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Every w atchtow er has its purpose. It serves as an elevated place for a
wide-awake person with sharp vision. It enables him to see far ahead into
the distance and tell those below for whom he is a watchman w hat is
drawing near, whether it is a danger against which to prepare or it is
something good over which to be glad with strong faith and hope.
Because of having the name ”The W atch tow er” this magazine justly
has to render a similar useful service to the people of all nations. This is
an international magazine and makes no racial distinctions, for w e are all
facing a common w orld danger; we are all hoping for a common good.
Ever since ”The W atch tow er” began to be published in Ju ly of 1Θ79 it
has looked ahead into the future, always striving to aid its readers to ad-
vance in knowledge and to gain a clearer picture of the glorious new order
of things that is in store for righteous mankind. No, ”The W atch to w er”
is no inspired prophet, but it follows and explains a Book of prophecy the
predictions in which have proved to be unerring and unfailing till now.
”The W atch to w er” is therefore under safe guidance. It may be read with
confidence, for its statements may be checked against that prophetic Book.
Among the many nations of today there are hundreds of differing
religions. W hich one does this magazine present? N ot the confused religions
of Christendom, but the religion of the oldest sacred Book on earth. W hich
Book? The Sacred Bible of the Holy Scriptures, w ritten by inspiration in
the name of the C reator of heaven and earth, the only living and true God.
The sacred, nonpolitical purpose of ”The W atch tow er” is accordingly
to encourage and promote study of the H oly Bible and to give our many
readers the needed unsectarian help to understand that Book of true
religion and infallible prophecy. Thus this magazine will be helping them
to prove w orthy o f perfect life and happiness in God’s promised new order
under His everlasting kingdom of righteousness.

117 Adams Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, U.S.A.
N. H. K norr, President G rant S uiter , Secretary
“T h e y w ill a ll be ta u g h t b y Je h o v a h .‫ — ״‬Jo h n 6 : 45; I s a ia h 54: IS

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“ The Watchtower” Is Pabllshed In the Following 7 2 Languages
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Who Is God? 579 Afrikaans Finnish Malagasy Fijian Melanesian- Siamesr
Arabic French Norwegian Ga Pidgin Silozi
Finding the Right Religion 584 Cebuano
Chishona Hiligaynon Spanish Hindi Pangasinau Swahili
Maintain Proper Christian Balance 585 Cibemba
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Maintaining Balance in Human Dutch
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Relationships 592 Lingala Sango Ukrainian
M o n th ly Malayalam Sepedi Urdu
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‘Suffering Evil as a Right Kind of Soldier’ 598 Bengali Burmese Ewe

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- y ^ r in o u n c ir ic y
J E H O V A H ’S
Vol. L X X X IX October 1, 1968 Number 19

a / A N ’S a r t th e m ost
C^/VOL n e e d h ig h o ver all
for God and his the earth.”
help has never A lso , in al-
b een g r e a t e r most all trans-
than now. Our la tio n s the
lives depend up- nam e is found
on k n o w i n g a t R ev e la tio n
hi m. But, 1 9 : 1 6 ‫ ־‬as p art
strangely of the expres-
enough, there sion “Alleluia”
is much confusion as to who he is, for or “Hallelujah.” This means “praise Jah”
today, as in the past, there are many gods (a shortened form of Jehovah). Cath-
worshiped in different lands. Yet the Bi- olic Encyclopedia (1910, Vol. v m , p. 329)
ble makes clear that there is only one true says of this Divine Name: “Jehovah, the
God. Thus the apostle Paul says: “Even proper name of God in the Old Testa-
though there are those who are called ment.” However, The Jerusalem a
‘gods,’ whether in heaven or on earth, recent Catholic translation, regularly uses
just as there are many ‘gods’ and many the name “Yahweh,” as do a number of
‘lords,’ there is actually to us one God other translations. Why is that?
the Father, out of whom all things are.” God’s name is represented thousands of
—1 Cor. 8:5, 6. times in Hebrew, mostly the language in
To distinguish himself from the many which the first thirty-nine books of our
false gods, the true God has given him- modern Bibles were written, by the four
self a personal name. This sets him apart Hebrew letters YHWH. In ancient times
from all others. “Is not ‘God’ his name?” the Hebrew language was written with-
some may ask. No, for “God” is merely out vowels, the reader supplying the vow-
a title, just as “President,” “King” and els as he read the words. So, the problem
“Judge” are titles. God’s personal name is that today we have no way of know-
is made known to us through his Word, ing exactly which vowels the Hebrews
the Bible, and that name is JEHOVAH. used along with the consonants YHWH.
In many translations of the Bible this Many scholars think the name was pro-
name is found at Psalm 83:18, where we nounced “Yahweh,” but the form “Jeho-
read ( AV) : “That men may know that vah” has been in use for many centuries
thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, and is most widely known.
580 S&eWATCHTOWER. B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

Because there is uncertainty as to the ing in a figurative way.—Ps. 8:1, 3, 4;

exact pronunciation of God’s personal Isa. 40:25, 26.
name, some clergymen say you should not No wonder that in the heavens the
use it at all, but instead simply say “God” song is sung: “Great and wonderful are
or “the Lord.” However, they do not in- your works, Jehovah God, the Almighty.
sist that you should not use the names Righteous and true are your ways, King
“Jesus” and “Jeremiah.” And yet these of eternity. Who will not really fear you,
commonly used pronunciations are quite Jehovah, and glorify your name, because
different from the Hebrew pronunciations you alone are loyal?” (Rev. 15:3, 4) As
“Yesh'ua” and “Yirmeiah‫׳‬.” The vital point the Creator of all things, Jehovah God,
is not what pronunciation you use for the the “King of eternity,” existed before all
Divine Name, whether “Yahweh,” “Jeho- others. He is “from everlasting to everlast*
vah,” or some other, as long as the pro- ing,” meaning that he had no beginning
nunciation is common in your language. and will never have an end.—1 Tim. 1:17;
What is wrong is to f to Ps.
use 90:2,
that name. AV.
Why? How right, then, that our worship
This is because those who do not use it should go only to him! As we consider his
could not be identified with the ones whom creative works, we too can say: “You are
God takes out to be “a people for his worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to re-
name ” (Acts 15:14) We should not only ceive the glory and the honor and the
know God’s name but honor it and praise power, because you created all things, and
it before others, as God’s Son did when because of your will they existed and were
on earth. He taught his followers to pray: created.” (Rev. 4:11) He accomplished
“Our Father in the heavens, let your the creation, not with tools such as men
name be sanctified.” And in prayer to his use, but by means of his holy spirit, which
Father he said: “I have made your name is his invisible active force.—Gen. 1:2;
Ps. 104:30.
manifest to the men you gave me out of
the world.”—Matt. 6:9; John 17:6, 26. It is that same holy spirit by which he
later caused the Bible to be written so
GOD’S QUALITIES AND WHY W E SHOULD that we might know his will and purposes
WORSHIP HIM ALONE for men on earth. “Men spoke from God,”
What does the Bible itself tell us about the Bible explains, “as they were borne
God? It tells us that “God is a Spirit.” along by holy spirit.” (2 Pet. 1:21) Even
(John 4:24) A spirit is not composed of we can have the guidance and help of that
flesh and blood, nor of other material sub- spirit or active force if we seek God’s help.
stances that can be seen or felt by human Jesus Christ showed this when he said:
If you “know how to give good gifts to
senses. (1 Cor. 15:44, 50) So, human eyes
your children, how much more so will the
have never seen God, as the Bible testi-
Father in heaven give holy spirit to those
fies: “No man has seen God at any time.” asking him!”—Luke 11:13.
(John 1:18) He is far superior to any-
Since all things were created ‘because
thing our eyes behold. The majesty of the of his will,’ they all must serve God’s pur-
mountains, the brilliance of the sun, and pose. Jehovah informed the first man and
even the glory of the starry heavens are woman, Adam and Eve, of his purpose for
nothing as compared to him. These are them, and he held them accountable to act
all just ‘the works of his fingers,’ speak- in harmony with it. Are we, too, account-
October 1, 1968 fEeW A TCH TO W ER 581
able to God? Yes, because God is the in both heaven and earth. We may well
Source of our life. This is true, not only ask, then: “Why should anyone ever
because we have descended from that first doubt God’s wisdom?” The Bible shows
human pair to whom God gave life, but that his requirements are for our good,
also because our continued life each day with our everlasting welfare in view. It
depends on the sun, rain, air and food is true that there may be times when we,
from which Jehovah continues to let us as humans having limited knowledge and
benefit. (Ps. 36:9; Matt. 5:45) To what experience, do not fully appreciate why a
extent, then, do we live our lives in har- certain law stated by God is so important,
mony with God’s purpose for us? We or how it really works for our good. Yet
ought to think seriously about this, be- our firm belief that God obviously knows
cause our opportunity for eternal life is far more than we do, that his experience
at stake. is so much greater than ours, and that
Are we really to fear God? Yes, but what he does is for our everlasting good,
with a healthy fear of rebelling against his will move us to obey him with a willing
will, because his will is right. In even or- heart.—Ps. 1 9 :7 1 1 ‫ ;־‬Mic. 6:8.
dinary things, do we not fear to take risks
that could cause injury or loss of life? IS GOD A “TRINITY"?
How much more so should we fear to dis- Many religions of Christendom teach
please “Jehovah God, the Almighty”? Yet that God is a “Trinity,” although the word
we can be glad that he is almighty, for, “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible.
“as regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving The World Council of Churches recently
about through all the earth to show his said that all religions that are part of that
strength in behalf of those whose heart Council should advocate the belief that
is complete toward him.” (2 Chron. 16:9; there is “one God, Father, Son and Holy
see also Isaiah 40:29-31.) And we may be Spirit,” that is, three persons in one God.
sure that always Jehovah uses his power Those teaching this doctrine admit that
with a right purpose and for the good of it is “a mystery.” The Athanasian Creed,
those loving what is right. For “God is of about the eighth century of the Com-
love.”—1 John 4:8. mon Era, says that the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost (Spirit) are all three
Jehovah, therefore, is not an oppressive
of the same substance, all three are eter-
God. “All his ways are justice.” (Deut.
nal (and hence had no beginning), and all
32:4) True, he is “a God exacting exclu-
three are almighty. So the creed reads
sive devotion,” but he is also “a God mer-
that in the “Trinity none is afore or after
ciful and gracious, slow to anger and abun-
other; none is greater or less than anoth-
dant in loving-kindness and truth.” (Ex.
er.”* Is that reasonable? More impor-
20:5; 34:6) “He himself well knows the
tantly, is it in agreement with the Bible?
formation of us, remembering that we are
dust.” (Ps. 103:14) We can be happy in- This doctrine was unknown to the He-
deed to have such a just yet compassionate brew prophets and Christian apostles. The
God as our Supreme Judge, Lawgiver and New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967 edition,
King.—Isa. 33:22. Vol. XIV, pp. 306, 304) admits that “the
doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught
With Jehovah there are “wisdom and
mightiness; he has counsel and under- in the OT [Old Testament],” and further
standing.” (Job 12:13) Evidence of his * Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiae-
tical Literature, by J. M’Clintock and J. Strong, Vol.
wisdom is seen in all his creative works, II, p. 561
582 fEeW A TCH TO W ER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

