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©WT B &T S


E very w atchtow er has its purpose. It serves as an elevated place fo r a
wide-awake person with sharp vision. It enables him to see far ahead into
the distance and tell those below for w hom he is a watchman w h at is
drawing near, whether it is a danger against which to prepare or it is
something good over which to be glad with strong faith and hope.
Because o f having the name "T h e W a tch tow er” this magazine Justly
has to render a similar useful service to the people o f all nations. This is
an international magazine and makes no racial distinctions, for w e are all
facing a common w orld danger; w e are all hoping for a common good.
Ever since "T h e W a tch tow er” began to be published in July o f 1 8 7 9 it
has looked ahead into the future, always striving to aid its readers to ad­
vance in knowledge and to gain a clearer picture o f the glorious n ew order
o f things that is in store for righteous mankind. N o , "T h e W a tch to w er”
is no inspired prophet, but it ‘follows and explains a Book o f prophecy the
predictions in which have proved to be unerring and unfailing till now .
"T h e W a tch to w er” is therefore under safe guidance. It m ay be read with
confidence, for its statements may be checked against that prophetic Book.
A m o n g the m any nations o f today there are hundreds o f differing
religions. W h ic h one does this magazine present? N o t the confused religions
o f Christendom, but the religion o f the oldest sacred Book on earth. W h ic h
Book? T h e Sacred Bible o f m e H o ly Scriptures, written by inspiration in
the name o f the Creator o f heaven and earth, the only living and true G od.
T h e sacred, nonpolitical purpose o f "T h e W a tch to w er” is accordingly
to encourage and promote study o f the H o ly Bible and to give our m any
readers the needed unsectarian help to understand that Book o f true
religion and infallible prophecy. Thus this magazine w ill be helping them
to prove w orthy o f perfect life and happiness in G od’s promised new order
under H is everlasting kingdom o f righteousness.

117 Adams Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, U.S.A.
N . H . K norr, President G rant S uiter, Secretary
“ They w ill all be taught by Jehovah.”— John 6 :4 5 ; Isaiah 5 4 :1 3

CONTENTS Average prin ting each issue: 4,850,000 Five cents a copy
Where Are W e According to “ The Watchtower” Is Published in the Following 7 1 Languages
S e m im o n t h ly M o n t h ly
God’s Timetable? 259 Afrikaans Finnish Norwegian Armenian Ibo Russian
Arabic French Portuguese Bengali Icelandic Samar-Leyte
‘Faith Talked About Throughout Cebuano German Sesotho Bicol Kanarese Samoan
the W hole W orld’ 263 Chinese Greek Slovenian Burmese Kikongo Serbian
Chishona Hiligaynon Spanish Croatian Llngala Siamese
You Are Invited to Come Again 269 Cibemba Iloko Swedish Eflk Malayalam Silozi
Cinyanja Italian Ewe Marathi Sinhalese
H appy Missionaries Urged Danish
Japanese ? r og Fijian Melanesian- Swahili
Korean Xhosa Ga Pidgin Tamil
to Appreciate Life 272 English Malagasy Zulu Gun Motu Tswana
Hebrew Pampango Turkish
Remember Your Creator Hindi Pangasinan Ukrainian
Hungarian Paplamento Urdu
by Manifesting Goodness 273 Ibanag Polish Yoruba
Goodness Is to Be Manifested 279 Yearly subscription rates
Watch Tower Soelety offices for semimonthly editions
Keep Christian Balance Under America, U.S., 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 $1
Australia, 11 Beresford Rd., Strathfleld, N.S.W. $1
Responsibilities 285 Canada, 150 Bridgeland Ave.f Toronto 19, Ontario $1
Do You Rem ember? 286 England, Watch Tower House, The Ridgeway, London N.W. 7 7/6
Jamaica, W .I., 41 Trafalgar Rd., Kingston 10 7 /-
‘Blessing Jehovah Among New Zealand, 621 New North Rd., Auckland S.W. 1 7 /-
South Africa, Private Bag 2, P.0. Elandsfontein, Transvaal 70c
the Congregated Throngs’ 287 Trinidad, W .I., 21 Taylor St., Woodbrook, Port of Spain $1.75
Monthly editions cost half the above rates.
T h e B i b l e t r a n s la t io n used In “ The Watchtower” is the New World Remittances for subscriptions should be sent to the office in your country.
Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 19 61 edition. When other translations Otherwise send your remittance to Brooklyn. Notice of expiration is sent
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AT- An American Translation M o- James Moffatt’s version date. Give us your old and new address ( if possible, your old address la-
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Dy - Catholic Douay version RS- Revised Standard Version
JP - Jewish Publication Soc. Yg - Robert Young’s version Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. Printed in U.S.A.
-p 4 rv n o u ric i7 z c y
J E H O V A H ’S
M ay 1, 1967 N um ber 9

ROM read in g number of dramatic changes in this very

God’s Word the generation— changes that will affect your
B ible one can n ot life and that of every other person for all
but conclude that time to come. It shows we are facing the
God knows w hat day for the expression of God’s wrath
the fu tu re holds. against all wickedness in the battle at
For the frightful what the Bible calls “Armaged­
events of our time don.” Following that war will
were all foretold by be the glorious
him centuries ago thousand-year
and are appearing on the world scene j l I reign of Jesus
precisely on schedule according to his * ^ Christ. (Rev.
“timetable.” Not that God Almighty is 16:16; 20:4-6)
responsible for all that has happened on E xercisin g
earth down through the ages. He himself faith in these
testifies that men “have acted ruinously on promises, a
their own part,” that “ the defect is their great crowd of
own.” (Deut. 32:5) Rather, in his infinite mankind have
wisdom he has been able to predetermine arranged their
what course nations would take, and for lives in harmony with God’s Word in hope
our guidance and encouragement has of becoming recipients of the blessings
caused a record of these prophetic events that are to come.
to be written down in his Word the Bible. But how can we be confident that these
Therefore, knowledge of this “timetable” promises are sure of fulfillment? The an­
is of intense interest to man, for it pro­ swer is simple: Because these are the
vides him with priceless information that promises of a God who cannot lie. (Heb.
marks his location in the stream of time. 6:18) They are scheduled events in the
It also reveals what events are about to “timetable” of God.— Matt. 24:34, 35.
break forth on the world scene. So with For instance, in the book of Ecclesiastes
this information close at hand we can (3:1, 8) the Creator assures us: “For
chart a course in life that will lead to a everything there is an appointed time,
happy conclusion. even a time for every affair under the
For example, the Bible “timetable” in­ heavens: . . . a time for war and a time
dicates that we are at the threshold of a for peace.” Without doubt, then, there is
new era, that this earth is in store for a a precise time for the war of Armageddon
260 SEeWATCHTOWER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

to be fought and also a set time for the as a source of great encouragement to
peaceful thousand-year reign of Christ to those enslaved and afflicted Jews, for it
begin. also told of deliverance.— Gen. 50:24, 25.
A close study of the Bible helps us to Another example where knowledge of a
appreciate that world events can be an­ recorded prophecy served as an encour­
ticipated and understood in advance by agement can be found in the prophecy of
those who are acquainted with Bible Jeremiah. Jehovah caused his prophet
prophecies. For example, from a study of Jeremiah to write that the Jews would
the Hebrew Scriptures Jesus Christ knew be held captive in Babylon while their land
that he was destined to suffer, die and be was desolate for seventy years. (Jer. 29:
resurrected to life. So he told his disciples 10) The prophet Daniel, while in Babylon,
in advance that “he must go to Jerusalem took encouragement from these prophetic
and suffer many things from the older words and looked for the releasing of his
men and chief priests and scribes, and be people and their return to Jerusalem,
killed, and on the third day be raised up.” which took place in 537 B.C.E., precisely
(Matt. 16:21-23) The reason for such seventy years after Judah had been left
prophecies was given by Jesus in these uninhabited when the last Jews fled to
words: “ So now I have told you before it Egypt not long after Jerusalem’s desola­
occurs, in order that, when it does occur, tion. This again emphasizes the accurate­
you may believe.” (John 14:25-29) This ness of God’s “timetable.”
is the advantage of knowing prophecy and At the beginning of the first century of
seeing its fulfillment. We gain faith and our Common Era faithful Jews were look­
strength in witnessing the fulfillment of ing for the Messiah because of recorded
God’s promises and can look ahead with prophecies. The prophet Daniel was told
confidence to seeing other promises ful­ “that from the going forth of the com­
filled. Therefore, those who do not believe mandment to restore and to build Jerusa­
forfeit the value of God’s “ timetable” for lem unto the anointed one [Messiah], the
themselves. prince, shall be seven weeks, and three­
score and two weeks.” (Dan. 9:24, 25, AS)
PROPHECIES FOR ENCOURAGEMENT In other words, sixty-nine weeks of years
God’s promises and prophecies are for or 483 years (for these are symbolic
our encouragement. For example, long be­ weeks) would pass. (Ezek. 4:6) It was in
fore the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt, 455 B.C.E. that King Artaxerxes decreed
God told Abram: “You may know for sure that the city of Jerusalem and its wall be
that your seed will become an alien resi­ rebuilt. (Neh. 2:1-8) Counting from 455
dent in a land not theirs, and they will B.C.E., the 483 years would end 29
have to serve them, and these will cer­ In 29 C.E. Jesus of Nazareth was anointed
tainly afflict them for four hundred years.” with holy spirit, at which time he became
(Gen. 15:13) The beginning of that af­ Jesus Christ or Jesus the Messiah, the
fliction was when Ishmael, son of the anointed one. In that year Andrew the
Egyptian Hagar, mocked Isaac in the year brother of Simon Peter declared: “ ‘We
1913 B.C.E. Subtracting 400 years from have found the Messiah’ (which means,
1913 brings us to 1513 B.C.E., the pre­ when translated, Christ).” (John 1:41)
cise year when God delivered the Israel­ This was precisely as foretold by the
ites from Egyptian bondage. Knowledge of prophet Daniel centuries before.
this prophecy to Abram could have served Since prophecies and promises of God
May 1, 1967 SFEeWATCHTOWER. 261
were an encouragement for men through­ chosen by God would be given the right to
out all ages, we who live at the conclusion rule (Dan. 4:17, 25, 32) after a period of
of this system of things would be wise to “ seven times” had elapsed. The Bible in­
turn to the same sources for our encour­ dicates that each of those “ times” would
agement.—Rom. 15:4. be 360 years in length, and that the seven
would, therefore, be 2,520 years in dura­
END OF THE GENTILE TIMES tion.* That time period ended in the au­
Ours is a most critical generation. Bible tumn of 1914 of our Common Era. This
chronology and prophecies agree on this fact is significant because, according to
fact. We who live today stand at the the prophecies of God’s “ timetable,” the
threshold of Armageddon, God’s war in earth was to witness a marked change
which the wicked will be wiped off the after 1914. Well, did it?
earth. This also means we stand at the
threshold of the incomparable peaceful, EVIDENCE MARKING THE END
righteous rule of Christ that is to follow. For over thirty-five years in advance
But how can we be sure? Because of Jehovah’s witnesses proclaimed that 1914
prophecies and God’s unerring “ time­ would be a marked year. As early as 1877
table.”— 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Matt. 24:21; 2 Pet. their publications warned that 1914 would
3:13. see Gentile rule interrupted by the king­
Consider the time factor that Jesus dom of God. They firmly believed that Je­
gave. He said: “Jerusalem will be tram­ sus’ prophecy of the conclusion of the
pled on by the nations, until the appointed system of things would come true, that fol­
times of the nations are fulfilled.” (Luke lowing the end of the Gentile Times God’s
21:24) After this, as he said, “nation will Messianic kingdom would come into full
rise against nation and kingdom against power and the Gentile powers on earth
kingdom, and there will be food shortages be ousted.
and earthquakes in one place after anoth­ But nothing in the early part of 1914
er. All these things are a beginning of indicated that world upheaval was at hand.
pangs of distress.” (Matt. 24:7, 8) The The nations were at peace. The world’s
“appointed times of the nations,” men­ scene was a scoffer’s dream, and scoff
tioned by Jesus, indicated a period in many did. It was not until late June of
which there would be no representative 1914 that the world began to feel the jit­
government of Jehovah in the hands of ters of world instability. But by October 1,
the royal line of King David to interfere 1914, it was obvious that Jesus’ prophecy
with the Gentile domination of the earth. was fulfilled and that the “ appointed times
So when did those “ times” begin, and for of the nations” had ended. Historians and
how long a period would they extend? statesmen speak of 1914 C.E. as being a
Those Gentile Times began to count in “ dividing line in history,” “the day when
607 B.C.E., when Jerusalem, the capital of the world went mad,” a “ turning point,”
God’s representative government on earth, when ‘the world began its march toward
was destroyed by the king of Babylon. disaster.’ This is precisely what God’s
They were to run for seven symbolic times, “timetable” said 1914, the year marking
as shown by Daniel chapter 4. There in the end of the Gentile Times, would be.
Daniel is found a prophecy concerning the World War I did not settle the world’s
problems. It merely sowed the seeds that
kingdom of God (Dan. 4:34), a prophecy
* See the book “ Babylon the Great Has Fallen!”
that pointed to the time when the one God’s Kingdom Rules!, pages 174-181.
262 SEeW ATCHTOW ER B r o o k l y n , N.Y.

