ \cupplus ⋉ \ltimes  \udotdot
⋎ \curlyvee ∖ \medbackslash ∴ \uptherefore
5 \curlyveedot ◯ \medcircle ) \upY
⋏ \curlywedge ∕ \medslash $ \utimes
4 \curlywedgedot ∣ \medvert Š \vbipropto
 \ddotdot  \medvertdot ∶ \vdotdot
\diamonddots − \minus ∨ \vee
÷ \div  \minusdot / \veedot
 \dotmedvert ∓ \mp ⧖ \vertbowtie
 \dotminus ‰ \neswbipropto  \vertdiv
⋒ \doublecap ‹ \nwsebipropto ∧ \wedge
⋓ \doublecup + \plus . \wedgedot
7 \doublecurlyvee ± \pm ≀ \wreath
6 \doublecurlywedge ⌝ \righthalfcap
⩎ \doublesqcap ⌟ \righthalfcup

MnSymbol defines \setminus and \smallsetminus as synonyms for

\medbackslash; \Join as a synonym for \bowtie; \wr as a synonym for
\wreath; \shortmid as a synonym for \medvert; \Cap as a synonym for
\doublecap; \Cup as a synonym for \doublecup; and, \uplus as a synonym
for \cupplus.

Table 57: fdsymbol Binary Operators

⨿ \amalg ⩖ \doublevee ⋊ \rtimes

∗ \ast ⩕ \doublewedge \ \setminus
⊼ \barwedge / \downY ⊓ \sqcap
∩ \cap ⨲ \dtimes I \sqcapdot
⩀ \capdot  \hdotdot K \sqcapplus
C \capplus ⊺ \intercal ⊔ \sqcup
⋅ \cdot ⨼ \intprod H \sqcupdot
\centerdot ⨽ \intprodr J \sqcupplus
∪ \cup ⋋ \leftthreetimes × \times
⊍ \cupdot . \leftY ⨱ \timesbar
⊎ \cupplus ⋉ \ltimes  \udotdot
⋎ \curlyvee ∖ \medbackslash ⧖ \upbowtie
⋏ \curlywedge ∕ \medslash - \upY
 \ddotdot − \minus ( \utimes
÷ \div ⨪ \minusdot ⨿ \varamalg
⋇ \divideontimes ⨫ \minusfdots ∶ \vdotdot
/ \divslash ⨬ \minusrdots ⋮ \vdots
∸ \dotminus ∓ \mp ∨ \vee
∔ \dotplus + \plus ⊻ \veebar

(continued on next page)

(continued from previous page)

⨰ \dottimes ⨥ \plusdot ⟇ \veedot

⩞ \doublebarwedge ± \pm ⩣ \veedoublebar
⋒ \doublecap ⟓ \pullback ∧ \wedge
⋓ \doublecup ⟔ \pushout ⟑ \wedgedot
⩎ \doublesqcap ⋌ \rightthreetimes ≀ \wreath
⩏ \doublesqcup , \rightY

fdsymbol defines \btimes as a synonym for \dtimes; \Cap as a synonym for

\doublecap; \Cup as a synonym for \doublecup; \hookupminus as a synonym
for \intprodr; \hourglass as a synonym for \upbowtie; \land as a synonym
for \wedge; \lor as a synonym for \vee; \minushookup as a synonym for
\intprod; \smalldivslash as a synonym for \medslash; \smallsetminus
as a synonym for \medbackslash; \Sqcap as a synonym for \doublesqcap;
\Sqcup as a synonym for \doublesqcup; \ttimes as a synonym for \utimes;
\lJoin as a synonym for \ltimes; \rJoin as a synonym for \rtimes; \Join
and \lrtimes as synonyms for \bowtie; \uplus as a synonym for \cupplus;
\veeonvee as a synonym for \doublevee; \wedgeonwedge as a synonym for
\doublewedge; and \wr as a synonym for \wreath).