says: “It is not, as already seen, directly not even suggest a “Trinity,” since he
and immediately the word of God.” It also spoke of only two as being one, not three.
admits (on page 299): “The formulation Jesus was surely not contradicting the
‘one God in three persons’ was not solidly scriptures we have already read. What he
established, certainly not fully assimilat- meant by this expression he himself made
ed into Christian life and its profession of clear later when he prayed regarding his
faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. followers that “they may be one just as
But it is precisely this formulation that we are one.” (John 17:22) Jesus and his
has first claim to the title the Trinitarian Father are “one” in that Jesus is in full
dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers, harmony with his Father. And he prayed
there had been nothing even remotely ap- that all his followers might likewise be
proaching such a mentality or perspec- in harmony with his Father, with Jesus
tive.” So the early Christians who were and with one another.—1 Cor. 1:10.
taught directly by Jesus Christ did not What about the statement at John 1:1
believe that God is a “Trinity.” (AV), which refers to Jesus as “the
When Jesus was on earth he certainly Word,” saying: “In the beginning was the
was not equal to his Father, for he said Word, and the Word was with God, and
there were some things that neither he the Word was God”? Does that not prove
nor the angels knew but that only God the “Trinity”? No. Notice, first of all,
knew. (Mark 13:32) Furthermore, he that only two persons are mentioned, not
prayed to his Father for help when under- three. Also, in this same chapter, verse 2
going trial, saying, “Let, not my will, but says that the Word was “in the beginning
yours take place.” (Luke 22:41, 42) Also, with God,” and verse 18 says that “no
he himself said: “The Father is greater man hath seen God at any time,” yet men
than I am.” (John 14:28) Because of this, have seen Jesus Christ. For these rea-
Jesus spoke of his Father as “my God” sons, and in full harmony with the Greek
and as “the only true God.”—John 20: text, some translations of verse 1 read:
17; 17:3. “The Word was with God, and the Word
After Jesus’ death, God raised him to was divine,” or was “a god,” that is, the
life again and gave him glory greater Word was a powerful godlike one. (AT;
than he had before. However, he was still
NW) So this portion of the Bible is in
not equal to his Father. How do we know?
Because later the inspired Scriptures state agreement with all the rest; it does not
that God is still “the head of the Christ.” teach a “Trinity.”*
(1 Cor. 11:3) The Bible also says that As for the “Holy Spirit,” the so-called
Jesus is to reign as God’s appointed king “third Person of the Trinity,” we have
until he has put all enemies under his already seen that it is, not a person, but
feet, and that then shall “the Son also God’s active force. (Judg. 14:6) John the
himself be subject unto him that put all Baptist said that Jesus would baptize with
things under him, that God may be all in holy spirit even as John had been baptiz-
all.” (1 Cor. 15:28, AV) Clearly, even ing with water. Water is not a person nor
since his resurrection Jesus Christ is not is holy spirit a person. (Matt. 3:11) What
equal with his Father.
• Trinitarians have practically ceased to cite the
But did not Jesus say on one occasion, words “the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one” that appear in some Bible
“I and the Father are one”? (John 10:30) versions at 1 John 5:7. Textual scholars agree that
these words are a later spurious addition to the in-
Yes, he did. However, that statement does spired text.
October 1, 1968 SKeWATCHTOW ER , 583
John foretold was fulfilled when God or any likeness of anything . . . you shall
caused his Son Christ Jesus to pour out not bow down to them or serve them.”
holy spirit on the apostles and disciples (The Catholic Jerusalem Some peo-
during the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., so pie regard a religious image simply as an
that “they all became filled with holy “aid” to worshiping God because they can
spirit.” Were they “filled” with a person? see and touch the image. But God in-
No, but they were filled with God’s ac- spired the apostle Paul to write: “We are
tive force.—Acts 2:4, 33. walking by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor.
What, then, do the facts show as to the 5:7) God is very frank about the matter.
“Trinity”? Neither the word nor the idea He tells us that the use of images is no
is in God’s Word, the Bible. The doctrine part of true worship, but that such im-
did not originate with God. But, you will ages are “a falsehood.”—Isa. 44:1420‫;־‬
Ps. 115:4-8.
be interested to know that, according to
the book Babylonian Life and History (by Even though one may say that the hon-
or given to a religious image is less than
Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, 1925 edition, pp.
that given to God, God himself shows that
146, 147), in ancient Babylon, the pagans he will not share any of his glory and
did believe in such a thing; in fact, they praise with such images, declaring: “I am
worshiped more than one trinity of gods. Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one
else shall I give my own glory, neither
my praise to graven images.” (Isa. 42:8)
To love and respect a person, one needs We should be glad that he makes this
to know him as he really is. To give God matter so clear in his Word, because we
the exclusive devotion that he deserves, want our worship to be acceptable to him.
you need to study his Word and ‘prove Lovingly, the apostle John warns us:
to yourself the good and acceptable and “Guard yourselves from idols.” (1 John
perfect will of God.’ (Rom. 12:2) The im- 5:21) Also the Bible admonishes: “Flee
portant thing is not how humans want to from idolatry.” (1 Cor. 10:14) Why not
worship God, but how God wants to be look around your home and ask yourself
worshiped. whether you are doing this? By bringing
Religious ceremonies and “aids to de- your life and way of worship into har-
votion” may seem beautiful in the eyes of mony with Jehovah’s loving will you may
those who use them, but how does God gain his everlasting blessings.—Deut. 7:
view them? Surely you want to know, be- 25.
cause you want to have God’s approval. Continue to learn of Jehovah’s majesty
God’s own Son tells us that “the true wor- and his loving purposes, and you will grow
shipers will worship the Father with spirit in love for him. Never let a day go by
and truth, for, indeed, the Father is look- without thanking him for the good things
ing for suchlike ones to worship him.” that you enjoy because of his loving-
(John 4:23, 24) Is the use of images, for kindness. As you learn more about him,
example, worship “with spirit and truth”? impress upon your heart the importance
Does it please God? of loyalty to him as the great God of the
At Exodus 20:4, 5, in one of the Ten universe. By loving obedience to him, you
Commandments, God himself says: “You will put yourself in the way that leads to
shall not make yourself a carved image eternal life.—Eph. 4:23, 24; Ps. 104:33-35.
b in d in
lingy. the ii^edi
liy io n
HE following account of his search after the “After this interview I knew that the right
T religion of Jesus Christ was given by a stu-
dent at the Kingdom Ministry School at
religion must be elsewhere. So I began a search
from church to church, reading about various
the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters: religions, always using Jesus’ ministry as the
“At thirteen I decided I wanted to become a model. After about two years without success,
minister. I planned to get a scholarship to I got to wondering how God could expect per-
college. However, in my junior year in high sons to worship him if he did not have a reli-
school my mother had a stroke and was hos- gion that imitated Jesus, to give them the right
pitalized—the left side of her body completely example.
paralyzed. The family broke up, my brothers “One day a friend of mine asked me to pick
and sisters scattered here and there in foster up some soiled clothing from one of his dry-
homes. But I was still bent on getting to college cleaning customers. I did, and the customer
and entering the ministry. handed me a Watchtower magazine, asking me
“At sixteen I was still giving much thought to read it and let her know later what I thought
to the vocation I had chosen. But at times I about it. When I returned her clean garments
would think to myself, Why become a Method- I told her I had never read a magazine with
1 st minister? Why not a Catholic priest, or a so many quotations and citations from the
rabbi, or a Hindu or Moslem minister? The Bible. She invited me to attend a lecture at
main thing was to aid the poor, knocked-about the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s witnesses. I
people, to comfort them and teach them. Then accepted, thinking to myself, Why not to a
I began to ask myself, Who was the best Kingdom Hall? since I have been to so many
minister ever in the whole wide world? Why, other churches.
it was Jesus Christ, of course! Then the religion “It was on the top floor, and as I ascended
that follows his example is the one I want to the stairs I recall thinking with a smile, This
serve with as a minister. church is going to bring me closer to heaven
“So I started to study the life of Jesus in the than any of the others I have tried. But when
Bible. I noted that he loved the people and I stepped into the hall I was amazed—no
taught them so well from God’s Word that crosses, no pictures of bleeding hearts, nor of
they, in turn, were able to teach others. I liked Jesus carrying a lamb, no altar, but just people
that. So, I would look for this feature in the of different races quietly sitting side by side.
right religion. I would check on how much And during the sermon I heard more Scripture
Bible study there was among members of my texts quoted and explained than I ever heard
own church. I did, and found that there was from all other clergymen I had listened to in
little of real understanding. Most people seemed the past.
to think that religion was only for Sundays.
“I questioned my minister about why he “After the lecture I asked a Witness sitting
took up the ministry in the first place, and near me about the Trinity. In but a few mo-
asked if he thought he had made a success of ments he gave me ample proof from the Bible
it. He told me that when he first started he itself to show that this was no Bible doctrine.
thought he was going to set the world on fire, Then I asked more about the significance of
but finally realized that a man can only do so the year 1914, mentioned by the speaker that
much. I asked him to explain from the Bible day. He explained to me by Bible chronology
his favorite sermon theme, the Trinity or the importance of that vital date, backing up
three persons in one God. He said that if I his Scriptural argument with a chart of dates
went to the seminary I would be taught about that he drew for me freehand.
it there, that it was impossible for him to ex- “My long search for the right religion ended
plain it to me from the Bible. that day. This was exactly what I had been
“I then asked him if a minister should set looking for, the religion that followed the pat-
the right example in morals for the rest of tern of Jesus’ ministry, and extended to all
the church members, in view of the fact that Christians the privilege of training for the
Jesus said to his flock: ‘Follow me.‫ ״‬He replied: ministry. It was a happy moment in my life.
T am only human, and not Jesus; so just do I thanked God that he had drawn me to his
as I say and not as I do.’ people.”

J' TEHOVAH God has
made provision for
humans to obtain ever-
l as ti ng l i fe in a ri gh-
"Christ suffered for you,
leaving you a model
for you to follow
his steps dose*
ly.”— 1 Pet.
or m o to r c y c le can
mean a painful or even
fatal accident. The value
of physical balance is ob-
teous new system of things. vious.
With this end in view, “he gave 2:21.
his only-begotten Son, in order I > LEARNING CHRISTIAN BALANCE
that everyone exercising faith in 3 However, proper spiritual bal-
him might not be destroyed but have ance is of even greater importance, for
everlasting life.” (John 3:16) But to ob- it is an absolute necessity in order to re-
tain this grand reward of life, we must ceive God’s blessing and everlasting life.
maintain proper Christian balance. The The first human pair, Adam and Eve, lost
Son of God, Jesus Christ, did; and, in spiritual balance; they went away off
doing so, he set a perfect example or mod- course in disobedience to God. It meant
el. Therefore, all who would walk steadily their death, and an unbalanced start in
before God must “follow his steps closely.” life for all their offspring, including us
(1 Pet. 2:21) But, admittedly, maintain- today. Yes, all of us were conceived in sin
ing proper Christian balance is not easy. and brought forth in error, with a nat-
2To appreciate better just what is in- ural bent toward wrongdoing.—Ps. 51:5;
volved in balance, observe the comments Rom. 5:12.
of Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms: 4 Therefore, since none of us were bom
“Balance implies a state in which no one with Christian balance, we have to learn
part, element, factor, or influence over- it. Just as a baby starting to walk learns
weights another or is out of due propor- physical balance by diligent effort, so we
tion to the others. It therefore suggests must exercise initiative and perseverance
a steadiness or well-being that is usually to master Christian balance. Many have
not outwardly evident until a disturbance got onto their feet, so to speak, and have
occurs . . . thus, a man loses his balance walked as Christians in the footsteps of
and falls when by slipping on the ice his the Master, Jesus Christ. They have ac-
weight is shifted and his legs no longer cepted the ransom sacrifice, separated
support him.” Such a loss of balance and themselves from this wicked world and
its bad practices, and have even dedicated
subsequent fall can be damaging. Similar-
their lives to serve Jehovah God. (Matt.
ly, to lose balance when riding a bicycle
3. Why is spiritual balance so vital? Is it something
1. What provision has God made, and what is required we inherit at birth?
In order to benefit from it? 4. How is spiritual balance achieved, and once It is
2. What is involved in maintaining balance? acquired can it be lost?
586 f&eW ATCHTOW ER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