plunged the world into another and even in 1914 would also see its end. The gen­
greater war within the same generation, eration that was old enough to view those
namely, World War II. Shortly thereafter events with understanding in 1914 is no
came smaller wars and revolutions. As longer young. It no longer has many years
Jesus foretold, the end of the Gentile to run. Already many of its members have
Times would mark “a beginning of pangs died. But Jesus showed that there would
of distress” for the earth, and so it has still be members of “ this generation” alive
been. at the time of the passing away of this
Since 1914, the earth has also experi­ wicked system of things in both heav­
enced unprecedented en and earth. (Luke
famine. Food short­ 2 1 : 3 2, 3 3) H o w
ages have affected • Mildness, a C hristian R equirem ent. much longer will it
more than twice as • In structing w ith Mildness. be, then, before God
• Com m ercial W orld Experiences
many people as were Cause fo r M ourning.
takes action to de­
affected in the 900 • Do You Give 'Just as You H ave stroy the wicked and
Resolved in Y o u r H e a rt’ ?
years before. Pesti­ usher in the blessings
lences have increased of his Kingdom rule?
in the earth and go on increasing. Mental Interestingly, the autumn of the year
and nervous disorders, heart diseases and 1975 marks the end of 6,000 years of hu­
cancer are reaching the proportions of a man experience. This is ascertainable from
global calamity. And earthquakes, too, are reliable chronology preserved in the Bible
bringing increased woe. The yearly toll in itself. What will that year mean for hu­
lives lost from earthquakes since 1914 has mankind? Will it be the time when God
been ten times what it was before that executes the wicked and starts off the
year. thousand-year reign of his Son Jesus
These events emphasize the preciseness Christ? It very well could, but we will
of God’s “ timetable.” They make us wit­ have to wait to see. Yet of this we can
nesses of fulfilled prophecies. They tell us be certain: the generation that Jesus said
what Satan the Devil already knows, would witness those events is nearing its
namely, that we stand at the threshold of close. The time is close at hand. On God’s
Armageddon, that his wicked rule is about “timetable” we are in the closing days of
to end, that ‘God’s kingdom come’ will a wicked system of things that will soon
soon be a reality for the earth.— Rev. be gone forever. A glorious new order is
12: 12. immediately before us. This is, therefore,
good reason for Christians everywhere to
THE END OF 6,000 YEARS rejoice. Yes, they rejoice because fulfill­
In examining these Scriptural facts, ment of their prayers for the kingdom of
something else also captures our attention. God is now at hand.—Luke 21:28.
According to Bible chronology, we are al­ Therefore, keep in mind the admonition
ready over fifty-two years into the wicked of the Lord Jesus when speaking of our
system of things’ “ time of the end.” That day: “Keep awake, then, all the time mak­
time began in the autumn of 1914 C.E., ing supplication that you may succeed in
at the termination of the “ appointed times escaping all these things that are destined
of the nations,” and it is already far ad­ to occur, and in standing before the Son
vanced. Jesus said that “this generation” of man.” (Luke 21:36) The prophecy is
that saw the beginning of this time period sure; the time is short.
could react as did the apostle Paul when
he informed the congregation of Chris­
tians in Rome: “Your faith is talked about
throughout the whole world.”—Rom. 1:8.

For example, have you ever hesitated
about attending some circuit or district
assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses orga­
nized for your benefit, because of some
seemingly insurmountable obstacles? Je­
sus taught that faith can surmount ob­
stacles. (Matt. 17:20) And that has proved
—Displayed at to be true of many of Jehovah’s witnesses
in Latin America. One schoolteacher liv­

W s Sons of liberty" ing some 200 miles distant from Montevi­

deo, Uruguay, wanted to get to the as­
sembly, but her opposed husband even
Assemblies made it difficult for her to attend local
meetings. Was she discouraged? Did her
HE faith-displaying course of devoted faith waver? No, for she went ahead with
T servants of Jehovah in this day, as
in the past, is truly a fit subject for up­
preparations, confident that, if it was the
Lord’s will, she would get there. The
building consideration. It moves other ser­ unexpected happened. A government de­
vants of God to inquire into how such partment handling her retirement ap­
strength of faith can be acquired. It leads plication called her to the capital for
them to examine their own attitudes and discussion at the very time when the as­
ways of thinking in order to root out any sembly would be in session. So she was
that raise obstacles to the growth of faith. one of the happy participants.
As they apply the lessons learned, follow­ A group of Witnesses from the coast of
ers of Christ today are in effect saying Honduras started out by train for the as­
what first-century disciples said to the sembly in Tegucigalpa. They could not get
Master: “ Give us more faith.”—Luke 17: through because high waters had rendered
5. a rail bridge impassable. Did they give up?
Things learned and experiences report­ No! They went home and tried again next
ed at the 1966-67 series of “ God’s Sons day and got through and finally arrived
of Liberty” International Assemblies pro­ one day after the assembly had started.
vide much food for thought along this line. Obstacles could not extinguish their zeal
Jehovah’s witnesses from the northern for attendance at the spiritual feast pre­
hemisphere had opportunity to visit Mexi­ pared for them.
co, Central and South America and the Jehovah’s witnesses from Manaus, in
islands of the Caribbean and see firsthand the Amazon basin, traveled four days on
the background against which a vast cam­ that mighty river to reach Belem on the
paign of Bible education is being pushed coast, and then five days by bus to get to
in those southern lands. They were thrilled the Brazilian assembly in Sao Paulo. The
by what they saw and heard, and felt they prospect and the hazards of a twenty-day
264 3fteWATCHTOWER- B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

return trip could not shake their deter­ these mount the platform at the Monte­
mination to attend. video assembly in testimony to her zeal­
Thirty-seven delegates from Nuevo Pa- ous and diligent ministry!
raiso, Colombia, were undeterred by the Northern visitors at all these assemblies
hazardous trip in a large motor-powered also met and talked with missionaries who
canoe. As it turned out, the boat did cap­ years ago had the faith to reach out for
size and they lost all their spare clothing service privileges. They accepted the in­
and money. However, they turned up at vitation to train at the Watchtower Bible
the assembly in Barranquilla undaunted, School of Gilead and were sent off to for­
happy to be alive to partake of the spiri­ eign assignments. But did they have the
tual bounty of the Lord’s table. faith to stick with their assignments?
Many Witnesses had to be resourceful in They certainly did. Think of it! Eight
order to make the trip to the assembly graduates from Gilead’s first class back in
site. One Uruguayan Witness began tak­ 1943 are still faithfully serving in Mexico
ing in washing early in July so that when and others are to be found in various Cen­
January arrived she would have enough tral and South American lands. Surely
funds for the journey. Another with sev­ their faith is like Abraham’s!
eral children and an opposed husband
made and sold ice cream to earn her trav­ FAITHFUL CONDUCT IMPRESSES

el expenses. “ Fine testimony from people on the out­

side” of the Christian congregation is, in
FAITH TO REACH OUT fact, testimony to the faith of God’s ser­
How do you view the possibility of tak­ vants. (1 Tim. 3:7) Let us never overlook
ing on enlarged privileges and responsi­ the effect that good conduct has on per­
bilities in Kingdom service? Those who sons who observe Jehovah’s witnesses un­
have faith to reach out and grasp such op­ der varying conditions. They really take
portunities are truly blessed by Jehovah, note and talk about it, as convention dele­
as experiences told at the “ God’s Sons of gates learned during the Central and
Liberty” assemblies show. One Witness in South American tour of assemblies. A
a fishing town in Peru was informed that waiter in a Panama restaurant approached
he could not qualify to be a special pioneer some Witnesses and asked: “Who are you
minister until he learned to read and write. people? You all seem so happy, and there
That did it. He began studying right away, is no discrimination among you— how can
made excellent progress in but a few it be?” When told that the Witnesses were
months, and now has his assignment as a the same people who distribute the book
special pioneer minister in his hometown. From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained,
From his district two hundred persons which he already had, he declared he was
came to the assembly in Lima. going to get it out and start studying it.
How signally blessed was one Uruguay­ The supervisor of a bus company in San
an Witness who, despite frail health, Juan, Puerto Rico, after dealing with the
reached out for pioneer ministerial privi­ assembly organization, said to his staff:
leges! She has been instrumental in bring­ “We must cooperate to the greatest extent
ing some ninety persons into the organi­ with these people; they are the most or­
zation of Jehovah’s witnesses, eighty of ganized people we have dealt with.” And
them already baptized. How rewarding it a hotel manager in Mexico City declared:
was for her to see a good proportion of “ You Witnesses are welcome here any-
M a y 1, 1 9 6 7 SlkWATCHTOWER 265

time. How many rooms do you want?” An­ them. They quickly gain confidence in
other hotel manager, this time in King­ teachers of this kind, teachers of the Bible
ston, Jamaica, said: “Although I am not who are prepared to put its fine principles
one of Jehovah’s witnesses, if I could into operation in their own lives.
employ only Witnesses here I would be
happy. For with such a staff we could run HAVING DONE ALL, TRUST JEHOVAH
a trouble-free hotel.” It often happens that servants of God
A Government official in Ecuador said have done their very best to carry out his
of the assembly organization: “They have will and yet reach the point where they
every last detail planned out with mathe­ must trust in Jehovah for the outcome,
matical precision. There is not much that because it may be beyond their power to
we can do for them that they have not achieve. They need faith in God to meet
already done for themselves.” And an air­ such situations. For example, think of the
line manager stated: “ You people did a position of the Watch Tower convention
magnificent job of organization. Wish we servant at Managua, Nicaragua, when he
had men like you in our firm.” A hotel learned that the leaseholder who had
manager in one South American city, re­ rented the auditorium to him had lost his
marking on the efficiency of the Witnesses, lease, and the contract with him was no
observed: “If you people were running the longer valid. The opening of the assembly
country I would not mind paying taxes, was just days away, with delegates on
for I know I would get my money’s their way from all over Nicaragua, not to
worth.” speak of the many foreign delegates. But
The auditorium personnel at the Pa- everything finally worked out well. The
lacio Penarol, Montevideo, Uruguay, were owner of the auditorium consented to ne­
deeply impressed. At first they were smok­ gotiate a last-minute contract.
ing, but as they got to associating with Normally, January 1 marks the start of
and cooperating with the Witness work­ Ecuador’s rainy season, and with it come
ers it was noticeable that none of them hordes of crickets and mosquitoes. In pre­
smoked any longer, and they would ad­ vious years the crickets had to be swept
dress each Witness as Hermano or “Broth­ up by the bushel in the downtown areas,
er.” One of them declared: “This is the while mosquitoes made life unbearable to
first time the Palaeio has a clean smell, everyone. This year, sure enough, the
free of tobacco smoke and other odors.” rains did come on January 1, the very day
Another said: “ This is the first time the that four planeloads of Witness delegates
Palaeio management has turned over the arrived from Panama. However, a success­
entire building, including rooms and pri­ ful assembly was held in Guayaquil’s Cov­
vate offices, to anyone, and they seem un­ ered Coliseum. And what of the crickets?
concerned about how the property will be They arrived in their thousands one hour
handled.” after the closing session, penetrating every
Time and again conventioners heard at corner of the Coliseum. As someone re­
these assemblies that Indians and the marked, referring to the locustlike thor­
poorer natives in remote districts of all oughness of the Witness organization:
those southern lands were impressed, “The locusts moved out and the crickets
above all, by the willingness of mission­ moved in.”
aries and other Witnesses to come into Witnesses in Santiago, Chile, had had
their humble homes and even eat with their eyes on the huge Velodrome in the
266 3fieWATCHTOWER. B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

grounds of the National Stadium ever favorable comment on the cleanliness ob­
since the idea of an international assembly served among the Witnesses.
in their city became known. But the Velo­ In Guatemala the Government-owned
drome was still unfinished, and even the radio station provided three hours of free
cyclist association for whose use it was time for interviews and other reports on
being built had tried and failed to get the the assembly, while Guatemalan papers
use of it as late as the month of Decem­ published 400 column inches, including
ber. Nevertheless, by patient, continuing eighteen photographs relating to the Wit­
discussion with one group of officials after nesses’ gathering. In San Juan, Puerto
another, this new structure was finally Rico, five banners announcing the public
opened to Jehovah’s witnesses, and the lecture were strung across the streets at
“ God’s Sons of Liberty” Assembly was the strategic points. In Brazil an excellent job
first event to take place in it. Cycling fans was done of bringing the assembly to the
were urged by a news reporter to attend attention of the press, with the result that
the Witnesses’ assembly in order to get the final count in column inches amounted
their first glimpse of the completed Velo­ to 4,263.
drome. The illustrated Flash magazine of San­
In Uruguay it seemed that a strike that tiago, Chile, featured the baptism on its
tied up all buses and taxies would have cover, with the four succeeding pages of
a grave effect on attendance at the assem­ pictures and explanatory text under the
bly. However, this obstacle, too, was sur­ heading: “ Swimpool of National Stadium
mounted. How? Many of the incoming Converted into Baptismal Font.” Quite dif­
delegates simply walked to their accom­ ferent in motive was the article published
modations, some many blocks. Many types by the Communist daily in the same city,
of transportation were pressed into use, El Siglo ( TheCentury), under the head
including a fire department bus and a huge line: “Jehovah’s Witnesses Convert Na­
dump truck. But the visitors got to their tional Stadium into Temple of Anticom­
hotels and rooms, and they also managed munism.” Other local papers, however,
to be at the Palacio Penarol for the unfor­ explained truthfully that the Witnesses
are entirely neutral as to political ques­
gettable sessions of the assembly.
tions and are exclusively devoted to
ASSEMBLIES IN THE HEADLINES preaching and teaching the Bible’s mes­
Without exception the 1966-67 series of sage for our day.
assemblies produced the greatest amount Puerto Rico’s illustrated magazine Bo­
of favorable public attention ever given to hemia, in its issue of February 26, 1967,
carried a six-page story of the assembly,
the activities of Jehovah’s people in Cen­
including twelve pictures, drawing atten­
tral and South America. But not without
tion to the baptism and the Bible dramas.
a great deal of hard work and faith in Je­ The article concluded: “With the sincerity
hovah as to the outcome was this result that flows from the words of Jehovah’s
achieved. Newspapers in Jamaica gave an [witnesses], countless boricuas [Puerto
unprecedented 730 column inches to re­ Ricans] are deeply convinced that they
ports on the activities of the Witnesses at will make it to the era of ‘Mankind’s Mil­
Kingston’s National Stadium. One entire lennium Under God’s Kingdom.’ ”
page of a leading paper was filled with All of Costa Rica’s national newspapers
pictures of cafeteria activity, and carried published items on the assembly in San
M a y 1, 1 9 6 7 SKeWATCHTOWER. 267