Table 58: boisik Binary Operators

{ \ast Œ \dottimes ê \rtimesblack

ç \baro Ò \doublebarwedge Ú \smallsetminus
Ñ \barwedge ý \fatsemi ö \smashtimes
= \bbslash Å \gtrdot ¿ \squplus
î \binampersand þ \intercal < \sslash
ï \bindnasrepma Þ \lbag z \times
ë \blackbowtie ì \lblackbowtie … \uplus
è \bowtie Ð \leftslice ± \varcap
„ \cap Ó \leftthreetimes ° \varcup
Ë \Cap Ä \lessdot ó \varintercal
y \cdot Ô \ltimes ³ \varsqcap
î \centerdot é \ltimesblack ² \varsqcup
‹ \circplus Ž \merge  \vartimes
` \coAsterisk é \minuso ‡ \vee
@ \convolution æ \moo û \Vee
ƒ \cup ÿ \mp Ð \veebar
Ê \Cup ¾ \nplus  \veeonvee
¯ \cupleftarrow è \pluscirc † \wedge
Ï \curlyvee õ \plustrif ü \Wedge
Î \curlywedge ~ \pm Ô \Ydown
ñ \dagger ß \rbag Ö \Yleft
ò \ddagger í \rblackbowtie × \Yright
| \div Ñ \rightslice Õ \Yup
à \divideontimes Ô \rightthreetimes
Þ \dotplus Õ \rtimes

Table 59: stix Binary Operators

⨿ \amalg ⨾ \fcmp ⊔ \sqcup

∗ \ast ⁄ \fracslash ⩏ \Sqcup
⩃ \barcap ⊺ \intercal ⫽ \sslash
⩂ \barcup ⫴ \interleave ⫶ \threedotcolon
⊽ \barvee ⨼ \intprod × \times
⊼ \barwedge ⨽ \intprodr ⨱ \timesbar
⩗ \bigslopedvee ∾ \invlazys ⧿ \tminus
⩘ \bigslopedwedge ⋋ \leftthreetimes ⧾ \tplus
⨲ \btimes ⊲ \lhd ⧻ \tripleplus
∩ \cap ⋉ \ltimes ⫻ \trslash
⋒ \Cap ⩝ \midbarvee ⩋ \twocaps
⩉ \capbarcup ⩜ \midbarwedge ⩊ \twocups
⩀ \capdot ⨪ \minusdot ⦂ \typecolon
⩇ \capovercup ⨫ \minusfdots ⩁ \uminus
⩄ \capwedge ⨬ \minusrdots ⊴ \unlhd
⩍ \closedvarcap ∓ \mp ⊵ \unrhd
⩌ \closedvarcup ⫵ \nhVvert ⅋ \upand
⩐ \closedvarcupsmashprod ⨭ \opluslhrim ⊎ \uplus
⨩ \commaminus ⨮ \oplusrhrim ⌅ \varbarwedge
∪ \cup ⨴ \otimeslhrim ⌆ \vardoublebarwedge
⋓ \Cup ⨵ \otimesrhrim ⩡ \varveebar
⩈ \cupbarcap ⨥ \plusdot ⨯ \vectimes
⊍ \cupdot ⩲ \pluseqq ⩔ \Vee
⊌ \cupleftarrow ⨣ \plushat ∨ \vee
⩆ \cupovercap ⨦ \plussim ⊻ \veebar
⩅ \cupvee ⨧ \plussubtwo ⟇ \veedot
⋎ \curlyvee ⨨ \plustrif ⩣ \veedoublebar
⋏ \curlywedge ± \pm ⩛ \veemidvert
† \dagger ⊳ \rhd ⩒ \veeodot
‡ \ddagger ⋌ \rightthreetimes ⩖ \veeonvee
÷ \div ⨢ \ringplus ⩓ \Wedge
⋇ \divideontimes ⧷ \rsolbar ∧ \wedge
∸ \dotminus ⋊ \rtimes ⩟ \wedgebar
∔ \dotplus ⧵ \setminus ⟑ \wedgedot
⨰ \dottimes ⧢ \shuffle ⩠ \wedgedoublebar
⩢ \doublebarvee ⨤ \simplus ⩚ \wedgemidvert
⩞ \doublebarwedge ∖ \smallsetminus ⩑ \wedgeodot
⧺ \doubleplus ⨳ \smashtimes ⩕ \wedgeonwedge
⧶ \dsol ⊓ \sqcap ≀ \wr
⩱ \eqqplus ⩎ \Sqcap