20:28; John 17:16; Heb. 10:7) But then mind, soul and strength. (Matt. 22:37, 38)
they have failed to maintain Christian Such whole-souled devotion is not some-
balance. Something has unbalanced them thing imbalanced; rather, it is what is in-
and caused them to leave off following in volved in keeping a proper relationship
the footsteps of Christ. with God. Jesus Christ himself said: “It
8The question, therefore, is: After is Jehovah your God you must worship,
learning Christian balance, can we faith- and it is to him alone you must render
fully, despite the circumstances that arise sacred service.” (Matt. 4:10) Giving God
in our lives, maintain this balance? Can exclusive devotion is vital to maintaining
we continue walking closely in the foot- our Christian balance.
steps of Christ? Everlasting life in God’s 8However, it is much easier to talk
righteous new system of things is de- about loving God and to write to others
pendent upon our doing so!—2 Pet. 3:13; about following Christ’s example of giv-
Rev. 21:3, 4. ing to God exclusive devotion under all
circumstances than actually to do it. For
BALANCE IN OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD example, King Solomon, when faithfully
6 The first essential to proper Christian serving Jehovah, wrote: “Fear the true
balance is to maintain a correct relation- God and keep his commandments.” (Eccl.
ship with our Creator, Jehovah God. But 12:13) But, later, Solomon was enticed to
what is a proper relationship with God? disregard God’s commandments and failed
Consider the perfect model Christ. Will- to practice what he wrote. Why? What
ingly he presented himself to do his Fa- makes it so difficult to maintain proper
ther’s will. At all times Christ kept the Christian balance?
worship of God as the focal point to which 9It is not only man’s sinful inclination
all other activities were related. Pleasing toward wrongdoing that makes it difficult.
his Father was always his chief concern. (Rom. 7:20, 21) But another prominent
Similarly, we, too, must appreciate the factor is the wicked influence of the in-
importance of serving our Creator, and visible spirit creature Satan the Devil,
our indebtedness to Him. Indeed, Jehovah
whom the Bible calls “the god of this sys-
provides all the things necessary to sus-
tain life, including the sun, the rain, the tern of things.” (2 Cor. 4:4) Satan’s ef-
air we breathe, and the food we eat, as forts are designed to destroy one’s proper
well as essential spiritual provisions. relationship with God, to create situations
(Matt. 5:45; Acts 14:15-17) With the Bi- or circumstances to unbalance Christians.
ble psalmist we should readily acknowl- Jesus Christ indicated this when, on the
edge: “For with you is the source of life.” last night before his death, he turned to
—Ps. 36:9. his apostle Simon Peter and said: “Si-
7But since God owns everything, what mon, Simon, look! Satan has demanded to
can we give Him in reciprocation for His have you men to sift you as wheat.” (Luke
goodness? We are free moral agents, so 22:31) A close look at Satan’s efforts to
we can choose to worship Jehovah God; shake Peter from God’s favor can be of
we can love Him with our whole heart, real benefit in helping us today to main-
tain proper Christian balance.
5. What questions might each Christian ask himself?
6. What is the first essential to achieving Christian 8. What example illustrates the difficulty of giving
balance? What example did Christ set in his attitude God exclusive devotion?
toward God? 9. Why is it difficult to maintain proper Christian
7. What is a balanced view as to what we owe God? balance ?
October 1, 1968 SEeW ATCHTOW ER 587
PEAR UNBALANCES by those false witnesses. Not only that,
10First, consider the setting for the but the inspired record says: “Some
momentous events that occurred. It was started to spit on him and some to cover
early spring of the year 33 C.E. and time his whole face and hit him with their fists
for the annual Passover festival celebrat- and say to him: ‘Prophesy!‫ ׳‬And, slapping
ed during the month of Nisan. Jesus and him in the face, the court attendants took
his twelve apostles met for the occasion him.” (Mark 14:65) What injustice! That
in an upper room somewhere in Jerusa- mob was Devil-inspired! Satan was re-
lem after 6 p.m., at which time the Jewish sponsible for stirring up those men, and
day began. God’s instructions were that causing them physically to abuse Jesus
the Passover lamb must be kept until the and to insult him. How would all this
fourteenth day of Nisan “between the two affect Peter? Would he, in imitation of
evenings,” which is interpreted by some his Master, maintain proper balance under
authorities to be between sunset and deep these trying circumstances?
twilight. During this time it was to be 18 We are not left in doubt, for the Bible
killed and afterward roasted whole. (Ex. narrative continues: “Now while Peter
12:6-10) Roasting such an animal whole was below in the courtyard, one of the
would perhaps take four to five hours. servant girls of the high priest came, and,
Thus, it was likely close to midnight when seeing Peter warming himself, she looked
the Passover meal was finished and Christ straight at him and said: ‘You, too, were
instituted the memorial of his death. After with the Nazarene, this Jesus.‫ ׳‬But he
this, Jesus and his disciples went out to denied it, saying: ‘Neither do I know him
the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus nor do I understand what you are saying,’
was arrested and taken into custody. and he went outside to the vestibule.
—Mark 14:17-46. There the servant girl, at the sight of him,
11 During the chill and darkness of those started again to say to those standing by:
early morning hours, the Bible account ‘This is one of them.‫ ׳‬Again he was deny-
says, “they now led Jesus away to the ing it. And once more after a little while
high priest, and all the chief priests and those standing by began saying to Peter:
the older men and the scribes assembled. ‘Certainly you are one of them, for, in
But Peter, from a good distance, followed fact, you are a Galilean.‫ ׳‬But he com-
him as far as in the courtyard of the high menced to curse and swear: Ί do not
priest; and he was sitting together with know this man of whom you speak.‫׳׳ ׳‬
the house attendants and warming himself —Mark 14:66-71.
before a bright fire. Meantime the chief 14 But this was not the truth. Peter defi-
priests and the whole Sanhedrin were nitely did know Jesus. In fact, a few short
looking for testimony against Jesus to put hours before, while with Jesus, he had
him to death, but they were not finding asserted: “Lord, I am ready to go with
any. Many, indeed, were giving false wit- you both into prison and into death.” “Al-
ness against him.”—Mark 14:53-56. though all the others are stumbled in con-
12 Jesus was being evilly misrepresented nection with you, never will I be stum-
bled!” (Luke 22:33; Matt. 26:33) What
10. (a) What religious occasion did Jesus and his
disciples meet to celebrate Nisan 14, 33 C.E. ? (b) What caused this sudden change in Peter’s at-
basis is there for believing it was perhaps close to
midnight when they departed for the garden of Geth- titude? It resulted because of fear. The
semane ?
11. What did Peter do when Jesus was taken into 13. What effect did this treatment of Jesus have upon
custody? Peter?
12. How was Jesus treated at this time? 14. What caused Peter to deny Christ?
588 SEeW ATCHTOW ER. B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

circumstances caught Peter unawares. Je- experience when he denied his Master Je-
sus was depicted as a vile criminal. The sus three times! How much better that an
truth was being distorted. What was right experience such as this be avoided! Are
was made to appear wrong, and the in- you prepared to meet circumstances simi-
nocent one as guilty. Because of the pres- lar to the one faced by Peter? They can
sures of the occasion Peter was thrown arise, and, indeed, likely will.
off balance. Suddenly his proper sense of 16 There are ever so many situations in
loyalty was upset, to his own sorrow. “He which improper fear can unbalance a dedi-
broke down and gave way to weeping,” cated Christian and cause him to forget
the Bible says.—Mark 14:72. his proper relationship with Jehovah God.
It may be fear of what the neighbors
IT CAN HAPPEN TODAY might think if they should see him going
15 Similar circumstances can arise to- from house to house with the Kingdom
day. Satan the Devil is still active, en- message. Yes, what if one should be seen
deavoring to unbalance Christians and by his own employer! What a terrifying
ruin their relationship with God. And we thought this can be to one who has for-
can be certain that tactics that proved so gotten that it is what God thinks of him
successful against Peter will be employed that truly matters! Children in their ado-
against modern Christians. It is true that lescent years are especially prone to be
Peter quickly regained spiritual balance. afraid of what people think of them.
He was deeply repentant and obtained the 17Perhaps you are a young Christian,
forgiveness he so earnestly sought. He be- and the setting is a school classroom
came one of the most fearless ministers of where you are a student. There the Bible
the unpopular Jesus Christ, and died faith- beliefs of Jehovah’s witnesses may enter
ful to Jehovah God. But what a miserable 16. What may be responsible for unbalancing some
Christians today?
15. (a) Why might we expect to meet circumstances 17,18. What discussion could develop in a school
similar to that faced by Peter? (b) Was Peter per- classroom to create circumstances similar to the one
manently unbalanced by this experience? faced by Peter?

iJR l‫'׳‬ \
) I
■ » p » l «i l
■ I»



Peter, thrown o ff balan ce, denied the Lord

O cto ber 1, 1968 SfieW ATCHTOW ER 589
into a class discussion. Prejudice and a 19At about this point someone in the
spirit of patriotism may be strong. “Je- classroom may turn to you and ask: “You
hovah’s witnesses are subversive. They are are one of Jehovah’s witnesses, aren’t
against the government,” one youngster you?” Then you will be in a situation simi-
asserts. This is a charge similar to the lar to that faced by the apostle Peter.
one hurled against Jesus on the day of What will you say? How will you meet the
his execution. (Luke 23:2) “Jehovah’s situation? Will you maintain your proper
witnesses won’t vote or fight for their Christian balance? Will you serve as a
country,” another youngster joins in. Yet, faithful Witness of Jehovah God, even as
strict neutrality relative to the political Jesus Christ did? (John 17:6; Rev. 1:5)
affairs of the nations was the course pur- Now is the time to prepare to meet such
sued by Jesus Christ and early Christians. circumstances that may arise. It is now
(John 6:15; 15:1719 ‫ ;־‬Jas. 4:4) One mod- that you should make the firm resolve to
ern textbook observes: “Zealous Chris- imitate the fearless example of Jesus
tians did not serve in the armed forces or Christ in such situations. This will help
accept political offices.”· But the students you to avoid being thrown off balance.
and teacher are unfamiliar with the teach-
ings of the Bible on the matter, or the ADVANCE PREPARATION
beliefs and practices of early Christians. 20We need prayer and regular consid-
The discussion grows more intense. eration of God’s Word in order to keep
18“ J e h o v a h ’s w itn e s s e s are a n ti- a proper relationship with Jehovah God,
Christian,” one girl claims. “For they and thus maintain our Christian balance.
don’t even celebrate Christmas!” The feel- Jesus recognized this need. During those
ings against Jehovah’s witnesses mount. momentous final hours of his earthly life
Those present do not realize that Christ- he was especially aware of it. Therefore,
mas is a pagan celebration, that it is with- while with his disciples in the upper room
out Bible support and was not observed that last night he spoke encouragingly re-
by early Christians. They are unfamiliar garding faith-strengthening spiritual mat-
with the testimony of standard reference ters, concluding his discussion: “In the
works to this effect. Then another young- world you will have tribulation, but take
ster makes the accusation: “Jehovah’s courage! I have conquered the world.”
witnesses do not love their own children. Then he prayed at length with his dis-
They will let them die before they will ciples, after which they departed for the
give them a lifesaving blood transfusion!” garden of Gethsemane.—John 16:33-18:1.
How awful Jehovah’s witnesses must be! 21 Out in the garden Jesus continued to
That is the feeling that pervades. The pray to his heavenly Father, seeking His
youngsters are not aware that the Bible guidance and direction. Before leaving
strictly forbids eating blood, and that ear- them so as to pray privately, Jesus told
ly Christians abstained completely from Peter and two other of his disciples: “Stay
both animal and human blood, f —Lev. 17: here and keep on the watch.” But did
10; Acts 15:20, 29. they? Did they heed Jesus’ instructions?
* W orld H istory, The Story of Man’s Achievements, 19. (a) What questions would face a Christian youth in
1962, Habberton, Roth and Spears, p. 117. that situation? (b) When should preparation be made
t M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia, Vol. 1, p. 834. for such a possibility?
observes relative to the position of early Christians in 20. What is required to maintain proper Christian
connection with blood: “So far were they from drink- balance, and how did Jesus show that he recognized
ing human blood, it was unlawful for them to drink that need?
the blood even of irrational animals. Numerous testi- 21. 22. In what way did the disciples in the garden of
monies to the same effect are found in after ages.** Gethsemane fail to copy Christ’s example?
590 SReW ATCHTOW ER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