Jose, in all, over seventy column inches. connection with the ministry in Colombia:
Here, too, an interview in Spanish with “In the matter of assembly places we have
F. W. Franz, vice-president of the Watch progressed all the way from backyards to
Tower Society, was broadcast over a na­ stadiums.” And those faithful mission­
tionwide network. So by radio, television aries look at their assignment as “home.”
and printed page, news about the faith of They tell how once in a while relatives
Jehovah’s people was spread and talked will write and urge them to come home
about in many parts of this western hemi­ to the comforts of a more modern land.
sphere. But the view they have adopted is that the
simplicity of life in a foreign assignment
MISSIONARIES TELL THEIR STORY permits them to give far greater care to
Visiting Witnesses to Mexico and other the interests of the Kingdom, unham­
lands to the south will never forget hear­ pered by distractions. Besides, when they
ing firsthand accounts by genuine mission­ do go back north for a brief vacation, they
aries of their tribulations and joys in for­ are eager to get back to these lovable peo­
eign assignments. Special English sessions ple who have become their children in the
at each assembly furnished the opportuni­ faith. They feel like fish out of water be­
ty to get to know these missionaries who, ing anywhere other than in their assign­
many years ago, left homes, families, con­ ments.
veniences and luxuries, to serve in areas On a number of occasions visiting dele­
where the need for Kingdom preaching gates heard President N. H. Knorr of the
was particularly great. Also, at each Watch Tower Society bid them, when
branch home of the Watch Tower Society back home, tell fellow Witnesses what a
the president and directors of the Watch large and satisfying field there is in these
Tower Society enjoyed a special get- lands of the south for those with the true
together with these missionaries, including missionary spirit. There are still many
a fine meal. How wonderful it was to talk places to which whole families could move
with faithful ministers who have been dili­ and serve where the need is greater.
gent in their missionary assignments for Young married couples and single boys
periods up to twenty years or more! and girls should inquire how they can
One missionary recounted how three qualify for Gilead training and be equipped
interested families in a small Peruvian for a lifetime career as missionaries. The
town got together and started having spirit of Isaiah is needed, the “Here I am!
meetings in a home. Soon they had an at­ Send me” attitude. (Isa. 6:8) Just imag­
tendance of thirty. A Witness offered his ine! The crying need of the vast field in
garage and obtained some chairs so as to those southern lands is for at least a thou­
care for the growing attendance. From sand more missionaries right now!
this same town came thirty-two delegates
to the “ God’s Sons of Liberty” Assembly. ASSEMBLY HIGHLIGHTS
Another missionary, assigned to Colom­ The faith of a multitude of new Wit­
bia two years ago, told that in all that time nesses was displayed at the baptism ses­
he could recall only one door being sions of the “ God’s Sons of Liberty” as­
slammed in his face. semblies. Not lightly, but after sober
Those missionaries have been privi­ consideration and many months of Bible
leged to witness marvelous growth of the study, did those groups of every age brack­
Kingdom interests. As one remarked in et, from the teen years up to the seven-
268 SfieWATCHTOWER B rooklyn, N.Y.
ties, step forward and declare themselves ber attending some of the assemblies was
ready to submit to immersion in water as several times the total number of Witness­
a public testimony of their dedication of es in the country.
their lives to God. In all, a grand total of Such figures speak eloquently about the
6,131 persons were baptized during the en­ increase of active Witnesses in all these
tire assembly tour. lands in the past twenty years. They also
reveal something of the magnitude of the
The Bible dramas presented on the pro­
field in which there is still need for those
gram at each assembly were hailed by the
who have the faith to reach out for great­
Witnesses as a most effective means of er privileges of Kingdom service. Multi­
impressing the fine principles of the Bi­ tudes in those lands are anxious to learn
ble on young and old. After seeing the how to study the Bible and to serve God
vivid counsel portrayed in “Look to the acceptably. They need teachers who will
Bible as Our Guide in Life,” one Ecuador­ show them how. Considering the whole of
ian parent, who had saved for months so the western hemisphere south of the con­
as to bring his family to the assembly, tinental United States together, it is noted
declared: “It was worth every sucre I that there is but one Witness for each
spent for my children to see that one dem­ 1,600 of population. How urgent the need
onstration. None of us will forget the for qualified missionaries and others who
counsel given in such a striking way.” An­ can plan their affairs so as to spend a
other delegate commented: “ Never has the greater share of their time, in the few
Bible had such force. Now, when I read years remaining for this system of things,
the Bible, I’m going to try to see the in spreading the good news to waiting
things I’m reading, to remember them.” multitudes!
The public lecture on the theme “Man­ The faith of missionaries already active
k in d ’s Millen­ in this and oth­
nium Under Witnesses Witnesses Peak Number er parts of the
active in active in Assembly Baptized
G o d ’ s K i n g ­ Location of Assembly 1947 Jan. ‘67 Attendance world field is
dom” drew un- Mexico City, Mexico 4,125 33,257 36,556 1,082 t a l k e d about
p r e c e d e n t e d Guatemala City, Guatemala 75 1,446 2,950 102 throughout the
crowds, with a San Salvador, El Salvador
Belize, British Honduras
10 w h o l e w orl d ,
t o t a l o f m o r e Tegucigalpa, Honduras 45 837 1,422 60 wherever Jeho­
than 175,000 Managua, Nicaragua 36 824 1,654 71 vah’s witnesses
persons hearing San Jose, Costa Rica 449 2,677 2,974 73
are lo ca te d .
Panama City, Panama 175 1,413 2,110 60
it at the twenty- Barranquiila, Colombia 29 4,203 5,777 179 They have truly
one assemblies. Kingston, Jamaica 1,185 5,162 9,458 189
spearheaded a
It was very evi­ Guayaquil, Ecuador 14 1,616 2,723 172
Lima, Peru 22 2,484 6,925 265 grand work of
dent that people Santiago, Chile 137 3,888 7,693 441 enlightening
are interested La Paz, Bolivia 16 562 1,150 66
in the future Asuncion, Paraguay 34 535 489 37 peoples of many
that G od’ s Buenos Aires, Argentina 679 12,331 15,238 692 nations. Do you,
(including Cordoba)
Word envisions Montevideo, Uruguay 175 2,264 3,958 212 too, have such
f o r the earth Sao Paulo, Brazil 648 38,109 46,151 1,723 faith, and will
Caracas, Venezuela 29 4,171 10,463 195
a n d obedient San Juan, Puerto Rico 87 3,488 8,604 225 it move you to
m e n up on it. Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep. 59 2,312 5,154 172 volunteer your
The peak num­ 8,137 122,945 177,193 6,131 services?
&ea 'tfwwted
c o m e ‘a g a in
'ACH year Jehovah’s witnesses
their friends gather in congregation with the thought
groups around the earth to celebrate the o f n o t assem- 1
“Lord’s supper” on Nisan 14, according to bling t o g e t h e r
the ancient Jewish calendar. This year that again until the
memorial supper was held on the night fo ll ow ing year. "*'»
of March 25. Perhaps you were present. They would have %
Yearly, large numbers of readers of The missed the resurrection
Watchtower do attend the Memorial. In of Jesus Christ, meeting
1966, 1,971,107 persons met together with him in Galilee, seeing him ascend to
around the world on that sacred occasion. heaven, the outpouring of the holy spirit
The report for this year has not yet been at Pentecost, the miracle of the tongues.
completed, but we have every reason to But those who were regularly meeting to­
believe that again the attendance was gether for worship did not miss out.
large. Yet something concerns us: This After Jesus’ resurrection, for fear of
past year we observed that about a mil­ the Jews the disciples of Christ met to­
lion who attended the Memorial never gether behind locked dooi’s. This they did
came to any of the other meetings of the despite the danger to themselves, because
congregation. These other meetings are they appreciated the vital need and impor­
just as important in the life of a Christian. tance of meeting together. On one such
The Bible is just as pointed in counseling occasion the resurrected Jesus paid them
us to attend these meetings as it is in in­ an unexpected visit, showing thereby that
structing that the “Lord’s supper” be held. he approved of what they were doing. Je­
(Heb. 10:23-25) Why, then, do so many sus entered through a locked door, much
attend one meeting but not the others? to the disciples’ amazement. The apostle
A surprising number of people apparent­ Thomas missed this meeting. Since he was
ly believe that a single attendance is all not present, the brothers began to tell him
that is required of them as Christians and what he had missed, namely, “ We have
to gain salvation. Thus these miss one of seen the Lord!” Thomas responded with
the key points highlighted at the Lord’s disbelief: ‘I don’t believe it!’ “ Unless I see
evening meal, namely, the need for Chris­ in his hands the print of the nails and
tians to meet together regularly.
stick my finger into the print of the nails
That need was emphasized by what hap­
and stick my hand into his side, I will cer­
pened immediately after the first celebra­
tion of the Lord’s evening meal in the year tainly not believe.” Obviously, Thomas’
33 of our Common Era. Think what the faith was weak.
apostles would have missed had they left Eight days later Jesus’ disciples were
the upper room and Jerusalem that night again at a meeting. This time Thomas was
270 SEeWATCHTOWER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