stix defines \land as a synonym for \wedge, \lor as a synonym for \vee,
\doublecap as a synonym for \Cap, and \doublecup as a synonym for \Cup.

Table 60: mathdesign Binary Operators

_ \dtimes ] \udtimes ^ \utimes

The mathdesign package additionally provides versions of each of the binary

operators shown in Table 51 on page 29.

Table 61: cmll Binary Operators
` \parr* & \with†

cmll defines \invamp as a synonym for \parr.

\with differs from \& in terms of its math-mode spacing: $A \& B$ produces
“𝐴 & 𝐵”, for example, while $A \with B$ produces “𝐴 & 𝐵”.

Table 62: shuffle Binary Operators

 \cshuffle  \shuffle

Table 63: ulsy Geometric Binary Operators


Table 64: mathabx Geometric Binary Operators

İ \blacktriangledown i \boxright a \ominus
đ \blacktriangleleft m \boxslash ‘ \oplus
§ \blacktriangleright b \boxtimes i \oright
IJ \blacktriangleup j \boxtop m \oslash
f \boxasterisk o \boxtriangleup b \otimes
n \boxbackslash l \boxvoid j \otop
k \boxbot f \oasterisk o \otriangleup
e \boxcirc n \obackslash l \ovoid
g \boxcoasterisk k \obot Ź \smalltriangledown
c \boxdiv e \ocirc Ž \smalltriangleleft
d \boxdot g \ocoasterisk Ż \smalltriangleright
h \boxleft c \odiv Ÿ \smalltriangleup
a \boxminus d \odot
‘ \boxplus h \oleft

Table 65: MnSymbol Geometric Binary Operators
⧅ \boxbackslash ▼ \filledmedtriangledown ⊚ \ocirc
⧈ \boxbox ◀ \filledmedtriangleleft ⊙ \odot
⊡ \boxdot ▶ \filledmedtriangleright ⊖ \ominus
⊟ \boxminus ▲ \filledmedtriangleup ⊕ \oplus
⊞ \boxplus ◾ \filledsquare ⊘ \oslash
⧄ \boxslash ★ \filledstar ⍟ \ostar
⊠ \boxtimes ▾ \filledtriangledown ⊗ \otimes
q \boxvert ◂ \filledtriangleleft d \otriangle
{ \diamondbackslash ▸ \filledtriangleright ⦶ \overt
 \diamonddiamond ▴ \filledtriangleup „ \pentagram
⟐ \diamonddot ◇ \meddiamond ◇ \smalldiamond
x \diamondminus ◻ \medsquare ◽ \smallsquare
| \diamondplus ☆ \medstar ☆ \smallstar
z \diamondslash ▽ \medtriangledown ▿ \smalltriangledown
} \diamondtimes ◁ \medtriangleleft ◃ \smalltriangleleft
y \diamondvert ▷ \medtriangleright ▹ \smalltriangleright
 \downslice △ \medtriangleup ▵ \smalltriangleup
◆ \filleddiamond ⊛ \oast ⋆ \thinstar
∎ \filledmedsquare ⦸ \obackslash À \upslice

MnSymbol defines \blacksquare as a synonym for \filledmedsquare;

\square and \Box as synonyms for \medsquare; \diamond as a synonym for
\smalldiamond; \Diamond as a synonym for \meddiamond; \star as a syn-
onym for \thinstar; \circledast as a synonym for \oast; \circledcirc as
a synonym for \ocirc; and, \circleddash as a synonym for \ominus.