The Bible record says: “He came and don Jesus and flee, just as the prophecy
found them sleeping.” How disappointing! foretold they would? (Mark 14:50; Matt.
This was no way to prepare themselves 26:31; Zech. 13:7) It cannot be over-
for what lay ahead. Jesus then turned to emphasized: Advance preparation and
Peter and said: “Simon, are you sleeping? spiritual strengthening are vital if a
Did you not have strength to keep on the Christian is to meet trials of his faith
watch one hour? Men, keep on the watch successfully. This is as true now as it was
and praying, in order that you do not then. For, if anything, we are living in
come into temptation. The spirit, of course, times when Satan is even more active.
is eager, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14: Bible prophecy clearly shows that recent-
32-38) True, it was late, probably well ly, during this generation, he and his de-
past midnight by this time. The flesh was mons have been cast from heaven, with
tired. Nevertheless, they should have imi- the consequences announced by the heav-
tated Jesus’ example. This was a time to enly voice: “Woe for the earth and for
pay more than the usual attention to the sea, because the Devil has come down
spiritual matters. The promised seed of to you, having great anger, knowing he
God’s woman was about to be bruised! has a short period of time.” (Rev. 12:12)
What a momentous occasion!—Gen. 3:15; We are in that short period of woe right
Gal. 3:16. now! Satan is doing all within his power
22 Did Peter and the other disciples to unbalance Christians and shake them
therefore take seriously Jesus’ urgent en- from God’s favor.
couragement this second time? Mark’s ac- 24This, therefore, is no time to allow
count says: “And he went away again and ourselves to become spiritually lethargic.
prayed, saying the same word. And again We need to bestir ourselves spiritually,
he came and found them sleeping, for and prepare for the trials of faith that lie
their eyes were weighed down, and so they immediately ahead. Do not assume the at-
did not know what to answer him.” (Mark titude that, because you have been an ac-
14:39, 40) Peter and his associates did tive Christian for so many years, there is
not listen! They neglected to pay atten- no danger of jeopardizing your relation-
tion to Jesus’ instructions. Before depart- ship with Jehovah God and losing his fa-
ing to pray for a third time, Jesus no vor. Do not feel that you can afford to miss
doubt urged his disciples again to keep congregation meetings, or be unattentive
awake and to pray. But yet once more his when spiritual matters are discussed.
admonition went unheeded! For Jesus (Heb. 2:1; 10:24, 25) We all need to keep
“came the third time and said to them: spiritually watchful, regularly studying
‘At such a time as this you are sleeping God’s Word privately and with fellow
and taking your rest! It is enough! The Christians, if we are to maintain proper
hour has come! Look! The Son of man is Christian balance. Nor can we neglect
betrayed into the hands of sinners.’ ” prayer. A close relationship with God nur-
—Mark 14:41. tured by regular communication with
23 Is it not likely that this lethargic, him is an absolute necessity for balance.
sleepy condition was a factor in causing Imitate Christ’s example! Although he
the disciples a few moments later to aban- was spiritually the strongest person to
walk the earth, he persevered in prayer,
23. (a) What undoubtedly was a factor in the disciples* and particularly so during that final night
abandoning Jesus, and what, therefore, cannot be
overemphasized? (b) What basis is there for believing
Satan is even more active today? 24. What must all Christians do to maintain balance?
O cto ber 1, 1 9 6 8 5&eWATCHTOWEFt 591
of his human life. If we are to keep spiri- 27 The patriarch Moses also set a fine
tual balance, we must do the same. example in keeping God’s worship first in
his life. He was raised as a son of the
KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE daughter of Pharaoh, no doubt enjoying
25 What assisted Jesus to maintain spiri- the magnificence of the royal palace of
tual balance was his keeping foremost in that powerful ancient ruler. Yet, Moses
mind the joy of pleasing his heavenly Fa- chose reproach as a servant of Jehovah
ther and of receiving His gift of eternal God in preference to all the treasures of
life. Therefore we are urged: “Look in- Egypt. Why? The Bible record says: “For
tently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of he continued steadfast as seeing the One
our faith, Jesus. For the joy that was who is invisible.” (Heb. 11:23-27) Yes,
set before him he endured a torture stake, his attention was fixed on his unseen God,
despising shame, and has sat down at the Jehovah. Maintaining his proper relation-
right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb. ship with Jehovah was responsible for
12:2) So to maintain balance, follow Je- Moses’ exemplary spiritual balance. He ap-
sus’ example! Keep your eyes set on the predated that everything belongs to Je-
privilege of honoring your Creator and of hovah, and that humans can only give
receiving His prize of life! worship and devotion to Him in return.
26However, it may not always be easy Later, the psalmist David had the same
to keep the interests of Jehovah God, who balanced view, and wrote: “I have placed
is invisible, first in our life. This is espe- Jehovah in front of me constantly.”
dally true when there are so many visible —Ps. 16:8.
attractions in this world. For example, 28 In order to maintain proper Christian
money and the many enticing things it can balance, we, too, must have this view. This
buy. Many Christians have been thrown is especially true now when there are so
off balance by an uncontrolled desire for many material attractions at every turn.
material things. (2 Tim. 4:10) They have The attaching of too great a value to any
of them can be unbalancing. So, keep your
failed to imitate Jesus Christ, who always
eyes fixed on the things above, on your
kept the interests of his Father foremost.
invisible God, and do not have as your
In fact, Jesus so completely assigned his chief interest selfish material pursuits.
personal comforts to a secondary place (Col. 3:2) Yes, to maintain Christian bal-
that he once said: “Foxes have dens and ance and to gain the prize of everlasting
birds of heaven have roosts, but the Son life, imitate the example of Jesus Christ,
of man has nowhere to lay down his head.” who left you “a model for you to follow
—Luke 9:58. his steps closely.”—1 Pet. 2:21.
25. What assisted Jesus to maintain balance? 27. What fine example was set by Moses and David?
26. Why is it not always easy to put God's interests 28. What concluding admonition should we be diligent
first in our life? to heed?

Brace up your minds for activity, keep completely balanced and set
your hope upon the undeserved kindness that is to be brought to
you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, quit be‫־‬
ing fashioned according to the desires you formerly had in your
ignorance, but, in accord with the holy one who called you, do you
also become holy yourselves in all your conduct, because it is written:
“You must be holy, because I am holy!’—1 Pet. 1:13-16, NW, 1950

ALTHOUGH render- "The one w h o lo ves G o d view! Note the inspired

ing exclusive wor- s h o u ld be lo v i n g f admonition of God’s Word:
his b r o t h e r a l s o . ‫״‬
ship to our heavenly Father, — 1 John 4:2 1
Do “nothing out of conten-
Jehovah God, is essential to tiousness or out of egotism, but
Christian balance, inseparably with lowliness of mind consider-
linked with such devotion to God is love ing that the others are superior to you,
for our fellow humans, and especially keeping an eye, not in personal interest
those related to us in the Christian faith. upon just your own matters, but also in
(Gal. 6:10) This means that a proper re- personal interest upon those of the others.
lationship with our Christian brothers is Keep this mental attitude in you that was
also necessary to maintain Christian bal- also in Christ Jesus, who, although he
ance. The apostle John pointedly indicated was existing in God’s form, . . . emptied
this when he wrote: “If anyone makes the himself and took a slave’s form.”—·Phil.
statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating 2:2-7.
his brother, he is a liar. For he who does 3 Consider how pleasant life would be if
not love his brother, whom he has seen, everyone lived in harmony with this
cannot be loving God, whom he has not Scriptural counsel and imitated the ex-
seen. And this commandment we have ample of Jesus Christ! There would be
from him, that the one who loves God no selfishly coveting the possessions or
should be loving his brother also.” abilities of others; there would be no try-
—-1 John 4:20, 21. ing to outshine others, to prove that you
2What, though, is involved in loving are better than they are. Nor would there
fellow Christians? What is a proper re- be efforts to show others up, to embar-
lationship with them? How should we rass them. It is the selfish worldly atti-
view our association with one another in tude of thinking too much of oneself, seek-
the Christian congregation? The worldly ing prominence and preeminence, that
view often is to seek friends or associates unbalances and creates unpleasant rela-
on the basis of what they can do to en- tions. How vital, therefore, for Christians
hance one’s prestige and image. It is com- to heed the apostolic counsel:
mon for worldly persons to consider them- 4 “Quit being fashioned after this sys-
selves superior or more important than tern of things, but be transformed by mak-
others. Many times their attitude is to ing your mind over . . . I tell everyone
use others, to cheat or tread on them be- there among you not to think more of
fore others can do the same to them. But himself than it is necessary to think . . .
In brotherly love have tender affection
how different is the balanced Christian
for one another. In showing honor to one
1. What besides love of God is essential to Christian
balance, and how does the apostle John indicate this? 3. What would life be like if everyone exercised the
2. What is often the worldly view toward human re- attitude Christ did?
lationships, but what should be the Christian's attitude 4, 5. What Bible counsel is it vital that we follow, but
toward his fellows? is it always easy to do so ?
O ctober 1, 1968 SEeWATCHTOWEFL 593
another take the lead. Be minded the same Jesus said, should be servants of their fel-
way toward others as to yourselves; do lows. Yes, “whoever wants to be first
not be minding lofty things, but be led among you must be your slave. Just as
along with the lowly things. Do not be- the Son of man came, not to be minis-
come discreet in your own eyes.”—Rom. tered to, but to minister and to give his
12:2, 3, 10, 16. soul a ransom in exchange for many.”
5 —Matt.
However, it is admittedly much easier 20:17, 20-28.
to talk about loving our brothers, about be- 7 Apparently, however, the apostles could
ing lowly in mind, about doing nothing out not comprehend what Jesus meant by this.
of contentiousness or egotism, about con- What he said was evidently so new and
sidering that others are superior than it different from what they were used to
is to conduct ourselves in harmony with seeing practiced that it did not eradicate
these inspired instructions. Even the apos- the worldly idea from their mind. They
ties of Jesus Christ were for a while badly maintained an unbalanced view of their
unbalanced by an improper view. It was relationship with one another. They
again manifested during the last Passover thought back perhaps to when Israelite
meal, which they celebrated with Jesus in kings of the Davidic line ruled, and as-
an upper room in Jerusalem on the night sumed that the Messianic king Jesus
of Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Christ, too, would have an earthly gov-
ernment with men of high position and
DISPUTE OVER WHO IS THE GREATEST rank. They may have had personal ambi-
6After the Lord’s supper was over, a tions to serve in such high official capaci-
disturbing controversy developed among ties. So, after the institution of the Lord’s
the apostles over the question of position supper, the disciple Luke records, “there
or rank, “over which one of them seemed also arose a heated dispute among them
to be greatest.” (Luke 22:24) Just a few over which one of them seemed to be
days before, as they were about to come greatest.”—Luke 22:24.
to Jerusalem for the eventful final week 8Notice that this was not merely a
of Jesus’ earthly ministry, this same mat- minor controversy; rather, it was a “heat-
ter had come up. On that occasion the ed dispute.” The matter was evidently
mother of the apostles James and John something the apostles had been thinking
came to Jesus and requested a preeminent about, and now it erupted into a full-scale
position for her sons in his kingdom. argument. How this must have grieved
“When the ten others heard of this,” the Jesus! After all the months that he had
Bible record says, “they became indignant been with them and set them an example
at the two brothers.” However, Jesus of lowliness and humility! And now, at
such a time as this, to be having such
stepped in to calm down their irate feel-
contentions! Here it was the last night of
ings by pointing out that the arrangement Jesus’ earthly life when he intended to
within God’s organization was altogether
give the apostles parting words of instrue-
different from that with which they were tion and encouragement. Jesus’ references
acquainted in the world. The persons in to God’s kingdom that night doubtless
positions of responsibility among them,
laid the basis for this argument among
6. (a) What disturbing dispute developed among Jesus’
apostles on the Passover night of 33 C.E., and what 7. What made it difficult for the apostles to compre-
prompted a similar controversy some days before? hend the import of Jesus’ counsel?
(b) What did Jesus say regarding his followers’ proper 8. (a) How must this dispute have affected Jesus?
relationship to one another? (b) What does it illustrate?
594 SEeW ATCHTOW ER B rooklyn , N .Y .

the apostles. It
sim p ly illu s-
tr a te s how
w ithin imper-
feet men can be
the desire for
distinction, to
have promi-
nent positions
and prestige.