with them. The Bible account says: “ Jesus things. At one meeting after his resur­
came, although the doors were locked, and rection he gave them the order: “Do not
he stood in their midst and said: ‘May you withdraw from Jerusalem, but keep wait­
have peace.’ Next he said to Thomas: ‘Put ing for what the Father has promised . . .
your finger here, and see my hands, and you will be baptized in holy spirit not
take your hand and stick it into my side, many days after this.” (Acts 1:4, 5) At
and stop being unbelieving but become be­ a meeting Jesus instructed them as to
lieving.’ ” (John 20:24-27) Thomas’ faith their service work: “ You will be witnesses
was restored. That is what meetings are of me . . . to the most distant part of the
for, to restore faith, to keep us believing. earth.” (Acts 1:8) Failure to attend those
We can still count on Christ’s restorative meetings would have meant missing out
powers to help us out of our unbelief, for on precious privileges.
he gave us this promise: “ Where there After Jesus ascended to heaven his dis­
are two or three gathered together in my ciples continued to assemble together reg­
name, there I am in their midst.” (Matt. ularly. They met in an upper chamber
18:20) He is in our midst if we meet to­ where they persisted in prayer. At a meet­
gether in his name. ing Matthias was selected to fill the spot
vacated by Judas Iscariot. The holy spirit
was also poured out on a congregation of
Regularly attending and participating 120 while they were together at a meeting.
in meetings is an outward act of faith. It —Acts 1:12-14, 24-26; 2:1-4, 46, 47; 4:31.
is an essential part of declaring publicly So the idea of going home Memorial
our faith that Christ is Lord. The apostle night and not showing up among Christian
Paul says this must be done: “If you brothers until the next Memorial is cer­
publicly declare that ‘word in your own tainly not in keeping with what Christ and
mouth,’ that Jesus is Lord, and exercise the apostles did, is it?
faith in your heart that God raised him
up from the dead, you will be saved. For MISLEADING CONCEPTS
with the heart one exercises faith for Beware of the dangerous concept that
righteousness, but with the mouth one says all that is required to gain God’s ap­
makes public declaration for salvation.” proval and life is an appearance at the
(Rom. 10:9, 10) Thomas indeed gave pub­ Lord’s evening meal once a year. This, of
lic declaration when he beheld the risen course, is not true. One meeting cannot
Christ. He cried out: “ My Lord and my supply us all our spiritual needs any more
God!” But Jesus said to Thomas: “Be­ than one meal can supply all our physical
cause you have seen me have you be­ needs. Jesus made this plain, saying: “Man
lieved? Happy are those who do not see must live, not on bread alone, but on
and yet believe.” (John 20:28, 29) Yes, every utterance coming forth through Je­
happy are those who today, in faith, make hovah’s mouth.” (Matt. 4:4) Everlasting
public declaration of this fact that Jesus is life requires the regular taking in of the
Christ the Lord. knowledge of God and Christ. (John 17:
Meetings are like water holes where 3) Meetings keep us in touch with that
thirsty souls gather to drink. Christians constant flow.
assemble regularly to replenish themselves Some people say, ‘We have our Bible
spiritually and to receive instruction. At and in the privacy of our own homes we
meetings Jesus taught his disciples many can study it without having to go to meet-
M a y 1, 1 9 6 7 SEeWATCHTOWER 271
ings.’ This sounds fine, but is it the whole possible. What love would that be if a hus­
truth? How often weeks pass by without band and a wife voluntarily stayed away
persons even once opening the Bible or from each other weeks, months and years
seriously meditating on its message! It is at a time? Christ’s love is manifest in
a rare person indeed who today sets aside these words: “I am with you all the days.”
time to study the Bible privately and does (Matt. 28:20) Our love must reflect the
so regularly. same desire, that is, to be where the broth­
While private home Bible study is most ers are met together.
commendable and should not be discour­ Memorial reminds us not to be selfish,
aged or neglected, it is misleading to think not to think solely of ourselves, but to
that it will supply all our spiritual needs, minister to the needs of one another.
even if we do adhere to a strict schedule. (Matt. 20:28) If Christ were hungry,
There are needs that can be supplied only thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, depressed
in the association with others. For exam­ or in prison, would you not care for him?
ple, the text at John 5:37 perplexed a Bi­ Of course you would! This a person can
ble student for years. At a meeting one do by ministering to the needs of even
day it was read and commented on. An the least of these his brothers, which
understanding of it flashed through the Christ counts as done to himself. Being at
mind. Jesus was not addressing his words meetings, if at all possible, places one in
to all men, but only to those near him. a position to care for the needs of others,
‘They had not heard God’s voice or seen thus proving whether one is a “ sheep” or
his figure.’ This flash of light came at a a “goat.”— Matt. 25:34-46.
meeting, which calls to mind the proverb: Whatever our position in life, there is
“By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one need to continue to cultivate the same
man sharpens the face of another.” (Prov. longing for the brothers that Paul had,
27:17) This underscores the importance of the same concern for them, when he said:
meetings. “ I am longing to see you, that I may im­
part some spiritual gift to you in order for
MEETINGS AN OBLIGATION you to be made firm; or, rather, that there
The apostle Paul gave us still another may be an interchange of encouragement
reason why we should want to meet regu­ among you, by each one through the oth­
larly with our Christian brothers, saying: er’s faith, both yours and mine.” (Rom.
“Do not you people be owing anybody a 1:11, 12) This fine attitude will prevent
single thing, except to love one another.” you from withdrawing to yourself, from
(Rom. 13:8) We owe love to our brothers, becoming cool or indifferent toward those
which debt we must pay. At meetings we who need your love. This Christian atti­
can best do this. Stressing this point, Paul tude will transform you into what all men
says: “Consider one another to incite to should be and what all who gain divine
love and fine works, not forsaking the approval will eventually be, namely, ac­
gathering of ourselves together, as some tive witnesses to the glory of God in one
have the custom, but encouraging one an­ grand assembly.
other, and all the more so as you behold So, do not wait another year to attend
the day drawing near.”— Heb. 10:24, 25. a meeting. Do not wait another week. You
Our love should compel us to meet with are invited to come to the Kingdom Hall
our Christian brothers regularly, if at all again this week.
Happy Missionaries Urged Appreciate
ii A R E you students or alumni happy?” served: “I f we appreciate life we will give
/ V That is what F. W . Franz, vice-president God credit for the fact that we are alive. W ith
o f the W atch Tower Society, asked the grad­ life we can work, we can make others happy.
uating 43rd Class of the Watchtower Bible To hold on to life we must keep on taking in
School of Gilead, gathered on March 12 in knowledge of God and of his Son, fo r this
N ew York city. “I don’t mean happy because means everlasting life. (John 17:3) Even
you are graduating, but happy in general. Jesus Christ had to keep on taking in knowl­
W ell, you ought to be happy because we have edge. And that is why maturing is so impor­
entered the fifth decade of a remarkable time.” tant. Maturity helps us to hold on to life, to
W hat tim e? Franz showed that it was the enhance our life, to keep it forever. And let us
blessed time mentioned at Daniel 12:12; being keep humble, never thinking we know it all.
due to ‘true knowledge having become abun­ W e don’t. There is so much for us to learn. . . .
dant because of many roving about’ in God’s “W e are happy for you. A ll of us are back­
W ord. (Dan. 12:4) As a result, today Jehovah’s ing you up, but more than all else, God is
witnesses are experiencing a knowledge ex­ with you. H e is interested in you and backing
plosion. In conclusion Franz told the students: you up. He gave you life in the first place. M ay
“Happy are you for having roved through the you always press on, seeking maturity, because
Bible and partaken of this abundant knowl­ as you gain maturity you will have a stronger
edge! Happy will you be as you lovingly and hold on life, everlasting life.” A fter these
zealously share it with others!” remarks he handed out the diplomas to those
An example of the happiness that lay in that had earned them, the great majority.
store for them was brought out by another The 103 students had come from twelve
speaker, M ax Larson. H e told of one town countries and were being sent to twenty-nine
500 miles from Santiago, Chile, where a con­ different lands. They were rather young folks,
vention was to be held. There were a zealous their average age being twenty-six years, and
group of missionaries and a congregation of had been dedicated Christian ministers for an
thirty-six Witnesses in that town. How many average of eleven years.
came to the convention? A ll thirty-six? Even The highlights of the afternoon’s program,
m ore; 100 came to that assembly of Jehovah’s which was provided by the students them­
witnesses 500 miles away! selves, also served to heighten appreciation of
To these happy missionaries with such life. Very touching as well as inspiring was
happy prospects N. H. Knorr, president of the the graphic portrayal of a Witness who had
W atch Tower Society, spoke on appreciating spent two years in prison, living on crusts of
life and the part maturity plays in holding on bread, and who held on to her hope of life in
to that life. He began: “How do we think about God’s new order by calling to mind choice
life? How much time do we allow ourselves passages from the book of Philippians. An
to meditate on the subject of life? How did hour-long Bible drama in costume that dealt
we get to be? A fter we are here . . . what are with God’s ancient merciful provision for the
we going to do with life? From where did you unintentional manslayer in the cities of refuge,
get this life? Your life, in fact, began with and which provision was shown to have its
God, for when we go back far enough we come counterpart in our day, pointed to the same
to Adam, and the Bible tells us that Adam moral. Most forcefully it made its point that
was the son of God. (Luke 3:38) God is the life depends upon obedience to God and that
Source of life. (Ps. 36:9) You have enjoyed life is worth more than any material posses­
life up until now, but you can enjoy it still sions one might have.
more in the future. Life is so important, for Yes, without doubt the graduation program
without it we cannot have anything nor can underscored not only the happiness of the
we do anything for others. As it says at Eccle­ missionaries but also appreciation of life.
siastes 9:5, 10, in death there is no conscious­ It was greatly enjoyed by the some 2,000
ness, no work or wisdom. W ith life we can guests, friends and relatives, some o f whom
show others the way to life.” had come from as far west as H aw aii and
A m ong other things, Knorr further ob­ as far east as London, England.
Rem em ber Your Creator

O YOU recognize ever you live upon
* L J that the quotation “ Remember, now, earth, whether you are
above is fr om the hol y your grand particularly religious or
book of the Christian reli­ Creator.” not. You are included because
gion? Are you familiar with —Eecl. 12:1.
that book? In some parts of the THE HOLY BIBLE ADVISES
earth where The Watis EVERYONE TO PRAISE THE
read persons do not profess to be CREATOR, JEHOVAH GOD
Christians and are not familiar with 8 Many statements in the Bible
it. It may be that you live where the show that persons of all ages, both
Christian religion is claimed by many men and women, of all nationalities, of
people, but still have not been particularly all races and of all stations in life are in­
concerned about this religious book called cluded in its wholesome, upbuilding coun­
the Bible. Or perhaps you know and love sel. Can you find yourself in the text of
the Bible. Wherever you may live or what­ Scripture that we here quote? You are
ever is your religious understanding, the there:
subject that we want to discuss, that of 4 “Praise Jah, you people!” The name
remembering your grand Creator by man­ Jah is an abbreviated form of the name
ifesting goodness, is one with which you Jehovah. Jehovah is the personal name of
are concerned. The Scripture text above is God, the Creator. “ Praise Jehovah from
religious counsel to all who have physical, the heavens, praise him in the heights.
mental and spiritual powers sufficient to Praise him, all you his angels. Praise him,
all you his army. Praise him, you sun and
enable them to remember their Creator,
moon. Praise him, all you stars of light.
who is grand indeed.
Praise him, you heavens of the heavens,
2 The Watchtower recognizes that in all and you waters that are above the heav­
parts of the earth there are persons who ens. Let them praise the name of Jehovah;
feel that they are not religious, or, though for he himself commanded, and they were
religious, are not Christians. Nevertheless, created. . . . [Praise Jehovah] you kings
there are expressions made in the Holy of the earth and all you national groups,
Scriptures that embrace you, whoever you you princes and all you judges of the
are, of whatever religion you are, wher­ earth, you young men and also you vir-
1 ,2 . (a) F r o m w hat is E c c le s ia s t e s 12:1 quoted ? 3. W h o sh o u ld g iv e heed to B ib le c o u n s e l?
(b) V/hat is the B ib le ? (c ) I s e v e ry o n e f a m ilia r w ith 4. (a ) A s e x p re sse d in P s a lm 148, w h a t a n d w h o a re
the B ib le ? (d) Is it o f co n ce rn to y o u ? to p ra is e th e C r e a t o r ? (b ) W h o is th e C reator?

274 fEeW ATCHTOW ER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

gins, you old men together with boys. Let truth of his Word. “For it is to us God
them praise the name of Jehovah, for his has revealed them through his spirit . . .
name alone is unreachably high.. . . Praise no one has come to know the things of
Jah, you people!”— Ps. 148:1-5, 11-14. God, except the spirit of God. Now we re­
5 So the Bible does here include you ceived . . . the spirit which is from God,
when it includes all mankind in its invi­ that we might know the things that have
tation and counsel to praise Jehovah, the been kindly given us by God.” (1 Cor. 2:
Creator! 10-12) In the first four chapters of this
Bible book much is said about the opera­
JEHOVAH THE CREATOR IS THE SOURCE tion of God’s spirit on persons who are
OF SPIRIT AND LIGHT Christians. These and other Scripture pas­
6Jehovah the Creator has power. His sages show that Jehovah God is the source
power operates through his spirit or ac­ of spirit and the source of light.
tive force. One of the Bible references to
this is found in the very first verses of RESULTS ARE PRODUCED
the Holy Scriptures: “In the beginning
8In providing his Bible Jehovah has giv­
God created the heavens and the earth.
en to mankind his written Word and he
Now the earth proved to be formless and also makes the understanding of it pos­
waste and there was darkness upon the sible. His Word calls upon all persons to
surface of the watery deep; and God’s ac­ praise him and shows that as the grand
tive force was moving to and fro over Creator he is worthy of such praise. How
the surface of the waters. And God pro­ could we forget him? He has made all we
ceeded to say: ‘Let light come to be.’ Then have and has enabled us to have life itself.
there came to be light. After that God Then should we remember him? Yes.
saw that the light was good, and God How? One way that we can remember
brought about a division between the him is by manifesting qualities that he
light and the darkness.” Inasmuch as his approves and that bring praise to him.
spirit is from him, he is its source and Even as the operation of God’s laws con­
also he is the source of physical light, as cerning growth and production gives rise
stated at Genesis 1:1-4. Also, the light of to fruit or fruitage, so the result of the
understanding and comprehension is from operation of the light and spirit from Je­
Jehovah God. This is pointed out most in­ hovah God upon the hearts and minds of
terestingly in 2 Corinthians 4:6: “For those who love him is spoken of in his
God is he who said: ‘Let the light shine Word as fruitage. Notice two of these ref­
out of darkness,’ and he has shone on our erences.
hearts to illuminate them with the glori­ 9 “The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy,
ous knowledge of God by the face of peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness,
Christ.” God the Creator is the source of faith, mildness, self-control.” (Gal. 5:22,
the light of illumination of truth. 23) In this fifth chapter of Galatians
7Through God’s spirit Christians re­ strong contrast is made between things
ceive the light of understanding of the 8. (a) Why should we remember Jehovah? (b) How
may we do so? (c) In what do God’s spirit and light
5. Are you excluded or included? result?
6. Explain how Jehovah is the source of (a) holy 9. (a) What kind of fruit is goodness? (b) Does God’s
spirit, (b) light, (c) the light of truth. spirit produce bad fruits? (c) What follows in regard
7. By what means are Christians enlightened? to a person’s fruitage?
May 1, 1967 SfteWATCHTOWER. 275
that are good and things that are not good. of the light of truth, as well as of the
The spirit of the Creator does not pro­ spirit of God.
duce things that are bad. God’s creation 13 Inasmuch as the fruitage of goodness
was found by him to be good, not bad. is the result of God’s spirit and truth, this
(Gen. 1:12, 18, 25, 31) He is good, not goodness must be apparent in those who
bad. (Ps. 25:7, 8) This means that per­ have his spirit and truth and would praise
sons who would be in harmony with Je­ Jehovah the Creator. If this goodness is
hovah God must produce good things, the not apparent, the Creator is not remem­
things that are shown to be the fruitage bered but is disregarded, forgotten or
of God’s spirit. pushed into the background. The very fact
10In what way are they the fruitage of of your existence as a member of human­
God’s spirit when they are produced in kind brings to you the opportunity to
men and women? In that persons who love praise and worship the Creator, Jehovah,
righteousness do those good things be­ who reveals himself in his Holy Word, the
cause they have his spirit and wish to be Bible. What a wonderful and blessed op­
in harmony with God. Their love for Je­ portunity is afforded, not only to have life,
hovah and for the high standards of his but to make this life worth while by re­
Word the Bible impels them to conform membering your Creator, manifesting
to his requirements, and in this way they goodness, winning his goodwill and with
are led by God’s Word and spirit. this the assurance of everlasting life! The
11You will notice that in the quotation Creator’s purpose is for those who receive
from Galatians 5:22, 23 one of the spe­ his approval to have everlasting life in his
cific things mentioned as being part of the righteous new system of things.
fruitage of the spirit is “ goodness.” It is 14 In our respective languages, whatever
particularly the manifestation of this qual­ they may be, we contrast good with bad.
ity of goodness that claims our interest
The Bible makes the same contrast. But
someone may say in effect, “I do not see
12As to the fruitage of the light: “ The value in doing what is good. I see those
fruitage of the light consists of every sort
who do bad prospering. I do not see those
of goodness and righteousness and truth.
who do bad punished. I see those who do
Keep on making sure of what is acceptable
to the Lord; and quit sharing with them good suffering and I see that those who
in the unfruitful works that belong to the do bad take advantage of those who try
darkness, but, rather, even be reproving to do good. Therefore, why should I do
them, for the things that take place in good?” People do reason along this line
secret by them it is shameful even to re­ and sometimes they become quite bitter
late.” “Therefore do not become partakers of heart. Jehovah God is aware of this and
with them; for you were once darkness, his Word recognizes it. Being blessed for
but you are now light in connection with producing the fruit of goodness is not a
the Lord. Go on walking as children of matter of being benefited or favored by
light.” (Eph. 5:9-12, 7, 8) Our interest other men. The blessing and favor to be
centers again upon “ goodness” as fruitage
13. (a) What follows as to persons who have received
10. Explain how it is that the fruitage of Jehovah’s of God's truth and spirit? (b) What wonderful op­
spirit may be produced in men and women. portunity do you have?
11. As to Galatians 5:22, what particularly claims our 14, 15. (a) In contrasting and comparing good with
interest now? bad, how do some persons reason? (b) What is the
12. As to the light of truth from Jehovah, what result correct reasoning on the matter as to benefits desired?
is to be found? (c) as to time involved?
276 SfreWATCHTOWER. B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