Table 66: fdsymbol Geometric Binary Operators

⧅ \boxbackslash ▼ \medblacktriangledown ⊕ \oplus

⧈ \boxbox ◀ \medblacktriangleleft ⊘ \oslash
⊡ \boxdot ▶ \medblacktriangleright ⊗ \otimes
⊟ \boxminus ▲ \medblacktriangleup ⦶ \overt
⊞ \boxplus ○ \medcircle • \smallblackcircle
⧄ \boxslash ◇ \meddiamond ⬩ \smallblackdiamond
⊠ \boxtimes ∕ \medslash ▪ \smallblacksquare
◫ \boxvert □ \medsquare ⋆ \smallblackstar
ˆ \diamondbackslash ▽ \medtriangledown ▾ \smallblacktriangledown
Œ \diamonddiamond ◁ \medtriangleleft ◂ \smallblacktriangleleft
⟐ \diamonddot ▷ \medtriangleright ▸ \smallblacktriangleright
… \diamondminus △ \medtriangleup ▴ \smallblacktriangleup
‰ \diamondplus ⭐ \medwhitestar ◦ \smallcircle
‡ \diamondslash ⊛ \oast ⋄ \smalldiamond
Š \diamondtimes ⦸ \obackslash ▫ \smallsquare
† \diamondvert ⊚ \ocirc ▿ \smalltriangledown
● \medblackcircle ⊝ \odash ◃ \smalltriangleleft
◆ \medblackdiamond ⊙ \odot ▹ \smalltriangleright
■ \medblacksquare ⊜ \oequal ▵ \smalltriangleup
⭑ \medblackstar ⊖ \ominus ⭒ \smallwhitestar

fdsymbol defines synonyms for most of the preceding symbols:

⬩ \blackdiamond ⋄ \diamond • \smblkcircle
▲ \blacktriangle ◇ \Diamond ⬩ \smblkdiamond
▼ \blacktriangledown ˆ \diamondbslash ▪ \smblksquare
◀ \blacktriangleleft ⟐ \diamondcdot ⭒ \smwhitestar
▶ \blacktriangleright ◆ \mdblkdiamond ◦ \smwhtcircle
□ \Box ■ \mdblksquare ⋄ \smwhtdiamond
◫ \boxbar ● \mdlgblkcircle ▫ \smwhtsquare
⧅ \boxbslash ◆ \mdlgblkdiamond □ \square
⧄ \boxdiag ■ \mdlgblksquare ⋆ \star
• \bullet ○ \mdlgwhtcircle △ \triangle
◦ \circ ◇ \mdlgwhtdiamond ▽ \triangledown
⊛ \circledast □ \mdlgwhtsquare ◁ \triangleleft
⊚ \circledcirc ◇ \mdwhtdiamond ▷ \triangleright
⊝ \circleddash □ \mdwhtsquare △ \vartriangle
⊜ \circledequal ⭑ \medstar
⦶ \circledvert ⦸ \obslash

Table 67: boisik Geometric Binary Operators

ã \blacklozenge   \boxright : \oblong

ï \blacksquare ¢ \boxslash ’ \obot
ë \blacktriangle ò \boxtimes  \obslash
è \blacktriangledown  \boxtop ™ \ogreaterthan
ê \blacktriangleleft £ \boxtriangle “ \oleft
é \blacktriangleright ö \circledast ˜ \olessthan
¤ \boxast õ \circledcirc  \ominus
¡ \boxbar ÷ \circleddash € \oplus
ž \boxbot } \diamond ” \oright
§ \boxbox ª \diamondbar – \oslash
œ \boxbslash ® \diamondcircle ‚ \otimes
¥ \boxcircle © \diamondminus ‘ \otop
¦ \boxdivision ¨ \diamondop — \otriangle
ô \boxdot ¬ \diamondplus š \ovee
Ÿ \boxleft « \diamondtimes › \owedge
ñ \boxminus ­ \diamondtriangle ø \star
ð \boxplus • \obar ; \talloblong


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