9 How did Jesus handle
t h i s d i s p u t e ? D i d he
harshly correct his dis-
ciples? Did he humiliate Jesus taught his
them with severe criti- apostles humility
cism? No, but in a lov-
ing way, and no doubt with an appeal- be able to appreciate fully that all Chris-
ing tone to his voice, he again patiently tians are brothers, and that the one given
pointed out to them that the Christian heavier responsibilities in the Christian
arrangement was altogether different from organization should be as the “youngest,”
that of the world. He said: “The kings being lowly of mind and considering that
of the nations lord it over them, and the others are superior to him? (Matt.
those having authority over them are 23:8-12) Would they appreciate that
called Benefactors. You, though, are not within the Christian organization there
to be that way. But let him that is the was to be a complete reversal of procedure
greatest among you become as the young- from what is generally followed in the
est, and the one acting as chief as the world? The disciples accepted the fact that
one ministering.” Then Jesus asked them: Jesus was their teacher and leader, really
“For which one is greater, the one re- the greatest among them; there was no
dining at the table or the one minister- dispute about that. But earlier on that
ing?” Obviously it is the one that re- night Jesus had washed the feet of his
dines at the table and who is ministered disciples. (John 13:1-12) Jesus was there
to that is considered the greatest. How- actually ministering to them!
ever, Jesus pointed out: “But I am in 11 When Jesus pointed out, “I am in
your midst as the one ministering.” your midst as the one ministering,” he
—Luke 22:25-27. apparently was not referring simply to the
10Would they comprehend what Jesus fact that he ministered to them in a spin-
was teaching them this time? Would they tual way, as their teacher. No, but Jesus
9. How did Jesus handle this dispute? actually waited upon and served them in
10. What questions are raised as to the apostles'
comprehension of Jesus’ words? 11. In what way did Jesus minister to his followers?
O ctober 1, 1968 fiieW ATCH TO W ER. 595
a physical way also, sharing in activity girl as a maidservant to wash the feet of
ordinarily reserved for persons of lesser the servants of my lord.”—1 Sam. 25:41;
importance. But on that final day with 1 Tim. 5:10.
them in the flesh, Jesus sent Peter and 14To impress the point of his instrue-
John ahead to Jerusalem, “and they got tion Jesus chose to perform this most
things ready for the passover.”—Matt. 26: menial and yet needful service. He began
17-19; Luke 22:7-16; Mark 14:12-18. washing the feet of his apostles. The apos-
12The apostle John, who was an eye- tie Peter did not understand why Jesus
witness to events of the night, describes was doing this, and so objected to his
what there occurred: Jesus “got up from Master’s acting as such a lowly slave in
the evening meal and laid aside his outer ministering to him. But Jesus told Peter:
garments. And, taking a towel, he girded “What I am doing you do not understand
himself. After that he put water into a at present, but you will understand after
basin and started to wash the feet of the these things.” Then, when he had finished
disciples and to dry them off with the with the washing and had put his outer
towel with which he was girded.” (John garments back on and laid himself down
13:2-5) Can you imagine that? Jesus ac- at the table, he explained to them:
tually went around to each of his apos- 15 “Do you know what I have done to
ties, knelt before them, washed their feet you? You address me, ‘Teacher,’ and,
and dried them off! Even those of Judas ‘Lord,’ and you speak rightly, for I am
Iscariot! such. Therefore, if I, although Lord and
Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought
SIGNIFICANCE OF HIS ACT to wash the feet of one another. For I set
13 To wash the feet of another in thosethe pattern for you, that, just as I did to
times was not an unusual thing in itself. you, you should do also. Most truly I say
In Eastern lands roads were frequently to you, A slave is not greater than his
dusty, and since people generally wore master, nor is one that is sent forth great-
sandals or went barefooted, their feet be- er than the one that sent him. If you know
came dirty. So when entering a house, it these things, happy you are if you do
was an act of hospitality on the part of them.”—John 13:6-17.
the host to have the feet of his visitor
1®In what a remarkable way Jesus in-
washed. Both Abraham and Lot extended
culcated within his apostles the need to
this hospitality to strangers, who turned
be lowly in mind! How effectively he
out to be materialized angels. (Gen. 18:
showed them that they should not aspire
4; 19:2; Heb. 13:2) But a Pharisee that
to positions of honor and prestige but
entertained Jesus neglected this gesture.
should be willing to perform the humblest
(Luke 7:44) The task was considered one
of services for one another! Jesus was not
of the most menial, and was generally as-
here instituting a ritual of foot washing,
signed to the lowest servant of the house-
which has been practiced with much hy-
hold. Thus, the young woman Abigail
pocrisy in certain religions of Christen-
showed true humility when she addressed
dom. No, but he was teaching them an
the servants of David: “Here is your slave
attitude of mind—one of humility, one of
12. Before this dispute and his words of counsel, in
what significant way did Jesus minister to the twelve 14. Why, at this time, did Jesus wash his apostles‫׳‬
apostles ? feet? But how did Peter at first react?
13. What Bible examples illustrate the ancient custom 15. How did Jesus explain the reason for washing his
of washing another’s feet, and to whom was this task followers’ feet?
usually assigned? 16. What lesson was Jesus teaching by this act?
596 SEeW ATCHTOW ER. B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

concern for the interests of others and of ed himself in ministering to others, con-
willingness to perform the lowliest of sidering their interests before his own.
tasks in behalf of their brothers. This is Due to his complete absorption in helping
the balanced attitude that Christians people in the way to life he often sacri-
should maintain toward one another. ficed the normal comforts to which hu-
17Peter and the other apostles got the mans are accustomed. (Luke 9:58) This
point. (1 Pet. 3:8) It was a lesson that was demonstrating love to a greater ex*
the faithful ones learned well, for the Bi- tent than the neighbor love that was re-
ble record reveals that they maintained quired by the Law covenant. You will re-
this balanced view and worked together in call that, on the occasion that the two
unity to build up the Christian congrega- apostles persuaded their mother to ask in
tion. None of them ambitiously sought their behalf for chief positions in the
prominence or prestige. In fact, some Kingdom, Jesus said: “For even the Son of
years later when the controversial ques- man came, not to be ministered to [to be
tion of circumcision was raised, “the apos- served], but to minister [to be a servant
ties and the older men gathered together” of others] and to give his soul a ransom
in Jerusalem and discussed it in an orderly in exchange for many.” (Mark 10:35-45;
manner. And apparently it was not one Matt. 20:20-28) Jesus never sought self-
of the apostles who presided, but the dis- glorification, but humbly ministered to
ciple James, half-brother of Jesus.—Acts his followers, until finally he humbled
15:6-29; 12:1, 2. himself to the point of giving his life in
their behalf. What superior, exemplary
A NEW COMMANDMENT love!—Phil. 2:8; John 15:12, 13.
18 Later, after washing his apostles’ feet 20As Christians, we are under obliga-
and dismissing Judas Iscariot, Jesus again tion to copy this example of Jesus. We
drew attention to the example that he had must, not only love Jehovah God as he
set, saying to the eleven remaining ones: did, but also imitate the unselfish love he
“I am giving you a new commandment, showed for his followers. (1 John 4:20,
that you love one another; just as 1 have 21) Do you have the kind of love that he
loved you, that you also love one another. demonstrated? Would you surrender your
By this all will know that you are my dis- life for your Christian companions? True,
ciples, if you have love among yourselves.” we may not be called upon literally to
(John 13:34, 35) As circumcised Jews sacrifice our life in their behalf, but our
under the Law covenant, the apostles were love must be of such quality that we would
already under the command to love their willingly do so if the need arose. “We are
neighbors as themselves. (Matt. 22:39; under obligation to surrender our souls for
Lev. 19:18) But now Jesus said that his our brothers,” the apostle John explained.
true followers would be recognized by (1 John 3:16; Rom. 16:3, 4) Think now:
their demonstrating a more extensive, su- If we have that degree of love, should we
perior love—in imitation of his example. not be willing to serve humbly the inter-
19Jesus did indeed set a unique exam- ests of our brothers? Should we not be
pie in showing love. Tirelessly he expend- tender, kind and considerate toward those
17. What evidence is there that the apostles got the for whom we would willingly surrender
point of Jesus’ instruction?
18. How did Jesus later again draw attention to the our souls? Was this not a lesson that Jesus
example he had set for his followers?
19. What unique example of demonstrating love did 20. How will Imitating Jesus‫ ׳‬example of showing love
Jesus set? affect our relationship with our Christian brothers?
O ctober 1, 1 9 6 8 SHeW ATCHTOW ER 597
endeavored to inculcate within his fol- ers are superior to him. He should never
lowers? think that somehow he is a superior per-
son, and therefore should be waited upon
MAKING OVER THE MIND and served by others. Undoubtedly there
21How clear it is that to maintain a was not one activity to which Jesus’ apos-
proper relationship with your Christian ties set their hand or mind that Jesus
brothers you must “quit being fashioned could not have done many times better.
after this system of things, but be trans- Yet, Jesus humbly ministered to them,
formed by making your mind over”! even getting down and washing their feet!
(Rom. 1 2 :2 ) The Christian attitude of 23 How refreshing and pleasant are ones
mind is so different from that of worldly who truly demonstrate this humble atti-
people. How common it is for persons with tude of mind! What a fine, balanced view
special education, such as the clergy, medi- these have toward their relationship with
cal doctors, scientists or lawyers, to have their Christian brothers! They are alto-
a superior attitude, thinking that they are gether different from persons of this sys-
better than others! The same is true of tern of things. Just because some may
persons with special talents, such as sport have more money or material possessions
or movie personalities, or those possessing this does not cause them to think that
attributes of striking physical beauty or they should receive special consideration
exceptional intelligence. The admiration over persons of lesser means. They ap-
that these receive often causes them to predate that money does not make them
have a superior frame of mind. But re- superior persons, and they act accordingly.
member that the balanced Christian at- (1 Tim. 6:17) Similarly, persons belong-
titude is one of “lowliness of mind con- ing to a particular race or nationality
sidering that the others are superior to realize that this does not in any way
you.”—■Phil. 2 : 3 . make them superior to others. Therefore,
22What, though, does it mean to be they remain lowly in mind, sincerely con-
lowly of mind and to consider that others sidering that even persons of a less popu-
are superior to you? It does not mean, lar race or nationality are superior to
for example, that an expert violin player them.—Rom. 10:12.
should think that a companion who has 24 This same humble frame of mind
never touched that instrument can play should especially be exercised by the ap-
it better than he. This obviously is not pointed overseers, ministerial servants and
the case. Many people have training or others who enjoy special privileges of ser-
talents that cause them to excel above vice within the Christian organization.
others who have not had similar training True, others in the congregation are urged
or possess comparable talents. But this to cooperate with and imitate the faith of
does not make them superior persons. Nor such ones, but none of these taking the
should it cause them to be high-minded, lead should ever think that they are su-
considering that others are inferior to perior because they preside at meetings,
them. The Bible is here referring to one’s perhaps have greater speaking or organi-
attitude of mind, and the sincere mental zational abilities, or are able to devote
attitude of a Christian should be that oth- more time to Jehovah’s service. (Heb. 13:
21. Why must Christians be transformed by making 23. In what way are Christians who have a balanced
their minds over? view different from many people of the world?
22. What does it mean to be lowly of mind and to con- 24, 25. Who especially should take the lead in exer-
sider that others are superior to you ? cising love and demonstrating lowliness of mind?
598 ffreW ATCH TO W ER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