sought are those from God himself and 18In the further consideration of this
this in his own due time. Time must pass. subject you will be assisted by viewing it
If there were no time allowed for us to from the standpoint of what an individual
manifest goodness, how could we manifest Christian should do as set out in the Bible.
this desirable quality? So at a time when Whether you profess to be Christian or do
you may see that good conduct is not pop­ not profess to be Christian, you can see
ular and perhaps not materially profitable, what the Bible designates as the real
that is the very time for you to manifest Christian course.
goodness and thereby demonstrate that,
regardless of what other persons do or do THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD THINGS TO DO

not do, you love and remember your grand 19 There are many things that are right
Creator. How helpful this scripture is: and good in conduct that individual Chris­
15 “Because sentence against a bad work tians must do day by day. These things
has not been executed speedily, that is result in the fruit of goodness. Goodness,
why the heart of the sons of men has be­ basically, is that which is fitting. “It is
come fully set in them to do bad. Al­ good to make melody to our God . . . praise
though a sinner may be doing bad a hun­ is fitting.” (Ps. 147:1) Goodness is that
dred times and continuing a long time as which is fitting and suitable for the ser­
he pleases, yet I am also aware that it will vants of the Creator by God’s standards.
turn out well with those fearing the true Things that are good work to a good end,
God, because they were in fear of him. a proper, suitable end. God’s Word shows
But it will not turn out well at all with a Christian what things are good and of
the wicked one, neither will he prolong his what goodness consists. Deuteronomy 12:
days that are like a shadow, because he is 28 states: “Do what is good and right in
not in fear of God.”— Eccl. 8:11-13. the eyes of Jehovah.” Webster’s Third
New International Dictionary (English
16 So the delay of the execution of sen­
language) defines “ good” in English as
tence against the bad work should not dis­
basically meaning “ uniting, fitting, becom­
courage us from doing good.
ing, appropriate,” and “goodness” as
17 Also have in mind the time in which
“moral excellence” ; but in the Bible Greek,
we are living. These days are difficult
“capable; serviceable; of good morals.” In
times of violence, lawlessness, selfishness,
Bible Hebrew, “good (in every variety of
and days when the works spoken of in
meaning), pleasant, useful, efficient, beau­
2 Timothy 3:1-3 are manifest. “But know
tiful, right, morally good.” Certainly there
this, that in the last days critical times
are many things for Christians to do that
hard to deal with will be here. For men
meet these definitions.— Jas. 3:17, 18.
will be . . . without love of So
if you see that men are without love of HOW MAY W E DETERMINE
goodness this is no reason for you to ex­ IF A THING IS GOOD?
ercise badness but is more impelling rea­ 20That is a good question (a suitable
son for you to produce the fruit of good­ one). How may we determine if a course
ness. 18. Both Christians and non-Christians may be informed
as to what?
16. In view of what the Bible teaches, what must we 19. What definitions show that there are many good
conclude ? things to do?
17. How are we assisted to produce good fruit by 20. (a) How may we determine if a thing is good?
having in mind the time in which we are living? (b) What knowledge equips one to so determine?
May 1, 1967 SEeWATCHTOW ER, 277
of action or something we say or advocate are entrusted with the service of the in­
or support is good? How may we know if terests of the kingdom of Jehovah God by
we are manifesting goodness and not man­ Christ Jesus. Their work in faithfully
ifesting badness? One way is to ask our­ looking after these interests is centered
selves some questions concerning that around the prophetic command of their
which we are doing or contemplating. We Leader, Christ Jesus: “ This good news of
can ask: Is it suitable for a real Christian? the kingdom will be preached in all the
Is it out of place? Would the Creator ap­ inhabited earth for a witness to all the
prove of it? Real Christians know if a nations; and then the end will come.”
thing is suitable to their profession of fol­ (Matt. 24:14) Is the preaching of the
lowing Christ Jesus. The Christian apostle good news of the Kingdom advanced or
Paul told other Christians: “ I myself also hindered? Is such suitable to the “ ever­
am persuaded about you, my brothers, lasting good news,” which they carry un­
that you yourselves are also full of good­ der angelic direction? (Rev. 14:6) In this
ness, as you have been filled with all connection there are to be considered
knowledge, and that you can also admon­ 23 OTHER PERSONS. Other people may
ish one another.” (Rom. 15:14) Being be advantageously or adversely affected by
filled with goodness and the knowledge of the course of the Christian. The everlast­
God’s Word and requirements, a Christian ing good news is to be declared “ to those
is equipped to determine if a thing is good who dwell on the earth, and to every na­
or bad and if his course of action will tion and tribe and tongue and people,” call­
produce the fruitage of the spirit and light, ing on all to “fear God and give him glory,
which is goodness. Let us mention specifi­ because the hour of the judgment by him
cally some of the things to which a real has arrived, and so worship the One who
Christian must give thoughtful considera­ made the heaven and the earth and sea
tion. First, how it will affect and fountains of waters.” (Rev. 14:6, 7)
21JEHOVAH. Will Jehovah be pleased Because witnesses of Jehovah serve this
or displeased? Is the course of conduct, act grand Creator and appeal to others also to
or statement to Jehovah’s praise, in har­ serve him, they must view their course of
mony with God, who is good and upright? action in the light of the effect it has on
If it is not, how can it be good and suit­ other persons and upon the relationship
able? What moral excellence is there in of these other persons to Jehovah. By liv­
that which is not in accord with the will ing lives suitable to the good message that
of God? Jehovah’s worship is involved in they carry, Christians can aid other per­
what Christians do and say. “ Quit being sons to come into a favorable relationship
fashioned after this system of things, but to Jehovah God, receiving his goodwill. Al­
be transformed by making your mind so, very close to the individual Christian
over, that you may prove to yourselves the are those who are his
good and acceptable and perfect will of 24 LOVED ONES. Christians are con­
God.” (Rom. 12:2) Also, how it does cerned with the relationship of their loved
affect ones to Jehovah God, and in the close, in­
22KINGDOM INTERESTS. Christians timate family circle each one can be a
21. How is Jehovah’s worship involved in our deter­ 23. Why must Christians view their course of action
mination? in the light of the effect it has on other persons?
22. (a) Christians have what work to do? (b) How is 24. Where can a Christian be a great help, and to
it involved in our determination? whom?
278 fEeW ATCHTOW ER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

great help to the others who are near and VAH. In respect to the favorable or un­
dear because of family relationships. The favorable relation to Jehovah it is stated:
principle applies: “You should not hide “Beloved one, be an imitator, not of what
yourself from your own flesh.” (Isa. 58:7) is bad, but of what is good. He that does
Then there is good originates with God. He that does
25 THE CONGREGATION. “ Really, bad has not seen God.” (3 John 11) The
then, as long as we have time favorable whole subject of remembering our Creator
for it, let us work what is good toward all, by manifesting goodness really deals with
but especially toward those related to us our relation to Jehovah, the great Creator.
in the faith.” (Gal. 6:10) It is good to 27 This is true of real Christians of every
support the Christian congre­ age: children, youths, adults and aged per­
gation and look after its inter­ sons. Both par­
ests and welfare. It is fitting ents and children
to attend the meetings s h o u l d be im­
of the congregation, to pressed by the
arrive be fo r e the ap­ important Bible
p o i n t e d t im e f o r the truth: “ Even by
meetings to begin, his practices a
to participate in boy makes him­
them as opportu­ self recognized
nity affords. It is as to whether his
a fru it of G o d ’s activity is pure
spirit for parents and u p r i g h t . ”
to bring their chil­ (Prov. 20:11) Even a
dren of all ages to young boy or a young
the meetings of gir l? Y es. Parents,
the congregation what a wonderful op­
and to care for the portunity is set before
children while you to see to it that
they are present, the activity practiced
keeping them in by your offspring is manifestly pure
order, attentive, and upright!
quiet, not disturbing others, so that all at 28 Attention is now due to be given to
the Kingdom Hall, children and adults, the application of the foregoing Bible prin­
can receive the full benefit of the spiritual ciples to various occasions in life in which
food provided. Proper care of the King­ we are faced with the necessity of deter­
dom Hall property and its facilities and mining what course to follow and what
equipment is good. And in all things guide the Bible gives for making the prop­
consider er decisions. Otherwise stated: make spe­
cific application of the foregoing material.
26 YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO JEHO- Please see the article following.
25. Enumerate good things to be done in behalf of
27. As to the youthful and aged, what point does the
the Christian congregation. Bible make?
26. With what does the entire subject of manifesting 28. With the forgoing points in our minds, what re­
goodness deal? mains for us to do?