7, 17) Note that after urging the younger thing vital for him to remember. Yes, it
men to be in subjection to the older men is a matter that every Christian should
who are responsible for shepherding God’s learn well, for in order to maintain bal-
flock, the apostle Peter instructed: “All ance in our relationship with one another,
of you gird yourselves with lowliness of we must be loving our brothers and never
mind toward one another, because God think that we are superior to them.
opposes the haughty ones, but he gives un- —1 John 4:21; Phil. 2:2-4.
deserved kindness to the humble ones.” 28 Think ahead to the time when every-
(1 Pet. 5:5) None are omitted. Everyone, one who lives on earth will have this same
including the one taking the lead, is to refreshing attitude of mind! What a pleas-
gird himself with lowliness of mind. “Be ant place this will be to live! Then every-
in subjection to one another in fear of one alive will be perfectly clothed with the
Christ,” the Bible commands.—Eph. 5:21. “tender affections of compassion, kind-
25The overseer should, in fact, be the ness, lowliness of mind, mildness,” and
one setting the example in being humble especially love. (Col. 3:12-14) Yes, all will
and lowly of mind. This is what the Right love Jehovah God with their whole heart,
Shepherd Jesus Christ did. He went to mind, soul and strength; and they will
great lengths to impress by example the have a Christlike love for their brothers.
need for his followers to have love and What a grand incentive to maintain bal-
humility. So, then, should the overseer. ance now, so as to live then!
He is not a boss, but a servant of his
26. What is a real incentive to maintaining Christian
brothers. (Matt. 20:25-27) This is some­ balance now?

As told by Gerhard Oltmanns
{ Hk T ALL costs we will obey the I shall never forget that day, for at ten
O r L laws of God even if it means o’clock that morning we had assembled
losing our lives and we will continue to for prayer, and then, after discussion, we
assemble for worship. If your government resolved unanimously to send this mes-
oppresses us it will have to render an ac- sage to Hitler’s government. We could
count to God Almighty.’ These were the never follow Hitler as leader, or recognize
concluding thoughts of a resolution re-
him as such, for we had already under-
ceived at the Chancellery of the Third
Reich on October 7, 1934. Hundreds of taken to be ‘fine soldiers of Jesus Christ,’
copies of the same message came from the genuine God-given “leader and com-
congregations of the banned “earnest Bi- mander to the national groups.” (2 Tim.
ble students,” known in other countries as 2:3; Isa. 55:4) To me especially it was a
Jehovah’s witnesses. thrilling occasion.
O cto ber 1 , 1 9 6 8 SHeW ATCHTOW ER 599
You see, I had first contacted the Bi- In 1925 my secular work took me to
ble students in May 1924. It happened the vicinity of Oldenburg. I located the
when I was helping one of my workmates congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses there
to move to another house. I came across and was amazed when the presiding min-
an old mandolin, and for no reason at all ister welcomed me as if he knew I would
I strummed off in low bass the old hymn, be coming. When I asked how he came to
“Praise the Lord, the Mighty King of know about me, he said: “The Society’s
Glory.” That did it. We were soon in office has written us about you. We have
earnest Bible discussion, for the work- been expecting you. We are glad that you
mate turned out to be a Bible student. I have come.” Soon after, I found the op-
was raised a Lutheran, but I could not portunity to symbolize my dedication to
help being impressed by his Bible knowl- Jehovah God by baptism in water.
edge. On the surface, however, I showed In 1928 came marriage. I married a
no agreement with his ideas. zealous Bible student who has continued
Then books came through the mails— with me to the present day, my life com-
one after the other—the seven volumes of panion and fellow soldier. Meantime, we
a work entitled “Studies in the Scrip- were in no doubt that there was a spiri-
tures,” written by Charles T. Russell. I tual warfare to be waged, for much of the
started reading at odd moments. Then I territory in which we were preaching was
set aside more time for studying them. peopled by Catholics. Peaceful activity
Eventually I would keep on reading well was not guaranteed. Newspaper propagan-
into the night. At times I was really riled da began to spread lies against us. Never-
at the exposure of Lutheranism. At other theless, we kept on spreading the King-
times I found myself in complete agree- dom message in towns, villages and
ment with the writer. countryside.
About this time I consented to go and
hear a noted speaker, a Catholic priest,
who was to speak to a group of World How happy we were that we had worked
War I veterans, many of whom were still so thoroughly and so conscientiously up
until spring of 1933! For now the advent
young men. He boasted about his work
of Hitler’s government loomed like the
of saving souls in the trenches. But what warning of black storm clouds. Would we
he said about one young man who, in his persevere under evil conditions? Now that
dying hour, refused to receive the priestly our work was threatened and disturbed
ministrations really shocked me. The dy- by the brown-booted supporters of Hitler’s
ing man turned his back on the priest. “thousand-year rule of peace,” would we
“So,” the speaker declared, “I yelled in still follow the direction of our Leader in
his ear, May the Devil take your sinful heaven, Christ Jesus?
soul to hell!” My revulsion at such un- Pressure was brought to bear on us. Our
Christian behavior moved me to write to family of four was driven from our ac-
the offices of the Watch Tower Society commodations, and we were often without
and order fifty booklets on the topic “Hell: food. I still have the official document
What Is It? Who Are There? Can They from the president of the government,
Get Out?” Without realizing it I was on from which I quote: “As long as you con-
the way to becoming an active witness of tinue with these sentiments you must care
Jehovah. for your family’s welfare yourself.” We
600 W ATCH TO W ER. B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

prayed that we might be able to endure his own experiences and said: “Be smart
uncompromisingly. We resisted the adver- and sign. Of 400 Witnesses in our camp,
sary. And, just when it appeared that each day fifteen who had refused to sign
there was no way out, Jehovah time and were given ‘hell.’ ” But I well knew which
again sent us help. course would honor Jehovah.
The conditions forced me to move about In January 1940 I ended up in the
and accept even the most laborious type Sachsenhausen camp, near Berlin. Here
of work. For example, in 1934 I was work- I found 400 other Witnesses. Since March
ing as a hotel porter, as a dishwasher and 1938 they had been isolated and denied
later as an assistant at the buffet on the the rights enjoyed by other prisoners. No
North Sea island of Heligoland, 200 kilo- newspapers, no books and, at first, no mail.
meters from home. But even this late we Later, one letter of five lines per month
still managed to get the Watchtower mag- was permitted. Mockers scoffed: “Where
azines. What a boon they were! And we is your Jehovah now?” There were ca-
learned why Jehovah’s people must en- sualties too. One old man died in my arms,
dure, even though being tested to the lim- faithful to the death. His last words were
it. Jehovah’s name and sovereignty were to encourage us to hold firm.
at issue. We had the privilege of proving And there were still opportunities to
Satan a liar in his defiant claim that God witness about the Kingdom. For example,
could not put a man on earth who would thirty of us Witnesses were detailed to
remain faithful under persecution.—Job help build a new SS headquarters in Ber-
1:9-11. lin. As I concluded a discussion I had with
an SS leader, I happened to say: “Sir, you
*PRISONERS FOR THE LORI)‫׳‬ are a soldier. I also am a soldier.” I had
On June 4, 1938, I fell into the clutches in mind 2 Timothy 2 : 2 4 ‫־‬. After that in
of the Gestapo. I was sentenced by a spe- difficult times he would help me by saying
cial court in Hanover and served time in to his men: “Leave Oltmanns in peace.
six different prisons. For almost twenty Oltmanns is a soldier!”
months I was cut off from all association
In the spring of 1941 what is now song
with fellow Witnesses, at times even in
number eleven in the songbook "
solitary confinement. I had to draw upon
and Accompanying Yourselves with Mu-
my store of Bible knowledge to sustain
sic in Your H e a r t s ”w as compo
myself spiritually. One day a friendly
vah was truly strengthening us to con-
warden slipped a Bible into my cell. It re-
tinue undaunted. With the apostle Paul we
minded me of the angel that brought sus-
could confidently declare: “We are pressed
tenance to Elijah—so unexpected was it.
in every way, . . . perplexed, . . . perse-
(1 Ki. 19:5-8) And it was comforting to
cuted, . . . thrown down, but not de-
reflect on why I was suffering—because
stroyed.”—2 Cor. 4:8, 9.
I had not been intimidated and silenced,
A little relief came to us in September
refusing to hide the sayings of Jehovah,
1941. At midday we heard over the camp
the Holy One.—Job 6:10.
loudspeakers: “Jehovah’s witnesses, Bible
Most dangerous were those worldlings students, attention! Just five minutes to
who tried to offer advice in those days. eat, and then move at once!” We were
One former inmate of a concentration allowed to leave the punishment area
camp, a political prisoner, to whom I had where we had been isolated from others.
witnessed about the Kingdom, described Now we were to be treated like other in-
O ctober 1, 1968 f&eW ATCHTOW ER. 601
mates of the camp. We came to be wanted English Bible, a German-English dictio-
as reliable workers. “They should be won nary, and the books Government and Rec-
over by flatteries, since they only get the onciliation. The SS men thought I was
more determined under pressure”—thus studying the language, but in reality our
it was said in a letter of the SS. “We need group was once again being built up
them also after the war to settle in the spiritually.
east where they can preach the gospel of
peace to the Slavic peoples.” A TURNING POINT
We kept up, then, our congregational Then came the Allied invasion in 1944.
studies. In fact, some of the guards in the The death struggle of the “thousand-year
towers looked forward to this, for they Reich” was under way, and even we could
would hear us sing folk songs, then a song sense that. Three weeks later one of the
of Zion, which was followed by prayer last German ships to leave Cherbourg took
and our study. But one day there came us aboard and transported us to the sunny
a new block overseer. Could we have our island of Guernsey. It had been planned
study as usual? Why not? We prayed to sink the ship with all of its cargo of
about it, and then proceeded. Suddenly, in helpless prisoners, but the captain would
the midst of our study of Daniel, chapter not agree. Eventually we got to Jersey,
11, the door of the dayroom opened and and a few days later a good helmsman
there stood our new block leader. I be- took us through the Allied blockade and
lieve he was more shocked than we were. landed us once again at Saint-Malo.
He stood silent for a minute or so and Then a train race across Europe began.
then gestured that we could carry on. How Allied pilots tried to put the locomotive
enthusiastically we sang our closing song! out of action, but refrained from bombing
In August 1942 we were betrayed by the cars, for they carried partisan prison-
a member of one of Christendom’s sects. ers and American prisoners, as well as
One morning everything was searched, in- our group. On the way through France
eluding the sacks of straw on which we the people showed much kindness, often
slept. A great deal of literature was found. giving us fine wine when we asked for
Then punishment was meted out—fifteen water. Sadly, though, some of our num-
of our number receiving twenty-five lashes ber died on this journey. In one place
each. One quiet worthy one, who tried to three Witnesses wex‫׳‬e interred in one
take the blame in order to protect others, grave. Their fleshly bodies were no longer
received fifty lashes. Then we all had to able to bear up, though spiritually they
carry heavy stones on the double. were strong.
In March 1943 we were loaded into Weeks passed. Through Flanders, Hoi-
cattle cars, the windows of which were land and Germany we rolled. Nor did we
equipped with barbed wire, and taken by stop there. Our captors took us here and
rail through Belgium and Paris to pictur- there through Czechoslovakia, and finally
esque Saint-Malo. Here we saw our first to the Munnigholz camp at Steyr. How
palm trees. We were ferried to the Brit- grateful we were when the month of May
ish island of Alderney, at that time oc- came and we could see the white flag fly-
cupied by the German army. It did not ing! We wept for joy. We longed to see our
hurt us to have a refreshing sea voyage families again. Were they still alive? And
after all those months of detention. On then we wanted to get back into the Chris-
this stony island someone gave me an tian fight again, the spiritual warfare for
602 SEeWATCHTOWEFL B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

which we had enrolled as soldiers. But were most encouraging. In fact, congre-
traffic had been brought to a standstill. gations of Jehovah’s witnesses were
The country had been devastated. springing up like mushrooms after a warm
Happily we found an old army truck and summer rain.
repaired it. We also made a banner with And how our cup has kept running over
the words, “Jehovah’s Witnesses Home since then! Service work reestablished in
from the Concentration Camps.” With 1947; our first postwar convention at Kas-
this banner and with birch branches, and sel in 1948; the grand, unspeakable joy of
still in our striped prison clothes, we fifty flying across the ocean in 1950 for the
Witnesses traveled joyfully through Ba- huge “Theocracy’s Increase” convention
varia and Saxony to Leipzig. There we at New York City’s Yankee Stadium,
parted, and, as previously promised, I re- where seventy of us from Germany were
present. We had come through a fiery or-
turned home punctually in the evening. It
deal. Now our cup of blessing was over-
was the 4th of June—exactly seven years
after I had been taken away by the
Gestapo! Unforgettable, too, the Nuremberg as-
semblies, conducted on the grounds of the
BACK HOME—BUT NO FURLOUGH Reich party. The 144 pillars became sym-
The children were also safely home bols of the victory of God’s triumphant
when I arrived. It was thrilling to read kingdom under the scepter and crown of
his appointed King, Christ Jesus. In 1955
the judge’s report on them, when they
over 107,000 loyal subjects of that “Lead-
were only twelve and nine years of age.
er and Commander” filled these grounds
“We will not say Heil Hitler,” they had and sang songs of praise to Jehovah of
said. “We will not salute the Hitler flag. armies. From the tower I looked over this
We will not join the B.D.M. even though vast concourse and tears of joy welled up
we know we will not be allowed to stay in my eyes. Under Christ the King multi-
with mother. Our father is in concentra- tudes were learning to do what no worldly
tion camp because he believes in God. The religious or political organization had
pastors say they also believe in God, but been able to do—unite people of all na-
they are not in concentration camp, be- tions in peace and loving cooperation.
cause they are compromising.” Surely You young people who stand at the
they had been blessed with a loving moth- threshold of full-time service unencum-
er who bravely studied God’s Word with bered, do not say, “I am not qualified to
them daily. serve,” or, “It is too much for me.” Press
But this was not the time for a fur- on in Jehovah’s strength. He will support
lough. Through his organization Jehovah and strengthen you just as he did a “cloud
was calling all soldiers of Christ to re- of witnesses,” both in ancient and modem
main awake and busy. I was privileged to times. Keep in mind that God’s true wor-
receive appointment as a special traveling shipers are warriors, for we live amidst
representative of the Watch Tower So- an alien, enemy world. Until Jehovah’s fi-
ciety in northwest Germany. Could I car- nal victory forever ends Satan’s whole
ry on? A weak heart was no encourage- organization, it is your privilege as well
ment to me. However, Jehovah answered as ours to be ‘fine soldiers of Jesus Christ,’
our prayers, and the brothers everywhere ready to fight theocratically and to endure.
T MAY be that you have been taught these activities would make them viola-
I from childhood by your church that
God requires Christians to observe a
tors of it. So they are not actually keeping
weekly sabbath day. But did you know But since the sabbath law was given
that the Holy Bible nowhere commands only to the nation of Israel, how can peo-
Christians to do so? pie who were never part of that nation
Perhaps you may point to the fourth of be expected to obey it? When a law in
the Ten Commandments as your reason one country requires merchants to close
for keeping it, but the command there their stores on a certain day, must the
about holding the sabbath sacred and not people in other countries also close their
doing any work on that day was not given stores because of that law? Of course not!
to Christians. (Ex. 20:8-11) It was given It applies only in the one country. So too
to Israelites who were gathered at the foot with the sabbath law. Only the people
of Mt. Sinai in the sixteenth century be- within the borders of the ancient Israelite
fore our Common Era. God told them that nation were required by God to obey it.
sabbath observance was a “sign between Other nations were not under that ob-
me and you during your generations.” ligation.
(Ex. 31:13) He did not say this to any Nevertheless, some persons might argue
other nation. that Christians are supposed to observe a
What did sabbath observance mean for weekly sabbath day, and they may point
these people? It meant that they could do to Genesis 2:2, 3 as proof. There the Bible
no form of work on that day. They were states that God proceeded to rest on the
not to carry a load, gather sticks, cook seventh day and “proceeded to bless the
a meal or even light a fire. It was to be seventh day and make it sacred.” This is
a day of complete rest from labor, and a historical statement of what God did.
anyone who violated that law by doing But where is there anything in it that
any kind of work was to be put to death. commands man to cease every manner of
—Ex. 16:23-25; 31:15; 35:3; Num. 15: work on the seventh day of every week
32-35. as a religious observance? There is cer-
Any person today who believes he is tainly nothing wrong with resting from
obligated to observe this sabbath law, to work one day a week, but when churches
be consistent, likewise ought to refrain claim that God requires it of all Chris-
from all forms of labor. But how do most tians as a religious observance, they are
people spend the day of the week that they misrepresenting the facts.
regard as a sabbath? They rest from their In the more than 2,500 years from Ad-
weekly labors but usually engage in other am down to the giving of the sabbath law
forms of work such as mowing the lawn, to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, the Bible
puttering around the garden, playing golf, makes no mention of any command from
cleaning the house, cooking a special meal, God to observe a weekly sabbath day.
taking a drive, and so forth. If they really Furthermore, there is no record of any
were under the divine sabbath law any of man of faith during this period ever keep-
604 SHeWATCHTOWEFL B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

ing such an observance. Thus evidence is made of weekly sabbath-day observance.

lacking that God requires weekly sab- That was not given to Christians.
bath observance of all mankind because That Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ
he rested on the “seventh day.” did not regard weekly sabbath-day obser-
vance as a Christian requirement is evi-
JESUS CHRIST OBSERVED THE SABBATH dent from what he wrote about the ob-
Although there is no specific command serving of days. In his letter to certain
for Christians to observe the weekly Christians who were persuaded to keep
sabbath-day law, can it not be said that observances of the Law covenant he
God expects them to keep it because Jesus wrote: “You are scrupulously observing
Christ did? The answer is No! Jesus Christ days and months and seasons and years.
belonged to the nation to whom the sab- I fear for you, that somehow I have toiled
bath law was given and therefore was re- to no purpose respecting you.”—Gal. 4:
quired to keep it. Like the other Israelites, 10, 11.
he was required to show obedience to God
by obeying the requirements of the law WHAT THE SABBATH-DAY OBSERVANCE
that was given at Mt. Sinai.—Gal. 4:4. MEANS TO CHRISTIANS
But after Jesus’ death the law given to The sabbath observance that was re-
those people no longer applied to the Jew- quired of the nation of Israel prophetical-
ish followers of Jesus Christ, for he had ly pointed forward to the peaceful and
brought the Law cov- restful reign of Jesus
enant to an end by Christ, who is called
fulfilling its purpose. the “Lord even of the
At Romans 7:4 the N E X T IS S U E ! S P E C IA L ! sabbath.‫( ״‬Mark 2:
Bible states: “So, my Man’s Rule About to Give Way 27, 28) His thousand-
b ro th ers, yo u a lso to God’s Rule y ea r reig n wi l l be
w ere m ade dead to like the weekly sab-
the Law through the bath in that it will be
body of the Christ.” And in verse six, it devoted to the worship of Jehovah God
expands this thought by saying: “But now and will be a time of real refreshment for
we have been discharged from the Law.” man, physically and spiritually. The sab-
Since Christ fulfilled the purpose of the bath day was one of the many things in
Law covenant, the Bible says: “Christ is the Law covenant that were “a shadow of
the end of the Law.” (Rom. 10:4) God the things to come.”—Col. 2:17.
replaced it with a new covenant, and that There is no need for Christians to think
new covenant does not require weekly sab- they are obligated to observe the weekly
bath observance for God’s approval.—Heb. sabbath law given to the Israelites. God
12:24. does not require it of them, as the Bible
Many of the fine commands in the Law shows, but he does require them to wor-
covenant were repeated to Christians, and ship, obey and serve him. This they are
they became part of that new covenant. expected to do every day of the week.
The commands against immorality and They are also required to assemble to-
idolatry, for example, are shown to apply gether for worship and instruction. (Heb.
to Christians, at 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 10:25) Since it is the custom in most
and Acts 15:28, 29, but no mention is countries for people to be off from work
October 1, 1968 SHeWATCHTOWER 605
once a week, that day would be a con- weekly sabbath day to gain his approval,
venient one to do it. Talking about God’s you have not been told the truth. Instead
purposes with one’s neighbors is another of leading you in the way of the truth,
fine way to use this day.—Rom. 10:10. it is misleading you and binding you to
In view of these Scriptural facts, if you religious falsehood. Would it not be better
have been taught by your church that the to follow the truth that Jesus said would
Almighty God requires you to observe a “set you free”?—John 8:32.