280 3EeWATCHTOWER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .
Hi MONG the com-
“ The true God himself will
bring every sort of work into the
judgment in relation to every hid­
2Some problem s o f
life confronting all per­
sons in various ways and
den thing, as to whether it is
O r i . mandments that good or bad.”— Eccl. 12:14. to varying degrees re­
Jehovah God communi­ ceive consideration here
cated to his people in days of old are these in line with the foregoing. As goodness is
words: “ Watch, and you must obey all in contrast with badness, so in each of the
these words that I am commanding you, following problems there is contrast be­
in order that it may go well with you and tween two courses of action. The good
your sons after you to time indefinite, be­ course honors Jehovah, advances his
cause you will do what is good and right in Kingdom interests, works for the welfare
the eyes of Jehovah your God.” (Deut. 12: of other persons and establishes more
28) Does this require actually doing the firmly our good relationship to Jehovah.
things pleasing to God? Obviously, it does
mean not merely talking about what is
right but rather the doing of what is right. 3The contrast here is between truth
and untruth. Real Christians tell the truth.
From the standpoint of the application of
Truthfulness is one of the evidences that
the principles mentioned in the foregoing
a person is a Christian.
article, it means actually producing the
*It must be admitted that among men
fruit of goodness. A Christian servant of
in general lying is not viewed as being
God made the same point in this way: particularly reprehensible and something
“The things that you learned as well as to be avoided. Some persons even say that
accepted and heard and saw in connection it is necessary to lie in order to be suc­
with me, practice these; and the God of cessful and to make their relations with
peace will be with you.” (Phil. 4:9) It is other persons pleasant or even bearable.
by the practicing of these things, the put­ Some tell lies to protect themselves from
ting of them into specific application, that punishment for things they have done that
goodness is actually manifested. Other­ are wrong or to avoid difficulty, inconve­
wise, goodness is not manifested; it is nience or reproach. Lying goes with com-
hidden. 2. What problems and contrasts are to be considered
1. (a) Whose standard of conduct Is to be met, 3. What is one of the evidences that a person is a
according to Deuteronomy 12:28, and how does this Christian?
harmonize with Ecclesiastes 12:14 first above? (b) What 4. (a) State various views of lies and lying, (b) What
does this require in order for goodness to be mani­ is the view of Jehovah and of the Bible? (c) How
fested? (c) How does Philippians 4:9 verify this? necessary is honesty?
280 SSeWATCHTOWEFL B rooklyn , N .Y .

promise and lack of integrity. Lying is turns away from bad.” (Prov. 16:6) So
a mark of a coward and of one lacking be completely encouraged to be truthful
loving-kindness. Lies and liars are hated regardless of what course others may
by Jehovah God. (Prov. 6:16-19) The Bi­ take. Truthfulness is the right way, the
ble teaches that the upright, honest per­ way to life and blessings, the loving and
son fears Jehovah and the dishonest lying beneficial way. It is the Christian way
persons despise Almighty God. (Prov. 14: that the Bible teaches, and requires in re­
2) Honesty is necessary for the good fruit­ membrance of our grand Creator.
age of the spirit to be produced and also,
as we have previously seen, “ the fruitage CHRISTIANS DO NOT STEAL
of the light consists of every sort of good­ 7Stealing goes hand in hand with lying.
ness and righteousness and truth.”—Eph. In the same publication from which is
5:9. taken the above quotation regarding the
5 In your country, does the educational failure of educational institutions there
system teach people to tell the truth? This appears this comment: “Bonding company
question is justified in view of the follow­ statistics indicate that 25 per cent of all
ing published comment concerning colleges employees steal to some degree whenever
in the United States: “Part of the prob­ they feel they can get away with it. An­
lem [of dishonest employees] stems from other 50 per cent are influenced by the
the fact that our colleges and universities good and bad examples put before them.
have failed to instill in their students re­ . . . supervisory and executive [employ­
liable, ethical standards and appropriate ees] are stealing more than four million
moral values. Too many graduates enter dollars in cash and property from their
industry with the objective of achieving employers each working day. This year
prestige and instant financial success, with such thefts will reach the astronomical
little or no regard for moral and ethical figure of substantially more than one bil­
considerations. These people participate in lion dollars. . . .
the majority of transactions involving con­ 8 “Theft of merchandise is seven times
flicts of interest, inventory irregularities, greater than that of cash. Frauds drive
theft of company secrets, kickbacks, price more than 250 firms out of business each
fixing and falsification of records and fi­ year. . . . Kickbacks, conflicts of interest,
nancial reports.”—Advance, July-August, and thefts of company secrets are wide­
spread. Cheating on the incentive plan to
6 If you abhor lies and lying you may pad earnings is a common occurrence.
be assured that you have the right point
9 “ In addition to the losses just de­
of view. It is not necessary to lie. Chris­
tians realize it is necessary to tell the scribed, even larger sums go down the
truth. Although one has practiced lying, drain as a result of malingering on the
he can change. It is possible for him to job, falsification of labor vouchers, im­
atone for having been a liar, because in proper disposition of scrap and dam­
his great love Jehovah informs us: “By aged material, job time standards that
loving-kindness and trueness error is have unwarranted built-in delay factors,
atoned for, and in the fear of Jehovah one and the failure to enforce established
5. What failure of educational systems is brought to standards. These losses are hidden in the
our attention?
6. What encouragement is there for the person who 7-9. Review the points made in the published comment
loves truth? on stealing.
May 1, 1967 f&eW ATCHTOW EFt 281
cost of doing business. They are losses weapons are spiritual ones and are wielded
books don’t show.” for the good of all and for the praise of
10Stealing or knowingly buying stolen the God whom they remember.—Eph. 6:
property does not honor Jehovah, but the 10-18.
recognition of the property rights of oth­
ers is the good course a Christian must CHRISTIANS ARE RESPECTFUL

follow. The Bible puts the question to 12Respect is closely related to obedience
Christians this way: “And you are per­ and lawfulness. It is important that you
suaded that you are a guide of the blind, understand the Christian position in re­
a light for those in darkness, a corrector gard to this because there is so much in­
of the unreasonable ones, a teacher of solence manifested in the world. Respect­
babes, and having the framework of the fulness is contrasted with insolence. An
knowledge and of the truth in the Law— insolent “smart-alecky” person is haughty
do you, however, the one teaching some­ and contemptuous, often brutal in behav­
one else, not teach yourself? You, the one ior or language. He is overbearing and
preaching ‘Do not steal,’ do you steal?” grossly disrespectful toward his fellowman
—-Rom. 2:19-21. and, above all, toward Jehovah God. In­
solence is really a form of false religion;
CHRISTIANS ARE LAW-ABIDING demon worship in contrast to the worship
11 Obedience is required by the Bible of of the great Creator. “For rebelliousness
Christians of all ages and under all cir­ is the same as the sin of divination, and
cumstances. Subject to primary obedience pushing ahead presumptuously the same
to Jehovah God and his Word and law, as using uncanny power and teraphim.
obedience must be rendered by Christians Since you have rejected the word of Je­
in the home, in the school and to govern­ hovah, he accordingly rejects you from be­
mental authorities, in contrast to the spirit ing king.” (1 Sam. 15:23) Insolence is one
of lawlessness that is prevalent through­ of the things Jehovah hates, “ things de­
out the world among all peoples. Lawful­ testable to his soul: lofty eyes.” (Prov.
ness produces good fruitage and honors 6:16, 17) Respect and respectfulness and
Jehovah God. As to children, the Bible respectableness are manifestations of the
states: “ You children, be obedient to your good fruitage of God’s light and spirit and
parents in everything, for this is well­ are suitable, in fact, necessary for Chris-
pleasing in the Lord.” In this same con­ tains. How fine it is to be in the company
nection the fathers are told: “You fathers, of respectful persons!
do not be exasperating your children, so
that they do not become downhearted.”
(Col. 3:20, 21) The best citizens obey God, 13Christians manifest cleanness or clean­
put his commandments first, are law- liness in all the different ways that this
abiding and are genuine Christians. They good quality can be demonstrated. The
refuse to take part in uprisings against Holy Scriptures, which guide the Chris­
governments, mob action, looting, personal tian, require them to so do. Cleanliness is
injury or violence in any form. Their necessary in speech, in the person, in the
house or dwelling place and, of course, in
10. (a) What honors Jehovah? (b) How does Romans
2:19-21 put the issue to each one professing honesty? conduct. In all these ways cleanliness is
11. la") To what must Christians render primary
obedience? (b) What additional obedience is required 12. (a) Contrast respectfulness with insolence, (b) Which
of them? (c) How is Christian law-abiding conduct is necessary for good fruitage?
good? 13. In what ways does cleanliness manifest goodness?
282 3fteWATCHTOWER. Brooklyn, N.Y.
in contrast to uncleanness. “Touch nothing for man’s home, and God has certainly
unclean . . . keep yourselves clean, you provided earth’s produce in abundance.
who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah.” Men should use these abundant provisions
(Isa. 52:11) It is good that the Bible in harmony with the Provider’s will. You
makes the requirement of cleanliness will be interested to know that the Bible
plain, because uncleanness of all sorts is says: “Do not come to be among heavy
prevalent and is part of the sign of the drinkers of wine, among those who are
time in which we are living. gluttonous eaters of flesh. For a drunkard
14 Often the speech of persons is corrupt, and a glutton will come to poverty.” (Prov.
unclean, profane, obscene and slovenly. 23:20, 21) There is personal happiness
Christians know that the power of speech and pleasure in the moderate use of these
is a gift from God, and the ability to make
things. There is no happiness, pleasure,
this vocal expression is a great blessing.
contentment or satisfaction in overindul­
They wish to honor God with their lips,
not dishonor him.—Heb. 13:15. gence and drunkenness.
15 Christians endeavor to keep their bod­ 17 The Christian must not be misled by
ies clean and, while the Bible does not re­ the false reasoning to the effect that
quire rich garments, clean clothing avail­ drunkards are simply physically or men­
able to all persons is appropriate to the tally sick and drunkenness is just an ill­
Christian. The same may be said regard­ ness, and, therefore, there is no reproach
ing his house. Very humble homes can be attached to it. Rather, drunkards are sick
neat and clean and orderly and thereby morally. The moral strength of mankind
suitable, not only as dwellings for those is very low. Self-indulgence is weakening
who serve God, but for use of groups of to the moral fiber of an individual, and
persons in regular Bible study. Wealthy constant failure to accept the discipline of
persons can be clean or unclean in speech,
Jehovah God through his Word brings
mind and conduct. Poor persons can be
moral breakdown. The fact is that the
unclean or clean in person, dwelling,
drunkards and other immoral persons are
speech, mind, conduct and heart. It is the
morally weak and are such because of not
course of cleanliness that the Christian is
being disciplined by God’s Word. A drunk­
required by the Bible to pursue. The suit­
ard need not continue as such. Drunken­
ableness and appropriateness of this is
ness can be overcome by conforming to the
readily seen.
Bible requirements. To do so is wise.
HOW ABOUT DRUNKENNESS AND GLUTTONY? “ Wine is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is
16 Drunkenness is overindulgence in in­ boisterous, and everyone going astray by
toxicating drink. Gluttony is overindul­ it is not wise.” (Prov. 20:1) Moral
gence in food. Is there anything about ei­ strength can be gained and exercised. The
ther that is honoring to the Creator? Both sober person partakes in moderation of
food and drink are provisions of the Cre­ food and drink with thanksgiving to the
ator through the good earth he has made Creator for the loving provisions he makes
and remembers the Creator, manifesting
14. Why should speech be clean?
15. (a) What is good in respect to the person? (b) the goodness.
16. (a) Who has provided food and drink? (b) What 17. (a) What is the factual view of drunkenness?
is their good use? (c) What advice on these is con­ (b) What weakens the moral fiber? (c) What strength­
tained in the Bible? ens it? (d) These facts provide what encouragement?
May 1, 1967 SfieWATCHTOWEFL 283
CHRISTIANS ARE INDUSTRIOUS fore not boastful, but also the observance
18Industriousness is contrasted with of proprieties and freedom from indecency
laziness, needlessly going into debt, and or lewdness. It follows that modesty in­
gambling in an effort to get something for cludes chasteness in thought and conduct
nothing. “The wicked one is making false and apparel. There is modesty in dress and
wages, but the one sowing righteousness, there is immodesty in dress. Christians
true earnings.” (Prov. 11:18) The Chris­ should dress modestly, because that is suit­
tian gives an honest day’s work in ex­ able and appropriate and hence good,
change for the wages he has agreed to ac­ avoiding reproach that would accompany
cept. His industriousness extends to his immodesty.
activity in aiding others to come to a 21The Bible does not prescribe the form
knowledge of the truth of God’s Word, the of dress that people should wear. It is not
care of his loved ones, efforts in behalf of a style book. It seems that in some parts
his congregation and the Kingdom inter­ of the earth the form of dress used by
ests. He does not allow himself to be de­ the people has undergone relatively little
ceived by the prevalent religious and change through centuries, while in other
governmental approval on gambling of parts of the earth the change in the ap­
various forms but he abstains from gam­ parel of both men and women is constant.
bling, realizing full well that, while it may From the countries in which there is a
be a means of stuffing the moneybags of constant change in the style of dress a
some religious organization, it is not the great influence goes out to many other
means of manifesting goodness in remem­ parts of the world, not only in dress but
brance of the Creator. in other things. The countries more ad­
19 Some persons allow their addiction to vanced technologically have fought the
what they feel to be innocent social gam­ greatest wars, destroyed the most lives
bling to deprive them of the company of with their advanced weapons of war, exert
their families and of the congregation of the greatest economic influence over the
God’s people. In this they are making a world and, along with these and other in­
mistake. As in the case of habitual drunk­ fluences, affect the dress of many people.
ards, gambling addicts can receive abun­ In these countries sex is elevated for com­
dantly of the needed moral strength by the mercial reasons and for reasons of self-
disciplining from God’s Word. Honest toil indulgence. In this overemphasis on sex,
is so much better than gambling. “Two changes in the style of dress cause many
sorts of weights are something detestable people to dress more and more immod­
to Jehovah, and a cheating pair of scales estly.
is not good.”—Prov. 20:23. 22 One of the evidences of perversion and
undue preoccupation with sex is the de­
sire on the part of both men and women
20Modesty is suitable and appropriate
to exhibit themselves. This exhibitionism
for Christians, while immodesty is not.
is increasing everywhere that the influ­
Modesty means not only a moderate or low
ence of modern style fads reaches. Both
estimate on one’s own merits, and there-
males and females who have a self-
18. (a) As to industriousness, what contrast is seen?
(b) To what does industriousness extend? (c) What 21. As to style and manner of dress, state the facts
about goodness and gambling? (a) as far as the Bible is concerned, (b) regarding
19. What is better than “innocent social gambling” ? influence and constant change, (c) underlying: immodest
20. Define modesty and show its Christian appro­ trends.
priateness. 22. Of what is exhibitionism an evidence?
284 SfieWATCHTOWER B r o o k l y n , N .Y .