Keep Free to Follow Our Fine Shepherd

|HE Lord Jesus promised his disciples: J will raise up over them shepherds who will
‫ז‬ “If you remain in my word, you are really
__ my disciples, and you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.” All true
actually shepherd them; and they will be
afraid no more.”—Jer. 23:4.*
Having gained this freedom, all of Christ’s
followers of his have been made free by the ■[ followers must be diligent to keep free to
truth of God’s Word. This freedom, however, t follow our Fine Shepherd. In particular does
is not an unlimited freedom. Only Jehovah j! this mean to be on guard lest they become
God can and does enjoy that. But all of God’s «[ ensnared because of the imperfect and selfish
faithful servants can enjoy a relative freedom, ![ and weak inclinations of the flesh. Among
a freedom to do what is right and freedom ]! these is love of ease, or laziness. Unless Chris-
from false religion, from the fear of man and, ![ tians put forth a real effort to combat this
among other things, freedom from enslave- ![ tendency it can easily become a bondage that
ment to sinful practices.—John 8:31, 32. |! will keep them from doing all they could and
Christian freedom also needs to be relative j! should in the way of personal study, meeting
because Christians are members of God’s ![ attendance and field ministry. They must
organization. Every organization has certain !‫ן‬ exert themselves vigorously if they would
requirements that must be met by those be- [! keep zealously free.—Luke 13:24.
longing to it. Otherwise, instead of a common 1| And then there is the snare of materialism,
harmonious effort to realize the purpose of J· the love of money or of the fine things that
the organization, there would be confusion [! money can buy. A fine home luxuriously fur-
and a frustrating of purposes. Most fittingly, 1| nished, or a high-priced motorcar, can give
the Bible is an organizational book. Its He- J! one pleasure and pride of possession. But if
brew Scriptures were entrusted to an organi- ‫!ן‬ the acquiring of such fine things interferes
zation, the nation of Israel, and its Christian !| with our keeping free to follow our Fine
Greek Scriptures were directly written either ]! Shepherd, then are they not the fruits of
to the Christian congregation or to individual [! materialism?
Christians. !| The apostle Paul gives good counsel in this
The Christian congregation itself is an or- !| regard, which is ever so much more pertinent
ganization, in which certain ones take the lead, J! in our day than it was in his: “Moreover,
such as overseers and ministerial assistants. ‫[׳‬ this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced.
Concerning these, Christians are counseled: ![ Henceforth let those . . . making use of the
“Remember those who are taking the lead j! world [be] as those not using it to the full;
among you . . . and as you contemplate how ‫[׳‬ for the scene of this world is changing.”
their conduct turns out imitate their faith. ![ (1 Cor. 7:29, 31) Just as a runner must strip
Be obedient to those who are taking the lead ]! off all unnecessary clothing if he would win
among you and be submissive, for they are ![ the race, so Christians today must keep free
keeping watch over your souls as those who ![ from the burdens of the materialistic world
will render an account.”—Heb. 13:7, 17. j! as far as possible if they would follow the
These might be said to be substituting for [! Fine Shepherd into the new order of things.
the “fine shepherd,” Jesus Christ (John 10:11), ![ 1‫ ־ ־‬Cor. 9:24-27; 2 Pet. 3:13.
and were foretold by Jehovah’s prophet: “I J * For details see The W atchtower, October 1, 1967.
606 S&eWATCHTOWER, B rooklyn , N .Y .
Love for Jehovah, as well as for our neigh- i as Peter said, left all to follow Jesus. And
bor, requires that we “put off every weight” £ what blessings, what joys are theirs as they
in order to keep free to follow the example set S thus serve!—Heb. 12:1; Mark 10:2830‫־‬.
by Jesus Christ. Look how full-time pioneer Ϊ So let each dedicated Christian ask him-
ministers, missionaries, those having gone to t self: “Am I keeping myself free to follow the
serve where the need for Christian ministers f Fine Shepherd?‫ ״‬And, “Can I make myself
is greater and those serving at Bethel homes *J available for increased privileges of service,
often have left behind many fine material £ such as those of the pioneer ministry or
things in order to imitate the apostles, who, }‫י‬ Bethel service?”

one party without a corresponding promise to

him is only an offer of marriage and not a con-
tract [engagement].” (Page 849) Thus when we
speak of an engagement, we mean a mutual
agreement involving the honest word of both
Engagement was considered so serious
among the Hebrews that a betrothed woman
• Is it proper for a Christian who is engaged was spoken of as the man's wife, though, of
to be married to break off that engagement? course, he could not have relations with her
—A. H., U.SA. until they actually were married. (Gen. 29:21;
Matt. 1:18, 19) The engaged woman had a legal
Marriage is a gift from God that can bring standing different from an unengaged virgin.
happiness and fulfillment to an individual; yet (Ex. 22:16, 17; Deut. 22:2329‫ )־‬This highlights
it also brings serious responsibilities, so it the importance of the engaged state.
should not be taken lightly. While in some
Are there, though, any things that would
places parents still arrange the betrothal of
justify the one-sided breaking of an engage‫־‬
their offspring, in many societies a single adult
ment? It would be a very rare situation that
is allowed the freedom to select a mate. If two
would justify a mature Christian's one-sidedly
Christians in this latter situation agree or
promise to marry, they can be expected, under doing so. Fraud or concealment of vital facts
might justify ending an engagement. Let us
normal circumstances, to keep their word.
give two examples: A woman deliberately con-
Before a person agrees to a thing, he should
give it the forethought the matter demands. cealed the fact that she was not Scripturally
Then when he gives his word, he can follow free to marry, and she accepted the proposal
Jesus' advice to “let your word Yes mean Yes, of a man who had made limited inquiry about
your No, No.” (Matt. 5:37) Special solemn her marital state. If later he learned that she
oaths are not needed by Christians in order to was not yet in position to marry, he would be
make their words believable. When one says justified in canceling the engagement. In fact,
something, he should mean it. he would be Scripturally obliged to do so.
So when two Christians have reached an (Matt. 5:32) Or if a man willfully lied to cover
agreement that they are going to marry, their facts so that a woman would accept his pro-
word should stand. No special public statement posal, her learning of the facts and of his
or act is usually needed, though often such is lying might lead her to end the engagement.
made. In discussing “Breach of Promise of (Col. 3:9) In these cases, the spiritually older
Marriage,” American Jurisprudence, Volume 8, men responsible to guard the moral purity of
pages 849 and 850, said: “No particular form the Christian congregation would want to know
of words is necessary to give rise to the [be- of such dishonesty so steps could be taken to
trothal]; it is sufficient that the minds of the protect other Christians.
parties have met and that the engagement is In other cases, where a valid reason does
mutually agreed upon.” not exist, the one-sided breaking of an engage‫־‬
Of course, it is not an engagement when a ment would indicate instability and immaturity.
proposal only has been made, but not accepted. Obviously, that sort of person could not be put
The same legal book said: “The promise by before the congregation as an example of
O ctober 1, 1968 SEeW ATCHTOW ER. 607
Christian maturity. If a male in the Christian ',are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Matt. 19:6)
congregation did this, he would not qualify They are to be working together, unitedly
for responsibilities in the congregation. Over- striving to have a happy and successful mar-
seers and ministerial servants are to be ‫״‬free riage through their cooperative efforts. Jehovah
from accusation,” and this one would hardly be has outlined in his Word principles that, if
that. (1 Tim. 3:10) If he does not know his own followed by the husband and wife, each in that
mind and cannot honor his word in regard to one’s respective place in the marriage arrange-
marriage, will he be able to do so in other ment, can lessen or eliminate marriage prob-
matters? He needs to grow to maturity. lems such as this one. And good results can
However, a word of caution is in order rela- often be obtained even when only one mate is
tive to those not personally involved in court- a believer or Christian.
ships. While it is fine to be interested in the The Scriptures counsel: ,,A husband is head
happiness of two Christians who are courting, of his wife as the Christ also is head of the
the details of their courtship are quite personal, congregation . . . Husbands, continue loving
involving those two and their families. Others, your wives, just as the Christ also loved the
men and women, need not pry as to what congregation.” (Eph. 5:23, 25) But what does
progress their courtship is making. (1 Pet. 4: this mean when applied to family finances?
15) If the couple has some announcement to First, it means that the husband bears the
make, inviting others to share their happiness, principal responsibility for making decisions
that is time enough to learn about it. Or, if the about how the family’s money will be used.
brothers responsible for directing the congre- The loving husband would probably want to
gation think that the course of an engaged discuss such matters with his wife to get her
male is calling into question his spiritual ma- feelings and suggestions, but, especially on
turity, they can look into the matter. It is not major matters, he is the one to make the final
something that has to come up for public dis- decisions. Depending on the time, abilities and
cussion and comment. preferences of those involved, he may delegate
All of this should emphasize the importance certain everyday decisions to his wife, such as
of recognizing a proposal to marry, engage- the purchase of food and some clothing as well
ment and marriage itself as serious matters. as the caring for some bills and regular ex-
By demonstrating spiritual maturity and wis- penses. Of course, if he expects this, he will
dom concerning these things, Christians can have to provide her with funds to do so. Also,
do what is proper, in accord with the Scriptures
in some places the law recognizes the wife’s
and in their best interests. right to certain ‫״‬pin money,” or money for
personal articles and other uses, such as in
• My husband and I both do secular work. connection with her worship. Wise husbands
Since I earn some of the money, w'ould it not will not be unnecessarily strict with their wives
be proper for me to say how it will be used? in such matters, but will ‫״‬continue dwelling
—U.S.A. in like manner with them according to knowl-
The question of who will decide how and edge, assigning them honor as to a weaker
when money that a wife earns will be used vessel, the feminine one.” (1 Pet. 3:7) So each
is a difficult one. This can be seen in that laws couple can reach a personal understanding on
covering this matter vary greatly from place such things.
to place. In some areas all that a wife earns is, But continuing on this matter of headship:
in actuality, her husband’s, to be used as he The husband’s position does not give him over-
sees fit. In other places this extreme position sight of the family’s finances without a corre-
is moderated, and the law recognizes that the sponding obligation. Rather, he also bears the
wife is an adult with certain rights, just as principal responsibility to provide for the fam-
the husband has legal rights. Thus there is ily’s support. Under normal circumstances, it is
diversity of laws on this matter. not his wife who is expected to hold a job and
We must say that it would be a sad thing if earn a living for the family—he is! He should
two persons united in wedlock and who proba- feel the primary weight of the Biblical prin-
bly vowed to love and cherish each other had to ciple: ‫״‬If anyone does not provide for those
start considering each other as opponents at who are his own, and especially for those who
law. According to God’s Word, a man and wife are members of his household, he has disowned
608 Sf&eWATCHTOWER, B rooklyn , N .Y .
the faith and is worse than a person without cover the family’s basic needs (not desires) in
faith.”—1 Tim. 5:8. life. After discussing the matter, it might be
What, though, if the wife does hold a secular decided that the wife will take on secular em-
job and so earns money? Does this affect ployment for a time. Does the fact that she will
things? Well, let us examine just why a Chris* be earning money change the husband’s posi-
tian wife would be in such a position. tion in regard to family finances? No! In fact,
Surely a mature Christian wife would not be if both husband and wife needed to hold secular
holding a secular job because of the glamour jobs, it should be obvious what the money they
of it, or out of independence and so as to com- earn is for—food, clothing and shelter. As a
pete with her husband, or to escape her primary submissive Christian wife she should recognize
responsibilities, or because of a desire for ex- her husband’s Scriptural obligation to direct
cessive possessions. Women in the world who the family in regard to such things, even
do not really need to hold a secular job, but though she might be contributing some of the
who do so because of such reasons, have often money.
wound up with emotional problems and severe It is unnecessary for us to try to establish
difficulties in their marriages. How wise, then, rules in regard to the handling of family financ-
is the Bible’s counsel that a married woman es. We can encourage husbands and wives to
concentrate on the vital role of caring for the strive to shoulder their respective responsibili-
home and family. (Proverbs chap. 31; 1 Tim. ties relative to the family and its support.
5:14) Also, this will probably allow the wife Marriage calls for loving cooperation on the
more time to devote to spiritual interests. So part of husband and wife. So when a couple
in many ways she will be able to make a valu- strive to cooperate on this financial aspect of
able contribution to the happiness of the entire life also, it will allow them to keep it in its
family.—Prov. 6:20-22. proper place and will prevent it from over-
Possibly, though, the husband, because of shadowing the more important spiritual as-
some adversity, is not able to earn enough to pects of their marriage.

Millions of persons are in bondage to super-
stition and false religion. Shackled by doctrines
that are contrary to the Bible, they are in fear
of mortal men and religious systems. But the
truth that Jesus Christ taught can free them.
All who would be free today and who would
stay free spiritually need to follow that Fine
Shepherd and walk in the paths of divine truth.
First, however, people must wake up to their
bondage to religious superstition and falsehood.
To help people wake up and break free and
stay free by means of God’s truth, Jehovah’s
witnesses are offering in their ministry during
the month of October a year’s subscription for “WATCHTOWER” STUDIES FOR THE WEEKS
the Awake! magazine, with three Bible-study- October 27: Maintain Proper Christian Bal-
aid booklets, on a contribution of $1. ance. Page 585. Songs to Be Used: 14, 119.
November 3: Maintaining Balance in Human
Relationships. Page 592. Songs to Be Used:
52, 56.

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