indulgent preoccupation with sex find un­ teousness can make a decision that is
natural gratification in wearing clothes so good, the principle of remembering the
tight, short and brief that their bodies are Creator operates. The good course is a re­
unavoidably before the eyes of others. flection of the love that is shown by Jeho­
23 There is nothing in this that is good vah toward men. “ For even we were once
or suitable for a Christian. Christians senseless, disobedient, being misled, being
should be clean and neat appearing in slaves to various desires and pleasures,
dress and at the same time avoid being carrying on in maliciousness and envy,
swept along in the trend to immodest hateful, hating one another. However,
dress. One can be “ in style” in dress and when the kindness and the love for man
still be modest. It is not necessary to go on the part of our Savior, God, was mani­
to extremes of dress in order to be pre­ fested, owing to no works in righteousness
sentable and to meet the prevailing local that we had performed, but according to
standards of what is acceptable. Immodest his mercy he saved us through the bath
dresses would make Christian wearers just that brought us to life and through the
like any female of the old system of things. making of us new by holy spirit. This
Christian women and girls should know spirit he poured out richly upon us
through Jesus Christ our Savior, that,
that many, many men may accept their
after being declared righteous by virtue of
manner of dress as a “promise.” The New
the undeserved kindness of that one, we
York Journal American, in an article giv­ might become heirs according to a hope
ing advice to young women against ‘flaunt­ of everlasting life.” (Titus 3:3-7) The
ing low-cut dresses and showing too much principle here set out applies to all who
of their legs when they sit down,’ said would please Jehovah and receive his
“ you’re . . . expected to follow through on goodwill and eventually life in his righ­
what you promise” ! Christian women and teous new system of things. Thus we see
girls should not deliberately contribute to that the course of manifesting goodness
the situation discussed by Jesus in Mat­ is the course of true wisdom. Such mani­
thew 5:28: “ I say to you that everyone festations of goodness are also acts of
that keeps on looking at a woman so as faith in Jehovah and evidence of proper
to have a passion for her has already com­ Christian humility. “This is what Jehovah
mitted adultery with her in his heart.” has said: ‘Let not the wise man brag
Is not that what the woman is trying to about himself because of his wisdom, and
arouse in the man? The good Christian let not the mighty man brag about him­
way is best for all. When it is followed, self because of his mightiness. Let not the
neither the platform participants nor the rich man brag about himself because of
Kingdom Hall audiences are embarrassed. his riches. But let the one bragging about
—1 Pet. 3:3,4. himself brag about himself because of this
24 In the foregoing and other circum­ very thing, the having of insight and the
stances where a person who loves righ- having of knowledge of me, that I am
23. (a) What is the good view of all this? (b) What
Jehovah, the One e xer ci si ng l o v i n g ­
is one of the dangers in immodest dress? (c) How kindness, justice and righteousness in the
does Matthew 5:28 relate to this discussion? (d) How
does modest dress assist to make platform presentation earth; for in these things I do take de­
beneficial ?
24. (a) In these matters, how does the principle of light,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.”— Jer.
remembering our grand Creator operate? (b) Is it
wise to remember Jehovah in all our ways? 9:23,24.
Keep Christian Balance Under Responsibilities

H AT a pleasure it is to observe the for an overseer's position.— 1 Tim. 3 :4 ; 5:8.
balance of God's visible creation! W e So also with the Christian housewife. From
can see it wherever selfish or foolish study of God's W ord she learns the relative
man has not disrupted it. Balance is also importance of her household duties as com­
God's will for us, 'keeping Christian balance pared to her Christian ministry. Then she
under responsibilities.' A s we read: "B race up will neither neglect her fam ily nor make the
your minds for activity, keep completely bal­ mistake that Martha made in being too con­
anced."*— ! Pet. 1:13, 1950 Edition. cerned with material things.— Luke 10:38-42.
Balance is something we all should strive Among other valuable aids to keeping
for. W h y ? Because, whether we happen to Christian balance under responsibilities are
be housewife, Christian missionary, overseer the qualities of reasonableness, self-control,
or other, we all have a variety of obligations godly devotion and self-sufficiency. These
to m eet; and to discharge them in a way will help us to avoid extremes and to be con­
pleasing to Jehovah God we need to keep tent to serve wherever we are put in Jeho­
balanced. vah’s organization and will keep us from be­
W hat does it mean to have this Christian coming frustrated because our progress may
balance? It means giving all our various be slow. Instead, these will help us to re­
responsibilities time and attention according joice with those who have the greater abilities
to their importance. M ost likely we will not and privileges and to be thankful that Jeho­
be able to spend upon any one of them as vah's organization has such qualified men
much time and energy as we would like, but to take the lead. Then, too, we will be thank­
we will give each some due, not wholly ful that we can have the smile of God's ap­
neglecting any one of them. proval and gain life in his new order even
though we, like the widow of old, m ay be
W hat will help us to keep Christian bal­
able to give only a few small coins of little
ance? Daily study of God's W ord and regular
value.— Luke 21:1-4; 1 Tim. 6:6-8.
meeting attendance will greatly help. W h y ?
And not to be overlooked in keeping our
Because these will increase our faith, and
Christian balance under responsibilities is
faith is indispensable to keeping Christian
prayer. W e cannot bear our burdens without
balance under responsibilities. More than that,
God’s help, and one of the ways by which
by Bible study and meeting attendance we
he gives help is the precious privilege of
learn to understand our responsibilities better
prayer.— Ps. 55:22; Phil. 4:6, 7.
and how to deal with them wisely. For ex­
Nevertheless, while content with our lot,
ample, a fam ily man who is also a Christian
let us always seek to grow, to become mature.
overseer has to balance his fam ily responsi­
W e may not be able to devote more time and
bilities with his overseer responsibilities.
energy this month or this year than we did
Which come first? W hy, those of his family,
last month or year, but we should be able
for from God’s W ord he learns that if he
to serve more effectively, more joyfully,
neglects them he is worse than an unbeliever
better keeping balance under our responsibili­
and, further, that only if he cares for his
ties. And this we can do if we keep trying,
family in a right manner can he be considered
studying, attending meetings, praying and
* For details see The Watchtower, May 15, 1966. preaching as opportunity affords.

H ow carefully have you read recent issues • How can it be said that all o f Jehovah's
of The Watchtower? Check yourself to see witnesses are full-time ministers?
if you recall these significant points. Because every aspect of their lives is affect­
ed by their ministry.— P. 80.
• W h a t is the meaning of Isaiah's prophecy
• W hat are the daughters of Babylon the
that said: “Make the heart of this people
unreceptive, and make their very ears un­
The various religious sects, both in Chris­
responsive, and paste their very eyes to­
tendom and in pagandom, that copy their
gether, that they may not see with their eyes
mother in committing fornication with the
and with their ears they may not hear” ?
kings of the earth. A ll being of the same
Just as Isaiah's preaching proved to “this
Babylonish fam ily, they make up the world
people'' that they did not want healing or
empire of false religion.— P. 91.
understanding, that they were too selfish
• W hat exists today that was typified by
to understand and learn from even a good
mighty Sam son?
teacher, so today Kingdom preaching proves
The “faithful and discreet slave” organi­
that people have shut their own eyes and ears
zation of true, devoted, anointed Christians.
and that they will selfishly refuse to under­
stand till calamity comes.— Pp. 17-19.* — P. 106.
• H ow can a wife endear herself to her • W h y did Samson pray for strength to
bring vengeance upon the Philistines for the
loss of only one of his two eyes?
B y cultivating the qualities that spring
Samson apparently charged the loss of
from a good heart— a cheerful disposition,
one of his eyes to his own lack of wakeful­
an even temper, modesty, friendliness, gentle
ness in the affair with Delilah, but the loss
kindness, sympathetic understanding.— P. 35.
of the other eye he charged to the Philistines.
• W h at did Jesus mean when he said: “But — P. 117.
m any that are first will be last and the last
• W h y is “saving face” an unchristian prac­
Jesus' disciples, who were the last ones
Because it amounts to a lie by denying the
that the self-righteous Jewish religious lead­
need for correction or discipline. I f we are
ers thought would gain a throne in God's
to be honest with our God, with our Christian
kingdom, became first by gaining that fore­
brothers and with ourselves, we will acknowl­
most position; in the reversal of matters
edge our sins and shortcomings.— Pp. 125,
those who had been “ first” among the Jews
became the “last” ones to accept the “penny,”
most rejecting it and thereby losing out on • W hat are safeguards against loneliness?
Kingdom privileges.— Pp. 42, 43, 50. Purposeful work; taking an interest in
others; giving to others in a spiritual w ay;
• In Jesus' illustration of the penny, what
prayer.— Pp. 131,132.
was symbolized by the penny?
• W h y can we be certain that God will put
The privilege and honor of being a member
an end to wickedness?
of spiritual Israel and of serving as spirit-
He has made repeated promises to do just
anointed ambassadors of God's Messianic
that, and his course of action in times past
kingdom.— Pp. 49, 56.
assures us that he will.— Pp. 133, 134.
t> W h a t is the spirit of the world?
• A t the time Jesus spoke the parable of the
It is the fram e of mind, the persistent ten­
rich man and Lazarus, who was represented
dency that controls the world of mankind
by the rich man and who by Lazaru s?
under the rule of Satan.— P. 57.
The rich man represented the ones to
• How does God speak to us today?
whom Jesus had just been speaking, the
W hat God spoke through the angels,
money-loving Pharisees; hence the religious
prophets and his Son he had recorded in the
leaders as a class. The beggar Lazarus repre­
Bible. Through it and through his organiza­
sented primarily the poor and spiritually im­
tion, he speaks to us today.— Pp. 70, 72.
poverished among the Jews who were de­
• All references are to The Watchtower for 1967. spised by the ruling class.— Pp. 178, 179.
‘ Blessing Jehovah Among the Congregated Throngs’
VEN as King David of old delighted in
E blessing Jehovah among the congregated
throngs of true worshipers (Ps. 26:12), so
quently heard: “I am so glad I brought the
whole fa m ily!” Do your plans include the
entire fam ily?
there will be opportunity to voice appreciation Outstanding on the program at all assem­
of the Creator at this year’s “Disciple-making” blies will be the timely public lecture on the
District Assemblies o f Jehovah’s witnesses. subject “Rescuing a Great Crowd of Mankind
Have you begun to make your plans to attend? Out of Armageddon.”
The wide choice of locations and dates this
Assembly locations fo r all o f the United
year should make it convenient for all who
States, Canada, Bermuda and the British Isles
love God’s Word to benefit from the faith­
building provisions of the assembly program. are listed below. Five weeks before the assem­
There will be counsel and help for young and bly of your choice is due to begin you may
old in the form of constructive discourses, write Watch Tower Convention at the rooming
demonstrations and Biblical dramas. After address given for that city, and arrangements
last year’s assemblies the remark was fre­ for your accommodation will be made.

B.C. N ew W estm in ste r, B.C., Queen’s Park Arena.

JUNE 22-25: K alispell, M ont., Fairgrounds Grand­ Rooming: 120 10th St., New Westminster, B.C.
stand, U.S. 2 W. & Meridian Rd. Rooming: Phil­ San Jose, C alif., Fairgrounds Grandstand, 344
lips Addition, Kalispell, Mont. 59901. Shreveport, Tully Rd. Rooming: 2691 Almaden Rd., San Jose,
La., Youth Center, State Fairgrounds. Rooming: Calif. 95125. S avannah, Ga., Grayson Stadium, E.
7033 Brandtway Dr., Shreveport, La. 71108. Stock- Victory Dr. Rooming: 5032 Augusta Rd., Garden
ton, C alif., Fairgrounds Grandstand, 1658 S. Air­ City, Ga. 31408. W eyb u rn , Sask., Weyburn Grand­
port Way. Rooming: 428 S. Ash St., Stockton, stand, Exhibition Grounds. Rooming: 610 Souris
Calif. 95205. Ave., Weyburn, Sask.
JUNE 29-JULY 2: Aberdeen, S .D ., Civic Arena, JULY 20-23: Kaneohe, Oahu, H a w a ii. Castle High
Washington St. & 2d Ave. Rooming: 1024 S. School, 45-386 Kaneohe Bay Drive. Rooming:
Lawson St., Aberdeen, S.D. 57401. A m a rillo , Tex. 1228 Pensacola St., Honolulu, Hawaii. 96814.
(English and Spanish), Coliseum (Fairgrounds), K etchikan, A laska, Ketchikan High School, 4th
3301 East 10th St. Rooming: 2123 S. Polk St., & Madison. Rooming: Box 1542, Ketchikan, Alaska
Amarillo, Tex. 79109. Galveston, T e x ., Moody 99901. M anchester, N .H ., J.F.K. Memorial Coli­
Civic Center, 21st & Boulevard. Rooming: 3328 seum, Valley & Maple Sts. Rooming: 340 Varney
Avenue P, Galveston, Tex. 77550. Grande P ra irie , St., Manchester, N.H. 03102. Ogden, U ta h , Ogden
A lta ., Grande Prairie Arena, 10117 99th Ave. Sr. High School, 2828 Harrison Blvd. Rooming:
Rooming: 10517 100th Ave., Grande Prairie, Alta. 410 West 5200 South, Ogden, Utah 84403. S pring-
Montgom ery, A la., Garrett Coliseum, Federal Dr. field, Mo., Shrine Mosque, 601 St. Louis St.
Rooming: 3402 Doris Cir., Montgomery, Ala. 36105. Rooming: 534 W. Catalpa, Springfield, Mo. 65804.
P enticton, B.C., Penticton Arena, 399 Power St. Tren ton , N .J., Fairgrounds Grandstand. Rooming:
Rooming: 30 Roy Ave. W ., Penticton, B.C. Sedalia, 2044 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N.J. 08609.
Mo., Agriculture Building (State Fairgrounds), JULY 27-30: F o rt W illia m , O nt.. Fort William Gar­
16th & State Fair Blvd. Rooming: 721 E. 3d St., dens, Myles St. Rooming: 327 W. Frederica St.,
Sedalia, Mo. 65301. U tic a, N .Y ., Memorial Audito­ Fort William, Ont. Fresno, C a lif., Convention
rium, Oriskany St. W . Rooming: 910 Kellogg Ave., Center, 700 M St. Rooming: 4525 N. First Ave.,
Utica, N.Y. 13502. Fresno, Calif. 93726. M adison, W is ., Memorial
JULY 6-9: A llen to w n , P a., Fairgrounds Grandstand, Coliseum, Fairgrounds Dr. Rooming: 210 N.
17th & Chew Sts. Rooming: 1335 Chew St., Blair St., Madison, Wis. 53703. P itts b u rg h , Pa.,
Allentown, Pa. 18102. A sheville, N.C ., City Au­ Forbes Field. Rooming: 4100 Bigelow Blvd., Pitts­
ditorium. Rooming: 68 Orange St., Asheville, N.C. burgh, Pa. 15213. S arn ia, O n t., Point Edward
28801. Lansing, M ich., Civic Center, 505 W. Al­ Memorial Arena, Monk St. Rooming: 608 Errol
legan St. Rooming: 2330 N. East St., Lansing, Rd. W ., Sarnia, Ont. Y a k im a , W ash ., Grandstand,
Mich. 48906. Prince R up ert, B.C ., Prince Rupert Sr. 1205 Fair Ave. Rooming: 112 W . Nob Hill Blvd.,
Secondary School. Rooming: 1942 2d Ave. W ., Yakima, Wash. 98902.
Prince Rupert, B.C. S alin a, K ans., Agricultural AUGUST 3-6: Eugene, Ore., County Fairgrounds,
Hall, Kenwood Park. Rooming: 760 Hancock St., 796 13th Ave. W . Rooming: 1345 W. 16th St.,
Salina, Kans. 67401. Saskatoon, Sask., Saskatoon Eugene, Ore. 97402. Grand Island, Neb., Fonner
Arena, 19th St. E. Rooming: Queen St. & Second Park. Rooming: 825 N. White, Grand Island, Neb.
Ave. N., Saskatoon. Sask. Ta u n to n , Mass., Taun­ 68801. Jersey C ity , N .J. (English and Spanish),
ton Dog Track, Route 44 (Taunton-Providence Roosevelt Stadium, end of Danforth Ave. Rooming:
Highway). Rooming: 2 Vaillancourt St., Taunton, 3316 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, N.J. 07307.
Mass. 02780. Tucson, A riz ., Rillito Racetrack, Keaau, H a w a ii, Shipman Gymnasium, Keaau.
4502 N. 1st Ave. Rooming: 207 W. Flores St., Rooming: 18 Huaalam Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720.
Tucson, Ariz. 85705. W aco, T e x ., Heart O’ Texas Medicine H a t, A lta ., Exhibition & Stampede
Coliseum, 4601 Bosque Blvd. Rooming: 824 Long­ Grounds, 21st Ave. SB. Rooming: 305 3d St. NW.,
fellow, Waco, Tex. 76710. W est Palm Beach, Fla. Medicine Hat, Alta. P em broke, B erm uda, B.A.A.
(English and Spanish) English: West Palm Beach Gymnasium, Serpentine Rd. Rooming: Box 72,
Auditorium, Congress Ave. & 12th St. Rooming: Hamilton, Bermuda. Pom ona, C alif. (English and
532 Iris St., West Palm Beach, Fla. 33401. Spanish: Spanish) English: Fairgrounds Grandstand (Gate
West Palm Beach Kennel Club, Belvedere Rd. 17). Rooming: 1546 S. Gary, Pomona, Calif. 71966.
Rooming: 532 Iris St., West Palm Beach, Fla. Spanish: Amphitheatre, County Fairgrounds.
33401. Rooming: 1546 S. Gary, Pomona, Calif. 71966.
JULY 13-16: Chicago, III. (Spanish only), Logan R aleigh, N .C ., Dorton Arena (State Fairgrounds),
Square Hall, 2451 N. Kedzie Ave. Rooming: 5100 Hillsborough St. Rooming: 3400 Poole Rd.,
Fullerton Ave., Chicago, 111. 60647. Laredo, Raleigh, N.C. 27610. T ru ro , N .S ., Colchester Legion
Tex. (Spanish only), Laredo Civic Center, 2400 Stadium, Lome St. Rooming: 29 Arthur St., Truro,
San Bernardo Ave. Rooming: 704 Buena Vista, N.S. W ella n d , O n t., Welland-Crowland Arena,
Laredo, Tex. 48040. N an aim o, B.C., Civic Arena, 501 King St. Rooming: 358 Riverside Dr., Welland,
48 Arena St. Rooming: 305 Prideaux St., Nanaimo, Ont.
288 fReW ATCHTOW ER B rooklyn , N .Y.
AUGUST 10-13: B arrie , O n t., Barrie Arena, 155 Dun­ Football Ground, Brooklands, Brooklands Road,
lop St. W . Booming: 77 Eccles St., Barrie, Ont. Romford, Essex. Rooming: Same address. T o r ­
C olum bus, Ga., Municipal Auditorium, 4th St. quay, Devon, Torquay United Football Ground,
(At 4th Ave.) Rooming: 4000 Beallwood Ave., Plainmoor. Rooming: Kingdom Hall, 84 (Rear)
Columbus, Ga. 31904. O shawa, Ont., Oshawa Civic Babbacombe Road, Torquay, Devon.
Auditorium, Thornton Rd. S. Rooming: 566 Sim- JULY 6-9: Reading, B erks., Reading Football Ground,
coe St. N., Oshawa, Ont. Peoria, III., Richwoods Elm Park Road. Rooming: Kingdom Hall, Kings-
Community High School Stadium, 6301 N. Univer­ gate St., Reading, Berks. _
sity Rd. Rooming: 1208 E. Duryea, Peoria Heights, JULY 13-16: C oventry, W a rw ic k s h ire , Coventry City
111. 61614. Rouyn, Que. (French only) Forum de Football Ground, Highfield Road. Rooming: King­
Rouyn, Rue d’Allaire. Rooming: 514 est, rue dom Hall, 266/268 Holyhead Road, Coventry, W ar­
Taschereau, Rouyn, Qu§. S ault Ste. M arie, M ich., wickshire. O xford, Oxon, Oxford United Football
Sault Ste. Marie Armory, 1100 E. Portage. Room­ Ground, Manor Ground, Headington. Rooming:
ing: 629 Eureka St., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Kingdom Hall, 15/17 Temple St., Cowley Rd.,
49783. South Bend, Ind., John Adams High School, Oxford, Oxon. _
808 S. Twyckenham Dr. Rooming: 1118 N. Eddy JULY 20-23: Peterborough, N o rth an ts., Peterborough
St., South Bend. Ind. 46617. United Football Ground, London Road. Rooming:
AUGUST 17-20: A iea, Oahu, Aiea High School, 99- Kingdom Hall, 316 Clarence Rd., Peterborough,
1276 Ulane St. Rooming: 1228 Pensacola St., Northants. Swindon, W ilts h ire , Swindon Town
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814. B rockville, O nt., Brock- Football Club, County Ground. Rooming: Kingdom
ville Memorial Civic Centre, Gilmour St. Rooming: Hall, Seymour Rd., Walcot, Swindon, Wiltshire.
6 Schofield Ave., Brockville, Ont. Costa Mesa, JULY 27-30: B arnsley, Y orksh ire, Barnsley Football
Club, Oakwell Ground, Grove Street. Rooming:
C a lif., Fairgrounds Grandstand. Rooming: 2277
Canyon Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Moncton, Kingdom Hall, Old Parish Hall, Westfield Road,
N .B ., Moncton High School, Church St. & Moun­ Hemsworth, Pontefract, Yorkshire.
tain Rd. Rooming: 15 Granville Dr., Moncton, AUGUST 3-6: B lackburn, Lancashire, King George’s
N.B. Orlando, F la ., Municipal Auditorium, 401 W. Hall, Northgate. Rooming: Kingdom Hall, 40
Livingston Ave. Rooming: 1701 Lee St., Orlando, Church St., Blackburn, Lancashire. . _ „
Fla. 32805. W orcester, Mass., Memorial Audito­ AUGUST 10-13: B righton, Sussex, Exhibition Hall,
rium, Lincoln Square. Rooming: 44 Randolph Rd., Hotel Metropole, Kings Road. Rooming: Kingdom
Worcester, Mass. 01606. Hall, 17 (Basement) Compton Ave., Seven Dials,
AUGUST 24-27: Corner Brook, N ew foundland, Hum­ Brighton 1, Sussex. N ew c astle-U p o n -T yn e, N o r th ­
ber Gardens. Rooming: Kingdom Hall, Wellington um berland, City Hall, Northumberland Road.
St., Corner Brook, Newfoundland. E vansville, Ind., Rooming: Kingdom Hall, Ely St., Gateshead 8,
Roberts Municipal Stadium, 2600 Division St. Co. Durham. _
Rooming: 941 N. Boeke Rd., Evansville, Ind. 47711. AUGUST 17-20: Dundee, Angus, Scotland, Dundee Ice
Jackson, M ich., Fairgrounds Grandstand, 200 W. Rink, Kingsway West. Rooming: Kingdom Hall,
Ganson St. Rooming: 219 W . Prospect St., Jack- Court St., Dundee, Angus. H am ilto n , L a n arks h ire,
son, Mich. 49203. La u rel, Md., Laurel Race Course. Scotland, Town Hall, Lower Auchingramont Road.
Rooming: 917 Lyons Ave., Laurel, Md. 20810. Rooming: Kingdom Hall, Clydesdale St., Hamilton,
Rochester, M in n., Mayo Civic Auditorium, 30 2d Lanarkshire.
Ave. SE. Rooming: 1723 1st St. NW., Rochester, AUGUST 31-SEPTEMBER 3: W ood Green, London,
Minn. 55901. T rois Rivieres, Qu6. (French only) Alexandra Palace. Rooming: Kingdom Hall, 33
ColisSe, Terrain de l’Exposition. Rooming: 1171, North Hill, Highgate, London N. 6.
rue Cartier, Trois RiviSres, Qu£. SEPTEMBER 7-10: Swansea, G lam organshire, W ales,
Brangwyn Hall, Guildhall, St. Helens Road. Room­
B R IT IS H IS L E S ing: Kingdom Hall, Russell Street, Swansea,
JUNE 29-JULY 2: C harlton, London, Charlton Ath­ Glamorganshire.
letic Football Ground, The Valley. Rooming: SEPTEMBER 14-17: Liverpool, Lancashire, St.
Kingdom Hall, Invicta Road, The Standard, Black- George’s Hall, Lime St. Rooming: Kingdom Hall,
heath, London SE. 3. R om ford, Essex, Romford 4/6 Park St., Bootle 20, Lancashire.

FIELD MINISTRY it?— free from sickness, anxiety, various form s
Zealous activity marked the life of Jesus’ of oppression, free from fear of the future?
disciples. They joyfully accepted the responsi­ The Bible has been called the Book of Life.
bility of preaching the good news of God’s It could also be called the Book of Freedom
kingdom. That is the way it is with Jesus’ because it holds out concrete hope fo r m an­
modern-day disciples, Jehovah’s witnesses. kind of our own generation to enjoy life
They are joyfully busy in preaching, but everlasting— in freedom. To learn how this
keep this work in balance with other Christian hope is to be realized and what your part in
responsibilities. (1 Pet. 1:13, 1950 Ed.) During it is, read the 416-page, hardbound book Life
M ay part of their work will consist of calling Everlasting— in Freedom of the Sons of God.
on people from door to door to talk about Sent postpaid for only 50c. W rite today and
God’s kingdom and to offer them the excellent receive free the timely booklet Security During
Bible-study books Life Everlasting— in Free­ <(War of the Great Day of God the Almighty ”
dom of the Sons of God and “ Things in Which
It Is Impossible for God to L i e either one
fo r 50c. M ay 28: Remember Your Creator by Mani­
festing Goodness. Page 273. Songs to Be
LIFE IN FREEDOM? HOW ? Used: 49, 94.
L ife is our most prized possession. Yet how June 4: Goodness Is to Be Manifested. Page
m any persons today are really free to enjoy 279. Songs to Be Used: 52, 118.

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